The sensitivity of the teeth to hot, cold: possible causes. How to relieve teeth sensitivity at home? Prevention of teeth sensitivity

The sensitivity of the teeth to hot, cold: possible causes. How to relieve teeth sensitivity at home? Prevention of teeth sensitivity

In the article you will find information about the reasons for the appearance of teeth sensitivity to hot and cold, and also learn how to quickly get rid of this problem.

The sensitivity of the teeth is not a very pleasant problem, which is manifested by a sharp pain when the tooth contacts with cold or hot food. For some reason, most people do not pay attention to this symptom, since they do not consider it very serious. The only thing that people who have this problem do are simply starting to carefully monitor the temperature of what they use. But nevertheless, ignoring the sensitivity of the teeth is undesirable, because over time this can lead to more serious problems, and then you will definitely have to turn to the dentist. Therefore, let's deal with this phenomenon in more detail and find out how you can get rid of it.

Sensitivity of teeth to hot: Causes

Sensitivity of teeth to hot: Causes

It must be understood that the increased sensitivity of the teeth does not appear at one point. Before a person begins to feel acute pain, there are many pathological processes in the dental enamel that greatly thin it. And as soon as dentin or tooth root is exposed, a problem appears. The thinning of enamel is affected by both external and internal factors.

Causes of teeth sensitivity to hot:

  • Love for sweet and carbonated drinks. If a person in large quantities absorbs sweets, soda, especially at night, and at the same time does not cleanse the oral cavity after eating, then this leads to a change in the PH-balance, and, as a result, the manifestation of pain.
  • Lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. Very often, people refuse to eat vegetables and fruits in favor of not very useful food. This leads to the fact that the body begins to lack the substances he needs. To function normally, it begins to compensate them for internal resources, which further exacerbates the situation. One of the first in this case is tooth enamel.
  • Untimely hygiene of the oral cavity. We all know that ideally the teeth should be brushed 2 times a day. And in addition to this, rinse the mouth with a special liquid after eating, and of course, be friends with a dental thread. But units adhere to these rules. This leads to the fact that putrefactive bacteria begin to multiply in the oral cavity, which deplete tooth enamel.

Increased teeth sensitivity to cold: reasons

Causes of increased sensitivity to the cold:

Increased teeth sensitivity provoke completely different causes, but all of them lead to pain. So that you can avoid the appearance of the problem, we will now introduce you to them.

Causes of increased sensitivity to the cold:

  • Not quite correctly selected toothbrush. Few of us pay attention to the rigidity of the toothbrushes. But they are very strongly affecting tooth enamel. If the brush is too soft, then a person has to press it more strongly, and this negatively affects his teeth. A hard toothbrush accelerates the exposure of dental roots, and also thinks tooth enamel.
  • Mechanical exposure. This reason means bad habits. If a person constantly bites his nails or just likes to squeeze his jaws, then this also leads to damage to enamel, the appearance of microcracks.
  • Constant use of bleaching toothpaste. Similar hygiene products contain abrasives, which brush their teeth, making them whiter. But it is these abrasives that are the cause of the thinning of the enamel of the tooth. For this reason, whitening pastes do not recommend using more than 14 days in a row.
  • Excessive use of sour and salty. If you regularly use oranges, lemons, tangerines, then be prepared for the fact that they will negatively affect the teeth. This will happen due to increasing the acid balance of the oral cavity. Absolutely all salt, just very salty products have similar properties.

Tooth sensitivity after treatment: Causes

Tooth sensitivity after treatment: Causes

Sometimes the sensitivity of the teeth appears after treatment with the dentist. This is very puzzling people, because in theory everything should be in order. What is the reason in this case?

