White teeth. How to bleach your teeth at home? Methods and means to bleach tooths

One of the modern symbols of attractiveness is healthy white teeth. But, not everyone has awarded her teeth with snow -white enamel. In addition, bad habits, abuse of coffee or tea can leave a “mark” in the color of the teeth. And about hollywood smile You will only have to dream.

But, thanks to modern dentistry, beige, yellow and gray enamel of the teeth can easily become snow -white. Moreover, if you entrust such a procedure to specialists, then you can not worry about quality.

Important: teeth whitening has recently turned from a risky operation, which could lead to loss of teeth, to a routine dental process. Modern whitening methods can not only give enamel tooths a snow -white color, but also strengthen them. Unfortunately, a few years ago, such a procedure could negatively affect the structure of the teeth. Which often led to various diseases.

In dental clinics, the enamel color is used to determine the Vita scale.
According to it, there are four colors of tooth enamel:

  • brown
  • yellow
  • grey
  • red.

Each color has shades from 0 to 4. The closer the shade to zero, the lighter it is. Today, experts believe that the natural color of the enamel is inherited.

Methods of bleaching tooths

Whitening the enamel of the teeth is divided into professional and homemade. Homemade whitening occurs using special toothpastes, various drugs and traditional medicine.

Important: it is impossible to call home -toe -whiting tooths effective. But, and it can give some effect.

Professional teeth whitening can lead to a greater effect. Such procedures are divided into:

  • mechanical teeth whitening.
  • ultrasound teeth whitening
  • chemical teeth whitening
  • laser whitening of teeth
  • tental photo winding
  • At mechanical Bleing on the teeth set a special nozzle, into which a cleaning powder is supplied under air pressure
  • A more gentle method of cleaning and bleaching enamel is carried out using ultrasound. This method has only one minus - high cost
  • U chemical Whitening is much more minuses. In addition, it can be used only for healthy teeth
  • Another expensive procedure is laser bleaching. But it cannot be called the most gentle
  • Concerning photo winding, then this method has one significant minus - it is not very effective
  • New enamel - vinirs

Dental bleaching products

To date, various drugs are used to whiten teeth. Some of them can be used at home, others cannot be applied without the help of specialists.

Bleeping toothpaste toothpaste and other hygiene products

Such funds include bleaching pastes. Their effectiveness is extremely low. But, as a means of supporting a natural color of the teeth, they can be used. They cope well with the raid after using coffee or nicotine.

Important: pastes with bleaching contains substances that negatively affect enamel. They can be consumed by non -long courses. The toothpaste with a whitening effect needs to be used in the morning. At night, it is better to treat the teeth with a medicinal effect.

The most popular whitening toothpaste are:

  • "Lacalut White"
  • "President White Plus"
  • "Rembrant - Anti -Babak and Coffee"
  • "Allocation of bleaching plus"
  • "Silca Artic White"
  • "ROCS Pro Delicate bleaching"
  • "Blendamed 3D White"
  • "New Pearls Complex bleaching"

Gel for bleaching

There are whitening pastes and other brands. Each of them includes abrasive components and pyrophosphates. With the help of pyrophosphates, the denture is destroyed, and the abrasive components remove it from the tooth enamel.

Important: you can not use bleaching toothpaste for diseases of the gums, tooth enamel, seals and crowns on the front teeth. Also, you can not use bleaching paste in the period with inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth and during pregnancy.

How to use bleaching toothpaste. They use a bleaching toothpower just like ordinary toothpaste. About how to do it, read here. However, this is often done 2-4 times a week. More frequent use of toothpaste containing abrasive will negatively affect tooth enamel.

Bleaching of tooths of hydrogen peroxide

Homemade teeth whitening has a lot of advantages. The main of which is the affordable cost of the procedure. Most often, gels based on hydrogen peroxide are used to bleach tooths at home. Such funds with proper dosages do not spoil the enamel of teeth and gums. Home bleaching with such gels will not give a significant effect, but for 3-4 tones tooth enamel will become brighter.
You can try to whiten the teeth with hydrogen peroxide in a 3% in another way. To do this, moisten the swab and wipe the enamel. But, as in the case of soda, this tool can make the enamel thin.

