The most beautiful dances: top 11 dances, description, photo

The most beautiful dances: top 11 dances, description, photo

Burning, bright, transmitting emotions - passion, sadness and love. All this can be conveyed in the dance.

Dancing is an extremely useful activity. They help to distract from everyday fuss, to express themselves, to admit that it is difficult to say in words. In the dance, we have a unique opportunity to give a piece of our soul, as well as give harmonious development to the body.

TOP-11 of the most beautiful dances

There are many varieties of dances related to a particular nationality and culture. Each of the species is beautiful in its own way: here the peculiarity of the plastic of the dancers, the appearance, supplementing the composition, as well as the atmosphere into which the viewer is immersed. Below are the 11 most beautiful dances of the peoples of the world.


  • The first state where the waltz was widely recognized was Austria of the 80s. 18th century It was from its capital, Vienna, this graceful dance spread to other states. His so -called closed positions were subsequently involved in the figures of other ballroom dancing.
  • In general, the origins of the waltz are many European dances, for example, the Czech Metenik and its subspecies Furiante (the favorite dances of the village inhabitants of the Czech Republic), the French Volt, as well as the Austrian “Landler”, which is considered the closest founder of Waltz.

Dancing the peoples of the Caucasus

  • One of the most colorful manifestations of Caucasian culture is the dances of the peoples of the Caucasus. Among them, the most famous is considered lezginka (Peak of popularity-the 30s of the 20th century). However, this is not the only folk dance, in truth, there are quite a lot of varieties - every Caucasian nation has its own.
  • For example, ZILG CAFT - Presents Ossetia. It is performed paired, and the theme of the dance was the symbolic “struggle” between the pigeon and the hawk. The girl-world seeks to gracefully avoid the “claws” of the hawk, whose role is played by a male partner, who, in turn, does not allow her to slip away with all her might.
  • If the performer does not have certain skills of dexterity and speed, she has to become one of the dancers creating entourage. As for the dancer with experience, so her talent can allow her to maintain a “game” with a partner on stage for a long time.


  • One of the most popular areas in music and dancing of Cubans, as well as among residents of Latin America in the Karibskiyskiy Islands; He was widely recognized among the Latino Americans of the United States of America.
  • One of the most beautiful dances appeared due to the interaction of the work of two talented composers-Enrique Horrin and Danson, in the 50s of the 20th century.


  • This dance style is a combination of movements from the following areas: hip-hop, funk, pop, locking, supplemented by the movements of the dancers, invented independently during the dance. The ARD BI style is popular in the capital of the Russian Federation, many European countries of the world.
  • Its occurrence is associated with the middle of the 20th century. On the territory of the American continent (USA). The ancestor of this musical genre is a blues, modifications in a melody have occurred under the influence of a soul, disco, etc.
  • Today, R’N’B is delighted with young people and are often performed in music clubs. R’N’b abbreviation stands for Rich and Beautiful (rich and beautiful)-it is picked up for a reason: this style, not only in music and dancing, but also in clothes, prefer many stars of the show-biz, including: Jay Lo, Justin Timberlake, Beyons, Asher, etc.
  • R&B style is inherent in lightness, sexuality, flexibility and plastic movements in contrast With jerks, shocks and sharp transitions. Having plunged into the rhythm of the dance as a spectator or a direct participant, it is difficult to remain indifferent to what is happening on the dance floor.


  • The genre in music, which is very popular, mainly among Latin American. Salsa is the ancestor and the basis many styles of Cuban dances. The genre itself appeared in the 60-70s. 20th century in New York, thanks to talented immigrants from Puerto Rico and Cuba; A little later, a new direction of the genre arose - a romantic salsa.
  • The closest to the salsa were recognized: Cuban mambo (early 20th century) and latin American jazz, Which, among other things, is considered almost the same type of salsa in style (the traditions of Africa and Cuba are inherent in, as well as Puerto Rico, Colombia, etc.). Over time, the musicians began to experiment with Salsa, “mixing” pop, rock and r & b styles.
Romantic and burning
Romantic and burning

