Uraza 2023: calendar, schedule. The month of Ramadan 2023 is the beginning and end, Uraza Bayram in 2023: Date. What can and what can not be done in a month Ramadan?

Uraza 2023: calendar, schedule. The month of Ramadan 2023 is the beginning and end, Uraza Bayram in 2023: Date. What can and what can not be done in a month Ramadan?

How to fast in Ramadan?

In each faith there are many significant dates. In Catholicism, some are noted, in Orthodoxy - others.

Muslimism also has special dates, when believers refrain from all human passions and cleanse the soul and body of the earth's filth the share of eternal bliss. In the article, we will consider in more detail how to fast in Ramadan and what prohibitions the post imposes on believers.

When the month of Ramadan in 2023, from what date does Bayram start begin?

Muslims are no different from other believers: solemn events for them are held in an atmosphere of joy, holiness, when hunger and thirst are found with satisfaction, and the fate of the poor is completely recognized.

The month takes place in compliance with the post and reading prayers in the days of commemoration. Like other believers, Muslims have certain prohibitions on human passions that are superimposed.

What kind of holiday is this - Ramadan?

Ramadan is a time of purification, spiritual improvement.

  • The sacred month of Ramadan is considered the most honorable for believers. Faith in Allah is attached to it. The post will be full -fledged when a person is cleansed of sins with his behavior and receives the contentment of Allah.
  • It is considered unacceptable to waste time during the sacred month. After all, it is on these days that Muslims can be rewarded for perfect good deeds. The wisdom is not to violate the rules of the post entrusted with Allah believers.
  • In Ramadan, there is also an improvement in the good qualities of believers who fasten. Quarrels and discord cease, the hearts of friends are connected and a sense of responsibility and compassion to the poor is instilled.

On the feast of Ramadan, a great post comes. And all believers must adhere to it.

  • As in the Orthodox, the date of Easter holidays is replaced every year, so in Muslims the offensive of the month of Ramadan is calculated by the phases of the lunar calendar and the difference from previous years can consist within 10-11 calendar days. Therefore, the date of the onset of the period for Muslims for the period is changing every year.
  • In 2023, Ramadan will come in March, namely 1 prayer Taravikh March 22 (at the end of 5 prayer), and the first day of post on March 23. Ramadan's end is completed 20 April, a last Taravikh 19 April.
    April 21 at night before dawn the beginning of the expansion - the holiday of Uraza Bayram.
Muslim calendar for 2023
Muslim calendar for 2023
  • The sacred period for Muslims has long been originating in the warm season, since it always falls in the summer months.

In the literal translation, Ramadan means “sultry”, “hot”. However, not all believers perceive the holiday like that. For most, a literal translation does not mean the summer season, but following the strictest rules binding.

History reference

  • How do Ramadan's offensive determine the exact date of the onset of Ramadan? Every year, the date of the sacred period for Muslims is indicated in the teachings of theologians. They determine the day of Ramadan, based on the lunar phases.
  • The offensive of the 9th month of the calendar is the onset of the sacred period of the Muslim faith. By the way the night lamp is located, the date of the holiday is determined.
  • The mission of the Prophet was indicated in Muhhamed received on this day “Frank words”. Then the Muslim believers appeared, donated by Allah.
  • According to ancient legend, on the day when the sacred period occurs, Allah becomes open to the resolution of the fate of believers in a safe way and fulfills their forgiveness.

Uraza Bayram in 2023: Date

Prinching Islam is often interested in the issue of the onset of a decision by Uraza-Bayram. After all, it also does not have a fixed date. Traditionally, the post comes the ninth month in the Muslim calendar.

  • Since the post Ramadan in 2023 begins after sunset March 22, and the sacred period ends at night with  20 to 21 April (fast with exactly 29 days), then Eid al Adha falls on April 21, 2023.
  • Post during one of the biggest holidays in Islam Eid al Adha very strict.
  • Great holiday of conversation Eid al Adhait begins with the end of the post. At this time, all the faithful are allowed to eat everything that they could not afford to post.
  • Believers are preparing for the holiday a month before its onset, and expect it all year. After the Great Lent, lasting throughout the month, the day of conversation occurs.
  • All adult Muslims are obliged to adhere to the rules of Uraz's post. Children, sick, insane may not fast.
  • All month, believers only after the onset of darkness have the right to eat food, it is forbidden to eat food and water in the daytime. Only under this condition, spiritual cleansing of the faithful occurs.
  • The post is muffled by all its passions and desires. It is necessary to spend time in many hours of prayers.
  • There is an equalization of the poor with the rich, which cleanses of perfect sins, among which gluttony takes first place.

With the onset of night, believers can begin conversion. Only eating should be spent at the same table with friends and acquaintances, and not exclusively in the family circle or alone.

  • It is also good to call to the joint conversation of the poor, since helping the suffering means to do business that is pleasing to Allah.
  • Having completed a meal, believers go to the mosque to pray and indulge in reading the Qur'an.
  • During the prayer, the faithful ask for good for all people and forgiveness for perfect sins.
  • After the appearance of the new moon, the post ends. Muslims begins a holiday. They read morning prayers.
  • There are many believers in mosques at this time. Not everyone gets inside the mosque and make prayers next to her.
  • On such a joyful day, prayers feel like one family.
  • It is customary to give out alms in Ramadan.
  • The poor receive gifts, because each family prepares help for them in advance and presents during the celebration.

Traditionally, on such a day, visits are visited by parents. A further meal is held together with them.

When is the post of Muslims Ramadan in 2023, and his schedule?

  • Muslim post begins on March 22, 2023 and lasts 29 days. The post ends on April 20, 2023 after sunset and at night on April 21, 2023, Uraza-Bayram begins.

Post schedule

  • Eating of food should be completed 20 minutes before the time of time of the Fajr.
  • You can start taking food during Maghreb.

Focus every day in time in the schedule of Ramadan's post in the table below.

Prayer schedule in Ramadan
Prayer schedule in Ramadan

Ramadan post schedule in 2023

Muslim holidays in 2023

Schedule of prayers in Tatarstan

Ramadan or Ramazan: How to call it right?

  • The Arabic word "Ramadan" is based on the name of the most revered month. But to simplify the pronunciation of the name of the festival by the non -Arabs in the word, changes occurred: the letters "DAD" were replaced by the letter "for".
  • This is due to the presence of a specific letter “DAD” exclusively in the Arabic language and the absence of its analogue in other languages. Only knowledge of the special qualities of the letter “DAD” can be achieved a clear and correct pronunciation.
  • Correctly pronounce in everyday speech and Ramadan and Ramazan. But while reading the Qur'an, the letter “DAD” is not replaced with the letter “for”: this distorts the meaning, which is unacceptable.

What violates the post a month of Ramadan?

Muslims learn about the dominant foundations and prohibitions of fasting from the Qur'an.

According to the schedule of the basic rules of Ramadan, the post should be:

  • completely abandon the use of food and water
  • start eating before dawn
  • during the day, snacks are excluded, drinking any liquids (compotes, fruit drinks, water, tea)
  • abandon intimacy, various caresses and exciting actions
  • refuse tobacco smoking, the use of narcotic substances, drinking drinks containing alcohols (they poison the human body, therefore they should not penetrate the body of the believer during the sacred post)
  • do not cheat
  • do not faded
  • do not mention the name of Allah during foul language
  • do not chew chewing gum
  • not to cleanse the body using enemas (cleansing by unnatural way is prohibited)

The violation is considered:

  • swallowing liquid (even water when bathing)
  • passing (conscious performance of action; nye should be pronounced every day during the holy month between the night and morning prayers)

How to keep Ramadan, how to fast?

In the month of Ramadan, Muslims consume food and water only at night.

Ramadan takes place for believers without entertainment and pleasure.

In the afternoon you should work, prays and read the Qur'an. At the same time, it is important to follow the unshakable traditions and do good deeds, engage in charity, distribute alms.

Recommendations regarding compliance with the post:

  • After sunset, there is exceptionally light food.
  • Before the onset of dawn (two hours before dawn), you can eat more plentiful and heavy food.
  • It should be excluded or maximally reduced the amount of fat and sharp products, since their use enhances thirst.
  • Having arbitrarily violating the post, the believer should extend the time of the post for 1 day and pay the poor money equal to 3.5 kg of wheat or pay for products for the same amount.
  • The commission of carnal sin during the post is reimbursed by 60 days of fasting or the organization of feeding the poor.
  • If the believer had good reasons for non -compliance with the post, then he can compensate for the missed day with any other day of the post until the next Ramadan.
  • In the last days of Ramadan, believers stubbornly pray, repent in perfect sins and analyze their mistakes.
  • On the last day of the post, Muslims read a solemn prayer.
  • A prerequisite is the distribution of alms. It can be dry foods or money.

Ramadan: What can you eat?

  • The first days of fasting are very difficult. But then the body begins to rebuild and restrictions on food are easier.
  • At the end of the day after the sunset, the eating time comes to the EVTAR, which should not end in overeating.
  • During the eating of the Iftar, it is recommended to eat several dates, drink water.
  • And only after a while you can start eating the main dishes.

The best option for the main meal:

  • restriction of flour and fried
  • preference of vegetable dishes
  • meat and vegetable dish
  • a fish dish
  • vegetable salad
  • coupard dishes
  • a limited number of sweets
  • You can arrange 3-5 changes in dishes


  • fresh juices
  • store juices diluted with water to reduce acidity
  • morse
  • compotes
  • jelly
  • water and tea
  • not strong coffee

Intention for the post of Ramadan

The intention (nyat) is pronounced everyday before fasting to himself. But the intention that the believer pronounces at the beginning of the night is also counted. However, it is better to utter intention in the second half of the night, which is closer to the post.

The intention uttered after dawn violates the post.

The benefits of post Ramadan for Health

Ordinary diets help get rid of accumulated kilograms and reduce blood sugar, but can cause side effects. Therefore, it is better to observe a diet under the control of the attending physician.

During fasting to Ramadan:

  • A person does not remain hungry and consumes calories adequately: without any restrictions in products.
  • Carbohydrates are burned (the amount of sugar and insulin in the blood is reduced), from which energy is extracted.
  • Fat accumulations are burned.
  • There is a rest of the body at a physiological level. The process of metabolism is normalized.
  • There are no side effects.
  • The body is cleansed, thoughts are cleansed.
  • After fasting, a person can forever abandon bad habits.

Is it possible to brush your teeth in Ramadan

In Ramadan, Muslims use a special tool to clean the oral cavity from food residues. This is Sivak (Misvak).

  • It is not considered a violation of the fasting of teeth using a toothbrush.
  • However, the use of toothpaste violates the post, since a person can swallow the paste.
  • It is recommended to brush your teeth with a toothpaste in the evening, or in the early morning.

Is it possible to swallow saliva during Ramadan?

  • The swallowed saliva during Ramadan does not violate the post.
  • If dust or smoke accidentally hit the throat, then it also does not violate the post.

Congratulations on the onset of the month of Ramadan

Ramadan is a month of forgiveness, mercy and contentment of Allah Almighty.

If you are looking for beautiful congratulations on the onset of the month of Ramadan, then look at the next selection.

Strict post. Tells the Qur'an
Observe it.
Everyone meets Ramadan
With a pure soul.

Let Allah bless
On a good deed,
Lights light in the hearts,
Helps faithfully.

In the glorious month of Ramadan
The Qur'an was sent to people,
To carry the truth
With the explanation of the path

As recorded in the Qur'an,
This month Muslims
In memory of his shrine
Follow the post from now on.

Believers post - help,
To be closer to God,
To grow spiritually,
Pacify your passions.

There is a sacred Ramadan
The great holiday of Muslims.
For cleansing the soul
Fold, pray and not sin.

And let Allah help us
Overcome vice and fear.
To help friends and relatives,
They only want good!

Congratulations on the onset of Ramadan! Let them be in life Strong faith, pure love and durable happiness. I wish to save everything that you value and what you value. Good days, good people on the life path and respect of others.

Ramadan came, congratulations to you! This month is the most important For all Muslims. A strict post begins, he is designed to help you strengthen your faith. Let goodness and mutual understanding settle in your house and hearts, and may your prayers be heard by the Almighty. Be happy, I wish you health and prosperity!

