What is Muslim hijab? How beautifully and quickly tie a hijab on the head of a Muslim: instructions, photos and videos. How to wear and wear a hijab? Beautiful girls in a hijab, wedding hijab: photo

What is Muslim hijab? How beautifully and quickly tie a hijab on the head of a Muslim: instructions, photos and videos. How to wear and wear a hijab? Beautiful girls in a hijab, wedding hijab: photo

The article will tell you in detail about what hijab is and why it is necessary to wear it to Muslims.

What is Muslim hijab?

In the modern world, where everyone has freedom of speech and actions, the right to do what he wants, women occasionally meet women, as they say, “from another world”. We are talking about girls who are “hiding” behind the canvases and therefore others never know their hair color, do not hear their aroma of spirits and not see the features of the body.

We are talking about Muslims who can meet in any city in the world, whether Europe, Russia, Baltic states or Asia. To figure out why they wear such clothes, you can only learn all the nuances of the Muslim faith. These women completely abandoned all female “advantages”, like swinging hips during gait, flirting at work, admiration for men on the street and beach swimsuits.

The reason that a woman puts on a hijab hides “deep in the heart”, because every Muslim devotely and faithfully loves her patron - Allah. A hijab is a piece of fabric covering the head of a woman. This part of the clothes should hide almost all lady beauties: youth, smile, pleasant facial features, thin sexy neck, ears.

Interesting: to wear a hijab calls on the Qur'an. However, no matter how much fabric it was supposed to wear a woman on her head, if she does not like her - she has the right to “slip away” from her. The Holy Muslim Scripture says that the real hijab "emanates from the heart."

This statement should be understood as a woman’s voluntary desire to behave correctly, not to give ambiguous signs, hints of free behavior, and not flirting with words and eyes. Muslim women perceive hijab not only as a fabric canvas, but also as an “invisible veil from faith”, covering them from head to toe.

The hijab is that the behavior of a woman who will not allow to denigrate her husband’s reputation, as well as her “business card”. Despite the fact that all female charms are hidden under the canvas, they can still enjoy them, but only to one husband, since he is fully responsible for his wife. A woman is also not obliged to cover her head to her parents and brothers, children and nephews. Muslims perceive female beauty, as a jewel that should be hidden from other people's views and stored as something secret.

What can be seen to others:

  • A person (in whole or in part, depends on the country and the views of the family on the persecution of faith).
  • Hands (some Muslims also prefer to hide them).
  • Eyes (the only permissible part of the body for viewing).

INTERESTING:In the modern world, a hijab is customary to call any female clothing that could tell others that she is a Muslim.

Going out into the street, the woman must follow such a dress code:

  • Clothes should be hidden the whole woman, from head to toe
  • You can open a face (partially or completely), hands and feet (in some cases).
  • Clothing should not be tightened with the body so that the hips, waist and chest do not stand out in any case.
  • Clothing should in no case be transparent so that the features of the figure cannot be considered through the fabric and see the skin color.
  • Clothing on a woman should not resemble men's dresses
  • Clothing should not be excessively bright or distinguished
  • Clothes cannot be soaked in perfumes
  • You should not hang ringing and too causing shiny elements on clothes.
  • Clothing should be clean and tidy

The advantages and disadvantages of the hijab is difficult to list, because despite the fact that the woman is completely hidden under him, he does not allow the body to fry the sun with sunlight. As a rule, a hijab is sewn from natural fabrics so that in the summer a woman is not stuffy and hot.


Hijab and Paransa: Difference

There is a variety of Muslim women's clothing, which has not only different names, but also the reason for its wearing, as well as territorial affiliation. In the modern world, Muslim women open their face, simply wrapping their heads with a handkerchief (hijab), however, in families with classic and strict religious way, you can also find a penny - clothes that completely hide the woman from head to toe.

Variety of women's Muslim clothing
Variety of women's Muslim clothing
The names, differences and purpose of female hats and clothes (part 1)
The names, differences and purpose of female hats and clothes (part 1)
The names, differences and purpose of female hats and clothes (part 2)
The names, differences and purpose of female hats and clothes (part 2)

How beautifully and quickly tie a hijab on the head of a Muslim: instructions, photo

It is not necessary to be born a Muslim to be able to tie and wear a hijab. Many Slavic girls successfully marry Muslim men and, accepting their faith, undertake to fully fulfill their will, serve Allah, not allow others to tarnish the honor of their spouse.

