Analgin - Instructions for use

Analgin - Instructions for use

The article will talk about the Analgin drug widely used as an anesthetic. We will talk about indications for the use of this tool and about contraindications to its use.

"Analgin" Instructions for use

Often this drug is used only as an analgesic drug, but the Analgin has good anti -inflammatory and antipyretic properties. Analgin is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and dissolves well. These properties are very good when it is necessary to quickly create a high concentration of matter in the bloodstream. The fact that the product is well soluble allows it to be widely used at parenteral introduction (using injections).

"Analgin" form of release

This drug is produced in the following forms:
• in the form of ampoules with a solution for injection
• in the form of tablets for oral administration

For children it is allowed to use suspensions of rectally and in tablets

"Analgin" Indications for use

"Analgin" Indications for use

Given that the drug has a pronounced analgesic and anti -inflammatory effects,

"Analgin" is shown for use in the following conditions:
• Headache
• Neuralgia
• exacerbation of radiculitis with severe pain syndrome
• muscle pain
• feverish condition with high temperature
• influenza condition
• Rheumatic pain

"Analgin" contraindications

“Analgin” is not allowed to be used in the presence of an allergic reaction to a substance, in existing cases of states of bronchial spasm and a violation of hematopoiesis.

"Analgin" dosage

"Analgin" dosage

Accordingly, the release forms are prescribed rectally, inside or in the form of injections both intramuscularly and intravenously.

The tablets are taken after eating adults at a dose of 0.25 to 0.5 g to 3 times a day, with exacerbation of rheumatic disease up to 1 g to 3 times a day.

Intravenous or intramuscular injections are prescribed with high pain syndrome to an adult up to 2 ml of 25% or 50% solution of substance up to 3 times a day. The dosage should not exceed 2 g per day.

The maximum permissible doses for an adult are up to 3 g per day, a single dose up to 1 g of substance. With the injection of the “Analgin”, a single dose should not exceed 1 g, and the daily 2g substances.

"Analgin" to children

In children, “Analgin” is used in the following dosages:

• When using a product in the form of tablets, the calculation of the dose is from 5 to 10 mg per kilogram of body weight of the child up to 4 times a day

• With injection of the drug, dose calculate from 0.1 to 0.2 ml of a 50% solution of substance and from 0.2 to 0.4 ml of a 25% solution for every 10 kilograms of body weight of the child

"Analgin" Side effect

"Analgin" Side effect

With prolonged use of this drug, the following side effects are possible:

• inhibition of hematopoiesis process (reducing the level of granulocytes in the blood or their complete absence)

• The development of anaphylactic shock as an allergic reaction to the reception of analgin after intravenous use of the substance

"Analgin" Analogs


It should be noted that “Analgin” is also in combined medicines ” Akabel», « Naptalgin», « Anaprin».

"Analgin" reviews

Having analyzed reviews about this drug, it can be noted that this tool has been used for a long time for many doctors and pharmacists. It is effective in suppressing pain and inflammation, especially neuralgic genesis.

This tool is very accessible in terms of pricing policy, the drug is cheaper than many of its analogues and, accordingly, is in great demand among the population.

Video: Analgin

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