With the onset of the Holy month of Ramadan! I sincerely wish happiness and health, rethink your life, drive away all bad thoughts and intentions. Let faith and hope only strengthen. Strength to you!

Children, elderly, sick, pregnant and lactating women, travelers are released from post
Children, elderly, sick, pregnant and lactating women, travelers are released from post

Prayer before meals in the month of Ramadan

Before morning and evening meals Muslims pronounce special prayers. Here is their text:

Intention fasts: Navatu Savma Gadin AN ‘Ada’i Ramadan Khazihi-Sanati‘ Imanan Va-Khatisaban Llahi Ta’al - I intend to keep the post of tomorrow Ramadan this year in accordance with Vera and sincere for Allah.

Or for a whole month, then the intention is done on the first night of Ramadan: Navita Siyama Salasin Yavman ‘AN Shakhri Ramadan Khazihi-Sanati - I intend to observe the thirty -day post of the month of Ramadan of this year.

Before food, say: Ya Vasi’a-L-Magfirati, Lee Bismami-R-Rhmani-Rhim - Oh Allah! You are all -merciful, forgiven. I start with the name of Allah, who is merciful to everyone in this world and only for believers - in the next world.

After eating, the following dua is read: Allahumma Laca Summer Va-’al Rizzykka ‘Aftars - Oh Allah! For you, I fasted and took the food that you gave me.

What should be done in Ramadan?

In the blessed moments of the sacred period, the believer must behave as follows:

  • Stop fasting after sunset.
  • Having stopped fasting until the beginning of the fourth prayer, eat a dates or, in its absence, drink water.
  • Do not slander or deceive.
  • Do not look at the forbidden.
  • Do not support empty conversations, fights.

Ramadan rules for women

  • A woman should not stop a post when she feels that menstrual blood begins to come. Just seeing her, she must stop the post.
  • In the post of Ramadan, a woman is not forbidden to try food for salt.
  • It is also not forbidden to use at home spirits and jewelry for the spouse in the daytime.
  • A woman can fast only after cleansing from bleeding and childbirth.
  • Women should remind husbands in the daytime of the day of the ban on sexual intimacy.
  • At night, until dawn, sexual proximity is allowed.
  • Women should not skip prayers, explaining this by the need to prepare something in the kitchen.
  • Do not arrange parties outside the house after the conversation.
Children can help cook food for Sukhur and Iftar - morning and evening meals

Why is Ramadan eat only at night?

This is the will of Allah. The meaning of the post is that a person is improved in prayer and committing good deeds. Body abstinence helps to increase attention to spiritual life.

Prayer per month Ramadan

Among the instructions of Allah Almighty there are responsibilities that believers should follow strictly, without any omissions. This is the only way a Muslim can become closer to the Lord. Such an order is the implementation of five mandatory prayers during the day and night periods.

A person is committed in prayer during fasting

What can not be done during the month of Ramadan?

  • You can not be in water or bath (water can enter the body).
  • You can not hug and perform actions aimed at excitement.
  • You can’t rinse your throat.
  • You can not try the taste of food.
  • You can not swallow saliva.

Video: How is the body cleansed in the month of Ramadan?

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Comments K. article

  1. Very good article. But for some reason it was written at first that you can swallow saliva, but by the end it is said that it is forbidden to swallow saliva. And how to understand this?

  2. Yes, I agree with the above written, but why is it first said that you can swallow saliva and a woman to try food for salt, and then it was written that you can not swallow saliva

  3. It is not clear about saliva. Also about children: who helps anyone? (inscription under the photograph).

  4. I didn't understand about saliva either

  5. thank you for prompting you when there will be Uraza-Bayram!

  6. Faya, I will answer this question. Saliva cannot be swallowed specifically, but if you have not intentionally swallowed saliva, then the post is not broken.

  7. Do not compare Islam with other beliefs. There is no religion except Islam. And write specifically what are you afraid of?

  8. Ramadan does not always fall for the summer months - in relation to the sunny calendar, he shifts every year for 10 - 11 days, as a result of which he alternately falls on the whole year

  9. Thank you very much for prompting when Ramazan begins. Thank you.

  10. you can not take food and liquid. But, where does the saliva, since it is neither food nor liquid from outside. In this case, it is necessary to prohibit the formation of other products of life in the body of such as bile, nursery juices, urine and so on.

  11. At first it was written that a woman can try food for salt. Then, which is impossible. So it is possible or not?
    And further. You can’t rinse your throat. And before they were allowed, the main thing is that the water does not get inside. How to be?

  12. Thank you so much for the information, I wish you all the best.

  13. Thank you so much for the information, I wish you all the best.

  14. For those women who are going to fulfill their duty this year to Allah Almighty and will fast, I also recommend the site “Salikha Club. Club of Muslims. " This is strictly for women. There you can find good proven information about posts, prayers, study the rules of reading the Qur'an and ask any questions regarding compliance with Islam religion. Sisters respond with good theological training. Each response has evidence (the corresponding verses from the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) are given, well -known scientists of Islam are cited). Hurry to find out about compliance with the post in the month of Ramadan to fast this year. The video provided by the author of the article, the lecturer - Ali Jifri is known as a sectarian. In this video, he speaks many beautiful and sweet words for the soul, but from his lectures should be turned out due to the delusions that he inspires his students, as a spoon of poison poisons a vessel of pure water.
    Well, the simplest questions that readers asked, the answer is not difficult - the swallowing of the saliva is intentional or random in no way violates the post, scientists forbid Islam on the contrary to spit like a camel. Random swallowing water when bathing or rinsing the mouth does not violate the post. Trying food is allowed to taste, you try a small portion on your tongue without swallowing, then spit, carefully rinse your mouth with water and everything, the post continues. If a person by forgetfulness (this is found) began to eat or drink, even swallowed his food, but not intentionally, his post is not violated. As soon as he remembered the post, he continues to fast. If a person began to eat by forgetfulness, then he remembered, but there is still food in his mouth, he spits it and cleanses his mouth, rinses with water or brushes his teeth with a Misvak, and his post is not broken. Pronouncing intention aloud with special words - it is condemned, it is enough to affirm the intention in the heart. If a person wakes up in the morning on Sukhur, this implies the intention to fast, it is not necessary to confirm this with words aloud. At the beginning of Ramadan, you make an intention to fast all a month for the contentment of Allah Almighty and the execution of his order on mandatory post. And if on some day you do not repeat the intention (overslept, forgot, etc.), the post is not violated. Well, something like this. Strive to gain knowledge from authoritative sources, from scientists - adherents of the Sunnah and a single community of Muslims. There is no deity worthy of worship, except for the One Allah and Muhammad - the Messenger of Allah. Peace to all))))

  15. No one does not know the truths except Allah Theal and to whom he wants to open it.

  16. Why is it written that from the 26th, and in others from the 27th, please, someone send me the right calendar

  17. Is it possible to drink contraception tablets in the dark?

  18. since 26, I was in the evening of this day of intention, you are preparing that in the morning 27 Uraza.
    At the expense of the contraceptive tablets, read in the Qur'an that sexual deeds are prohibited during Uraza. Then I think and the issue with pills is resolved.

  19. Who said that proximity is prohibited, do not mislead people !!! The proximity between husband and wife is allowed in the dark !!! The main thing is to keep yourself within the day !!!

  20. And do not forget about the hussul. Husula is not a provinces, not a prayer, not a Uraza.

  21. Brothers and sisters Assalamagaleikum! Please submit a table for Ramadan for Tatarstan (Kazan)

  22. Salomalaikum, what do you think children from how to teach Ruza

  23. As for “saliva”, and intimacy and, in principle, all other questions, watch the video on YouTube Shamil Alyautdinov. He tells and describes everything in detail, you certainly will not have errors subject to the post.
    All good.

  24. When I read this article, there was a feeling of fear in the heart!
    And this should not be.
    I apologize, but as if they deliberately mislead people.

  25. Is it possible to rinse your mouth with water or special liquids during the post?

  26. And the nails are fashionable to paint

  27. Assaloma Alaikum Ramadan Muborak, I need a schedule please for Yekaterinburg thanks

  28. Assalyam Wu Alekum! The question is to you the following: the Holy month of Ramadan begins, but I am being treated during this period and I need to take medicines 3-4 times a day! This need will last another week. How to be in such a situation?

  29. Assalam 1Alaikum Ali Zhifri Potomak Mukhammad S.A.V. He has veins to walk the blood of the messenger of Allah and you want to humiliate him

  30. Assalam 1Alaikum Ali Zhifri Potomak Mukhammad S.A.V. His veins flows the blood of the messenger of Allah and you want to humiliate him

  31. I love you all for the sake of Allah ♥

  32. Hello, let Allah bless those who fast!. Please tell me, I really want to fast, but I have coronary heart disease and bronchial asthma, at any moment I will need to swallow the pill, what should I do, how to be, I want to keep the post ... I am 56 years old ... I am 56 years old ...

  33. Salaam Alaikum. Please explain to me, since I am too lazy to read the comments to find the necessary information. I noticed that at first the allegedly swallowed Sun does not violate the post, then I observe in prohibitions that it is forbidden to swallow saliva. What is wrong, and where is the truth?

  34. Dear Mikail, do not you know that all Muslims are equal in front of Allah ??? And Ali Zhifri is the same Muslim as all the faithful ... and remember the respected Mikail that everyone is equal to the omnipotent Allah ... and most importantly in this life the Allah granted to us almighty Allah ...

  35. Dear Muslims, read and listen to the beautiful speaker and theologian of Shamil Alyautdinov. A very interesting person educated, imams in Russia. Accessively and competently, will give everyone all questions on our religion.

  36. My God is the Almighty, how many crazy people are here :)))) You see a coronary heart disease, almost on the verge of death, and all there, in fasting, well, you need it ??? Which is more expensive for your family? Your health or exhausted and sick woman who wants to follow the post !!!!

  37. Why do you think that in the post you get a reward from God ??? Moreover, there are a lot of opportunities to earn a reward from Allah - you can earn a reward from God with other deeds, for example, helping children's and elderly houses, help poor and sick people! So this post is just a mockery in the heat over his own body, when in hot weather a person needs 2 liters. Simple water, just so that blood does not go thickened and not to earn hypertension, you are simply mocking yourself. It seems that this post was not invented by Muslims, but by the enemies of Muslims, in order to endure torment in the heat and die from exhaustion of the body !!! Think about it! Who needs it ???? After all, you can simply not get drunk throughout life and observe a daily diet without harm to your own health. I wish you all good luck!

  38. Islam Religion of Truth
    The Qur'an confirms the words
    Muslim justice fighter
    And Allah in his heart always
    So understand the people lost
    The meaning of your life at least now
    worship you one one
    Maybe he will have mercy on you
    Oh Allah, O Creator of all things
    Our Lord. The patron saint of the Earth
    You will reward all the slaves that is deserved
    And help you find peace.

    Assalam Aleikum to everyone! With the forefront of you !!! I decided to write my work here))) Say brothers and sisters as you like

  39. Anna, this is their (Muslims) conscious choice, try to understand and not measure their faith with your own criteria. I admire people who adhere to restrictions in Ramazan, their strength of spirit. God for help, people! Health to you and your families!

  40. Yes, what did you arrange here, there is no God, Allah came up with people. God, people are dumb.
    And I don’t need to write here, repent (you will punish you), I just say it as it is. Live, only one life, there is no life after death.

  41. Yes, what did you arrange here, there is no God, Allah came up with people. God, people are dumb.
    And I don’t need to write here, repent (you will punish you), I just say it as it is. Live, only one life, there is no life after death ..

  42. I am 45, I still stayed from the USSR-atheist. I read the article-Bred, comments-!. My opinion is my percussion, health, happiness to you people. I keep my heart in my heart. I won’t do it. Everything is in the USSR. There was no God there, there was no God there, But, everyone prayed in the shower. We delverly in the darkens, we are my Lord, every name came up with you. And only when life will twist the most of the way. Feeling your Lord, I don’t want to offend anyone, sorry, everyone’s warmth is in my heart

  43. For some reason, Ramadan begins in Kazakhstan on May 27, i.e., you are tearing your mouth at 03 36 in the morning, and here it is indicated that May 26 at 03 25 - which calendar is correct?