In addition, women can travel around the world and therefore, getting to the Muslim country, they should definitely learn to wear and tie a hijab. So a woman will be able to honor and respect the locals, not to raise unnecessary questions and not hear criticism in her face.

Important: when tying a hijab, you can completely open your face, but you should firmly wrap your head so that the hair is reliably hidden.

How to tie a hijab:

Method number 1
Method number 1
Council No. 2
Council No. 2
Council No. 3
Council No. 3

Video: How beautifully and quickly tie a hijab on the head of a Muslim woman?

Inventive Muslims found and came up with many ways to tying a scarf on their heads to look good and attractive. If you can’t tie a hijab correctly, carefully watch a video with detailed tips.

Video: "Three ways to tie a hijab"

How to make a hijab from a scarf?

If you are not a Muslim and you should only cover your head if necessary (traveling or going to visit Muslims), you do not have to buy a special sight of the fabric to cover the head. You can use the usual handkerchief or palactin (wide thin scarf). Detailed tips and photos will help tie it on your head correctly.

A hijab from a scarf
A hijab from a scarf

Why are Muslims wear a hijab, at what age, what color should a hijab be?

Wearing a hijaba from a Muslim family is considered mandatory when reached puberty or adulthood (the 15th anniversary is considered). Nevertheless, the Qur'an tells you to teach children from a small age "teach children to pray from the age of 7 and beat them if they do not pray at 10." So the hijab, it should be tied to little girls, so that at more adulthood, its wearing is comfortable.

Interesting: the exact age for wearing a hijab has not been established. However, if the girl is experiencing puberty (the appearance of hair on the genitals or the first menstruation), she should definitely wear a hijab.

The hijab should not be defiant. Most often, it has a black color, but in the modern world you can also find light shades of hijabs, as well as shawls decorated with patterns. In some cases, the hijab is pinned by decorative pins and flowers. You should not hang ringing items, bells, beads and what will be overly attracting attention on a hijab.

When should you start to wear a hijab?
When should you start to wear a hijab?

How to wear and wear a hijab?

Rules for the sock hijaba:

  • The hijab opens the face completely.
  • The hijab must be tied so that all the hair hides under it.
  • If you can’t hide your hair with a scarf, you should put on a special hat under it.
  • A hijab can be tied on a knot or fixed with a pin, joke, brooch.
  • The hijab also hides his neck, if the neck does not hide, a special shirt or turtleneck is dressed under the hijab.
  • The hijab is worn when a woman leaves the house and in the presence of other people's men (husband friends, guests).

Is it possible to wear a hijab at school?

Wearing a hijab is a personal business of each family. Muslims do not impose a desire to wear hijab to their women. Nevertheless, there are also families who consider this headdress - evidence of true faith. Wearing a hijab at school was allowed if it does not bring discomfort to the child and other students. However, some schools in Russia announced a ban on hijab, delimiting the educational process and religion.

Video: "Is it possible to wear a hijab at school?"

Can a Muslim not wear a scarf?

The question “can” or “cannot” be worn by hijab is not correct. Wearing a hijab is determined not by the rules and a voluntary desire. In Muslim countries with a strict life of life, it is considered a shame for the family to be on the street without a headgear. At the same time, in Europe, as well as Muslims living in states with Orthodox faith, you can not wear a hijab so as not to attract the attention of others. A true hijab for a woman is a faith in Allah and following the laws of the Qur'an.

Beautiful girls in a hijab: photo

Such a wardrobe item as a hijab can be beautiful. In order for a woman to look attractive in a hijab, you should correctly tie a scarf on her head, choose clothes and complement your image with details (jewelry, accessories, shoes, makeup). Any female is beautiful if he is well -groomed!

Photos of girls in a hijab:

Modern girls in hijabs
Modern girls in hijabs
Simple and beautiful hijab
Simple and beautiful hijab
Modern Muslim
Modern Muslim
The designer decision of the hijab
The designer decision of the hijab
Ketka on top of the hijab
Ketka on top of the hijab

Wedding hijab: photos of girls

Wedding hijab is an obligatory element of a wedding outfit. It differs from the everyday hijab with its pretentiousness and solemnity. A wedding hijab can be decorated with stones, embroideries, flowers, beads, lace.

Photos of girls in a wedding hijab:

Hijab decorated with gold
Hijab decorated with gold
Wedding hijab
Wedding hijab
Hijab and veil
Hijab and veil
Long wedding hijab
Long wedding hijab
Hijab for the bride
Hijab for the bride

Video: "Tips for those who want to wear a hijab"

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