A healthy tooth hurts: causes. Why does a healthy wisdom tooth hurt when you press, after treatment?

A healthy tooth hurts: causes. Why does a healthy wisdom tooth hurt when you press, after treatment?

Causes of painful healthy teeth.

All organs in the human body are interconnected, and violations in the work of one, lead to dysfunction of the other. In this article we will tell you why a healthy tooth hurts. 

Healthy tooth hurts: causes

Not necessarily the cause of soreness of the tooth are problems with the organs that are in the oral cavity. Often the cause of pain in the tooth is neighboring organs, or even systems that are practically in no way related to the oral cavity. 

A healthy tooth hurts, reasons:

  • Acute otitis media or otitis medium ear. In this ailment, the eardrum is inflamed, which can exert pressuretroinic Nerve, also cause tissue edema near the teeth. 
  • Angina pectoris or heart function. At what pathologies are usually observing pain, which intensify in the evening in the lower jaw, on the left. Therefore, if all teeth are treated in this zone, there is no caries and violations, then you should seek help from a cardiologist. 
  • Viral ailments. Even banal SARS can provoke pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe teeth. This is due to the fact that the inflammatory process is overcome by the entire body, so if there are some minor damage in the area of \u200b\u200bthe teeth, then in the case of colds or viral disease, they can aggravate. Accordingly, it is worth remembering the location of the tooth that hurts during a cold and be sure to go to a consultation with a dentist.Maybe, In it, inflammatory processes develop in it. 

The jaw hurts - healthy teeth: reasons

The jaw hurts the teeth - healthy, reasons:

  • Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve. The face is a very complex part of the body and covered with a large number of nerve endings, blood vessels. A mesh of nerves is wrapped in both the upper and lower jaw, and often inflams with colds, sinusitis and sinat. 
  • Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. The complication after a cold often affects the condition of the teeth. Especially often, pain in people with chronic sinusitis in the upper incisors can be observed. Just the roots of these teeth enter the sinuses in which mucus can accumulate. Therefore, after a cold, pain in the upper teeth can be observed. 

Why does a healthy tooth hurt and stagger?

Together with these ailments, diseases of the teeth, bones and nerves that are in the oral cavity can be diagnosed. Among them, the following can be distinguished.

Why is a healthy tooth hurt and staggering:

  • Gingivitis. This is inflammation of the gums, which is infectious. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe fabric, colonies of bacteria grow, which cause redness, burning unpleasant sensations. The disease is treated with a dentist, rinsing and antibacterial drugs. 
  • Fracture of the tooth root. It sounds intimidating, but in fact the situation is quite common. The fact is that the teeth that have been treated several times are dead, that is, pulp is extracted from them, the nerve, in fact, they are devoid of sensitivity. Accordingly, with severe pressing or chewing hard products, the root of the tooth, which is in the bone, may break. In this case, aching pain will be observed, which does not pass. It is impossible to find this ailment yourself, so the help of the doctor will need. Only using an x \u200b\u200b-ray or computer tomogram can one find what is in the tooth root. If there is a fracture, then in this case the tooth and root is removed, followed by restoration of bones and prosthetics. 
  • Periodontal disease and periodontitis. Inflammation in the gums, and their weakening often leads to the fact that teeth begin to hurt. Oddly enough, but a person can lose an absolutely healthy tooth due to the weakness of the gums. They simply do not hold their teeth, so the roots are shaken and fall out. 
Beautiful smile
Beautiful smile

Why does the nerve hurt in a healthy tooth?

Why does the nerve hurt in a healthy tooth:

  • Hidden caries. Oddly enough, but carious foci can not be on the crown itself, but between the teeth, or even under the gum. This often happens if, together with the disease, there are pockets in the gum.  It is quite simple to detect, since the pain is observed when using hot and cold. The pain is very strong, acute, but shedisappears As soon as a person stops eating irritating food. In this case, a doctor’s consultation is necessary. 
  • Chips in the enamel area. This often happens after fighting, or eating some kind of solid food. Therefore, it is not recommended to chop the nuts with teeth and perform such manipulations. Chips in the enamel area are not a dangerous problem, but in this case dentin is exposed, which is very sensitive. Pain can be observed mainly when eating hot, cold food. If the pain ceases after exposure to high or low temperature, then most likely this is provoked by a violation of the integrity of the enamel. 

Why does a neighboring healthy tooth hurt after the tooth removal?