  44. In the Qur'an, nothing is said about whether it is possible or you can not swallow saliva, you can or can not brush your teeth with paste. A fasting person himself must understand that there is a ban on eating and water. Another question is not clear: why does Uraza begin a few hours before dawn. It is written in the Qur'an. That the Uraza begins, "when the gray dawn thread replaces the dark thread of the night." That is, if you adhere to the data of the Qur'an, you need to start a post immediately before dawn, and not in a few hours.

  45. According to the Qur'an, patients with an uraza are not recommended to be kept. Uraza is kept for health, not to lose it

  46. My brothers believe in Allah and you will all be fine those who do not believe in Allah, they will burn in the fire of hell believe in Allah and live after death, read the prayer and the Qur'an keep the post during Ramadan and observe all the rules of the religion of Islam and let Allah bless you ...

  47. Please tell me. I am on Yamal, how much should I eat in the morning and evening?

  48. "The sacred period for Muslims has long been originating in the warm season, since it always falls in the summer months." A huge mistake. The month of Ramazan does not always fall only for the summer months. Every year it is shifted by 11-12 days. Accordingly, it may coincide with any time of the year !!

  49. Assalam Aleikum
    After the post of Ramadan, there is a post 6 days do not tell me when it begins?

  50. What is fascism?
    There is classic fascism! And few people know! There is a kind of other fascism! Hypertrophied feelings! What it is?
    A person of a certain nationality! He does not love, hates his nation, language, faith, culture! They abandon their ancestors of the roots consciously! The mother, father, relatives, graves of ancestors ceases to love! Historical homeland! They are embarrassed to call themselves Tatars! There are such renegades, call themselves Bulgars!
    There was such a communist Mishar-Tatar F. Tabeev! Which for the sake of a career even pretended to be a Bulgar! And I wanted to get into the Politburo, climbed out of the skin! For the sake of this, he was frightened by Tatarstan! He abandoned the first Moscow category of supply of Tatarstan! Although they mined 100 ml. The tone of oil per year in Tatarstan! And the oil pipeline Friendship began in Tatarstan! In Tyumen, they have not found oil yet! According to Lakesky, he took the obligation to supply Moscow with meat and hats of the Politburo! I introduced cards in Tatarstan for food for the first time after the war! To notice him! And himself and his family did not starve, grew up at the expense of Tatarstan!
    He believed that the Tatar language will disappear, always after 20 years? The language of milkmaids and collective farmers spoke! So only the trace, the traitor and the enemy of the Tatar people could say! This scatter is the communist was a burial to the Tatar language as Shaimiev! He behaved in Svinski to the long -suffering Tatar people!
    How could Tatar's mother give birth to a disgusting villain? This adventurer, careerist! All prostitutes, Lizbians, scourges, former criminals of Moscow with 101 kilometers! They were taken to the new buildings of KAMAZ with the approval of Tabeev!
    After that, the demographic situation changed sharply! Was it not in favor of the Tatars? Now prostitution, drunkenness, crime in Tatarstan have appeared!
    And yet Tabeeva threw it, burst Moscow! He tried too hard in vain! Moscow seemed strange, suspicious, a servist, a drunkard! Which is mocking his people! This tray considered the Russians dangerous even for the USSR and threw it off !!!! He never even became a candidate for the Politburo !!!!
    In Bashkiria, he was the head of M. Shakirov Tatar! To curry up! He began to spread rot the Tatar language in schools like Shaimiev! Mother's language! After he was kicked out! Continued to kill the Tatar language and close the schools total Bashishtyak M. Rakhimov!
    The fate of the traitor M. Shakirov was sadly! Bashishtyaki dashed Shakirov! He was driven from everywhere like a jackal! He walked in Ufa, lost humiliated! And no one greeted him! And he finally realized before his death! Burning longing, pain, how he acted with Tugan Tel with his mother's tongue! And I understood, the curse of the Tatars overtook him! At the funeral there was a miserable bunch of people! And no one remembers him now! The grave of the outrend of the trash is now abandoned miserable !!!!
    After the fall of the Kazan Khanate! There was an enthusiast priest "Bulgar"! Who traveled with the Cossacks in the Kazan province and baptized the Tatars of Muslims! And he took the children into monasteries! Especially looking for boys with bass voices!
    Orthodox priests were brought up from them to work in churches! And therefore, many priests and priests have Tatar facial features! He was killed in a skirmish! And considered in the clique of the holy martyrs by the Orthodox diocese! And there is an icon in honor of the holy "Bulgar"!

    There was such a traitor to Vaisov during the revolution! Who wanted to call the great Tatars Bulgarians! Immerse the leveling! I wanted to rewrite the history of the Tatars and the Golden Horde! By this, Tatars wanted to turn into ethnic garbage! For this, Vaisov, a traitor, a split! He was killed by the Tatar patriot for treason and propaganda of Bulgarism in Kazan!

    Shaimiev in Kazan invited the Bulgarians to build an Orthodox church! Shaimiev quoted Tatars in Kazan! Thanks to him?
    And for this, M. Shaimiev must be awarded to the Shah-Ali medal !!!!
    Bulgarians and Shaimiev build an Orthodox huge Cathedral in Kazan! And at the cathedral, grateful priests will seem to hang a sign in honor of Shaimiev! And for the revival of Sviyazhsk! Where did the conquest of Kazan from!
    Presumably the Russians will even build a huge Mausoleum Shaimiev as Lenin! Knowing that Shaimiev is not quite Tatar!
    But Alisher Usmanov built a mosque in Bulgar !!!! Not the Shaimiev insolent!
    It is necessary to immediately turn to the glorious Alisher Usmanov to Farid Mukhametshin !!!! No time to pull the time !!!! To help build a cathedral mosque in Kazan !!!!! Authority of A. Usmanov is huge in Russia !!!!!
    There is no more to wait for help from the Tatars from !!!
    And you need to call the mosque Alisher Usmanov !!!!!
    Otherwise, the Cathedral Mosque will not be built when in Kazan !!!!!!
    On the federal channel, billionaire M. Shaimiev leaned again!
    Supported the pension reform of Russia !!!!
    And Gundyai Orthodox supported Putin's pension reform in Russia !!!! Only silently to please the Kremlin !!!!
    And to himself Shaimiev painted a huge pension! And he receives as an adviser - a look at the salary! You can see the Internet!
    His sons became dollar billionaires! Due to the Tatars and Russians !!!! He and Sakina never thought about the fate of Tatar and Russian children! When will they go to a beggarly pension?

    As the great prophet Muhamed said!

    "Each traitor will be marked and will appear with the clan on Judgment Day" !!!!

    Some Tatars of defectors go to other ethnic groups for the career of privileges! Take an example from the Russians!
    They do not call themselves Slavs, Zyryans, Katsapa, Skabsy, Ukrainians, and Russians! Dot!
    Jews do not call themselves Ashkinazi, as billets! They are not ashamed of their nation, but proud! Dot!
    Even the Bashkirs wear the nickname Bashkurd means lousy! They were called the Tatars and Russians so! They were lousy! So they did not wash in the bath! They just had no idea about baths and closets! They simply did not have hygiene in culture! Were wild! They are just ethnic Ishtaki-Ugra!
    There is no such nation Bashkir! They are "ethnic garbage"! They are not even Turkic peoples and not Muslims, but Ugra! Dot!
    Bashkirs ate lice like monkeys! This was noted by the Arab traveler Ibn Fadland in 922. And he was very puzzled! Look on the Internet!
    There are many such wild ones among all nations! There are such disgusting villains of creatures among the Tatars with hypertrophied feelings !!!!!
    Tatar speech caresses a rumor !!!!
    Berlek Barda Tereklek bar!
    Bashkortna Kirtier Bulmas,
    Bashkortic Arbasy Bulmas,
    Bashkort flagә dus Bulmas!
    Gayaz Iskhaki !!!
    I remember!!!! Berlik !!!!

  51. Pig and its place in Islam and science !!!

    Let's talk about the pig and its place in science and religions. We listen to what Allah says in the Qur'an: “Oh you who believed! Eat the benefits with which we endowed you, and thank Allah, if you worship him! After all, he forbade you only to death, and blood and pig meat; And that which is not stabbed for Allah ...
    In one of his hadiths that Jabir Ibn Abdille passed, the Prophet said: “Allah and his messenger banned alcohol, dead, pork and idol trading, that is, monuments! Then people asked him: O Messenger of Allah! Is it possible to use fat or fat fat for lubricating ships so that they do not rust, or as cosmetics, or as a candle? .. The Prophet answered: no! It is forbidden! And he added, may there be peace over him: "Allah declared war on the Jews when he forbade them fat, pigs, and they processed it, sold it, and ate it at the expense of this money."
    Now let's listen to what the sacred books of Christians and Jews say about the pig, despite their distortions!
    In the third book of Moiseev “Levit” in chapter 11 in the verses of the 7th and 8th it says: “And the pig, because her hooves are bifurcated and the incision is deep on the hooves, but she does not chew chewing gum: she is unclean for you; Do not eat their meat and do not touch the corpses; They are unclean for you;
    And also in the book of the New Testament from Mark in Chapter 5 in verses 11, 12 and 13, we read: “And there was a large herd of pigs in the grief, and all the demons asked him, saying:“ We went into pigs to enter us in them! Jesus immediately allowed them! And unclean perfumes, having come out, entered pigs. ”
    Also in the religion of Hindus and in Buddhism shamefully and indecent to eat pig meat!

