List of Muslim holidays for 2022: Table

List of Muslim holidays for 2022: Table

In Islam, a Muslim calendar is used to determine significant events. The dates of the celebrations change every year - according to the lunar cycle, which we offer to get acquainted.

Special days related to the acts of the Prophet Muhammad and his followers are filled with different traditions based on the customs of the country. The calendar month may consist of 29 or 30 days, the countdown is made after sunset.

Features of Muslim holidays

  • In total - 354 days. Each month is divided into weeks, consisting of 7 days. Muslim calendar includes the leap years in which it is taken into account 355 days. The number of days in the leap years depends on the system of calculating lunar days for a particular country, for example: Turkish calendar calculation, has a cycle - 8 years, and a calendar with Arab calculation - 30 years.

Consequently, in the Arab calculation, every third year is a leap, and in Turkish - the second, fifth and seventh year . By the last month of the year - one day is added.

  • When compared muslim and Gregorian calendar, You can observe how due to subtraction of one day displacement of all 12 months. The beginning of the month occurs on the first day after the new moon - on the growing phase, each lunar ascent - is calculated in advance, using astronomical calculations.
  • The reckoning in the Muslim calendar dates back to June 16, 622 - the Hijra Day, the period when the Prophet Muhammad and his students, forcedly left the sacred lands of the city of Mecca. Based on the calculations on the Muslim calendar, in 2022 - 1444 will come, and in 2023 - 1445.
  • The system of calculating special days in Islam, quite difficult for independent calculations. Therefore, for convenience, any mosque will provide this information for Muslim believers. Also, the differences in the calendar in Muslims include worship exclusively religious Muslim holidays.

A special place in the calendar occupies - friday, On this day, Muslims come to the cemetery to the graves of loved ones, arrange religious meetings, put on clean and elegant clothes. At the same time, Friday is considered a working day.

List of Muslim holidays for 2022: Table

The table indicates special holidays, according to the calendar calculation of Muslim holidays. The countdown begins in the winter months. The name and brief description of each significant day in the table will feel the tradition and characteristics of this day.

List of Muslim holidays for 2022:

The date of 2022 Name of a significant day Characterization and meaning of the celebration
January 6, 2022 Tubbeting Fatima The date of veneration of the youngest child Muhammad. Fatima - is an example of a Muslim woman: a symbol of God's and fusion, hard work, humility and efforts.
February 2, 2022 Umra The birth of two prophets: Isa and Ibrahim.
On the night of February 3 to 4, 2022 Ragaib (Night of Gifts) The marriage union of the father and mother of Muhammad. Conception of the prophet.
From 27 to 28 February, 2022 Icra-al-Miraj (Ascension Night) The journey of the Prophet through Palestine to Israel. The Ascension of the Prophet to Allah, accompanied by an angel of Jabrail. The time for reading all -night prayers, testifying to the above.
March 21, 2022 Navruz Indicates the beginning of the summer period. The harbinger of abundance and rich crops. The day is held in a peaceful festive atmosphere - resentments are forgiven. In the new bowl, special dishes are served.
From March 17, 2022 Leyile-al-Baraa (night of forgiveness Baraat) All -night reading of the Qur'an and prayers. The time for luring sins and requests for forgiveness. The main traditional feature is the tree of life: the prediction of fate on the crumbling leaves on which the names of those interested are written. Their fall gives a certain prophecy. It is necessary to pray diligently, read the Qur'an so that Allah releases sins, forgive.
From April 2 to May 1, 2022 Holy month Ramadan The beginning of a strict post. The period when the Prophet has gained a holy manuscript - the Qur'an. The time of the commission of pilgrimage, spiritual and carnal purification.
April 18, 2022 Battle of Badra Day of the memoirs of this event.
April 21, 2022 Fath Mecca Day The memory of the approval of the religion of Islam in Mecca.
From 27 to 28 April, 2022 Night of predestination possessing power That night, the suras descended to Muhammad. The period of prayers and repentance, thought about the upcoming time. That night you need to pray stubbornly, because prayers will have the greatest power to cleanse sins and forgiveness. On the night, believers festively fiddle and are possible night festivities.
May 2, 2022 ID-al-FIRT or URAZA-BAIR One of the main Muslim holidays, the day of exposure after fasting. Days of the celebration: gifts of gifts, meetings with relatives and feasts. The robes should be new and elegant. It is customary to be in the fun of the mood. According to custom, they visit the graves of relatives, give out donations.
May 26, 2022 The veneration of Imam Jafar The day of the memory of his suffering.
May 21, 2022
The official recognition of the religion of Islam. The date marks the day of signing the contract.
July 8, 2022 Day Arafat Carrying out the rite of standing among the pilgrims, in the Arafat Valley. This ritual increases both good deeds and sinful deeds. It is performed on the eve of the holiday of Kurban-Bayram, symbolizing-the end of Hajj. The celebration occurs 70 days later, after Uraza-Bayram.
July 9-11, 2022 Kurban-Bayram One of the main days of sacrifice. The prayer is performed. There is a throwing stones into the pillars to protect against the devil.
July 17, 2022 Gadir-Khum (reading the Qur'an) Public study of the Qur'an.
July 30, 2022 Muslim New Year Orthodox people listen to sermons in mosques, read prayers.
August 5, 2022 Hiking against Haibar against the Jews They recall a thirty -day siege during these events.
August 7, 2022 Death Tashua Imam Hussein Memorial Day.
August 8, 2022 Ashur's Day Mourning date. During this period, all prophets are remembered.
August 28, 2022 The beginning of the month is Safar It is considered the second month of the Islamic calendar. Time of peace and ceremonies. The month is associated with the emptying of Mecca.
September 16, 2022 Arbain The memorable date of the deceased martyr Imam Hussein.
September 23, 2022 Hijra night Muhammad left Mecca.
September 24, 2022 Day of mourning It is this date that symbolizes the grief for the care of Muhammad from life.
September 25, 2022 Memory of Ali Ar-Rida The time of honors of the descendant of Muhammad is the best reader and expert on the Qur'an. The eighth imam himself did his death, about which he learned from the prophetic sleep.
October 8, 2022 Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad In certain countries, the celebration is extended for a whole month. The true date of birth is not known to Muhammad, so it is ranked by the date of death. People during this period do good deeds, children eat sweets. Allah and the life of the prophet are also remembered in the mosques. Cities are decorated with quotes from the Qur'an.
List of Muslim holidays in 2022
List of Muslim holidays in 2022
  • Adherents of the Islamic religion, revere All important dates in the Muslim calendar, observing the established restrictions and traditions.
  • They turn to God daily - during periods of joy or grief. In prayers, they ask for support and advice for every day.
  • They do not forget to thank God and present alms to needing people in order to share God's blessing with them.
  • Muslims are not considered to be any of the months bad. Religion teaches, humbly accept what is sent by Allah. That's why, orthodox Muslims - They are in gratitude for every day, hopefully expecting new achievements.

Video: How is Kurban-Bayram noted?

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