Tatar names for boys: popular, rare, short, old, beautiful - lists with values

Tatar names for boys: popular, rare, short, old, beautiful - lists with values

Find out in the article what Tatar male names are. List of male names and their meanings.

Popular Tatar names for boys: list, values

There are a lot of Tatar names for boys. Most of them have Turkic roots, since the modern Tatar language belongs to the Turkic group of languages.

Important: the largest number of names in the Tatar namede are the names borrowed from Muslims. In connection with the adoption of Islam, many different new names appeared.

Since the adoption of Islam, many names have been modified. For example, it became popular to call boys a name with the end of Dean. The word "Dean" translates as "faith."

In addition to the Turkic names, there are Arab and European names. It has long, choosing the name of both the boy and the girl, wanted to endow the child with special features, a certain fate, the character that would reflect the name.

For example, the name Gainutdin means "rich in faith." By calling this name a child, parents would like the son to be a deeply religious person. Having called the child the name Azat, parents would like the son to be a free, noble person.

Tatar names for boys, as well as the names of other peoples, are not just a set of characters. They carry a certain meaning, which in the future can affect the fate of a person, a carrier of a name.

Find out what Tatar names for boys are modern.

List of names with values:

  • Damir - Iron, strong
  • Murat - Hard
  • Timur - Iron (one of the derivatives of names from Damir)
  • Rinat or Renat - revived, born again
  • Dinar - Dear, valuable
  • Alan - Good -natured
  • Marat - The goal, desire. You can also translate as the desired
  • Ramil - Magic, wonderful
  • Ilyas - The favorite of God
  • Camille or Camil - perfect, best
  • Ayrat - Amazing, beloved, dear. According to another version, the name came from the word Hayratwhat means "good deeds", "mercy"
Popular Tatar names

Rare Tatar names for boys: list, values

Important: there are also rare Tatar names for boys. You can meet a boy or a man with that name, but not often.

Some parents specifically choose rare names to their children. Thus, they want to emphasize the individuality of their child so that no one has such a name.

List of rare Tatar names for boys with meaning:

  • Edgar - a spear
  • Husam - Sword
  • Yuldash - Satellite, friend
  • Mirgalim - The scientist king
  • Kadyr - Almighty
  • Idris - Student
  • Wahid - First, one
  • Agzam - high
  • Afzal - Decent
  • Mergen - A good hunter
  • Shafik - Compassionate
  • Fidail - Creating good
  • Genghis - strong
  • Nugman - Good deed
  • Sirazi - torch
  • Rosalin - beautiful
  • Khoja - Mentor

These names are not as popular in the present time, such as several decades ago. Fashion for names changes in any people. Many Tatars call children not primordially Tatar names. Many of them try to call children names common in their place of residence.

There are also mixed marriages when Russian marries Tatar. Then parents choose a name that would be familiar in sound for both peoples, for example, Ruslan, Timur, Eldar.

Rare Tatar names

Short Tatar names for boys: list, values

Tatar names are mainly long. There are few short Tatar names, but still they are. A short name does not mean ugly. There are many short names that are quite beautiful in sound and are of good meaning.

The short name is easier to remember and easily pronounce.

List of short Tatar names for boys:

  • Aba - Senior, honorary
  • Abyz - Experienced
  • Ak - white
  • Achi - sour, bitter
  • Ball - Honey
  • Jash - Young, new
  • Yar - close friend
  • Shir - a lion
  • Chuk - Numerical
  • Has - The best, special
  • Tun - rich, wealthy
  • Tuy - Joy, triumph
  • Sau - Healthy, prosperous
  • Nur - Ray, light
  • Kurt - wolf
What are short Tatar names: a list with values

Old Tatar names for boys: list, values

Important: there are the names of the Old Tatar. Previously, such names were often called boys. However, since the time the fashion has changed for the names. Now hear such a Tatar name as Tutai, Agish, Saykhan, Gilde and many others is almost impossible.

Old Tatar names belong to three ethnic groups: Mongolian, Oguz and Bulgarian.

List of ancient Tatar names for boys with meanings:

  • Myths - key
  • Gaziz - expensive
  • Olzhas - gift
  • Fyzyl - Human
  • Vafa - loyal
  • Asfate - good
  • AGOGUM - All -knowing
  • Kurban - victim
  • Kiram - happy
  • Saban - The plow

Fashion for ancient names is returning. There is nothing wrong with calling the child a rare old name if you liked it in sound.

Old Tatar male names

Beautiful Tatar names for boys: list, values

The Tatar language is very beautiful and melodic. Therefore, male names here are also very beautiful. Even if you do not belong to the Tatar people, you may like beautiful male Tatar names.

List of Tatar beautiful male names:

  • Diamond is a diamond
  • Penacor is a defender
  • Ravil - young man, young
  • Salman is the right one
  • Elmir is beautiful
  • Saifi is a sword
  • Nail is a gift
  • Anvar - light, radiant
  • Amir - Prince
  • Rahman is a well -wisher

These names are not only beautiful and melodic in sound, they also have good meaning.

Beautiful Tatar names for boys

Tatars can give names to their children who are unique. They can combine two words into one, in this way a completely new beautiful and unusual name is obtained. This is easy to do, because there are a lot of Tatar names for boys.

The Tatar namerns have more than 25 thousand names. Tatar names in quantity and their diversity occupy one of the first places in the world. Apparently, problems with the choice of Tatar name for the child should not arise.

Nevertheless, many parents always carefully, long and meticulously choose the name of their heir. Now you know what Tatar name can be called a boy. If you want to know what Uzbek names there are, we offer to read this article.

Video: Tatar male names, meaning

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Comments K. article

  1. The list is certainly not big, I did not find the necessary Tatar names

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