Causes of teeth sensitivity after treatment:

  • Medications. We are used to counting drugs with a panacea in the fight against diseases, and do not think that they can influence a person’s condition. But even the highest quality and most effective drugs have side effects. So, for example, they can affect the acidity of the body. If it deviates from the norm, then changes in the oral cavity, and this leads to problems with the teeth.
  • Pulpit, caries, damage to the integrity of the tooth. These reasons directly affect the sensitivity of dentin. If a person developed caries, pulpitis, or a crack formed in enamel, then he will definitely feel acute pain in contact with cold or hot food.
  • Using a poor -quality rinse aid for the mouth. Similar products of hygiene, in addition to benefit, can also cause harm. In the event that you buy a tool that contains a large percentage of acid, then exactly harm yourself. Therefore, when buying a rinseum, be sure to read the label, and try to choose the products made on the most gentle basis.

Tooth sensitivity - how to remove quickly?

Rules for using a toothbrush with increased teeth sensitivity

IMPORTANT: You can quickly reduce the sensitivity of the teeth, but it must be remembered that the cause of the problem will continue to destroy the dental enamel. And therefore, as soon as the opportunity arises, immediately make an appointment with the dentist, and find out what exactly provokes the appearance of pain.

In order to quickly remove the sensitivity of the teeth, you need to take a few simple actions:

  • If the pain is very strong, gently rinse the oral cavity from food residues. This must be done, since the pieces that remain on the teeth will continue to irritate the nerve endings. Use slightly warm water for this.
  • At the next stage, proceed to rinse. The easiest way to reduce the inflammatory process is rinse your mouth with a soda solution. In 150 ml of warm water, dissolve 1 tsp soda, and you can proceed to the procedure. Rinse the oral cavity for at least 5 minutes.
  • Another ideal remedy that can quickly lower sensitivity - decoction of chamomile. Brew chamomile at the rate of 1 tbsp per 250 ml of water, cool to an acceptable temperature and proceed to rinse.

Tooth sensitivity - treatment at home: what to do?

Tooth sensitivity - treatment at home

Treatment of teeth sensitivity at home is difficult, but with the right approach possible. True, you should be prepared for the fact that more than one day will go to the complete disappearance of unpleasant symptoms.

IMPORTANT: Be sure to inspect your teeth for chips, cracks and bare roots. If such problems are observed, then home treatment is definitely not suitable for you. In this case, you can’t do without the help of a dentist.

Treatment of teeth sensitivity at home:

  • The first thing you should do is buy a toothbrush with soft bristles, and toothpaste with minimal abrasiveness. Ideally, it should be a paste with a large percentage of fluorine content. But it is usually sold according to the recipe.
  • Bright your teeth in the morning, after breakfast and in the evening, before bedtime. After cleansing the oral cavity, try not to drink even pure water. Do everything so that during sleep the level of acidity is within normal limits.
  • Do not forget that for complete getting rid of the problem it is important to get rid of all inflammatory processes. Therefore, we arm ourselves with sage and oak bark, and begin to carry out regular rinses. The procedures during the day should be at least five. You can alternate a rinse sage with the handling of an oak bark. If you wish, you can brew them together and thus carry out treatment. To prepare the therapeutic agent, take 1 tbsp sage and 1 tbsp of oak bark, pour 400 ml of water and boil for 5 minutes. Leave to cool. Strain the warm tool and can be used for its intended purpose.

The sensitivity of the teeth during pregnancy increased: possible reasons - what to do?

Causes of increased teeth sensitivity during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a load for the female body, so during this period various pathological conditions often occur. A large number of women complain of increasing the sensitivity of teeth during pregnancy. Why a similar problem arises and what to do in this case, we will analyze further.

Causes of increased teeth sensitivity during pregnancy:

  • Toxicosis, heartburn. These two states are interconnected. As a rule, toxicosis is one of the causes of heartburn. And as you know, heartburn is the casting of gastric juice to the lower esophageal. Gastric juice is nothing more than an acid that greatly affects the acid balance of the oral cavity. And therefore, if a woman has toxicosis and heartburn, then in addition a teeth sensitivity may increase.
  • Changes in the operation of the circulatory system. During pregnancy, the woman’s circulatory system works at a faster pace. This is necessary so that both she and the baby will receive the right amount of oxygen. Such physiological changes lead to the fact that the blood rises stronger to the gums, and they are slightly swelling. This increases the sensitivity of the teeth.

