How many teeth does an adult in the mouth are normal? Anatomy - types and structure of human teeth: Description

How many teeth does an adult in the mouth are normal? Anatomy - types and structure of human teeth: Description

The smallest are born without teeth, but later we can no longer imagine without them our life. That is why it is very important to know the views and structure of the teeth, and this will be discussed in the article.

Tooth pain is probably the greatest nightmare of mankind. Our teeth are very susceptible to all kinds of effects, and rarely one of the people after 40 years boasts their own healthy teeth. But they are whole ... And, indeed, how many are there?

How many teeth do an adult in the mouth are normal?

  • The “adults” teeth begin with children's, which begin to erupt when the baby is about six months, and after reaching about 6 years they fall out.
  • These are milk or temporary teethof which there are 20 (10 each on each of the jaws). They form the space in which the future constant (or indigenous) teeth will grow to grow.
  • Such teeth reach the number 32 pieces. For most people 28 permanent teeth They grow already in adolescence, a little later, 4 teeth of wisdom are cut through. Thus, the natural number of teeth in our mouth is 32.
In an adult
In an adult

Types of teeth in the mouth of an adult

Each of the human teeth belongs to a certain form. And each of them performs its function in the process of subsequent digestion:

  • Incisors Eight teeth are called four on the lower and upper jaws. They have a lobe -shaped shape and are quite sharp. With these teeth, we usually bite off pieces of food.
  • Fangs Designed in order to break and hold food, which is facilitated by spear -shaped pointing at their ends. The fang is also sometimes called the "three", and also the "eye tooth."
  • PremolesBy which we break and chop food, pointed ledges from the side of chewing surfaces are characteristic. They also have the second name "Small Rainty Tooth".
  • And finally molyar teethby which food is burnt directly. The tubercles that are available on each of their chewing surface and carry out this function.

Human teeth: location scheme

Location and types
Location and types
  • For dentists, teeth are numbered according to a single scheme created so that any doctor can help the patient on the basis of his medical card, which already indicated previously performed actions with a particular tooth.
  • The number assigned to each tooth is determined by the place of its location on the jaw line, and the name - depending on the function performed.

The numbering begins from the middle of the dentition, so the incisors located in the center have numbers 1.2. Further on both directions are fangs (No3), premolar (Nono4.5) and molars (Nono6, 7, 8).

  • In addition, to make it clear right about the upper or lower jaw are talking about, the tooth is located under a certain number, the jaw segments are indicated. The rules of their calculation are the following: 10 is a segment located on the right, 20 - on the left from above. Also, the lower segments: 30 are the left, and 40 is the right.
  • The numbering is built along the time of time to be easier to represent this, remember and count. Thus, when the dentist speaks, for example, about the 11th tooth, he means a cutter located on the right in the upper jaw.
  • By the way, in children, the dental scheme is different from the adult, it is created in order not to confuse milk teeth with constant. With the same numbering of teeth, segments are considered from 50 to 80 also clockwise.
  • The described scheme is international and is called Viola systems. There are also other systems that dentologists can use: American development, which uses both numbers and letters; In the Sigmondi-Palmer system A special sign circuit plate is used, into which data on the teeth is entered; on haderup system In the same table near the tooth numbers, the pros or cons of indicating whether this is the upper jaw or the lower.

How many incisors, fangs, indigenous teeth in each jaw in the mouth of a healthy person?

  • As already mentioned, a person has 32 permanent tooth, if he has erupted and intact teeth of wisdom (which are only 4).
  • They are located absolutely symmetrically, having each of their form. When we smile, we will demonstrate in the first place incisors (also called front or front teeth). Four incisors are located in the upper jaw and the same - on the lower, i.e. only 8.
  • Next to them - fangs, which 4. They are located each on the right and left sides of the extreme incisor on both jaws. The fang is inherent in the longest and most powerful root, holding the outlines of the facial oval, the same teeth support the facial expressions.
  • Followed by the location of the side teeth. These include premolars, which are located on both sides of the upper and lower fangs, and there are 8 of them. For premolars, in the very ends of the dentition - molyar (There are 12: 3 to the left and right on the upper and lower jaws).