    The most prominent Chinese scientist San Xi Mau wrote in his famous book about medicine that pork enhances impotence, asthma and rheumatism!
    In the American newspaper “Washington Post” dated May 31, 1952, the article “Danger to a person who eats pig meat” says: that every sixth person who uses pig meat becomes a disease of Trichinoe.
    Trikhina is a parasitic round worm, the larvae of which settled in the muscles, and this disease occurs in a person who uses fat or pig meat! 8 Against this disease there is no biological or chemical medicine and vaccinations, these worms can live in the human body for more than forty years, And only the only way out of this position is to quit eating pig meat!
    And here is what the Christian monk “Inhizh Ben” wrote about the pig in his book “Every Road has a beginning”. He writes the following: that a lot of people come to him who like to eat pork, and they all ask: “Will we get into hell if we eat pig meat?”
    The monk answered them: “The thing is not that you will go to - to heaven or hell, and things are in your health! And of course you are free in your choice - you can eat, you can not eat, but only you yourself will be responsible for your choice when you get sick!
    In Islam there is such wisdom: Allah prohibits healthy people, and doctors prohibit sick people. And very interesting the monk speaks of the situation at the meat processing plant! If there one of the pigs gets sistosomatosis, then you need to destroy all the pigs that remains and bury in the ground! There is no other way to eliminate this disease. At the same time, the meat processing plant suffers big losses!
    Shimomatoma (Bilgarshysis) is a disease caused by three types of worms in a person:
    Trematod is a class of parasitic flat worms that parasitize in the blood vessels where females lay eggs!
    The second type of worms - this genitourinary chistosomatosis - is proceeding with a predominant damage to the genitourinary system!
    And the third species is intestinal and Japanese - with damage to the digestive tract!
    Then this monk talks about the Arabs and the Turks. During the war, this monk was in the hospital, and saw the wounded Germans, the Turks and Arab!. And he says that the Arabs and the Turks healed the wounds faster than the Germans, because they do not eat pork, and the Germans love pork very much! Many people know that the pig is characteristic - dirt! And the fact that she attacks on mice, rats, even if the pig finds a dead pig, she will not disdain her - she will eat her! There are times when pigs ate young children !!!
    This meat causes allergies, asthma and rheumatism in humans. In the journal (UAE) N 1771, April 5, 1985, the London scientist noted that those people who eat pigs eat meat mainly suffer from the same disease - cirrhosis of the liver, but scientists could not determine what way a person gets sick!
    Looking at the British newspaper: “Niset”, it became clear that when studying many European countries, mainly the use of pork and alcohol - France - takes the first place where 30 people dies every year from cirrhosis of the liver !!!
    Now let's talk about the qualities of the fat fat! There are thick layers of fat in the pig meat between the muscles, which makes it very difficult to digest food, while the meat of the ram and the cow has a thin layer of fat, which facilitates digestion !!!
    Also, fat fat is not digested in humans! He remains in the human body as pork fat, finding himself a place there. Especially this fat lies on the inner walls of blood vessels! As for the fat of a ram and a cow, it is easily digested and transformed into human fat, then participates in the life of the body !!!
    Imam Odlya explained that food, passing through the human body, affects its character, behavior!
    By its nature, the pig loves to enjoy very much, and so that this quality of her character does not pass to a person, Allah forbade him to people !!!
    Ibn Haldun said that Arabs, having been camel meat, have gained hardness and firmness for centuries! The Turks, eating mainly by Konina, have gained rudeness of character since time, because the horse is rude in nature, and Europeans, eating pork, gained podmony in their characters, that is, mercenary mediation between a man and a woman to promote their sexual intercourse !!! !
    Of the 450 diseases of the pig 57 diseases, the rest are not infectious, such as cirrhosis of the liver, indigestion of the stomach, blockage of veins, hair falling down, impotence, complication of rheumatism, complication of asthma and also expansion of fatty bubbles in the human body, allergies to Food and influence on the modesty and pride of man !!!!
    Directly only from a pig passes a person of 27 diseases-either immediately or through some animal! Diseases such as: bulbal paralysis, Veille, Zolotukha, brucellosis, erysipelas, gyight inflammation of the pig and so on!
    Diseases of the transition from a pig to a person are divided due to a causal factor to:
    - Parasical viral, bacteriological, fungal, and allergic diseases.
    Parzical diseases in pig 66, of which 30 diseases go to a person, and these diseases are divided by type of parasites:
    - unicellular parasitic diseases, diseases with flat worms, diseases with tape worms or ascarides, with round worms, external diseases, that is, a skin parasite!
    Now we will talk about the viral diseases of the pig! There are 34 of them. And 8 of them pass to a person !!!
    Pig bacteriological diseases 15. And they all go to a person!
    And with fungal diseases they pass from a pig to a person !!!
    And the latter is allergic diseases and their number - 10. And they arise as a result of taking pork meat as food !!!
    And now we list the names of these diseases: dysentery, ascaride, aplastic anemia, paralysis of the bulbar, dysentery in the vast disease of the pig, flea, gold, erysipelas of pigs, intestinal worms, clonorchosis, enfluenets in pig, Japanese meningitis, meningitis related to the head of the head brain, sharp -headed worms in a pig, scabies, tuberculosis, trichinellosis, tennosis, and from this type of pork chain, salmonellosis, ankylostomidosis !!!!
    Now we list the names, professional diseases that a person gets ill, working with pigs and serving them! We have already named and add the following many of them: sleepy, brucellosis, tape genol, anthrax !!!!
    Now we list the diseases that a person gets through drinking or food: a pig’s indigenous disease, interspersing fever, amobic dysentery, tuberculosis called Patti! This is a type of disease that cannot be examined and treated !!!
    Many people ask the question: why do countries with the high development of medicine and technology do not know what danger and harm the pig carries? Answering this question, we will say that they know this very well, and most of the information in our article is taken from their own books and from the results of their studies !!!!
    In the West, the principle is as follows: they will better reduce the harm from the problem than destroy the cause of this problem !!!
    And using pork, they know that it is nasty, harmful, dangerous and nasty that it is enough to look at pig farming, and at the economic risk to which pig farmers are subjected to pig farming, because it is considered 3 varietal meat, and only poor and illiterate suffers from her evil. human! And the day will come when on every corpse of a pig, and on every package with pig meat, and a seal with the inscription will be put from the pork:
    “The Ministry of Health warns! This is dangerous for your health, do not eat it! " As they write on packs of cigarettes now !!!!
    We presented you with reasonable evidence on the disgusting of the pig and revealed to you some wisdom of the prohibition of meat and fat fat from the point of view of medicine, I will tell you the following: - My duty to Allah, who knows and wise, and my duty to humanity pushed me to declare, those who like to eat to eat Pig meat in the West and East will say: “Open your eyes to the truth and let us judge us. Allah in the Qur'an says: "Truly, she is evil ..."
    We prepared this article sincerely for the sake of Allah and then for the sake of your good to free you from your insatiable desires that curb you !!!!
    And in conclusion, I will tell you that heart calm and spiritual joy lies in faith in Allah !!!! And Allah in the Qur'an says to his messenger: "And we sent you only as mercy for the worlds."
    Ahmad Javad!
    Doctor, veterinarian (UAE)!
    From the editor: Shaimiev and his Myryksist company:
    If the pig is already loved by themselves, then you yourself eat its meat, gentlemen !!!!!

    So answered the famous Islamic veterinarian and scientists of the world to breed with Shaimiev pigsty in Tatarstan! It is necessary to add pork and vodka to the production of Tatarstan to first place in Russia !!!!! Horse breeding did not specifically develop, slowed down Shaimiev !!!!!

  52. Bulgarians are not Tatars !!!!

    Bulgars of Turkic origin! Before the Gentiles! The area of \u200b\u200bresidence was in Volzhsk - the Kama region! We lived in small villages! And led a semi -nomadic lifestyle! Caught, fish were engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding! They fought with the Khazars, Slavs, Varangians !!! Bulgarian language was preserved with Chuvash !!!! Some part that did not accept Islam became the Chuvashi !!!! They are one people! And they remained native speakers of the Bulgarian language of Chuvashi so far !!!! Chuvash descendants of the Volga Bulgar !!!!!
    In 922, Islam was accepted from the Baghdad caliphate !!!!
    They were forced to accept Islam! Which penetrated several centuries ago on the Volga and Russia !!!! True, not all! To prevent staggering and scatter, and outflow to other religions! In Judaism and Christianity !!!! The Islamic spirit was the completely stable "mercantile" amorphous !!!! The religious feelings of the Bulgar were low !!! In Bilyara and Bulgar, the Orthodox ceres stood near the mosque and even pagan rites practiced! There were also Armenian Catholic Church and Jewish synagogues !!!! Until now, in the settlement of Bulgar at the construction there was a six -pointed star of David! And many Tatars Muslims were puzzled !!! Some mullahs and Bulgarists bashfully hid their eyes, tightened, did not answer the tail, to not comfortable questions, and they fired !!! Now the star of David, carefully bashfully smeared in our time by the Bulgarists! Thus humiliating the Jews! The settlement of Bulgar was a small surrounded by a wooden hedge! They did not care, the security was careless! And the Russian cities all had solid fortress walls !!!
    In the vast expanses of Eurasia, the ancient state "Tartaria"-"Tataria" extended !!!! Which fell into decay as a result between the strobes and broke up !!!! Manchus also had Tatar roots, but not Chinese !!!! They are currently already assimilated !!!! Uyghurs also consider themselves to be a Tatar ancient tribe! In the north of China and to the Pacific Ocean and Asia, numerous scattered Tatar tribes wandered! They were at enmity with each other! Then there was no Mongolia !!!! A small heap from the China Horde rallied Genghis Khan and called the Mongol nickname! The warring tribes of the Turkic united Genghis Khan from the White Horde !!!! He was an outstanding Tatar !!!! There was a blond reddish and blue -eyed !!! Similar more to the Caucasoid !!! He was not like a face to the Mongol from the Black Horde !!!! So Christian missionaries wrote! Arabic and Persian merchants !!!! The army was the vast majority of Tatars! Which began to subsequently dominate after the death of Genghis Khan !!!! The language was the official "Tatar" not "Mongolian" !!!! Since the Mongol was negligible! And they were still ethnically far from Turks! Having won China, they began to take the imperial daughters, concubines as a trophy! The grandson of Genghis Khan Tatar Red Khubilai intercepted power in the Middle Kingdom of the Mongols and wipe them into the step! Finally put the Mongol raids on China is cruel! Having inflicted multiple crushing defeats to them!
    Hubilai founded the Yuan dynasty! Made the capital of Beijing for China !!! One of the first to introduce paper money in the empire! Read Chinese sources and lion Gumilyov historian !!! Khubilai and the Tatars and his descendants owned China 200 years! Until they were assimilated, dissolved! Because they took the locals as winners! Even the speed -eyed children of the Tatars !!!! The traveler Marco Polo was captured by Tatar Khubilay 17 years old !!! And after death, Khubilai slipped into Italy rich! He left immortal laudatory memories in Italy about the Tatars !!!! Brought pasta-spaghetti from the Tatars !!!
    In Japan, samurai has a sword! A pierced by ancient Tatar technologies !!! The sword has the second name in Japan "Tatara" !!! The original relic is in the museum !!! Grateful Japanese "immortalized the Tatar ethnic group on forever" Kazan and Russia !!! This information was provided by Rafail Khakimov Professor Scientist, who visited Japan and held the Tatar sword in his hands !!!
    Time, Tengra began to be expelled gradually by “Islam” !!!! After the conquest of Central Asia! Many Tatars' warriors accepted Islam !!!! And they began to bury their soldiers who died, and not burn, as under tengre !!!! Also, relatives and brothers took the widow of the deceased warrior with children and cared for their relatives! This custom was only with the Tatars! And only the Tatars had a symbol of "beauty-woman and horse" !!!! The crescent was also considered the creation of nature and Allah! Tatar beautiful bright Islamic symbol !!! Every Tatar warrior in the war was in boots! "Passianar" on the campaign knew! His family will not be abandoned! Therefore, the Tatars were always the first to dare, went into battle and fiercely attacked! They fought not in number, but by skill! Then the troops of Batu Khan to the west in the 13th century moved! Pre -replacing it! Having driven the remnants of the Mongol in the steppe! Since many of them have never washed! They were sick with "leprosy" and "syphilis" and began to poke Buddha! And he became Bata an independent ruler of the Golden Horde! The army became finally Tatar-language, not Mongol-language! The Mongol language was not Turkic! On the way that was the Volga Bulgaria! Small detachments intelligence invaded Bulgaria and were defeated! After that, a cruel full -scale war began! The prisoners were not taken! They killed, neither sparing, nor anyone! And took revenge for the dead Tatars! The city of the capital of Bialar was completely destroyed with the inhabitants and became a desert !!!! Bulgaria was depopulated and disappeared like a state on the Volga on always !!!! In those days, according to the laws of war, not submissive cities were completely destroyed! The population of Bulgaria was destroyed and scattered! The remains were replenished, the Chuvash ethnos voluntarily baptized !!!! The rest of the surviving Bulgars in a panic fled to Bulgaria to the Christians brothers !!!! The aristocracy with servants and servants fled to Kyiv and hastily with “frenzy” voluntarily baptized, breaking their foreheads into the blood on the porch! The same voluntarily baptized the fleeing mullahs in Bulgaria! And they prayed for the monument "Asparukha"! Because they had low Islamic religiosity !!! And in the future were assimilated, Christianized!
    In the Orthodox diocese there is an icon of St. Bulgar !!! The priest Bulgar traveled with the Cossacks and archers in the Kazan province and baptized the Tatars! And he took away from the family children in monasteries! Especially looking for boys with bass votes for service in churches! That's why! Many priests and priests have Tatar facial features! In the skirmish, he was killed and read in the clique of the holy martyrs of the Orthodox diocese! The zeal was evaluated! Do not be lazy to check the "shaitans" Bulgarists ??? Now the shaitans of the Bulgarists do not be traitors, be proud !!!!
    Moreover, Vsevolod Chaplin presented the Order, the Russian Orthodox Church of the MP of Glory and the honor of the 2nd degree of the Imam of the Bulgar mosque in Kazan Ildus Khazrat Faizov !!!! Therefore, the Bulgar mosque in Kazan !!!! Need to hang the icon of St. Bulgar ???? Especially the brand of the company Bulgar! From Cheboksary, produced for a long time in Tatarstan !!! The Bulgar mosque promotes, promotes, promotes the sale of beer to Tatarstan !!! Now it is necessary to conduct services in Bulgarchuvash language! Not Tatar, drinking Bulgar with beer !!!! Is it necessary to organize the Bulgarchuvash compound in Bulgar and transfer the church to them? And it will be fair! And all the Bulgar ensembles in Tatarstan should perform in Chuvash with music? It is necessary to add music Chuvashskaya does not look like Tatar! And most importantly, they do not have Tatars of Monet and Pentatoniki !!!! And if you do not understand, then ask the Tatars of musicians? And which from Northern China Tatar White Horde brought with her to Tatarstan and Russia! Including koumiss, tea, gunpowder and boots! Tatars drank mare milk!
    Now you are shaitans with "frenzy" !!!!
    Propagate Bulgarism Anti Russian !!!! You are engaged in subversive activities in Russia and Tatarstan! Like Shaitan Bogdanov Shautak from Ulyanovsk !!!! Revival of the "Bulgarian corpse" !!!! The saying French says !!!! "They do not cry through his hair, who lost his head" !!!! Dear the "Berlik" of the Tatar people as Shaitan Bogdanov !!!!
    Having conquered Bulgaria on the Tatar, non -whimsical horses, moved to the west! Bata Khan on the way with the Tatars captured the settlement of Bulgar! Interrupted all the inhabitants !!!! From the Bulgar and from their clothes filled with fish oil smelled bad !!!! Since the fish was teeming in the Volga and Kama, not what in our time !!! Because it was elementary to be sloppy !!!! Hands after eating sturgeons and caviar did not wash! Wiped about their clothes !!! Were untidy !!! The same thing was done by a slap leg of lame Timur later !!!! And Bata Khan made Mr. Bulgar the first capital of the "Golden Horde"! Having rebuilt the city in Tatarstan and Russia !!! Which later, after the collapse of the Golden Horde! The peasants were disassembled to temples vandals! Turned into ruins!
    Went west !!! The bahta khan marveled ??? When I saw! The brave warriors of the Rusichi were shod in bast shoes! The Tatars captured Kyiv, and the settled Bulgars again fled to Bulgaria! Along the way, the Tatars founded G. Kharkov in Ukraine!
    Then Bulgaria was won by the Turks! 500 years in Turkey! Russia dreaming of winning Constantinople Strait Bosphorus! Leded along the way a lying Bulgaria! Puting more than 100 thousand soldiers and many wounded !!! The sales vile Bulgaria paid off the black ingratitude of Russia! Supported sanctions against Russia !!!!!