Irish dances

  • Traditionally the most beautiful dances, formed on the territory of Ireland in the 18-20th century and, over time, became popular all over the world, especially when dance shows appeared, which clearly demonstrated all their beauty (since 1994).
  • The performance of all varieties of Irish dances occurs only under national Irish dance music, including rhythms: rILA, Jigi and Hornpipes. Due to the prohibitions from the authorities of England of those times, as well as the Catholic Church, some dancing movements were strictly prohibited, considered unacceptable.
  • Initially, the dance was accompanied energetic movements of the arms and legsBut, later, my hands had to be held motionless, clearly along the body. Oddly enough, this did not affect the quality of the dance, on the contrary, this gave the dancers of concentration, and such a difficulty attracted more delighted attention of the audience.
Restrained and rhythmically
Restrained and rhythmically


  • This Afro-Kubinsky dance is exclusively for paired performance. He has a smooth rhythm, filled with passion. Rumba is considered the homeland Havana, translated from Spanish, the name means "path."
  • There are several options for the execution of the Rumba, the main of which is a dance resembling a courtship of a partner, bordering the persecution, his passion is so strong.
  • As for the partner, her body movements are alluring and seductive, while she tries not to let the man too close.
  • This is the whole point of performance - tease and avoid intimate touch. That's why rumba is recognized as a dance of love.

Indian dances

  • The term that appeared not so long ago is the source Nastya - Ancient Indian genus. The Rodant's style itself is branched into several others related to different regions of India.
  • For example, Kathak, originally from the north of the country; Kuchipudi originated in the south; Bharatanatyam - Ibid, 5 thousand years ago. All styles combine the dance (both more traditional and modern), the ability to beat the dance composition on the stage with the help of graceful movements of the arms and legs, as well as a changing facial expression.
  • The Indians believe that the dance originated at the behest of the god Brahma, so he is a priori sacred. Each time, performing this or that composition, the dancers dress traditional outfits and jewelry, turning the dance into a mini-performance, filled with spiritualization and a sense of the presence of the highest deity nearby.

Belly dance

  • The eastern dance or the so -called "belly dance" is from Arab countries. To date, it is popular among women, helping them develop plastic and the harmony of movements, and also, as it turned out, promotes massage of internal organs, especially female.
  • Its source in the distant past, so by the 20th century the traditional dance became the “cocktail” from the dance of the Kabare of Europe of the 19th century, the gypsy “Gavazi” and the Arab dance compositions, where the hips were mainly involved.
  • The main reason why the eastern dance has become more popular in the West, and not in the East, is the fact that Islam is very strictly related to the appearance of women, considering them dance outfits unacceptable for the eyes of others.
  • Thus, Bllidens was able to take root in Europe and become one of the favorite styles of self -expression of various generations of both professional dancers and amateurs.
The most beautiful
The most beautiful


  • The national dance is from Spanish Andalusia, accompanied, in addition to music, also songs. There are quite a few types of flamenco (at least 50), he has such movements as clapping in their hands, tinkling with castenias, etc. Stylistically, the dance is closely connected with the musical tradition of Mauritania, it was also significantly influenced by the gypsy culture of those tribes of the romes that arrived in Spain from Spain from Spain from Spain from Spain from Spain from Spain Byzantium.
  • Such a mixture of folk traditions could not but leave its mark on this dance-musical style.
  • Modern performances of Dancers Flamenco amaze their rhythm, passionas well as a harmonious combination, melodies, voices and traditional musical instruments.


  • National pair dance from sultry Argentina is characterized by a high degree of improvisation in movements, energy and strict rhythm. Although this dance direction in South America developed, its origins are African, as well as the origin of the name (“dance for drum battle”).
  • Modern melody - the merger of European music with African and South American. According to fans of tango, this dance is full of fire, seething emotions, this is a combination of the past with the future, promising something new and completely unknown.

Video: The most beautiful dancing in the world

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