What to do in this case:

  • Chew propolis. If you do not have intolerance to this product, and its chewing does not cause you discomfort, just chew it after each meal. In such a simple way, you will reduce swelling of the gums, and thereby reduce the pain syndrome.
  • You can use tea tree oil for rinsing. Heat to an acceptable temperature of 200 ml of water and add 2-3 drops of oil to it. Rinse your teeth at least 3 times a day.
  • Try to establish food and routine day Thus, in order to minimize the manifestation of toxicosis and heartburn. If everything is normal with the level of acid in the oral cavity, then the pain syndrome will disappear, or will not manifest itself so acutely.

Strong sensitivity of teeth in a child - is it necessary to treat?

Rules for brushing tooths
  • Among adults, there is an opinion that milk teeth are not treated, since they eventually fall out. But in fact, it is precisely on the state of the milk teeth that the constant teeth of the child will be strong. And therefore, if the baby complains of pain when consuming hot or cold, immediately take measures.
  • If this is not done, then the baby will poorly chew food, and this is fraught with the formation of an incorrect bite. If caries or cracks became the cause of increased sensitivity, then this is also an occasion to visit the dentist. You must eliminate foci of inflammation in the oral cavity as soon as possible, otherwise you can forget about healthy teeth. Ideally, of course, you need to visit a children's dentist and treat all the teeth.
  • But if you can’t take the baby to a specialist, then treat the house. You can always rinse the oral cavity with chamomile, sage, oak bark and soda. And of course, do not forget that you need to teach the baby to brush your teeth correctly - at least 2 minutes. With the right approach, you can easily solve this unpleasant problem.

How to reduce the sensitivity of the enamel of the teeth?

How to reduce the sensitivity of the enamel of the teeth?

As you probably already understood, the pain syndrome, which appears in contact with the cold or hot, most often occurs precisely due to damage to the dental enamel. Therefore, you need to do everything so that it is as strong as possible.

IMPORTANT: In no case do not eat too hot or too cold food and drinks, this will aggravate the situation even more. Ideally, everything that enters the oral cavity should have a temperature of no more than 40 degrees. Well, of course, do not forget about the main rule, no cold liquid after warm food. The temperature in the oral cavity should normalize, and only after that you can drink water at room temperature.

How to reduce the sensitivity of enamel of the teeth:

  • If the problem has already appeared, then you have no choice but to deal with the reason that adversely influenced the state of integrity of the tooth. For this buy toothpaste and potassium chloride at the pharmacy. Brush your teeth and rinse the oral cavity with these means regularly. They will not be able to get rid of pain quickly, but with regular use, tooth enamel will strengthen and the pain syndrome will go away.
  • In order to get rid of the unpleasant problem as quickly as possible, buy therapeutic films of diplomas. They are saturated with the therapeutic composition, which simultaneously removes pain and treats. All that you need to do is place on a film to the right section of the teeth.
  • Also, to get rid of the problem, you will have to establish food. Enter the maximum products that help strengthen enamel into your diet. These include absolutely everything dairy products, sea fish, cheeses, beef and chicken liver, chicken and quail eggs. If, against the background of problems with the dental enamel, the gums are inflamed, then there must be in the diet berries.

The sensitivity of the teeth after treatment - removal, sealing, bleaching: how to get rid of?

Tooth sensitivity after treatment

It must be understood that any treatment of teeth, whether filling and removal, also affects the condition of tooth enamel. All these procedures are carried out with preliminary preparation, using medications, which, as you know, are able to change the level of acid balance of the oral cavity.