    And Turkey Islamic from extermination, massacre, saved !!!! The color of the Russian nation !!!! She accepted the refugees and the White Army of Wrangel from the Crimea! And the first recognized the young Soviet power! Nowadays, Turkey did not support sanctions against Russia !!!! They carried it secretly on the evil of Europe to leave NATO, and get closer to Russia !!!!! Since for more than 50 years they dragged, throw it! Not accepted to the European Union! And Turkey has become a strategic partner of Russia !!!! While the Armenian Syndrome has not pushed Russia to confrontation !!!! Armenians Catholics are devilishly cunning, smart, arrogant !!!! They turned out to be more smarter than Orthodox Russians and Jews !!!! The rapprochement of Russia and Turkey is not suitable for C, w, and, Armenians, Kurds, Bulgarians! The joint “Secret Project of America and Armenians” successfully works on separation! How do Russian stupid do not understand that the Armenians of the secret allies of America? Armenians and the Dashnaktsutyun party are drawn into the third world war of thermonuclear Russia! The Armenian Party "Dashnaktsutyun" in 1918 invited British invaders to the oil crafts of the Caspian !!!! Who remembers? The World Armenians with the Party Dashnaktsutyun collaborates and collaborated with foreign intelligence and fascists! Armenian legion, who fought against the USSR! Presumably with the help of the Nazis, he dissolved in France! Avoid the Gulag! Armenians in Russia are sharply activated! They want to bring down Russia !!! For the sake of Great Armenia from Caspian to the Black Sea! At the expense of Russia! And without Russia! The Armenian "Lobis" with the party of Dashnaktsutyun in Russia even penetrated into power structures and business! And these "aliens" consider themselves the masters of Russia! While the Russians clap their ears! Is someone stubbornly promoting Armenians in Russia? While the FSB and Russians are sleeping! And why are there no Chechens, Ossetians, Azerbaijanis from the Caucasus? They were introduced even in Ukraine! A. Avakov and ethnic Armenians! A. Avakov Armenians is involved in the murder of Russians in the Donbass! The atomic bomb suggested applying Y. Tymoshenko! Saakashvili has Saak, Armenian root like that? Slogged his ancestors under Georgian! The chauvinistic carbon fumes stirred up the Armenians in Russia! Armenians on a talk show with frenzy regularly advocate the war of Russia with Turkey! Such as Kurginyan, S. Bagdasarov, A. Migranyan, Araik Stepanyan, Sarkis Tsaturyan! Sweeted by Turkey and Russia! The Armenians skillfully come to, Russian, play along with simpletons! And highly paid Armenians for talk shows are disguised! They say the right words for the Russian audience! Armenians chatting on a talk show on behalf of Russia! In fact, they set up Europe, America and the whole world against Russians? "Union of Armenians of Russia Extremist" presumably! Stubbornly bends his line! They all care for the Great Armenia! For some Orthodox smart Russians, it remained not noticed! As said, V. Volfovich! Armenians were the first to leave Great Russia ??? Who does not know? And the anti -Semites squeezed out primarily Jews and Russians from Armenia! And they built a moneted state of Armenia like a third Reich !!!! And they created a monetary Catholic space! In the vastness of the former USSR! There are no Russian Jews! No problems they say! Therefore, there are no Jews in Armenia in Japan and China!
    Russian beauties are considered trouble -free! BL-and! Russians are not men! Suckers! If they find out, the Armenian was in a relationship with Russians! Not a single Armenians never marry her! They have this! And she will not be allowed even to Armenia! In Armenia, animal nationalism has long been observed! Armenians are the first Soviet separatists! Choose the target of the USSR! Homegrown Catholics are not Islamists! Committed terrorist attacks in the USSR! Were the pioneers of teachers! In 1977, the Armenians performed three terrorist attacks in the metro and shops of Moscow! There were many killed and wounded Russians! We conducted terrorist attacks in the USSR in the subway, buses, trains, aircraft! They planned to blow up Moscow further! Prevented terrorist attacks in Moscow KGB!
    Under the guise of an employee, Mosgaz penetrated the apartments of a terrorist !!! The cruel beast of the Armenians V. Ionisyan chopped Russian and even children, for the sake of profit! He did not leave anyone alive! Who remembers! All Moscow panicked, trembling with fear !!!!
    The dominance of natives of Russian Jews from the USSR was not encouraged in Armenia. In Armenia, no Russian journalist will give a “peel”! They will simply disappear under mysterious circumstances! These are not Baltic states! Is it possible to introduce Russian Ushakov by the mayor of Yerevan? And the policy of the human rights activist, Khokhlushka T. Zhdanok and Gaponenko in Armenia? They act as provocateurs as “Pop Gapon in January”! Yes, they would have broken the "pass" immediately in Yerevan! Cyrillic in Armenia will not be allowed when !!! The Armenian Natsovs will not allow to head in Yerevan a film studio even the famous Menshov, Mikhalkov! How do theaters Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Petrosyan have theaters in Moscow? They just do not stick out on a talk show! They have a conscience! Like the famous Mosfilm, the brand of Russia! Has succeeded in privatized Armenians Karen with the help of a father’s comagnes during B. Yeltsin? Why not Russian, but got to steer the Armenians? How did he succeed? While the Russians were sleeping! Now he sticks out regularly brazenly on a talk show! They even awarded him as a promising agent of influence in America!
    They will not allow Russian to even have a kiosk shop in Yerevan! The Armenian Natsov will not allow Armenia by the Jews of Russians! They retain the purity of the ethnic group at the state level! Is it possible to imagine in Yerevan to the current show of Solovyov, Khinstein, Satonovsky or Kedmi? They are considered by the Armenians Zionists! Citizens of Israel and America! And the fifth column! Who are hypocritical, pretending to scold America for talk shows! Well, understanding, without the support of America, Israel Kaput! Therefore, Jews in Armenia are considered as Zhyds! Armenia is far from a friendly state is not allies - a breakdown, fellow travelers! They secretly despise Russia !!! Orthodoxy is considered a sect! So Shakhnazarov Armenians for talk show offered the death penalty to restore in Russia! And let them restore first in Armenia?

    In Moscow, Armenians V. Karapetyan, taxi driver Klafelinchik! Killed for the sake of profit! Perhaps several hundred Russians with their father! Skillfully noticeing traces of the crime with a father!
    And what does Major Mara Baghdasaryan do in Moscow on the roads? If the Russian was durling, Majotil in Yerevan on the roads! And if he dared to be rude, he would have received a horny system at once! Armenians would soak him! Therefore, a rare Russian in Armenia walks cowardly on half -bent!

    Therefore, Andranik Migranan Political praised and admired
    Adolf Hitler for the whole world! For Hitler’s praise, he would be put in the tsugunder even in Germany! And we are impudent ??? And no one torn it even in Russia ???
    In the USSR, on distribution from institutes, they sent to the Union republics! Raise Russian culture! Including in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Central Asia! Everywhere young specialists were accepted well, except Armenia! They were not allowed to work and oppressed, including in everyday life! Armenians harassed to beautiful Russian girls treacherously, brazenly! They were defenseless in Armenia!

    So Ruben Grigoryan Armenian trays are one -eyed! I doused the Russian Miss Sochi-98 with acid for the refusal of sex! She is now blind, disabled, poor, without medicine! And Russia abandoned it!
    I wonder what W. Putin would do with the Armenians ???? If his daughters attempted, Armenians harassed ????
    And they ran away with shame of despair, throwing everything into Azerbaijan or home! Now in Azerbaijan and Turkey, Russians, Armenians and Jews live full!
    To strengthen the power of economic and military! V. Putin and Russia must urgently get closer to Azerbaijan! It will be pragmatic! A long pro -Armenian policy for Russia is destructive primarily for the Russian Orthodox people! Not profitable economically and politically! There they have "stones and Armenians"! Nothing more !!!! Therefore, the Turkic peoples are wary of Russia due to Armenians! Nevertheless, R. Erdogan about the “couples” was warned by the noble V. Putin! It is necessary to appoint V. Volfovich as a general ambassador to Turkey!
    And Bulgaria is Orthodox for all refugees! Russians, officers, nobles, Cossacks, Tatars, Jews! "Damed" from her land after the revolution !!!! Still bashfully silence the Communists! As V. Zhirinovsky says! As a result, four times was the opponent of Russia !!! I attacked Serbia! Was the Germans ally in the First World War against Russia? In World War II was already an ally of the Nazis !!!! Captured Russians, Tatars, Jews, Turks, in addition to Chuvash, were shot by Bulgarians! The monuments of the dead Russians are still desecrate! They placed voluntarily American military on their territory !!! And now the sanctions were supported by the Bulgarians against Russia! Equipped with weapons in Syria ISIS terrorists! They put the Russian pig again !!!! Bulgarians were the worst enemies of Russia and Turkey !!!! Although under the Soviet regime they were caressed !!!! They had privileges like Cuba! With the sad sinister name, the associated Bulgar - Titanic Tatar !!!! There was a tragedy in Tatarstan !!!! The ship Bulgar! Drowned 122 innocent passengers with children of Russian Tatars and others !!!! Altai simultaneously on the Volga collided with the dredger of the Bulgar, there were injured !!!! This is the sign of the god Allah, who showed once again that we are not Bulgars !!!! This is the answer of "God Allah" to the Bulgarists - to the enemies !!!! The soothsayer "Vanga" was "Macedonka" but not a Bulgarian !!!! Poor Orthodox Bulgarians and special services, robbed to death and finished off !!!! Who, of course, wants to hear! Wang in exchange for supporting the leadership of the young new Russia! Demanded to recognize the long -suffering homeland of Macedonia from Bulgaria and Greece regardless !!!! A request without a red tape was immediately executed by the Russian leadership !!!! At Eurovision, Russia was represented by Dina Garipova! And against Dina and Russia, the counter -agitation was opened by Bulgarian F. Kirkorov !!!! This traitor, the libertine, is not a “traditional” parasitic in Russia for a long time! And, even now, promotes, in Russia without masking the fagots !!!! Vitaly Milonov deputy is right! For the propaganda of Philip’s debauchery, you need to drive into Bulgaria ??? He also insulted a tactlessly Armenian journalist! If Philip insulted the Chechen girl, then in Bulgaria he would have got him ????
    Now it is impossible to watch TNV in Tatarstan! Everyone turns off the channel with disgust! Totally mocking, show the clip "Bulgar Radio" !!!! How can you hate your people? And wearing a “Bulgarian muzzle” traitors on him! Walking Bulgar with beer !!!! What could be the "Bulgar of the Radio" in Tatarstan, probably fooled ??? There must be Tatar radio and point !!!!! Come to your senses Tatars "Mankurt" !!! We need to take an example from the Russians they are smart passiana than the Tatars !!!! Polyanskoye, Drevlyanskoye, Greek, Zyryanskoye, Slavic, Katsap, Ukrainian radio! The Russian patriot will never call! And Russian radio, point !!!! Even the Ishtyakabashkirs did not call their radio Ishtyak !!!! Ishtyaki were Siberian uggs, the related people to Ostyaki - Khanty! Take a look at the Book Encyclopedia in the library, do not be lazy !!!! They are aliens from Siberia! The Bashkirs Ishtyakov called the Tatars, and the Russians! As they were, lousy, they were sick with trachoma, scabies, smelled bad, and did not wash in the bath! Also, among the Bashishtyk, household prostitution was widespread !!!!! Therefore, the Russian competent administration knew the Tatar language perfectly! And she changed the ethnonym “Ishtyak” to the nickname “Bashkir” and was documented in the Ufa province !!!