Human tooth structure: scheme, description

  • The basis of the tooth it could be considered root. He holds the tooth in the jaw bone. In order to firmly stay in the bones of the jaw, you need a root, and the longest of all is the one that belongs to the fang. The tooth can have one and several roots, the molars have them as many as 3, and the roots that have wisdom teeth are most diverse.
  • The part that protrudes over the gum, we are habitually and call the tooth, although its correct name is crown. Its shape is diverse depending on the type of tooth.
  • Between roots and crowns The neck is located, which is a kind of border. As a rule, it is not visible, but some diseases of the tooth can expose it.
  • Speaking on the histological structure of the teeth, then it is worth starting with the crown of the crown, which is called enamel, which is based on hydroxyapatitis crystals. Its firmness is due to the composition - these are mainly inorganic substances.
  • Under the layer of enamel is located dentine, which contains less, so it is softer than enamel, and its destruction in the case of caries is much more significant.
  • The cavity located in the inside of the tooth contains pulp, which is a bunch of blood vessels and nerves. It is she who causes pain when the carious destruction of the tooth begins. And from the vessels of the pulp, infection is spread to other organs, if treatment is not performed.

When do a person's teeth appear in a person?

  • Wisdom teeth They grow the last, moreover, they are at the very end of the dentition, and the fastening with the rest of the teeth they get one -sided, which can provoke their slope. These are the most “problematic” molars for almost every person: they erupt with pain, many do not grow or remain rudiments at all.
  • A similar situation is associated with a certain lack of space and with the fact that our chewing apparatus, evolving, is changing.
  • Wisdom teeth There are no milk, they are therefore named that they already appear, as a rule, after 20 years. Dentists recorded cases of their appearance even after 30. The tooth growth process occurs in different ways: someone has several days, for others-several months, and for the third it can last several years. After the tooth itself has erupted, for several years its roots are formed.
  • If a the eighth molar It grows problematically, with inflammation and edema of the gums, pain and a possible increase in temperature, it is better to resort to the help of a dentist.
Normal and abnormal location
Normal and abnormal location

For what reason do people begin to drop their teeth?

  • First of all the causes of teeth falling out Diseases are becoming. The most common are periodontitis (inflammation in the tissues around the tooth) and destructing dentin caries.
    Also a common problem is malocclusionFraught with damage to the tissue surrounding tooth.
  • The tooth can be lost as a result of it injury, as well as a side effect of certain chronic diseases, for example, osteoporosis or diabetes. Capable of leading to teeth and Chronic hypertension.

A negative role in the tooth health has improper or irregular oral care.

  • To avoid teeth loss as long as possible, with swelling, bleeding or redness of the gums, you should immediately go to the dentist. The same advice is applicable if you have an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity, the enamel has changed ascetic teeth.

28 or 30 teeth in humans: Reasons

  • Such a number of teeth is observed in those who, for some reason, were forced delete half or all teeth of wisdom. Among such reasons, it is very frequent incomplete teething, when it remains covered "Hooded", i.e. The gums fabric. Of course, it is impossible to get to such a tooth toothbrush, but it is very convenient to multiply there bacteria.
  • This situation leads, as it may seem, to caries. Then the tissues surrounding the tooth are inflamed, and then it is likely to develop a cyst, which pushes the fabrics, practically dissolving them. Inflammation can develop around a neighboring tooth.
  • It is difficult to get to the teeth of wisdom, especially since they have enough Complex root channels, In which several roots can grow together, bend. That is why, as well as in order to prevent the destruction of the following teeth, a large number of dentists are recommended to remove wisdom teeth at the first signs of their defeat. Thus, a person in his mouth turns out not 32 tooths, but 30 or 28.

Video: tooth anatomy

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