And this alone can provoke the hanged sensitivity of the teeth. When removing and filling the teeth on them, both the chemical and mechanical effects are simultaneously. Therefore, a large number of patients begin to complain about the pain syndrome precisely after visiting the dentist. Separately, I want to say about the procedure for bleaching tooths.

Many consider it completely harmless, especially if a dentist does it. But bleaching is always stress for tooth enamel. The active substances of the whitening agents make the enamel more permeable, and it protects the internal dentin and nerve worse. And this, for a while, causes the appearance of pain.

How to get rid of teeth sensitivity after treatment:

  • While the dental enamel recovers, refuse to eat too hard food
  • Clean the oral cavity toothpaste with a high fluorine content
  • To maintain the acid balance of the oral cavity at the proper level, chew chewing gum without sugar
  • It is allowed to use therapeutic rinsers for the toothache

Pasta from teeth sensitivity: List

Paste from teeth sensitivity

If you want to get rid of the problem not for a while, but forever, then use special healing toothpastes on a regular basis. Below you will find a list of funds that dentists recommend.

Pasta from teeth sensitivity:

  • BioRepair Sensitive Teeth Plus - Italian production. Its main task is the restoration of enamel. With regular use, it removes the sensitivity completely. But despite this plus, the toothpaste has one drawback - a very low abrasiveness. Therefore, it cannot fully remove the dentition. Therefore, it is recommended to be used in combination with rinses, or alternate with standard means.
  • Lacalut Extra Sensitive - Mark is well known to consumers of Russia. Effectively blocks open tooth channels due to potassium, strontium and fluorine ions. Thanks to these substances, nerve impulses are blocked, and a person ceases to feel pain within a shortest possible time. If you use the product for 2 months, then you can noticeably strengthen the enamel.
  • President Sensitive - Combined toothpaste, which perfectly cleanses the teeth of plaque and helps to strengthen the enamel. In addition to potassium and fluorine, the product contains hydroxyapatitis, which is responsible for mineralization. Such a composition very well affects the integrity of the teeth, making them as strong and healthy as possible. The product also contains mint and chamomile, which have a beneficial effect on the gum.
  • Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief - Another remedy that is popular with the Russian consumer. Pasta is produced in Poland. Its main advantage is that it not only removes the pain syndrome, but creates a protective film on the teeth, which triggers the process of regeneration of tooth enamel.
  • Mexidol Dent Sensitive - Toothpaste of domestic production. It is a comprehensive tool that eliminates several problems at the same time. In addition to the fact that Pasta copes with the restoration of enamel, it is still able to get rid of the bleeding of the gums. The product does not irritate the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, and for a long period it refreshes breathing.

Means for teeth sensitivity: List

Paste from teeth sensitivity

In addition to toothpastes, there are other therapeutic agents that will help to cope with increased sensitivity of the teeth. They can be used in combination with special pastes.

Means for teeth sensitivity:

  • Bifluoride 12 -The product is convenient to use, as it is produced in the form of gel polish. But in order for it to help, you must adhere to some rules. The gel is applied only to carefully cleaned and slightly dried teeth. Also, while active substances will affect the dental enamel, there should not even be saliva in the oral cavity. Therefore, before applying the product, a cotton-gauze roller is necessarily laid under the tongue. The product is applied to the teeth and withstands for 5-10 minutes, while the mouth should remain open. After the procedure, you can not eat food and liquid for 3 hours.
  • Dexstranaza - lozenges. Active substances contained in tablets very quickly affect the nerve endings. And this contributes to the almost instantaneous disappearance of pain. To eliminate the pain syndrome, the tablets must be absorbed for 2 weeks 3-4 times a day. The product has a significant minus - it fights with inflammatory processes, but does not very effectively restore dental enamel. Also note that the saliva, which accumulates in the oral cavity during the dissolution of the tablet, is better to spit rather than swallow. The tool can irritate the gastric mucosa.
  • Ointment to protect the enamel of teeth Tooth Mousse - A means of Japanese production. It quickly eliminates the pain syndrome and all the unpleasant sensations associated with increased sensitivity of the teeth. It is applied, as well as the gel, to the cleansed teeth. It is not necessary to wash off the ointment. If you do this, then remove the protective film that has a beneficial effect on the teeth and the gums. A quality tool has neither color nor smell, and therefore when applying you will not feel discomfort.

