Why are Muslims, Jews, Jews do not eat pork: history, legend, pork ban from Muslims. Why is pork prohibited in Islam? What will happen if a Muslim or a Jew will eat pork? Are there any countries where Muslims are allowed to eat pork?

Why are Muslims, Jews, Jews do not eat pork: history, legend, pork ban from Muslims. Why is pork prohibited in Islam? What will happen if a Muslim or a Jew will eat pork? Are there any countries where Muslims are allowed to eat pork?

Is it possible to eat, eat pork by Muslims, Jews?

Different religions, different countries and, of course, different customs. What can I say, each family has its own distinctive features and certain traditions. It is difficult for a Christian person to understand why the Muslim peoples, for example, by the ban on pork. And for them, such a violation is equated with sinful action. Therefore, it is worth considering from the back, why and where such a ban arose.

Why are Muslims, Jews, Jews do not eat pork: history, legend

Of course, the situation must be regarded from the very beginning. So to speak, find the place "where the legs grow from." And for this we will return several millennia ago. Islam is the second largest (after Christianity) of the adherents of religion, which arose later than everyone else. But, nevertheless, it takes its roots at the beginning of the 7th century.

Important: Faith (translated from Arabic) means "security" or "ensure security."

There are several legends why Muslims and Jews, the Jews do not eat pork, but they are very consonant with themselves.

  • In the first version, God decided to show the miracle of reincarnation and made a pig from the girl
  • The second legend speaks of this, only God was angry with man. And as a punishment, he turned him into a pig

As you can see, from the parable and legends of the pig is a former person who cannot be eaten. But not one of them has any actual confirmation. Moreover, the believer in such fables is sinful to believe

Why is the Muslims and Jews of pork - a dirty animal?

Everyone knows that the pig is considered dirty animals in Muslims. This is not just someone's whim or stupid superstitions. There is really a logical and reasonable explanation for this. Moreover, it turns out in the Bible, this animal is also considered such, but Christians do not really adhere to this rule. Perhaps because the climate allowed to breed such an animal at home, and even in food they are unpretentious.

  • The first reason is not associated with religious prohibitions, but with climate. Pork is the most perishable meat. And at high temperatures, and even without refrigerators (after all, in those distant times and there was no electricity, not like technology) meat spoiled at a crazy speed. Moreover, if you do not have time to cook in time, you can get poisoning or disorder.
  • And how they went on campaigns! There was no thermal dryness either then, and pork during long -term storage could even cause severe poisoning, general intoxication of the body and, as in a result, death.

Important: for many, the word "dirty" is associated with its direct meaning. Islam from other religions received and receives a lot of criticism, and in terms of eating pork too. Yes, the pig does not live in the most sanitary conditions, lying in the mud and eats everything in a row. But in those distant times, not only animals, but people were not in the most sanitary conditions. But the secret of the word “dirty” lies not in the appearance, but you need to look much deeper.

  • We mentioned that the pig eats everything! Absolutely and without analysis. What attracted most villages with a cooler climate (there meat, at least, did not spoil so quickly). They eat their excrement and strangers, by the way, too. They wipe their offspring. That is, the picture loom is not the best. After all, all this is digested, absorbed and enters our table.

Interesting: eating offspring is the instinct of selection in animals laid down by nature. Yes, many faced a problem like a cat ate their newly born kittens (or a hamster). It is believed that the animal, thus, removes the weak and unable to survive the cubs immediately. That is, there is a natural selection. But we do not eat such animals!

  • And further! Sometimes people confuse the last with a newborn kitten. But the first option suggests that the mother wants to protect her family. And if the predator finds the last, he will remember the smell of her cubs. And, another version, the expectant mother needs a lot of protein for feeding, but later it is more than enough.
Pearl ban on pork
Pearl ban on pork
  • Let's get back to our pigs. They often get sick and reward with their own diseases and human families. The most common disease is considered “pork flu”. It is also scary that he constantly mutates. They also transfer such an ailment as the virus of the "African pig of the pig." They can be carriers of Japanese encephalitis (though infection occurs mainly from mosquitoes).
  • Their meat may contain parasite eggs! The most dangerous is the pork tapeworm. It can cause blindness, loss of memory, heart attack and other other ailments. Depending on where the blood flow will bring eggs.
  • Trichinella is the next dangerous representative among parasites, which can be found in the muscular tissue of the animal. In the human body, it focuses in the heart muscle and acts as a deadly ailment to human life.

IMPORTANT: Eggs and parasites themselves do not die in the process of ordinary, even prolonged heat treatment. That is, a contagious pig can reward with some kind of surprise even in a prepared form.

