When, at what age you need to start brushing your child’s teeth: tips of dentists. How to teach a child to brush your teeth at 2 years: recommendations. How to brush your child’s teeth correctly: a pattern of brushing the front and hind teeth for children

When, at what age you need to start brushing your child’s teeth: tips of dentists. How to teach a child to brush your teeth at 2 years: recommendations. How to brush your child’s teeth correctly: a pattern of brushing the front and hind teeth for children

The article will tell you how to accustom a small child to brush your teeth.

When, at what age should you start brushing your child’s teeth: dentist advice

Milk teeth are of great importance for the baby, because their task is to cut the path to the main teeth. In addition, they should chew food qualitatively, which ensures the growth and development of the child. And also - they help the child put good diction and pronunciation. You can take care of the health of children's teeth using a correctly selected toothpaste and brush. The child should follow hygiene from infancy (first months of birth). Of course, every age requires its special care.

How to care for the oral cavity and teeth:

  • Infantsyou should kneel down, carefully supporting his head. A finger should be wrapped with a sterile piece of gauze or put on a special attack. In an open mouth, insert a finger, moistened in water or special foam, and carefully run along all walls of the mouth, removing the remaining food. It is desirable to do this procedure after feeding twice a day.
  • With the appearance of the first tooth (up to 1 year)a change in the mouth should be changed. For those children that already have several tooths and experience the teething period, there are special silicone brushes that help not only brush their teeth, but also “scratching” aching gums. Such brushes can be washed with soap solution and sterilized in boiling water, they tolerate high temperatures well.
  • Older children (after 1 year), when the baby’s jaw already has enough teeth, they can begin to clean them with a toothbrush with a special children's paste. Choosing a paste should be focused on the exact age (written on the package). Show the child how to correctly brush your teeth to stimulate it yourself, but carefully cleanse the oral cavity with your hand not 2 times a day.
Show the baby a good example
Show the baby a good example

How to brush your teeth to a child up to a year, a year and older: tips

Important: since the child has 20 milk teeth, he should regularly visit the dentist so that he can prevent the appearance of caries.

How to brush your child’s teeth at 1 year:

  • Choose a special children's paste for the baby
  • If the baby is swallowed by the paste, it's okay, since it is designed for such a mistake.
  • Brush your teeth very carefully so as not to scratch the gum and injure it.
  • Choose a brush for the baby only with soft and not hard bristles for the baby.
  • The head of a children's toothbrush should not cover more than two teeth - then it will carefully clean them.
  • Carry out cheerfully, playfully, singing a song or reading rhymes, so that the process is perceived by a child as a game (for fun cleaning, you can choose a colored brush with drawings).
How does a child need to monitor the cleanliness of the oral cavity?
How does a child need to monitor the cleanliness of the oral cavity?

Scheme of proper brushing the tooth of the front and hind teeth for children

The correct technique of brushing the mouth will allow you to monitor the health of children's teeth:

  • First of all, the brush “sweep” the entire “dirt” from the chewing tooth below, and then at the top.
  • At least 10 movements with a brush should account for 1-2 tooth.
  • After you cleanse chewing teeth, you should start cleaning the front.
  • The movements of the brush on the front teeth should be directed up and down, and then become circular.
  • After start cleansing the inside of the tooth (the part that contacts the tongue).
  • Movements on the inside of the tooth should first be “sweeping dirt”, and then to the sides.
  • The sweeping movements of the brush should be carried out at the top and bottom.
  • Rinse the oral cavity thoroughly, spitting out all the rest of the pasta.
How to brush your teeth for children: scheme
How to brush your teeth for children: scheme

How to teach a child to brush your teeth at 2 years: Recommendations

Parents will be able to teach the child correctly and with pleasure to brush their teeth, showing their positive example. They should regularly involve their baby in the morning hygiene procedures, buy him a toothbrush and a special toothpaste (be sure to taste it, make sure that it is sweet not too mint).

In order not to frighten the baby with a toothpaste (with its color, taste, consistency), first draw a brush moistened with warm water on the teeth. Over time, add a paste on the brush, then the pea and so on to the required amount. Sooner or later, the child will be interested in this process and will pull out a brush from you with a cry “I myself”. Carefully adjust his movements, directing the hand correctly and touching all the teeth in the oral cavity.

The child does not want to brush his teeth: what to do?

As practice shows, not all kids like to brush their teeth. Many children perceive this process quite critically, arranging tantrums and scandals. This is very problematic, because it is necessary to take care of the oral cavity - this is the key to health. To accustom the child to brush his teeth for each parent, it is enough to transfer this process into the game.


  • Get the most beautiful toothbrushes (you can several so that the baby tests them and choose the one that he likes the most).
  • Do the same with pastes, buy several types (strawberry, berry, mint) and let the child decide what he is “to taste”.
  • The cleaning process should become a game or entertainment, do not hesitate to build faces in front of the mirror, mix the baby, turn on the music, dance.
  • Do everything to cheer the child and then he will joyfully run to brush his teeth more than once a day.
  • After the procedure, show the baby a mirror, let him admire his reflection. Praise the child, say that he is a great fellow, “like a mother” or “like a dad”.
Merry teeth brushing in front of a mirror with a baby
Merry teeth brushing in front of a mirror with a baby

How to force and accustom a child to brush his teeth: Komarovsky

The famous pediatrician "Doctor Komarovsky" gives such recommendations for brushing tooths:

  • To teach the child to swallow and spit long before you offer him a toothbrush with a paste.
  • Carry the first cleaning with water without pasta
  • Do not be afraid to give toothpaste to the kids, because it is completely safe for them.
  • Correctly select paste for the child (for 1, 2, 3 or more years).

Video: "Dr. Komarovsky about teeth brushing"

Why should you brush your teeth: a training cartoon for children

You can accustom more adult children (which can already respond to words, stories and stories) with the help of teaching cartoons. You can start turning on such cartoons from 2.5-3 years. Be sure to watch the cartoon together, tell and comment on each plot, show the brush, pasta, teeth on yourself.

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Comments K. article

  1. We clean regularly from a year and a half+we also give vitamins for teeth, bones and heights and a dental thread we definitely use ... teeth in the baby, pah of pah, strong, even and white ... straight eyes rejoice)

  2. When there is already something to clean, then start, and it is also good to take calcium, for this purpose we give a child a baby formula of a bear calcium, and of course we have no problems with the teeth)

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