    And the deputies should not know passiana !!!

    Tatarlyktan Tatar һich Gar Itәrma,
    Keshe Ismens INCYAR ITURME.
    Tatarlykt Tatars Tatarmyn angles,
    Tatar tүgel Dimә - Bashyn Vatarmyn !!!!
    Dartman-Ramyev !!!!

    Tatar music is caressing!
    My advice, listen to the music written by Sh. Sharipov "Jean Zhylysi" !!!
    Watch the movie "Sultan of my heart"!
    Watch the series "The Great Century"!
    Film N. Mikhalkova: Tired by the sun!
    "Berlik"-"I remember" !!!

    The Tatars will have a sense, and the nonsense will remain !!!!

  53. Salavat Yulaev in Russia is Shamil Basayev Banderauga! Like in Ukraine a Banderian !!!
    The head of the republic must be appointed Russian!

    In Estonia, Russian diplomats were beaten and sent! Squeezing Russians from Estonia continues to now! They demolish monuments to front -line soldiers!
    But they demonstrated tolerance by a friendly act to the Bashkirs!
    In Estonia, it was even allowed to erect a monument to the Okover Salavat Yulaev-Bandera in the city of Paldiska! Not G. Zhukov Marshal !!!!
    Now the Salavat brand, as Bandera, was even taken to the international arena!
    Now this "ethnic garbage" Bashkirs!
    From Estonia they even planned to bring the remains of Salavat Yulaev a terrorist to Ufa! And they want to build a mausoleum or a pantheon executioner to a stew! And they always succeeded with the connivance of Moscow !!!!
    Salavat with Bashkurdi wanted to burn and destroy Ufa as Donbass! Unable to capture the Ufa fortress by force! Still, in peacetime, in Ufa, with the help of the Communists!
    In the city of Ufa Salavat, the terrorist Banderaugi erected the largest monument in Europe! The grandiose monument did not try for free!
    Sculpture Caucasian Saslanbek Tavasiev!
    And in St. Petersburg, the monument to Peter looks Karlikov! Compared to the Salavat monument in Ufa !!!!

    Salavat with the Bashkirs in the Ufa province killed only Russians, Tatars and others more than 20 thousand! This is more than in the Donbass! Read the book Our Salavat ????
    The founder, the Ufa fortress is M. Naga! Kazan governor with the Tatars in 1574! At the command of I. Grozny! Who does not know! The city of Ufa and Mountain Urals wear an ancient Ugric name! Not Bashkir!

    The fortress walls demolished Bashkurdi in Ufa! In order not to remind of "Russians and Russia" !!!! And they blew up the Smolensk Orthodox in 1956 for one cathedral! He was a monument to ancient Russia!
    Turned out to be insignificant creatures of the "vandals" of the Bashkirs!
    In Russia, many historical fortresses have survived, except for Ufa! You can check????

    The monument to M. Nagoma was made by the townspeople for the "donation" of Russians and the Tatars!
    The monument was not allowed to erect the fascist brutal young Bashkirs in the city! With the support of the leadership of the republic!
    Now the monument is temporary. Forcedly installed on the outskirts of Ufa in the village! Until better times! When the head will be Russian!
    Now the monument to M. Nagova is regularly defiled, vandalism! Young Bashkirs “laugh” to the “laugh” monument! Like in Ukraine!

    Nevertheless, it is necessary to erect a monument to M. Nagom instead of S. Yulaev?
    Russians do not be traitors with cowards ???? Beat the Bashkirs chauvinists to strangers in Ufa in the horn systems!
    And be grateful to the founder of the city! After all, you live in a city that was not founded by the Bashkirs?
    The Bashkurds never had cities !!!!

    Falsifiers are issued by the insolents by age of 1,500 years or more ??
    Why are Russians and Tatars silent? Over the older Moscow, they are twice to be pressed like this ?????
    And they called it, it turns out that the city of Bashkurd is perspicacious ????
    Falls the fake of the Ural Batyr!
    As about the ancient "ukrov" ????
    Although they were illiterate!

    Under N. Khrushchev, like a wild people is illiterate! Declated to accept! To educational institutions without exams ?? And they paid scholarships not even the time of the "lobotrac" ????
    And in Kazakhstan, Bashkirs are still called "Ishtyak"! Because they never washed and had “closets”!
    Patients by trachoma were not even allowed into America in the 18th century!
    Bashkurdi were contagious!
    They were sick with pediculosis trachoma, scabies! Therefore, they were given the nickname "Bashkurd - Switch"!
    They lived in camps and kept deer! Were reindeer herders!
    They walked in the skins of deer processed "urine and smelled bad"!
    Women were trouble -free! And many women! The pelvis had a mandavoshki-lobby louse!
    And they were widespread by household prostitution as in the northern peoples!
    Therefore, the Russian clean -up did not deal with them an adulter! Tatars sinned some fools!
    For this, Russians and Tatars despised them! As many were lousy! And they ate lice like monkeys!
    This was noted by the Arabic ibn Fadlan traveler in 922 !!!! And he was dumbfounded! Look on the Internet don't be lazy !!!!
    Russian people Monument to Salavat Yulaev established to demolish! Let the Bashkirs take to Ukraine or Estonia!
    Russian -Tatar young guard of Ufa! You were intimidated by the Bashkurds, and you have become "cowardly" hares!
    Restore the founder of Ufa historical justice! Install the monument to Mikhail Nagoma immediately instead of the Salavat terrorist Banderaugi!
    Now young unbridled Bashkurds are impudent! Feelled slack!
    The Russian humiliating is called “diaspora”, “invaders”! Not indigenous people !!!! And the republic is called the "Land of the Bashkir"!

    Even honey was called branded unauthorizedly “Bashkir” under Khrushchev! Although initially honey was called "Ufa" in the province!

    They were never the beekeepers! They had the mind to put a stick in the hollow and steal honey at wild bees! Everything! We must add! The bees are clean, legible!
    Could “confirm the ex -measures of Moscow Yu. Luzhkov beekeeper”!
    Protecting honey from thieves Bashkir smelly! The bees violently attacked smelly Bashkirs! And many are just “solers killed”!
    And the first beekeepers were Russians, Tatars and Germans in the Ufa province! They created passics, made hives!
    So, honey should be called a “Russian” brand! Or at least "Ural"!
    They were alien immigrants of strangers from the Urals and swamps! And they were called "Ishtaki"! They are close to the related people "Ostyaki - Hants!
    The city of Russian Blagoveshchensk in the elections always voted against the Mordata Bashkir Murtazi Rakhimov !!!!
    By order of M. Rakhimov !!!!
    The Bashkirs with the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic Rafail Divaev decided to "teach the Russians!" And near the lying Russian villages !!!!
    They arranged a demonstrative genotsyd, the beating of the "Russians and the Tatars"! Like in Ukraine! There were corpses, many remained disabled and sick! They atrocious like a salavat !!!!
    And they managed to intimidate the Russian Bashkirs !!!! This muzzle, only the beast, achieved his own again! Although he lost to Sergey Veremeenko in the first round in the presidential election !!!!
    Then the barefoot Valoshin with M. Rakhimov came to V. Putin not yet experienced! And after a call from the Kremlin, S. Veremeenka was eliminated!
    And with the silence of the “Duma”, they allowed M. Rakhimov to re -elect to the president !!!!! Like in Ukraine!
    How proud of the Bashkirs were proud of the Wise M. Rakhimov! Who managed to "overeat" even Putin !!!

    But M. Rakhimov Bashkurda of the Night, the corrupt official was still expelled by President D.A. Medvedev !!!! And Yu. Luzhkov Akabanev!
    He missed only the cunning V. Medinsky with the Ukrainian surname! The only mistake!
    The Minister of Culture robbed the cultural heritage of Russia with colleagues! And avoided the court?
    D. Medvedev said "Freedom is better than not freedom" !!!!
    They canceled torture in prisons ”! And he canceled in the army "footcloths" !!!!
    Khokhly provocateurs billionaires Medvdchuk and Boyko for the sake of PR !!!! Arriving in the Kremlin!
    Discredited, crystal pure economist Prime Minister D.A. Medvedev !!! Hand -folding hand!
    Contracts capable of the world !!!!
    D. A. Medvedev do not rotate at the corrupt Ukrainians of Medvedchuk and Boyko? They have already “framed” for the sake of PR!
    With you there was stability in Russia and the world! Even a bus ticket cost 15 rubles!
    Genotsid in Bashkiria! Russians have no statute of limitations! This is all repeated now in Ukraine! It is necessary to resume the investigation and identify the perpetrators ????
    It is necessary to rally Russians, Tatars and other peoples against the Bashkurds !!!!
    In perestroika, the Bashkirs began from the republic "drive"! Russians, Jews are the most competent! Mari, Mordovians, Udmurts, Tatars, Chuvash and others ...
    Russians and Tatars, read the story of Mom's Siberian Baygush? What were the Bashkirs “disgusting and vile” and you will understand everything!
    They are "ethnic garbage" smelly, strangers!
    They regularly make a pilgrimage to the Salavat grave in Estonia!
    Trips have always been financed by M. Rakhimov with the son of the Urals Pedik! Which is still hiding in Austria with looted millions of the republic !!!!
    Is it really impossible to extract the Bashkir pedic of a criminal for an open court in Moscow? After all, A.V. Kuznetsov Russian from France was extracted to Moscow!
    For a long time the republic was commanded by gays of the Bashkurdi Rakhimov! They got into a chico eye!
    And the deputies of Kurultay also promoted on Russian television "Sadomazochism"! Who remembers? To please President M. Rakhimov! This is a shame for Russia!
    Therefore, young Bashkirs of fagots appeared in the republic!
    It was necessary to initially put Vitaly Milonov by the head of the republic! He would have dispersed the Bashkirs of the fascists paugs !!!!
    Now continues to organize the pilgrimage of a trip to Estonia Russophobia Salavat Hamidullin Fascining Nationalist !!!!
    This Bashkurd Russophobe has long been straightened and insolent!
    Who even managed to become a candidate of historical sciences! Although the historian was never? How did he go through testing, frightening, honored historians, a scientific council in Ufa? Who allowed ???? Is it not with the help of M. Rakhimov? And also with the help of the Ural Foundation ??
    Which must be taken from M. Rakhimov ???? He still robbed the republic! With the son of a billionaire! They must be declared both “enemies of the people” !!!!
    Now young Bashkirs, fascizing trips to Estonia, continues to finance the Ural Foundation!
    Estonians treat understanding, favorably, friendly !!!!
    And in Turkey, the Bashkirs also erected a monument to Salavat Yulaev! Everywhere the insolents manage!
    Near Chelyabinsk, a monument to Kartel Salavat was also impudently erected unauthorizedly! Who allowed ????
    It is urgent Russian Chelyabinsk to demolish a monument !!!!
    In Ufa Bashkirs on the site of the demolished church! Even the mosque was demonstratively arbitrarily built! They make a cunning religious war between Russians and Tatars! In the center of Russia as in Ukraine!
    Although at one time Bashkurdi in Ufa! They even called themselves "Kurds"! The delegation of the Kurds from Iraq even came to them!
    In Russia and Ukraine, streets are named after Salavat and monuments are erected!
    Even the medal of the terrorist Salavat Banderaugu was minted in Ufa! Who allowed? Need to ban? And they award young Russophobes Bashkir !!!!

