How Muslim social and family orders differ from Christian: comparison, similarities and differences. How does Muslims and Christians differ in attitude to the family, the equality of sexes, the elderly? The similarity and differences of the Muslim faith and the Christian: comparison

How Muslim social and family orders differ from Christian: comparison, similarities and differences. How does Muslims and Christians differ in attitude to the family, the equality of sexes, the elderly? The similarity and differences of the Muslim faith and the Christian: comparison

Christianity and Islam: similarities and differences. In detail about religion, their similarities and differences.

Since ancient times, people have been divided into dozens of religions, but at present, if you do not take into account a small percentage of the world's population, people are divided into Muslims and Christians. Both religions believe in a single god and the creation of the Earth, but this is where the similarity between beliefs ends. In this article we will give visual examples of similarities and differences between the two religions, as well as how religion affects both us and the country as a whole.

Than Muslim social and family orders, lifestyle differs from Christian: comparison, similarities and differences

Both religions originated more than 2000 years ago, and thanks to the adoption of them or other rulers, they became widespread and laid an invaluable imprint on our lives. What country do you live in? In Christian or Muslim? It is enough to answer this question and about you, your foundations, holidays, worldview can be said to be a lot of things.

Religious family - consent and peace
Religious family - consent and peace

Tell me, you are not an atheist and religion does not wag on you? But you are leaving for the holidays with the rest of the society of your country? But they are 99% due to religion. And the attitude to marriage, to the number of children, communication with parents and even the deadlines for leaving the parent nest - everything has religious roots. We can deny our involvement in faith, but it tightly envelops our life and directly affects the course of our thoughts and actions.

We give a table of similarities and differences, as well as how religion affects our lives.

Christianity Islam
Attitude towards a single god Christianity preaches love for God, its adoption in his heart. At the same time, it is assumed that after the loss of faith for a while, you can later find it again, love God, etc. Islam preaches the recognition of the One God Allah as the highest power from birth and is not allowed, any deviations throughout life.
The alleged reaction of the One God to the sins of man Despite the severity of sin, a person can sincerely repent and will be forgiven. A person must remember the commandments, and not violate them under any circumstances. But it is worth remembering that in Islam, many actions that are categorically prohibited in Christianity are allowed.
Attitude to society and enemies Christianity preaches to love his neighbor as himself, as well as forgive enemies and not to save evil and resentment. The commandments that need to be followed are important: neither envy nor temptation to other people's achievements and beauty, no wastefulness and not overeat. It is also important to be kind and help both neighbor and your enemy. Islam preaches to treat others as brothers and clearly follow the commandments. At the same time, Muslim is sure to fight with evil, both with himself and his enemies. It is worth noting that in this case the commandment says to kill enemies if they do not go over to the side of the good.
Holidays, rites, actions A variety of services, prayers, posts that are recommended to visit and adhere to, but for many there are many messages and variations. The main and at the same time affecting people from other religions is communion, taking wine as the blood of Christ and bread as flesh.

Five responsibilities that cannot be violated:

· Adherence to Islam - “there is no God, except Allah, and Muhammad His gift”;

· Pray five times daily, strictly observing the rules and sequence;

· Clearly observe the post in Ramadan;

· At least once in the life of Hajj in Mecca.

How does Muslims and Christians differ in attitude to the family, the equality of sexes, the elderly?

The foundations in the family are a clear echo of religion, strengthened by the centuries -old order in the state. Christians have always been equal with women, according to the man’s religion, there should be only one living wife (in case of death, he is allowed to take a new one), with whom he will live in grief and in joy, dividing and glory and troubles together. But Muslims can have several wives, and even several concubines. But before taking his wife, he is obliged to confirm his viability and the fact that he can adequately support his wife/wives and children who will appear in marriage.

The thinking of a Christian and Muslim
The thinking of a Christian and Muslim

It would seem that clearly women were more fortunate for women, especially at the present time, where complete equality is. But at present, women, again looking at the situation, are increasingly stating that the advantages are not so and good, because they have not only households and raising children, but often they become nurse in families.

In Muslim countries, as in Christian, stains are permissible today. But in Islamic countries, children remain with the father, who contains them, educates and prepares in adulthood. But in Christian countries, fathers often cool to children after a divorce and do not pay due attention to them. In most cases, the mother is completely responsible for maintaining and education.

Christians treat parents with respect, but having flew out of the parent's nest, go on their life path, helping parents more remotely. But Islam, on the contrary, preaches the complete veneration and obedience of parents. As long as the parents are alive, men consult with them for all important reasons, thereby emphasizing their significance.

The similarity and differences of the Muslim faith and the Christian: comparison

Islam Christianity
The number of gods Single Single
The number of saints and angels Lots of Lots of
Does religion deny a multi -person (paganism) Yes, but Islam preaches that people are not believers in Allah are enemies, but it is necessary to fight with them, because this is the fight against evil. But at present, more and more tolerance and peace in the exercises. Yes, in every possible way pulling the Gentiles to their side, although in the Middle Ages there were crusades.
God is unbearable? No, spirituality is not the attributes of Allah. Yes, God is the highest power and we, our souls and all around God created from our particles.
Is God pure love? No, Allah is the highest power in which there is both love and negative qualities that punish infidels. Yes, God in Christianity is alliving and loving His creatures.
God and cunning Yes, because as it is written in the Qur'an "Allah is the best of the cunning" No, in Christianity, lies and cunning are inherent only to the devil.

What faith was before: Christian or Muslim

Despite the hot disputes, historians proved that Judaism, Christianity and Islam have left a single source with a difference of 500-1000 years. Like everything new that was born in ancient times, it was not recorded, but given that for the sake of distribution and popularization, they often enveloped religion with multilayer legends, mystery, etc. The exact date of creation is not known. But the reference points are for certain:

  • The countdown of Christianity from the first birthday of Jesus. That is, this year 2018 from the start of the reference;
  • Muslims began the countdown from the birth of the Prophet Muhammad 570-632 of our era.

But Judaism was at the origins, since those who denied the resurrection of Jesus created his branch - Judaism.

What unites the Muslim and Christian religion?

As you noticed in both religions, one God, to whom both people and angels completely obey. God can, both to encourage and punish, as well as forgive for sins. In both religions, God is the highest authority that helps us live, thanks to whom we live.

The role of the church and religion in the life of Muslims and Christians: Comparison

Christians go to church on holidays, truly believers for every service on Sunday. Islam does not require this and it is enough to go to the mosque on holidays and when the shower requires. But a prerequisite is a five -rat prayer daily.

Regarding the influence of religion on human everyday life:

  • It is believed that Christians often violate their commandments, as they subsequently hope for the forgiveness of sins;
  • Muslims carefully observe the commandments, since Allah can be angry and significantly worsen the life of not only a person, but also his descendants.

Video: Islam, Christianity Judaism - why several religions

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Comments K. article

  1. Thank you for the comparison, although I am in the know, it was interesting and useful in reading in the tables.

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