Muslim prayers from the evil eye and damage: strong Dua, Rukia, verses, sura. Reading the Qur'an from the evil eye, damage, witchcraft

Muslim prayers from the evil eye and damage: strong Dua, Rukia, verses, sura. Reading the Qur'an from the evil eye, damage, witchcraft

Prayers from the Qur'an from the evil eye and damage.

Islam is an ancient religion, which is professing mainly in Muslim countries. The holy book is the Qur'an, and Muslims are worshiped by Allah. According to the laws of Islam, the evil eye and damage can only be used using the Qur'an.

Damage in Islam: how to determine?

Determining damage both in Islam and the Orthodox is quite simple. Usually, a person himself comes to the magician complaining that everything is crumbling in life, troubles pursue a person one after another.

Signs of damage:

  • Constant weakness
  • Frequent sleep
  • Sadness and despair
  • Frequent yawning while reading the Qur'an
  • Unpleasant odor
  • Delicious discharge from the uterus in women
Damage in Islam: how to determine?
Damage in Islam: how to determine?

Prayer from the evil eye and damage strong Muslim

Islam is generally negative about all magical rites. Most often, the evil eye is removed using prayers and lines that are available in the Qur'an. In Islam, the process of treatment of damage differs from Orthodoxy. No amateur performances and works. In Islam, only what is recorded in the Qur'an is used.

In order to eliminate damage, certain suras of the Qur'an are used. This is 1, 112, 113, and 114 sura.

Prayers from the Qur'an:

Allah is one and eternal. ” He would not have given birth, and he would not be born. There is no one equal to him.

I ask the Lord Dawn, namely, salvation from the evil forces emanating from the created by him, as well as from evil, which went down from the darkness. I ask for protection from conquering and the evil of envious people, at a time when envy matures in it.

These prayers should be pronounced in a row several times. Close also must pronounce these suras at night. It is believed that evil spirits cannot penetrate into the house that is protected by these prayers.

Prayer from the evil eye and damage strong Muslim
Prayer from the evil eye and damage strong Muslim

Strong dua from damage

In each religion, prayer from damage is called in their own way. In Islam, this is a dua. The lines are also taken from the sacred book. There are several reading rules:

  • You can not read from the leaf, only learn by heart
  • All prayers should be recorded on a sheet without lines
  • You need to wear such shreds of paper with you
  • You need to pronounce lines at any time when there is a need for this

Read prayer lines 121 times after the morning prayer. These lines:

There is no God except you, you are prayer! Truly, I was from the oppressors. " Before pronouncing each new prayer, you need to say the word "salavat".

Strong dua from damage
Strong dua from damage

Rukia from genies, evil eye and damage

Rukhu is a petition for healing, a message to Allah. Typically, Ruki is used to treat the evil eye and damage. They help to protect themselves from gin and all sorts of evil spirits.

Video: Rukha from the evil eye and damage

Dua from the evil eye and damage to children

In the eastern religion, there are no specific rules for pronunciation of Dua. They can be pronounced at any time. If a person feels poorly, it is worth reading prayers. Unlike Orthodoxy, in Islam there are no rules such as reading during the growing moon or something like that. Everything is very simple, at any time you need to read a prayer and appeal for help to the Almighty.

Dua from the evil eye and damage to children
Dua from the evil eye and damage to children

In the eastern religion, it is believed that children are angels, and no damage to them is terrible, respectively, it is necessary that the parents of the child change their lives. It is parents who should read a prayer for healing and from evil. You need to start reading at midnight, and end with dawn. In the eastern religion, many believe that all the bad deeds of adults are reflected in the baby. That is why you can not do anything bad during pregnancy.

In order to get rid of damage, the baby’s parents must read 1, 112,113 and the last sura three times. They are given below.

Pictures on request 113 surah

Dua from the evil eye and damage to children
Dua from the evil eye and damage to children

Dua from corlaze damage for trade

Often they damage trading. In this case, the business becomes a failure. Dua will help from the evil eye and damage in trade. All these prayers are read in the Muslim language, and they are effective only if a person accepted Islam. A representative of another faith cannot read the verses and dua, Takkak Allah will not listen to him.

Dua for good trade:

“Allahumma, Baoir Lahuum Fe Mcyalichim. UAA Borik Lahum Fuhim Ua Mudichim "

The prayer should be read three times, and it is desirable to do this during the opening of the store door before letting the first client. Do not forget to thank Allah for everything that he gave you.

Pictures on the request of the surah from the evil eye

Dua from corlaze damage for trade
Dua from corlaze damage for trade

Ayats from damage and evil eye

The verses and surah from damage and the evil eye will help cleanse and return well -being. You need to approach the reading physically. It is worth washing, forgetting all bad thoughts.

Here is the text of the Ayata:

La Ilyakh Ill Anta Subhanakya Inni Kuntu Mina Zzalimin

Ayats from damage and evil eye
Ayats from damage and evil eye

Reading the Qur'an from the evil eye and damage

The Qur'an is the Holy Scriptures, in which there are a lot of Sur and verses. It is necessary to read prayers at night and before dawn.

Pictures on the request of the surah from the evil eye

Surah from the Qur'an from damage and evil eye

At the very beginning, you need to read the "opening prayer." She praises Allah. Then it is necessary to read four verses out of 113 and 114 of the sura. At the very end, you need to read 36 Surah, but a lot of time is spent on it.

Video: Surah from the evil eye

Sounding Qur'an against the evil eye, damage, witchcraft

It is believed that women can draw an evil eye and damage. That is why all beautiful women are recommended to wear a burden. In addition, you need to pray several times a day. It is believed that prayers work best at night. In addition, you can read the Qur'an at noon.

Video: Sounding Qur'an

To get rid of damage and the evil eye in Islam, you need to read the Qur'an several times a day. It is advisable at this time to retire or go into the desert.

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Comments K. article

  1. the ex -wife of spoilage brought me to me

  2. I read Fatikha almost every bang several times and Ichlas three times and I ask Alla about my children, the well -being of the happiness of health. And I ask for protection from bad people and their damage to the evil eye so that they would not stand on my way

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