In order to determine why pain is observed in the area of \u200b\u200ba healthy tooth, you need to visit the dentist. Only by examination, as well as the implementation of an X -ray or a computer tomogram, can you find out why a healthy tooth hurts. Very often it hurts not a sick tooth, but an antagonist who is nearby. That is, the organ that is located nearby. Not one tooth is involved in the caries, but not at once, since the organs are in contact with each other.

Why, after a tooth extraction, a neighboring healthy tooth hurts:

  • In case of violation of the integrity of the enamel, its restoration is carried out. With a fracture of the tooth root, its extraction is carried out, and the subsequent installation of implant or prosthetics. If the cause is hidden caries, then it must be treated.
  • With gingivitis, antibacterial drugs and rinsing are prescribed to reduce the population of bacteria in the oral cavity and gums, which provoke painful sensations. The sensitivity of the tooth is a common problem that can be fought using rinses and special solutions. With their help, you can get rid of excessive sensitivity and pain. 

A healthy tooth hurts when pressing: Causes

Often a healthy external tooth hurts withbite, or pressure on him. Often pains occur when tapping. 

A healthy tooth hurts when pressed, reasons:

  • Pneumonia on the root of the tooth 
  • Violation of the integrity of bone tissue 
  • Hygroms, inflammation, cysts 
  • Incorrect treatment of caries 

A healthy tooth hurts when pressing

It is worth noting that often after the intervention of the dentist, a sealed tooth may hurt. The pain is considered absolutely normal if it is observed within a few days after the intervention. If treatment was treated, with the removal of cyst andwith a rinsing pus, painful sensations will be observed until bone tissue is completely restored.

A healthy tooth hurts when pressing:

  • This usually happens after a few months. It is believed that bone tissue is completely restored in six months. In addition, it is worth considering that painful sensations whenpressing The tooth can be observed in the event of a fracture of the tooth root. Please note that if in the tooth that you press on, there is a filling, pain is felt, then a cavity has formed under the seal and the processes of destruction of dentin and dental tissue continue.
  • Indeed, such a tooth can darken over time, and inflammation passes to the root of the tooth and goes beyond it, to bone tissue. Very often, periodontitis is found after they make an x \u200b\u200b-ray of neighboring teeth.
  • Until a certain point, it is invisible, especially if the tooth is sealed. As soon as the number of pathogens becomes huge, a large amount of pus occurs. A purulent bag appears under the root of the tooth, which is deployed in bone tissue. It can manifest itself since flux, suppuration. But in this case, you will have to perform surgery with gum cleansing and tooth extraction.
  • Of course, in modern clinics, manipulations are carried out, during which the gum is cut, the entire pus is removed, and the root of the tooth is sealing. In this case, bone tissue is restored. However, in ordinary dental clinics in which patients are served according to the policy, such operations are not performed. Accordingly, to save the tooth, most likely, the surgeon will offer him to remove. 

A healthy wisdom tooth hurts, what to do?

The teeth of wisdom are rudiments, and appears at a conscious age. Since there is enough space in the jaw for them, teething may be accompanied by pain.

A healthy wisdom tooth hurts, what to do:

  • Oddly enough, but painful sensations can also appear after a tooth of wisdom appears. This is due to pressure on neighboring teeth due to improper growth.
  • The roots of the wisdom tooth can rest against the jaw, and the crown is pressed on the seven if the rudiment grows not vertically, but horizontally. When tapping the wisdom tooth, pain can also appear, despite the fact that it externally is healthy.
  • These teeth may begin to deteriorate even before they appear above the surface of the gums. This is facilitated by hoods and folds that can hang over the tooth. Such hoods become the entrance gate and tanksfor bacteria, which multiply and provoke the occurrence of caries. 
Healthy teeth
Healthy teeth

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In order to get rid of pain in the area of \u200b\u200ba healthy tooth, it is necessary to find out the cause. It will not work on your own, you will need a doctor’s consultation. If the cause of the pain was inflammation of the gums, periodontal disease, their destruction, then rinsing and therapeutic pastes are prescribed, which strengthen the tissues, prevent loosening and soreness of the teeth.

Video: A healthy tooth hurts

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  1. Thanks to the clinic of Dr. Razumenko on Pionerskaya for putting my teeth in order! As a result, caries of two teeth were treated, stones removed, blended and put one implant with the crown most difficult, this is of course an implant, but the clinic has very good specialists and everything went by five points. The pain after the operation lasted about five days, but was removed with pills. The tooth itself was made very beautiful, does not differ from the rest. Plus, it pleased that they made a discount on the implant.

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