    And in Ukraine, too, the same! We released a medal in honor of Bandera! And they award young Bandera! Take an example from Bashishtyaks!

    In Kyiv, there is an anti -Russian center of Salavat!
    Monuments are totally erected in the republics and streets and avenues are named, and even the city in honor of the Salavat-Bandera !!!!
    There is an impudent total heroization of the fringer of the bandit of Salavat Yulaev! In the center of Russia !!!! Like Bandera in Ukraine!
    In schools, young extremists are brought up, Bandera like in Ukraine! Young Bashkirs with Nazi ideology are brought up in the republic! With the connivance of the Duma !!!!
    The hockey club N. Gastello was renamed in honor of the bandit of Salavat Yulaev !!!!
    At the initiative of the Bashkurdov and
    To please N. Khrushchev !!!!

    Since the son of a pilot Lenya at Khrushchev disappeared and did not become a hero! He was captured and became a traitor !!!! N. Khrushchev did not object, he was satisfied!
    Although initially HC. was named after the pilot of the hero of the USSR N. Gastello !!!!
    Khrushchev slyly finished off the wounded in the leg of General Vatutin in Kyiv !!!!
    And then he began to wet the victory of G. Zhukov, V. Stalin, Miner Stakhanov, football player E. Streltsov !!!! And so on…
    The Bashkirs managed, even desecrated the sacred Cup of Gagarin, the name of Salavat bandit !!!! With the help of Russian hockey players !!!!
    How is Gagarin's daughter silent? Allows you to mock the first astronaut? And allows you to heroize the sakar cup of Gagarin with a Banderauga terrorist Salavat ??? Let him deal with the deputies of the Duma?
    So fame as Salavat! Not even a marshal of victory! Four times Hero of the USSR Georgy Zhukov in Russia ????
    Even the airport in Ufa was not named after the front -line soldier! George Zhukov Marshal Victory !!!! Did you do it in Kharkov? And they called the airport brazenly, the little famous "scribbled"! Mustai Karim !!!!
    Since the Bashkirs, mock, despise, hate, winners of front -line soldiers !!!!!
    Although V. Putin signed a decree on the celebration of victory over the Nazis !!!!!
    In honor of 75 years of Victory! Do you need a monument to Salavat Banderaugi to demolish in Ufa? And it will be fair!
    Bashkirs spat on the decrees of V. Putin !!!!

    Although the Bashkirs in the republic are in the "overwhelming numerical, minority"!
    "Russian title people", most in the republic !!!!
    With the last census! The number of Russians and Tatars and other peoples was underestimated artificially Bashkirs !!!!
    M. Rakhimov gave the heads of districts an order? If they want to stay in a chair !!! When census, increase the number of Bashkirs? Bend, first of all, Russian Tatars and other peoples?
    The scribes were given exclusively by Bashkir students! And financed generously for zeal !!!! From the budget of the republic!
    Here, without falsification, total could not do again! They are a falsifier master! Otherwise, they would not maintain power in the republic! They use the administrative resource always! Subscriptions for falsification!
    Is it interesting to find at least one deputy of the Duma Communist ??? Who would return the library in Ufa the former name of Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya ???
    Renamed by the Bashkirs! In honor of the Basmach accomplices of the Nazis Zaki Validi!
    They also renamed treacherously in honor of Basmach, an accomplice of the Nazis Zaki Validi! The street named after the front -line soldier of the fighter Timur Frunze in Ufa!
    With the silence of the cowardice of the Russian crooks! Who did not stand for the truth!
    Only infantry Vladimir V. Zhirinovskoto can restore Street Timur Street !!!! Where does V. Putin look? United Russia party?

  54. The Ufa fortress was founded by the Tatars with the Kazan governor M. Nagoy, at the command of I. Grozny 1574!
    Although the falsifiers of Bashkurdi speak brazenly! Ufa for more than 1,500 years! And they called it perspicively the city of "Bashkurd" !!! The Ufa is impudently stuck twice as older than Moscow !!!

    There are different peoples in the world!
    And they have ethnic national identity and nicknames!
    Take the Germans! Now they are called "Germans"! The immigrants and merchants of the Germans seduced in Moscow! We lived in the German settlement!
    Russian commoners, not competent serfs began to call them “dumb”!
    In the German settlement, Peter "Balid" with the German!
    Gradually, this "nickname" was fixed for the Germans! Ethnonym Germans finally entrenched in the Germans under Peter!
    Slavs are Ukrainians! They began to be called from ancient times "Ukrainians"! This nickname means the outskirts of Ukraine!
    Also, Ukrainians are even called “crest” because of Chuba!
    In the Caucasus on the banks of the Kuma River! Ethnic Tatars live! They stayed to live after the collapse of the Golden Horde!
    Which the locals began to call Kumyk! The geography affected!

    There are Mishars! Tatars class! Living in the Moscow Region and the city of Kasimov! To which the geographical name "Meshchera" gave the estate the name!
    Ethnic Tatars of Krashen also wear nickname!
    They were called that after the conquest of Kazan and Baptism!
    Also the name of the Tatar Nogais! They bear the name of the Khan "Nogai" from the Tatar Horde!
    There is a Nogai road in the Ufa province!
    And Khansha - the queen in Kazan was Suyum Bika Nogaik!
    Uzbek Khan "Golden Horde"! Now it bears the name of the Khan "Uzbekistan"- the state and the people!
    "Mongol" from Elista! The Tatars called "Kalmyk"! This means "Kalmyk"-"remnant"! Translated by Russian!
    "Chirmysh" gave a nickname too Tatars! So they were sick with "trachoma"! Infant eye disease!
    Their Russians also began to call “Chirimis” without knowing the meaning!
    Now they got rid of the humiliating nickname "Chirimis" for themselves!
    After the creation of the republic! The Mari ethnic groups did the name of the ethnic group! And the republic began to be called Mari El!

    In Siberia, Ishtyaki and Ostyaki lived!
    "Ishtyaki" Ugra "is not Turkic peoples! They are closely related to Ostyak-Khantam! "Ishtyaki" immigrants because of the Urals and swamps!
    Ishtyaki were always nomads of reindeer herders!
    And wore clothes from deer skins! Processed by swords! Therefore, they smelled bad! And they were lousy! “Ishtyaks gave the nickname Bashkud-Svyviy!
    Therefore, Ishtyakov began to be called in the province of Bashkurd!
    This was noted by the Arab missionary Ibn Thadland in 922. Bashkurds ate lice like monkeys! And he was dumbfounded! Look on the Internet, don't be lazy?
    And many of them were the debris! Found in a "chico eye"! For this, Russians and the Tatars and the locals picked them up!
    They have lost their language of "Ishtyaki"! Living near the Tatars! They have a dialect of a fracture Tatar language!
    Bashkurdi learned from the Tatars and Russians, hygiene, agriculture!
    The Tatar language is ancient! It has been preserved and has not changed almost since the 9th century!
    Ishtyaki lived in huts and dugouts!
    They were emptied by large and small near the huts!
    The accumulation of excrement was carried out by huts and dug dugouts in a clean place!
    The yurts were at the Nogai Tatars!
    They never washed! They did not know what a bathhouse is and a closet!
    In Kazakhstan, they are still called Ishtyak!
    In Bashishtyki, household prostitution was widespread! How from the northern peoples where they came from! Bashishtyki were insuredlessness!
    And many “shoes” were infected with “pubic lice” “Mandavoshki”!
    Therefore, smart Russians did not engage in an adulter with Ishtakabashkiks! Only the fools of the Tatars sinned!
    They did not plow! Were wild and not literate!
    The republic was ruled by the Bashkurdi Rakhimov!
    They robbed the republic! And the son of Rakhimov is now hiding in Austria!
    With looted millions of Bashneft!
    And his Austrians are not issued to Russia for the trial so far?
    The son of Rakhimov, Ural Bashkurd, continues to hollow in chocolate eyes and in Austria! Because he is “inveterate” “blue”!
    Now in the republic a lot of young Bashkirs of blue have appeared!
    Under Rakhimov, the Bashkurds called themselves even “Kurds”! Even the “Kurds” from Iraq came to them! But they did not buy Fuflo!

    Now, there are a lot of Tatars in the Bashkurds "forced to hide"! Since there was a terrible Tatauphobia in Russia!
    Which are still worn by a shameful nickname Bashkurd- lousy!
    The Tatars brought with them “Islam and culture” to the Ufa province!

    And the Germans were kings in Russia!
    They took revenge on the Tatars for the Grundwald battle of 1410 for centuries! Where the Tatar cavalry inflicted a decisive defeat to the knights!

    Bashkirs are distinguished by the appearance from the Tatars and anthropological, they are insured! They are envious, insidious, vengeful!
    They are committed by another raca-Ugra! Not Turkic peoples!
    In Russia there was a frenzied Tatauphobia and Tatars genocide!
    "Bashkirks" are distinguished by the appearance from the Tatars!
    Ishtyaka-Bashcurda insurance people and weakly on the front and reliable! They do not wash the "pelvis"!
    And even Russian clean cultural cultural did not deal with adultery with Ishtyak-Bashkurdki!
    As, as Russians, the Russian clean were afraid to become infected with the pubic linen-mandavoshki!
    Ask Russians and Tatars?
    We must add!
    Bashkurdov from the Tatars is determined in the Ufa province elementary?
    They differ physiologically and anthropological!
    Each Tatar rode horseback?
    According to this, the "vagina" was shifted to the forward physiologically on the horse running! Such nature!
    Ishtyaks went on a sleigh! Lived in yaranges! Closets did not have!
    But the Tatars rode on horseback on horses! We lived in yurts!
    The Tatars invented the "stirrup" for the horsemen !!! Therefore, the Tatars were all cavalry! And they were all "clubfoot" physiologically!

    I wonder how the Don Cossacks! Calculated mummers of the Cossacks of Katsapov?
    They were forced to take off their boots! And then it turned out! They were not the "cavalry" did not clubfoot! They were driven on kicks! This is how Ishtyak-Bashkurdov should be calculated ????

    M. Rakhimov, as he became the president of the republic!
    The republic declared the earth Bashkir!
    I did not legally change all the toponymy of historical! For Russian taxes! All settlements of the village!
    This violated the laws of UNESCO and Russia!
    During perestroika, they began to drive out! Russians, Jews, Mari, Chuvash, Udmurts, Mordovians, Tatar and others!
    And even the Bashkurdi scum in Russian and Tatar villages! They began to throw nails in the hay cows! Cows with hay swallowed nails and slowly lumped and suffered! Ask why veterinarians?
    Even honey, they called a brand Bashkir under Khrushchev arbitrarily! Although initially honey in the province was called Ufa!
    They were not in beekeepers! They had the mind to put a stick in the hollow and steal honey at the wild bees! Everything!
    The bees are clean! They fiercely attacked smelly Bashkirs! And many are just sorry, killed!
    Also hk. Rename to Salavat Yulaev! To please N. Khrushchev! He was satisfied!
    Although HC. He was previously called the pilot N. Gastello Hero!
    Since the son of Khrushchev the pilot Lenya was captured and did not become a hero! And he disappeared ingloriously!
    Under N. Khrushchev Bashkirov!
    Like a wild absolutely illiterate people!
    The grateful N. Khrushchev gave a spoiled one!
    Accept Bashkirs of Wild to educational institutions without exams? And they paid scholarships even to the lobotes!
    At the same time, Bashkurdi vandals! They blew up the Orthodox Smolensk Cathedral of 1956.

  55. Hello writes you Safin Ayrat, please help you find the April calendar which starts on 23.04 month Ramadan
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  57. Salomalekum Barodarov Koharo Ramazon Muborak !!!