The sensitivity of the front teeth

The sensitivity of the front teeth

The sensitivity of the front teeth is most often associated with the wrong bite. This becomes the reason that the tooth enamel in some places is so thin that dentin begins to respond to temperature changes. Many will now think that you can get rid of the problem with a simple adjustment of the temperature of food and drinks. We will say right away that such an opinion is erroneous. An incorrect bite is a serious problem that, without proper adjustment, leads to deformation of the dentition, and then to the loss of teeth. And therefore, if you suspect that you have a similar problem, contact the dentist.

If this is not done, then the pain syndrome will definitely worsen. Of course, the normalization of the bite will take a rather impressive period, and therefore you still have to deal with the increased sensitivity of the front teeth for some time. Therefore, ask the dentist to tell the most in detail as much as possible for you to eat all this time, and be sure to stock up on specialized means. Ideally, the dentist should choose a healing paste, gel and rinseum, and tell you how to use it correctly. If he does not, the recommendations can be found above in the text.

Sensitivity of tooth crown: how to treat?

Sensitivity of the tooth crown

We immediately want to say, if the sensitivity of the tooth crown has increased, then this is a direct indication for visiting the dentist. The specialist must inspect the design and make sure that it is fixed as it should, does not press on the gum, and has no cracks. If the crown is damaged or incorrectly established, then it will have to be removed, to wait until the inflammatory process will end.

If everything is fine with the crown, then it is likely that your body reacts to the process of installing the crown and preparatory processes that are necessarily carried out before prosthetics. Therefore, you can only help the body cope with the problem.

How to treat the sensitivity of the tooth crown:

  • If the pain is very strong, take a non -steroidal agent.
  • Prepare the soda solution and fabricate the oral cavity with it every 2 hours. It will help reduce inflammation.
  • To strengthen the gums, use a rubber and mint decoction. Brew herbs as ordinary tea, only more concentrated, and rinse the oral cavity up to 5 times a day.
  • Until the pain syndrome decreases, exclude all solid food from the diet. For the period of treatment, the effect on the crown should be minimal.

Tooth sensitivity after brushing

Tooth sensitivity after brushing

Some people are faced with an increase in teeth sensitivity precisely after the brushing. What is it connected with? One of the reasons may be toothpaste. If it contains a large percentage of abrasives, then in time cleaning they will scratch the enamel very much, making it more susceptible. If such a paste regularly brush your teeth, then the enamel will be covered with cracks, and pain will appear even from warm food. Therefore, be sure to carefully read the composition of the selected pasta before buying.

Ideally, it should have an average abrasiveness, since too small indicators of such substances indicate that the paste will poorly cope with the toothache. The second reason for the appearance of the problem is a very hard toothbrush. Too rough bristles adversely affects both the teeth themselves and the gums, and therefore such an object should have a bristles of medium or minimal stiffness.

Prevention of teeth sensitivity

Prevention of teeth sensitivity

So that you do not have such problems, do not forget about the prevention of teeth sensitivity:

  • Bright your teeth in the morning and evening, ideally and in the middle of the day
  • Regularly visit the dentist for preventive examinations
  • Severally fill the sick teeth and get rid of caries
  • Buy only high -quality toothpastes and rinses
  • After eating sweet and carbonated drinks, try to rinse your mouth with clean water
  • If you cannot refuse chewing gum, give preference to a product without sugar
  • At a minimum, eat seeds, they injure enamel

Video: Increased teeth sensitivity

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Comments K. article

  1. i have a sensitive toothpaste (lavender and sea pearls), it is precisely for sensitive teeth, helped reduce hypersensitivity, ordered it through the online store

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