No-shpa-instructions for use

No-shpa-instructions for use

“No-shpa” is a drug that has antispasmodic and vasodilating effects. Using this drug, you can lower the tone of the smooth muscles and muscles of internal organs. In its own action, it surpasses its analogues. At the same time, such a strong effect of this drug does not become a negative factor for the work of the central and autonomic nervous system.

When taking this drug, its active substance - drotaverine acts only on the muscles of internal organs. Therefore, this antispasmodic is used in the treatment of patients who are contraindicated in drugs - cholinoblocirators.

The effect of taking this drug occurs in a few minutes. After half an hour, the phase of the maximum effect of taking this antispasmodics occurs.

No-shpa form of release

This tool is available in the form of tablets, capsules and solution for internal injection
This tool is available in the form of tablets, capsules and solution for internal injection

Each of the forms contains active substances - drotaverin, as well as some additional compounds: talc, lactose, corn starch, etc.


  • The tablet form “No-shpa” is represented in the form of orange or yellow-green double-fooled pills with the letters “SPA” on one of their sides. In one tablet 40 mg of drotaverin hydrochloride
  • Tablets are indicated for muscle spasms for diseases such as: cholecystitis, cholecystolytiasis, cholangitis, pappilit, cystitis, cystitis, uro- and nephrolitiasis, pyelitis and tenacies of the bladder
  • Also, “No-shpa” tablets are used to relieve spasms for diseases of the stomach and intestines, as an anesthetic for headaches caused by spasm of blood vessels


Noshpa solution
The use of this drug in ampoules is shown if taking tablets, for various reasons, is impossible
  • The “No-Shpa” solution does not contain lactose. Therefore, it can be used to relieve spasms for patients with intolerance to this carbohydrate
  • Injections by this drug are prescribed for patients with syndrome disturbed by glucose, galactozemia and lactose deficiency
  • With pancreatitis complicated by strong vomiting reflexes, only injections of this drug can also be used

No-shpa indications for use

The instructions for this drug suggests that it is necessary to use “No-ShPU” in case of antispasmodic pains caused:

  • Urolithiasis
  • Stomach ulcer and 12-perimal intestine
  • Chronic Holitsestitis
  • Postoperative spasms
  • Violations of the duct of the vessels of the head

No-shpa dosage

Noshpa tablets
This drug must be used in strictly indicated dosages
  • For adults, 120 - 240 mg of this product per day is shown. It must be taken 2-3 times. You can take no more than 80 mg of this antispasmodics at a time
  • The daily norm of taking an intravenous solution “No-Shp” is 40-240 mg. One-time dosage of 40-80 mg. Three inputs of this drug in 2-3 hours between them can be used per day
  • It is possible to take no-shpa on its own for no more than two days in a row. If the drug has not given the desired effect, you must seek help from a qualified specialist

No-shpa children

  • For children up to a year, taking this medicine is contraindicated. Although many mothers ignore this instruction and give “no-shpu” to infants with intestinal colic
  • As a rule, this drug does not cause any negative consequences. In minimal quantities, the active substance of this antispasmodics, mixing with mother's milk, has a “soft” effect. But, before this technique, it is better to consult a doctor
  • Children from 1 year to 6 years old can be used by NO-ShPU in the amount of 40-200 mg of the drug for 2-3 doses. The doctor will tell the exact dosage

Children over 6 years old can use this tool in the amount of 80-200 mg in 2-5 receptions.

Important: you can not give a “no-shp” to a child who has lactose intolerance and allergies to drotaverin.

No-shpa side effects

Very rarely taking this drug causes headaches, nausea, insomnia, decreased blood pressure, tachycardia and skin allergic reactions
Very rarely taking this drug causes headaches, nausea, insomnia, decreased blood pressure, tachycardia and skin allergic reactions

The most powerful negative reactions when taking this antispasmodics were recorded when it is introduced in the form of injections.

No-shpa contraindications

You can not take this antispasmodic with glaucoma and hypersensitivity to its components

No-shpa overdose

  • When taking this antispasmodics over permissible norm, it is necessary to cause vomiting and rinse the stomach
  • In this case, it is necessary to urgently ensure clinical control of the victim and conduct symptomatic and supportive therapy

No-shpa during pregnancy

Rushing a child is a very crucial stage in the life of every woman
  • And the main task is the right choice of drugs for the treatment of problems that arise during this period. They must be effective and at the same time not harm the unborn child
  • Experts have proved that the technique of “No-shpa” during pregnancy cannot harm the child and recommend using this remedy to relieve increased tone of the uterus
  • Therefore, all women who bear the child must always have this drug at hand

No-shpa or papaverine

  • Both drugs relate to myotropic antispasmodics. They are able to lower muscle tone and expand the blood vessels. Due to which muscle spasm is removed
  • By the severity of action and efficiency, “No-shpa” surpasses the “papaverine” several times. It is also important to know that Papaverine is poorly dissolved in the aquatic environment
  • Therefore, it is more effective to take intravenously or rectally. As for the “No-Shpa” tablets, their reception is not complicated by this. They can be taken at any time. As a rule, these pills are always at hand



"Drotaverine hydrochloride". Tablets with antispasmodic and vasodilating effects. They are used in the treatment of cholecystitis, pelitis, stomach ulcers and spasms caused by other diseases.

  • Dosage-1-2 tablets 2-3 grooves per day

"Drotaverin Forte". Myotropic antispasmodic. Available in the form of tablets. In components and structure, it is close to “papaverine”, but surpasses it in action and effectiveness.

  • Dosage-1-2 tablets 1-3 times a day

"Spasmol". Myototropic antispasmodic based on drotaverin hydrochloride. Therefore, it has the same sphere of application and effectiveness.

  • Dosage-1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day

"Spasnamonet". Myototropic antispasmodic based on drotaverin hydrochloride. It is used for spasms of smooth muscles.

  • Dosage-1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day

Tips and reviews

Catherine. I always use “No-ShPU” in acute pains. It acts after 10-15 minutes. But, somehow in the first-aid kit this medicine was not. I went to the neighbor, he said that instead of “No-Shpa” he uses Drotaverine. Gave it to me. Personally did not work on me. I advise everyone only “no-shpu”.

Sonya. The child fell ill. I lay with him in the cribs, I look at the pens became cold. I called my pediatrician. She said urgently to give no-shpu. Half of the tablet. So did it. After 20 minutes, the pens again became warm. I’m even afraid to think about what would happen if it were not for the advice of a doctor and “no-shpa” in the first-aid kit.

Video: All about tablets [pain of various origin]

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Comments K. article

  1. I don’t drink Noshpa anymore: the composition is disgusting - there is only one chemistry, I’m silent about taste (I take gastroital, which has a plant composition, a convenient form of release and also contributes to digestion.

  2. thank you, informative

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