Why are same -sex marriages prohibited in Russia? Muslim countries and same -sex marriages. Countries where same-sex marriages are allowed in 2022-2023: List of countries

Why are same -sex marriages prohibited in Russia? Muslim countries and same -sex marriages. Countries where same-sex marriages are allowed in 2022-2023: List of countries

In modern society, the topic of same -sex marriages arises quite often, but people's opinions are not unambiguous. One part of society believes that such marriages are utopian and the other - in every possible way supports such unions. These divisions influenced the adoption of laws in many countries. There are countries that are loyal to same -sex marriages and protect them with legal norms and the country, where this type of marriage is an unacceptable phenomenon punishable by law.

About 72 states, one -sex marriage is equated with a criminal offense, most of them are in Africa and Asia. However, there are those who do not prohibit such marriages, but officially does not register them, for example, China, but more on this further.

Same -sex marriages in Russia

  • In Russia, same -sex marriages are prohibited. In addition, same -sex marriages formalized in other countries are not recognized. This is due to moral, ethical, demographic and legal norms.
  • It is generally accepted that permission for one -sex marriage is given by countries that have created a problem with a demographic background, their territory suffers from overpopulation and needs to adjust the birth rate.
  • In Russia, there is no such problem, and the search for an alternative to traditional marriage is deprived of meaning. On the contrary, the state of the Russian Federation is interested In an increase in the birth rate and development of distant territories of the country. In addition, a healthy genotype of the population is important for Russia.
    Homosexuality is a deviation from the norm, inferiority, as disability. And it is also congenital and acquired. The Russian people do not accept to extend to their ranks such a “disability”. It’s the same as from healthy people to make people with disabilities. The Russian people sacredly honors the traditions of continuing a kind.
Same-sex marriage
Same-sex marriage

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, same -sex relations have the following restrictions:

  1. The adoption of children is prohibited, Including the child of one of the partners. This is caused by the lack of the possibility of recovering alimony from a non -biological parent. It is also impossible to pay compensation for the loss of the breadwinner.
  2. In connection with the non -recognition of such relationships and the lack of official status of the family - couples are deprived of social support. State bodies do not participate in funded programs of sexual minorities. The unofficial status of such a family does not allow to secure the rights to joint property.
  3. These unions are deprived of the opportunity to take part In reproductive programs. The exception is certain cases, for example, single women are allowed to use the donation of the sperm bank. In this case, the parent will be recognized as a woman who brought the child. But legitimize the child from the surrogate mother, Only officially registered pairs can.
  4. Adopt a child to a person with non -traditional orientation, quite difficult. Although there is no clear ban on this in law.
  5. Persons who declared themselves as transgender personality, It is forbidden to take care of the child.

Where are the same -sex marriages allowed?

  • Tolerant attitude to same -sex marriage is common in 44 states. Their main amount is concentrated in South and North America, as well as Europe.
  • These are countries that support human rights to self -determination - followers of freedom and democracy. These include: Belgium, Finland, Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Italy, Israel, Spain, France, Canada, Denmark, Sweden.
Allowed in 44 states
Allowed in 44 states
  • There are also countries where same -sex marriages are legalized, but with some restrictions in legal opportunities: Hungary, Estonia, Ecuador, Austria, Greece, Switzerland, Cyprus, Croatia, Chile, Andorra, Liechtenstein. In Mexico, a similar union is only half the country, the Costa Rica region has a controversial status.

Muslim countries where same -sex marriages are allowed

  • Most Muslim countries, deny same -sex connections And strictly punished for violation of the law - there is a death penalty.
  • However, there are those in which there were attempts simplify the punishment or legalize the law About registering such a marriage - Iraq and Indonesia.
  • Muslims related Tolerant to same -sex marriages, They are afraid of persecution or mortal execution by the authorities in their own country.
  • Supporters non -traditional marriages They prefer to show their tolerance, as well as register non -traditional relations in European states where such marriages are not prohibited by law.

US states, where same -sex marriages are allowed

  • For a long time in the USA, existing non -traditional marriage law - admitted not in all states. Based on this, numerous amendments were introduced into the initial law. Since not all states unanimously approved this legislation, they were held repeated referendums.
  • However since 2015, The US Supreme Court decided to remove the ban on registering non -traditional marriages in the rest 14 American states. Thus, this law on the possibility of concluding one -sex marriage is now valid throughout America.
In the United States, they are allowed
In the United States, they are allowed
  • Now, in addition to others, non -traditional relationships can be registered in the rest 14 States: Texas, Alabama, Tennessee, Arkansas, South and North Dakota, Georgia, Ohio, Kentukki, Nebraska, Louisiana, Missouri, Michigan and Mississippi.

Where are the same -sex marriages in Europe allowed?

  • Same -sex marriages are allowed at the official level in such european countries: Sweden, Netherlands, Denmark, Spain, Belgium, Iceland, Norway, Portugal, Malta, Australia, Ireland.
  • Some countries chose to simplify the system of registering such marriages, but to limit some social rights for them: education of children, receiving an inheritance and taxation. Each state selects these restrictions individually. One of these countries is Germany. In Poland and Italy Sobly marriages are not persecuted, but they are not officially registered.
Same -sex marriages in Germany
Same -sex marriages in Germany

Countries where same-sex marriages are allowed in 2022-2023: List of countries

  • Each year, the number of countries allowing same -sex marriages, as well as recognizing the registration of a single -sex union in another country, is increasing.
  • To date, this list includes: Spain, the Netherlands, Canada, South Africa, the USA, Belgium, Columbia, Portugal, Norway, England, Germany, Denmark, Malta, New Zealand, Australia, Uruguay, France, Iceland, Sweden, partially Mexico, Argentina, Israel (allows registration in others countries), Finland, Luxembourg, Brazil, Slovenia.
  • Countries allowing civil partnership: Greece, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Andorra, Croatia, Falkland Islands, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Austria.
  • States allowing same -sex unions among citizens: Estonia, Italy, Hungary, Chile, part of Venezuela, Ecuador.

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