A swollen cheek after tooth extraction, what to do? Does the cheek swell after removing the wisdom tooth? How to rinse and what to drink after removing the tooth from edema?

A swollen cheek after tooth extraction, what to do? Does the cheek swell after removing the wisdom tooth? How to rinse and what to drink after removing the tooth from edema?

List of antibiotics and compresses when swelling of the cheek after tooth extraction.

Formany visit to the dentist is something terrible and terrible. This is really so, because dental treatment is often perceived as execution. In this article, we will tell you what to do if, after the tooth was removed, the gums are swollen. 

Why is a swollen cheek after tooth extraction?

In most cases, insignificant edema after tooth extraction is the absolute norm. This should not cause anxiety if the swelling of 1-3 days is kept.

Swollen cheek after tooth extraction:

  • This can last longer if the molar is removed, intertwined with roots with other teeth. Which often happens to the most recent molars.
  • That is why it is necessary to carefully treat your health. Edema can last longer than one or two days if additional surgical interventions were used during the tooth extraction.
  • Very often the doctor is not able to pull out the whole tooth. Crushing or gum cutting may be used. 

The cheek is swollen after tooth extraction, what to do?

Many patients seek to accelerate the healing of the tooth, so they ask questions how this can be done. Some patients contrary to the advice of the doctor are trying to reduce pain and accelerate recovery.

The cheek is swollen after tooth extraction, what to do:

  • However, not all of them know how to do it correctly. Apply a variety of rinsing solutions. It can be antiseptics, such asMiramistin and chlorhexidine.
  • Yes, these solutions are very effective, but only if the surgery was observed on the gum, or the hole remains during the treatment of the tooth, which the doctor will seal the next time.
  • That is, almost all rinses must be performed only if they were appointed by the doctor. After tooth extraction, for several hours, a thrombus is formed.
  • It is he who promotes good healing, and preventshit In deep layers of pathogenic microorganisms, which live in sufficient quantities in the mouth. That is why such rinses can cause a thrombus removal from the hole. After that, severe bleeding may begin, and even greater swelling of the gums.

Does the cheek swell after removing the wisdom tooth?

Yes, usually it is after removing this tooth that swelling occurs. You should not worry.

Whether the cheek swells after removing the wisdom tooth, what to do:

  • In no case do not use a rinse tooth after removing tooth. You can facilitate your pain and remove swelling with a cold compress. To do this, you need to take a piece of frozen meat, or ice, wrap it in the fabric, and attach it to the sick cheek.
  • It is advisable to carry out such compresses about once every 30 minutes for 3-4 minutes. This will remove edema, reduce pain. In addition, you can resort to salt compresses.
  • To do this, exclusively sterile gauze is taken, cut into small pieces, and folds like squares. It is necessary to moisten each segment in a solution, which is prepared by dissolving a teaspoon of salt in a liter of water, and 10 g of soda. This is a kind of antiseptic solution that helps remove suppuration and relieve pain after tooth extraction. 
The cheek is swollen
The cheek is swollen

After removing the wise tooth, the cheek swells, what to do?

After removing the tooth, for 4 hours, it is advisable not to eat food and water at all. It is allowed to drink ordinary water without gas,but, So that she does not fall into the hole and does not wash the formed blood clot from there. 

After removing the wise tooth, the cheek swells:

  • For several days, on the advice of the dentist, it is best to abandon spicy, hot and very cold food. In addition, refuse solid food, which must be chewed and strained for a long time.
  • When the teeth are removed, wisdom, edema, and pain can be observed with a wide opening of the jaw and the implementation of chewing movements. Therefore, refuse solid food, nuts, as well as hard meat.
  • In these few days, it is best to switch to a kind of soft diet. Eat exclusively cereals, soups, the temperature of which is approximately 20-25 degrees. 
I have a toothache
I have a toothache

The cheek was very swollen after tooth extraction, what to do?

Sometimes after complex operations, doctors generally prescribe products that you can not chew, but drink. That is, almost all chewing movements are excluded. You can resort to cunning, and grind all the soups in a blender.

In the same way, you can cook chicken or meat puree. But most often such manipulations are required if the wisdom tooth has been removed with the incision of the jaw and crushing the gums. In other cases, the tumor and edema are usually absorbed for 2 days. 

The cheek was very swollen after tooth extraction, what to do:

  • In what cases is it necessary to contact a doctor? If the edema does not decrease every day, but on the contrary it grows. This means that pathogenic microorganisms fall into the wound, their growth occurs. That is, purulent microorganisms grow in the hole, along with this, unpleasant odor can be observed.
  • This indicates an inflammatory process, suppuration inside the wound. It is impossible to postpone, it is necessary to immediately contact a doctor. They can be prescribed a second operation, with the dissection of the gums, cleaning the tissues and the installation of drainage. 
  • However, now in most cases to alleviate suffering, and for the patient to recover faster, return to normal life after removing large molars, and 1-2 seams are applied. This contributes to the rapid healing of tissues, and reducing edema in just a few hours. 
Removal of a tooth
Removal of a tooth

Swollen cheek after tooth extraction: antibiotics

After examination, the doctor can remove a blood clot, treat the wound with an antiseptic, and prescribe antibiotics. Although usually for prevention, after serious interventions in the mouth, antibacterial drugs are prescribed for oral administration. Eit happens after dissection of the gums.

The cheek is swollen after tooth extraction, antibiotics:

  • Sumamed
  • Doxycycline
  • Cefodox
  • Amoxiclav
  • Digital

Typically, these subtleties are discussed before manipulation, and doctors themselves offer the imposition of seams. However, they do the procedure for an additional fee. Do not refuse this service, it will greatly facilitate your life and accelerate healing. If the gum is notsew, wound It remains open and the blood clot is formed independently. When sewing up, on the contrary, the wound is delayed faster. This will accelerate the possibility of installing implants, reduce pain, will contribute to the healing of the tooth.

Swelling under the eye
Swelling under the eye

In no case should you tighten the visit to the doctor if the whole jaw hurts, and the edema spreads to the cheek. 

Video: cheek edema after tooth extraction

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