What is Hijra, the year of hijra, the month of the Hijra: definition on history. Islamic chronology among Muslims in Hijra: the beginning, the Muslim calendar. Forbidden months in Islam

What is Hijra, the year of hijra, the month of the Hijra: definition on history. Islamic chronology among Muslims in Hijra: the beginning, the Muslim calendar. Forbidden months in Islam

The concept of hijra and features of the countdown in Muslim countries.

Muslims are not quite ordinary people, and their holidays are not at all the same as the Orthodox. Muslimism originates from 622 BC. e. Although it originated much earlier. It was in 622 that the resettlement of followers, associates and believed in Allah and his messenger of the Prophet Muhammad Salla Llahu Aleihi Va Salyam from Mecca to Medina, was accomplished.

What is hijra: definition on history

Hijra - the relocation of Muslims from Mecca to Medina. This event took place in 622. Muhammad preached his religion in Mecca for a long time, but not everyone was satisfied with this.

Initially, Muhammad did not affect the aristocracy of Mecca, therefore, few of the ruling people paid attention to his preaching. But soon the attitude has changed. This happened due to the fact that Muhammad began to turn to relatives alive and dead. For aristocrats, the family and the memory of relatives were considered sacred. Therefore, discontent began to grow around the prophet. Many Muslims-followers of Vera Muhammad, were forced to flee in 614-615. Muhammad was forced to hide in neighboring cities. Only in 622 did he officially moved to Medina. It is this year that is considered the beginning of Islam as a separate faith.

What is hijra: definition on history
What is hijra: definition on history

Islamic chronology for Muslims in Hijra: Initial date

The beginning is considered July 16, 622. It is this day that is considered the official move of the Muslim community and the prophet to Medina. Muslims, who were produced by the persecution of the aristocracy, were forced to flee the city and look for a new refuge. They found him in Medina. At that time, the population of the city was the most diverse. These were mainly Jews.

Some Muslim countries use exclusively a calendar with a count of hijra, that is, from relocation. But basically this date is used exclusively to determine religious holidays.

It is worth noting that Muslims do not begin at midnight for a day, but after sunset. In addition, there are some features. The year consists of 354 days. The month is 29-30 days. The New Year in every year is celebrated at different times and shifts annually for 11 days.

Islamic chronology for Muslims in Hijra: Initial date
Islamic chronology for Muslims in Hijra: Initial date

Muslim calendar: year of hijra, month of hijra

Now in Hijra 1438. New Year will come in September, it will be 1439. The name of the months according to Hijra differs from those indicated in the Gregorian calendar. Below is a Muslim calendar for 2017 in Hijra.

Muslim calendar: year of hijra, month of hijra
Muslim calendar: year of hijra, month of hijra
Muslim calendar: year of hijra, month of hijra
Muslim calendar: year of hijra, month of hijra

How many months are in the Muslim lunar calendar Hijre?

The Muslim calendar has only 12 months. At the same time, the odd consist of 30 days, but even of 29. The countdown is not the same as in the Gregorian calendar. The New Year is considered not on January 1, but on September 22 (in 2017). Every year, the date of celebration of the new year shifts for 11 days.

Months in the Muslim calendar:

  1. Maharam (September). This month there is a ban on any military operations.
  2. Safar. This month in translation means yellow. It corresponds to our October. At this time, there are many yellow leaves.
  3. Rabi-ul-Avval. This month is considered the first autumn, although on the Gregorian calendar it is November (end of autumn).
  4. Rabi-ul-Ahir. This is the second autumn month.
  5. Jumad-ul-ula. The first cold month that corresponds to our January.
  6. Jumad-ul-Ahir. The second winter month corresponding to our February.
  7. Rajab. This month is considered sacred. Do not go hiking this month.
  8. Shaban. This is the month of the start of campaigns and corresponds to our April.
  9. Ramadan. The sacred month in which it is allowed to pray and adhere to the post. It falls in June-July.
  10. Shavval. This month you can carry out military operations and go on hikes.
  11. Zul-kaada. This is a month of breaks and parking.
  12. Zul-hija. This is a month in which you can go on hikes,

It is worth noting that all the comparisons of the months according to Hijra with the Gregorian calendar are given for 2017. This is due to the fact that the number of days in the Gregorian calendar and the hijra does not correspond to.

How many months are in the Muslim lunar calendar Hijre?
How many months are in the Muslim lunar calendar Hijre?

How many days are in the Islamic calendar in the Islamic calendar?

The odd months consist of 30 days, but even of 29. The beginning of the month is not a full moon, but the first sickle moon. This is 1-3 days after the new moon.

How many days are in the Islamic calendar in the Islamic calendar?
How many days are in the Islamic calendar in the Islamic calendar?

Forbidden months in Islam

These are months in the hijra calendar, which you can’t hunt, fight and go on hikes. There are four sacred months in Islam. In these months, believers read prayers and fast. These are considered: Zul-kada, Zul-hija, Muharram and Rajab.

Forbidden months in Islam
Forbidden months in Islam

What a year now is the Islamic calendar: Hijra at the beginning of the XXI century

Now in Hijra 1438. In September, a new year will come. This will happen on September 22.

What a year now is the Islamic calendar: Hijra at the beginning of the XXI century
What a year now is the Islamic calendar: Hijra at the beginning of the XXI century

As you can see, the Gregorian and Muslim calendar are significantly different. Muslim tourist states live according to the Gregorian calendar. This is due to a large number of visitors from European countries.

Video: Hijra

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  1. Hello, after mentioning the prophet Muhammad Salla Llah Aleihi wa Salyam, you need to write a blessing. This rule is.
    Thank you.

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