Bleing teeth with gels

Today in pharmacies you can purchase gels for bleaching the following brands:

  • "Expertwhitening"
  • "Smile4you"
  • "Opalescent"
  • "Colgate Visible White"
  • "Day White Excel ACP"

How to apply a bleaching gel. You can use gels for bleaching using a toothbrush during teeth brushing, using a brush that comes with a kit or using a cap. If the first method is selected, then the gel is applied to the brush and then on the enamel of the teeth. The teeth are “brushed” in this way, only from the outside. Movement should be top-down.

The use of a brush to apply such a whitening agent to the enamel of the teeth does not fundamentally differ from the use of a toothbrush for this purpose.

In the third case, the gel is applied to the inside of the cap before bedtime. Then it is put on the teeth and left in this position until the morning.

Stripes for teeth whitening

Strips for teeth whitening have an identical composition as the above gels. The only difference is a more convenient form of use. Strips such as special pencils for you can buy today in almost any pharmacy.
In pharmacies and some Internet sites today you can purchase bleaching strips of the following brands:

  • Crest White 2-Hour Express Whitestrips-Express White
  • Dr. White Premium - bleaching sensitive teeth
  • Rymbrandt Intense Dissoling Strips - dissolving bleaching plates
  • Listerine Whitening Quick Dissoling Strips - dissolving bleaching plates

How to use bleaching stripes?

Each brand of such a tool has its own instructions for use. Most often, the difference lies in the time of use of strips. After removing this tool for bleaching from the package from it, it is necessary to remove the adhesive tape of the closing gel. A side with a whitening remedy of the strip is glued to the teeth and smoothes. This can be done with a bristle toothbrush.

The whitening strips for the upper and lower teeth differ in width. When using such a tool, it is necessary not to confuse them. Strips that do not have a “dissolution effect” must be removed after the time indicated on the packaging passes.

Professional drug whitening

Important: drugs used in dental offices are able to lighten the teeth in 12 tones.

But, only a specialist can use them. In addition, such drugs and procedures are quite expensive. But, unlike bleaching products that can be used independently, professional have a much longer effect. Up to 5 years.

Bleing teeth at home

At home, you can use the above methods or refer to traditional medicine. But, before housing whitening, you need to check the dentist's teeth. Sick teeth must be healed, and only then start their whitening.

At home, food soda is used to give snow -white enamel. To do this, it is mixed with toothpaste and brushed the teeth with such a mixture for 2-3 minutes.

Important: you can use cling soda for teeth to clean no more than once every ten days. Soda, along with the raid, also erases the parties of the enamel. With such frequent procedures, it can become very thin. Which will negatively affect the condition of the teeth. And Soda's gums can harm.

You can try to whiten the teeth with hydrogen peroxide in another way. To do this, moisten the swab and wipe the enamel. But, as in the case of soda, this tool can make the enamel thin.

Wood ash is also quite popular as a whitening agent. She is rich in potassium hydroxide. This substance not only acts as an abrasive, but also adds enamel beneficial substances. But, like any abrasive substance, with frequent use of wood ash, it can destroy the enamel of the tooth.

A good replacement of wood ash for the above procedure is activated carbon. The tablet is crushed with such powder teeth.

Important: during the whitening procedure, gums can also suffer. Almost all of the above funds include acid that irritates them. In addition, cleaning with abrasive agents can scratch the soft tissue of the oral cavity.

Tooth whitening: tips and reviews

Council #1. In order for the teeth to be snow -white, you need to add strawberries and strawberries to your diet. They include substances that have a bleaching effect. In order to use this effect, you need to carefully chew each berry.

Council #2. If the darkening of the enamel of the teeth is associated with bad habits. For example, with smoking. It is best not to whiten your teeth, but to refuse smoking. In addition to the color of the enamel, this bad habit poisons the body.

Tip #3. You can’t whiten your teeth professionally more often than 1-2 times a year. Some procedures can be repeated no earlier than after 2-3 years.


Kseniya. And I used a rinse product based on apple cider vinegar. I will not say that my teeth became snow-white, but I got rid of the plaque because of coffee. But, immediately after rinsing with such a tool, the mouth must be rinked with warm water.

Olga. And I would be afraid to whiten my teeth with ash. Fu, what a nasty thing.

Moreover, today there are many more comfortable means for whitening tooths. But, better than a dentist, no one can make the teeth snow -white.

Video. Safe whitening of teeth at home!

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  1. I only go to the dentists to the clinic of Razumenko, nowhere else. They have a well -chosen staff, all experienced and neat. I was on the restoration of treatment, for money, too, everything is okay. They have one clinic in the suburbs, but I go to Krasnobogatynskaya, it is more convenient for me there.

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