  • A high content of uric acids was found in her meat, and they do not affect human health in the best way.
  • Also, it can provoke infection with hepatitis E to which pregnant women undergo more.
  • In the meat of pigs there is a lot of fat, lipids and cholesterol, which clogs vessels and leads to diseases with the heart. By the way, scientists associate an excess of cholesterol with the formation of tumors.
  • Also, a growth hormone was found in this meat. Yes, it leads to obesity and even to the formation of malignant tumors. Nowadays, scientists have already been established by scientists that those representatives who are fond of pork eaten cancer. But in those days when they wrote a Qur'an, they did not conduct such tests.
  • Histamine, which is also contained in considerable quantity, leads to the formation of various inflammatory processes, appendicitis, diseases of the gallbladder, various dermatitis and eczema. And also, problematic skin is also a consequence of eating pork meat.
  • It is also worth highlighting that pig meat in its structure is very similar to human meat. Perhaps that is why such legends arose in the Islamic religion.

Where is it written that Muslims can not eat pork?

Everyone knows that Muslims have a sacred book in a sacred book. This is a Bible among the Christian people. And there, as they say, “black and white” directly says that pork is prohibited.

  • To be more accurate, this ban is indicated in Sure 5, ayat 3. We will not translate the entire passage, but we will convey the main essence:
    • “The dead, blood, and pork, and all living creatures are forbidden to you, that with the name of others, and not Allah was stabbed (for food).”
  • The segment itself is large and it also affects the aspect that death makes the animal dirty. A hare, a camel, a carcass and other wild animals (wolf, tiger, etc.) falls under the ban.
  • Important! Allah is merciful and in extreme cases, to maintain life, he allows you to eat a small piece of prohibited food. But only in such quantities to just stand on your feet, until you manage to eat normally.
The ban is registered in the Qur'an
The ban is registered in the Qur'an
  • Also, in the Qur'an it is forbidden to sell pork meat.
    • Interesting! In the Torah of the Jews and the Bible of Christian Pork, it also falls under the ban.
    • For example, this is mentioned in the Bible (more precisely, in the old Old Testament), the second -loading, chapter 14, verse 8. The Bible also describes in detail what food is allowed to eat, and what ban there is. The pig also have hooves on the legs, but does not chew chewing gum (in short). But not the chewing gum that you and I used to see on the shelves. No, of course, this refers to the ability to chew grass, for example, cows, like chewing tires. She can relish her for a long time.

It is interesting! In the Qur'an and the Bible, it is forbidden to touch the dead. If this happens, then it is necessary to wash your hands and wash your clothes. Then there were no such knowledge and examinations to verify sanitary (or unsanitary) conditions. But now we already understand that this can be fraught with consequences for our health.

  • Jews do not eat pork for the same reasons as Muslims. Yes, they adhere to the laws of the Kosher and Kashut, but they are based on the prohibitions of the Torah and Talmud.

Are there any countries where Muslims, Jews, Jews are allowed to eat pork?

Pork in Muslims (and, of course, Jews, Jews) is considered dirty and sinful animals. It is neither to grow, nor cook, nor sell it. And there are no exceptions! Even modern Muslims adhere to such prohibitions.

Yes, recently, some have been introducing pork into their diet. But! This is the same thing that Christians do not adhere to the post. That is, a person simply chooses a sinful path.

Who has not eaten pork yet except Muslims?

In principle, we indicated above that even Christians are forbidden to use pork, but they simply do not adhere to such a rule. Only the peoples of Islam and Judaism strictly abandoned the pork. For which we received a certain criticism and misunderstanding from other religions (but we figured out that this was a very reasonable explanation). And any person can abandon the pork, any nationality and religion - this is rather a personal choice of everyone.

If the Muslim accidentally ate pork: what will happen, what to do?

We mentioned above that Allah in extreme cases and in minimal quantities allows you to eat pork. But this concerns an intentional act.

  • If Muslims did not know about it, then this is not considered a sin.
  • If the pig was healthy and properly cooked, then nothing will happen. As they say, he will live!
Pork for Muslims in the ban
Pork for Muslims in the ban
  • Many are interested in the question - is it necessary to pray after that? Let's just say it will not be superfluous. Especially if the Muslim learned about this. This is not a sin (we repeat once again) if he ate pork by accident or in order to (or in emergency cases). But so it is accepted by Muslims (and Christians too) that it will not hurt to clear his soul in front of Allah.

Which of the respectable Muslims is allowed to eat pork, and which part of the pork is allowed?

The ban on pork does not concern some of its specific part and, especially, does not depend on the situation in the human society. The pork ban applies to every Muslim, Jew and Jew. And the whole pig falls under the ban.

In what case can Muslim pork eat?

“If someone is forced to eat the forbidden, without showing disobedience and not enduring the limits of the necessary, then there is no sin on it. Truly, Allah is forgiven, merciful. " Sura 2, ayat 173. Therefore, it will not be repeated and talk about the obvious.

Video: Why don't Jews and Muslims eat pork?

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  1. Why do Jews and Muslims do not eat pork? Eating pigs is prohibited by the Talmud, as it means the destruction of Jews. The pig is a secret symbol of Judaism and Jewry. See pictures with piggy banks. Money legs of the eternal Jew, Agasfer.
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