  58. Bashkirs ethnic garbage !!!
    The Ufa fortress was founded by the Tatars with the Kazan governor M. Nagoy, at the command of I. Grozny 1574!
    It is necessary to erect a monument to M. Nagom instead of Salavat!
    Therefore, for the beginning, the mayor of Ufa should be elected Tatar or Russian, but not Bashkurda?
    We must start squandering the Ufa province!
    Although the falsifiers of Bashkurdi speak brazenly! Ufa for more than 1,500 years! And they called it perspicively the city of "Bashkurd" !!!
    The Ufa is impudently stuck twice as older than Moscow !!!
    They never had cities!
    In honor of 75 victories over the Nazis! He will turn to the Supreme Commander -in -Chief V. Putin and deputies of the Duma!
    To demolish the monument to Salavat Bandit Bandera - Shamilya Basayev in the middle of Russia?
    They even minted the medal arbitrarily the villain of Banderaugi in honor of the Salavat! Earlier than in Ukraine!
    Who allowed? We must prohibit!
    And they award young Ishtakabashkurds extremists!
    In Kyiv, they also released a medal in honor of Bandera as in Ufa!
    There is an impudent total heroization of the Salavat as a Bandera in Bashkir gymnasiums!
    Not George Zhukov, Marshal of Victory !!!
    Namedly named after the punisher of the villain of the street, and even the city in the republic!
    Flying flirting with Salavat - Bandera fascist in Russia continues!
    Should the head of the republic urgently Russian?
    Since Russians overwhelming title majority!

    There are different peoples in the world!
    And they have ethnic national identity and nicknames!
    Take the Germans! Now they are called "Germans"! The immigrants and merchants of the Germans seduced in Moscow! We lived in the German settlement!
    The commoners of Russian serfs began to call them "dumb"!
    In the German settlement, Peter "Balid" with the German!
    Gradually, this "nickname" was fixed for the Germans! The ethnonym "Germans" finally entrenched in the Germans under Peter!
    Slavs are Ukrainians! They began to be called from ancient times "Ukrainians"! This nickname means the outskirts of Ukraine!
    Also, the Ukrainians were even called "crest" because of Chuba!
    In the Caucasus on the banks of the Kuma River! Ethnic Tatars live! They stayed to live after the collapse of the Golden Horde!
    Which the locals began to call Kumyk! The geography affected!

    There are Mishars! Tatars class! Living in the Moscow Region and the city of Kasimov! To which the geographical name "Meshchera" gave the estate the name!
    The nickname of the shameful ethnic Tatars also wear a nickname! The estate is painted! They were deducted and they were dug up! And dutifully agreed!
    They were called that after the conquest of Kazan and Baptism!
    Also the name of the Tatar Nogais! From the Golden Horde!
    There is a Nogai road in the Ufa province!
    And Khansha - the queen in Kazan was Suyum Bika Nogaik!
    Uzbek Khan "Golden Horde"!
    Now it bears the name of the Khan "Uzbekistan"-the state and the people!
    "Mongol" from Elista! The Tatars called "Kalmyk"! This means "Kalmyk"-"remnant"! Translated by Russian!
    "Chirmysh" gave a nickname too Tatars! So they were sick with "trachoma"! Infant eye disease!
    Their Russians also began to call “Chirimis” automatically!
    Now they got rid of the humiliating nickname "Chirimis" for themselves!
    After the creation of the republic! Ribranding the names of the ethnos Mari made! And the republic began to be called Mari El!

    In the north of Siberia, Ishtyaki and Ostyaki lived!
    "Ishtyaki" Ugra "is not Turkic peoples! They are closely related to Ostyak-Khantam!
    "Ishtyaki" immigrants because of the Urals and swamps!
    Ishtyaki were always reindeer herders!
    And wore clothes from deer skins! Processed urine! Therefore, they smelled bad! And they were lousy! Therefore, the "Ishtamaks" gave the nickname Bashkud-Svyviy!
    And they began to call the Ishtyakov in the province of the Bashkurd estate!
    This was noted by the Arab missionary Ibn Thadland in 922!
    Bashkurds ate lice like monkeys! Therefore, Bashkurdov considered vile shaitans!
    And look on the Internet, do not be lazy?
    And many of them were the debris! Found in a "chico eye"! For this, Russians and the Tatars and the locals picked them up!
    The "isztyaki" lost their language! Living near the Tatars! They have an “artificial” dialect of a distorted Tatar language!
    They even had Tatar surnames names!
    Bashkurdi learned from the Tatars and Russians, hygiene, agriculture and music! And they began to celebrate Saban Tui Tatar!
    Watch how the curly Bashkurdi blow disgusting in the pipe!
    With animal grin like blowjobs in the phallus! After all, there is also a hole!
    Putting on the skins!
    And the Russians play pigs attractive and beautiful!

    The Tatar language is ancient!
    It has been preserved and has not changed almost since the 9th century!
    Of the 15 world languages! Tatar stands in 14th place in UNESCO! The Russian great is in 6th place!
    The Tatar language is understandable more than 200 ml. Turkic peoples!
    And in Russia, the Tatar language is in second place after Russian!
    No wonder Napoleon said a winged phrase!
    Screw the Russian scraper Tatar?
    E. Malysheva determined the DNA of the deputy boxer N. Valuev! He has Tatar genes 30%! He recognized himself even by Tatar!
    This method must be extended to Ishtyakabashkurdov!
    To determine their origin?
    They are alien to the Tatars!
    Although many Tatars were recorded with a humiliating nickname Bashkurd! They want to create a numerical advantage over the Russians! Even with falsification!
    No wonder V. Putin N. Nazarbayev at a visiting meeting in Kazan! They made a report! In the Tatar language! Since they know the language!
    It is necessary to add about 30% of Tatar words in Russian!
    And many peoples in Russia know the Tatar language! At the household level!
    Cossacks and Ukrainians also have many Tatar words!
    Ishtyakabashkirs lived in huts and dugouts!
    They were emptied by large and small near the huts!
    The accumulation of excrement was carried out by huts and dug dugouts in a clean place!

    They never washed! They did not know what a bathhouse is and a closet!
    In Kazakhstan, they are still called Ishtyak!
    Bashishtyki was supposedly widespread household prostitution! How from the northern peoples where they came from! Bashishtyk had “P-A” on their backs! And they were insuredlessness!
    And many “shoes” were infected with “pubic lice” “Mandavoshki”! They did not wash the pelvis!
    Therefore, smart Russian cleanlies did not even engage in an adulter with Ishtakabashkiks!
    Only the fools of the Tatars sinned!

    And the Russians did not let the lousy Bashkurds even on the invader’s inns!
    Since the inns after the Bashkurds became infected! Typeted in lice!
    This was an unbearable disaster for the Russians and the Tatars in the province!

    Therefore, the Bashkurdovs of the lousy were driven on kicks from the yard!
    For this, the Bashkurds hated Russians and Tatars!

    And the Tatars, this improved the Ishtakabashkurdi quantitatively automatically!

    Moreover, Bashishtyki for sex always preferred not smelly Tatars!
    And they came to Tatarstan! The Bashkirki is weak on the front of the Bashkiri on the panel for earning!
    And they even gave themselves to the carriages to customers! But smart Russians quickly ate them!
    Ishtyakabashkurdi sowed did not plow the smelly!
    Read the story of the writer Mom's Siberian Baygush ???
    What were the disgusting vile Bashkurds! They lived with earthen floors!
    Were wild and not literate!
    They were even a primer was composed by Russian and Tatar enlighteners! Like this?
    The republic was ruled by Bashkurdi in the inveterate "fagots" of the Rakhimov!

    They were a wild people!
    And they hated them for debauchery!
    They robbed the republic!
    And the son of Rakhimov Ural "Pidaras Passive"! With the "ruddy ass"! Now hides in Austria!
    With looted millions of Bashneft!
    And his Austrians are not issued to Russia for the trial so far?
    But Kuznetsov, the French gave out for the trial!
    The son of Rakhimov Urals Bashkurd continues to hollow in the chicodnea eyes and in Austria! Because he is the "inveterate" Bashkurd "Pidaras"!
    Now in the republic there are a lot of young Bashkirs of Blue perverts!
    At one time they called Bashkurdi themselves even the Hungarians, “Kurds” !!!
    Even the delegation of Kurds from Iraq came to them! But they did not buy Fuflo!

    Now, in the Bashkurdi, a lot of “mancurts” of the Tatars has been forced to lurk! Since there was a terrible Tatarophobia in Russia!
    Which still wear a shameful nickname Bashkurd-Silia!
    The Tatars brought with them “Islam and culture” to the Ufa province!

    And the Germans were kings in Russia! After Peter!
    They took revenge on the Tatars for the Grundwald battle of 1410 for centuries!
    Where the Tatar cavalry inflicted a decisive defeat to the knights! After that, the terrible Tatarophobia and Genocide began in Russia in Russia!

    Bashkirs are distinguished by the appearance from the Tatars and anthropological! They look like khanty and insured people!
    They are "envious", insidious, vengeful, informers, corrupt!
    Bashkir soldiers in the restructuring of Gorbachev! In the army, he collaborated for a bank of condensed milk! Put on a soldier in a company!
    The political officer for Russians and others!
    About the moral atmosphere in the company!
    The Russian officer honestly despised Bashkir's scum, but endured!
    Dembil before dismissal in the reserve! They asked the political officer a question! Where does Bashkir get condensed milk? And he was swaying quietly at night!
    He whispered to the Dembilam who was knocking!
    Bashkurda Zakachu was arranged by the "dark" Dembil Russians!

    Ishtyakabashkurdi committed another race! Alien blood!

    "Bashkirks" are distinguished by the appearance from the Tatars!
    Ishtyakabashkurdi insurers and weakly on the front and reliable!
    They do not wash the "pelvis"!
    And even Russian clean cultural cultural did not deal with adultery with Ishtyak-Bashkurdki!
    As, as Russians cleaned, they were afraid to become infected with a pubic lice-mandavoshki!
    Ask Russians and Tatars?
    We must add!
    Bashkurdov from the Tatars is determined in the Ufa province elementary?
    They differ physiologically and anthropological!
    Each Tatar rode horseback?
    According to this, the “vagina” was shifted forward physiologically by running a horse! Such nature!
    Ishtyaki traveled on sledges lived in the yarans of plague! Closets did not have!
    But the Tatars rode on horseback on horses! We lived in yurts!
    The Tatars invented the "stirrup" for the horsemen !!!
    The Tatar horse has 64 chromosomes!
    And the horse of Przhevalsky has 66 chromosomes! Vladimir Putin restores Przhevalsky horses from extinction!

    Therefore, the Tatars were all cavalry! And they all “clubfoot” physiologically!
    M. Rakhimov, as he became the president of the republic!
    The republic declared the earth Bashkir!
    I did not legally change all the toponymy of historical!
    All settlements of the village!
    This violated the laws of UNESCO and Russia!
    During perestroika from the republic, they began to drive out! Russians, Jews, Mari, Chuvash, Udmurts, Mordovians, Tatars and others ...
    And even the Bashkurdi scum in Russian and Tatar villages! They began to throw nails in the hay cows!
    Cows with hay swallowed nails and slowly lumped and suffered! And they were forced to score for meat ask veterinarians and villagers?
    Even honey, they called a brand Bashkir under Khrushchev arbitrarily!
    Although initially honey in the province was called Ufa!
    They were not in beekeepers! They had the mind to put a stick in the hollow and steal honey at the wild bees! Everything!
    The bees are clean! They fiercely attacked smelly Bashkirs! And many are just sorry, killed!
    And the beekeepers were Russian Tatars and Germans!
    Also hk. Renamed cunningly into Salavat Yulaev! To please N. Khrushchev! He was satisfied!
    Although HC. He was previously named after the hero by the pilot N. Gastello!
    Since the son of Khrushchev the pilot Lenya was captured and did not become a hero!
    And he disappeared ingloriously!
    Under N. Khrushchev Bashkirov!
    Like a wild absolutely illiterate people!
    Grateful N. Khrushchev gave an order!
    Accept Bashkirs of Wild to educational institutions without exams? And they paid scholarships even to the lobotes!
    Kazan cradle of the Tatar nation!
    And the Tatars are the heirs of the Golden Horde and the creators and defenders of Russia! Otherwise, Russia would become Catholic!
    At the same time, Bashkurdi vandals in Ufa! They blew up the Orthodox Smolensk Cathedral of 1956.

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