What will happen if you miss the morning or dining prayer when you can make up for a missed prayer?

What will happen if you miss the morning or dining prayer when you can make up for a missed prayer?

In this article we will tell you what to do if the prayer was missed, how to make up for it and when to do it.

Each Muslim should pray 5 times a day. However, there are situations when you have to forcedly or intentionally refuse to read the prayer. People who accepted Islam often ask what will happen if you miss the prayer, can it be replenished and how to do it? In general, of course, the majority of Islamic theologians indicate the possibility of compensation for prayer, missing for good reason. Sometimes the prayer can not be replenished.

What will happen if you slept and missed the morning prayer?

Do prayers make up for?
Do prayers make up for?

In life, different situations happen and everyone can oversleep prayers. No one is safe from this. In this case, if I missed the prayer, it is important to make up for it as soon as possible. The fact is that sleeping is not a good reason and it is a sin. So for starters, a person should repent and only then make up for his duty.

Some argue that for an unfulfilled prayer may not give a debt. Instead, you can do a good deed, for example, to give alms. However, the prophet Muhammad was voiced by the following: " Those who overslept the mandatory prayer or missed it in forgetfulness, let him fulfill it when he remembers. And there is no other redemption for this. ”

Moreover, Islamic scientists agree that for passing the prayer for no good reason, you must repent of. He is obliged to repay the debt as soon as it became possible without delay. Even a hundred good deeds will not cover the duty.

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Is it possible to reimburse the morning prayer with the dining?

If a person missed the prayer in the morning, then the question often arises - is it possible to make up for it in the evening? In fact, you cannot deliberately endure the prayer. It is important to make up for debts as soon as a person remembered this. Otherwise, he makes sin. For example, you can read the prayer on the way, at a doctor’s appointment and so on. Another prayer must be performed before the next!

Is it possible to combine the morning and dining prayer?
Is it possible to combine the morning and dining prayer?

It turns out that it will not work to combine two prayers at once. You can’t do this. It is important to comply with the sequence. So, as soon as it is possible to read the prayer, be sure to do it. You can’t pray at sunrise and sunset. The only excuse that forgives sin is just ignorance when to pray.

By the way, if the dining prayer has already come and you pray in the church, then first read the prayer laid in order. After the completion of the service, the already missed prayer is read. This will allow you to repay the debt.

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When can you miss the prayer?

Many are interested in if you missed the prayer, could it be done? In fact, the deposition of prayer is always a sin. Despite the fact that it is possible to oversleep prayers and the reason will be valid, it still requires compensation for prayer.

If we turn to other arguments and evidence, it turns out that there are other respectful reasons for passing prayer.

When is it allowed to skip the prayer?
When is it allowed to skip the prayer?

Women during menstruation (Haise) and Nifas are freed from reading prayers. They do not need to reimburse missed prayers during this time. In addition, those who had previously been incorrect or obsessed with genies can miss the prayer. Immediately after healing, a person should begin to pray, but while he is obsessed, he owes nothing.

If a person is unconscious or obsessed with more than five prayers, then he is freed from them. Otherwise, he reimburses each missed prayer.

It is allowed to postpone the prayer in a situation where there is a real threat from the enemy. In addition, a good reason is the danger to the life of the child. Then both the midwife and the mother who gives rise to prayer are freed from prayer.

When is it possible not to compensate for the missed prayer?

Some are interested in whether there is an opportunity not to compensate if I missed the prayer for good reason? The Prophet Muhammad claimed that every missed prayer is obliged to reimburse a person and it doesn’t even matter what caused the pass. It is important to comply with all the rules for compensation and development.

As we have already said, if a person prays in the wrong sequence simply out of ignorance, then he can leave everything as it is. As for the rest, they must read prayers as soon as they remember them.

Those prayers that are allowed intentionally can not be compensated, but instead you must definitely repent to the Almighty. If the prayer was not perfect, because the person was on the road, then he must be carried out immediately after arrival. By the way, it is allowed to read the abbreviated prayer.

Video: Do \u200b\u200bI need to compensate for missing prayers?

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