Modern most beautiful female Muslim names and their significance for girls and women: List. What are the most popular, rare, unusual, short Islamic, Muslim, Arabic, Turkish, Uzbek names for girls: Rating of the best

Modern most beautiful female Muslim names and their significance for girls and women: List. What are the most popular, rare, unusual, short Islamic, Muslim, Arabic, Turkish, Uzbek names for girls: Rating of the best

The meaning and the most common Muslim female names.

In recent years, eastern culture has been gaining more and more fans in our country. With the development of television, cinema, as well as tourism, we opened a completely different side of life. Therefore, it is not surprising that many young parents prefer to choose oriental names for their babies. They are not only consonant with any surname, but also very non -standard.

In addition, the names of oriental origin have completely amazing meanings that differ significantly from Greek or Slavic. Today we will consider the most beautiful, rare and popular names of different peoples of the world.

What modern are the most beautiful, popular, rare, unusual, short Muslim names for girls: the best rating, values

In the Arab countries, the traditions of previous generations are very honored, so choosing a name for the baby, quite often they “look into history”. Despite this, in recent years there have appeared many new names that are in no less demand.

There is also a tendency to simplify names, so more and more parents dwell on short versions. At the same time, their values \u200b\u200bare in no way inferior to more difficult to pronounce. Among the most popular names over the past 10 years, it is highlighted:

  • Amir - Arabic origin and means "princess"
  • Gulnara - Translated from Persian is interpreted as a "grenade flower"
  • Leileh - has Arab roots and translates as "twilight"
  • Rashida - also occurs from the Arabic language and means "wise"
  • Maram - from the Arabic language translates as "striving"
  • Ryia - is of Arabic origin and is interpreted as "quenching thirst"
  • Aisha - Translated means "living"
  • Farida - also occurs from the Arabic language and means "pearl"
  • Jamalia - translates as "beautiful"
  • Zaira - also has Arabic origin and means "guest"
  • Rome - literally translated as "white antelope"
  • Lain - comes from the ancient Greek language. The name has gained wide popularity in Muslim countries. Means "tender"
  • Khan - translates as "happy"

There is also a list of names for girls who are the least rarely used over the past few decades. These include:

  • Amal - means "striving"
  • Lyalya - translates as "tulip"
  • Elvira - means "protecting all"
  • Ryda - interpreted as "leading"
  • Hala - translated as "shining"
  • Camille - in Arabic literally "perfect"
  • Gaida - means "tender"
  • Rabab - translated as a "snow -white cloud"
  • Samih - interprets like "generous"
  • Sana - translated from Arabic means "magnificent"
Muslim names
Muslim names

In addition to short names for girls, long versions are no less popular among future parents. Among which:

  • Delphus - from Arabic literally "Silver Soul"
  • Majid - "majestic"
  • Izdichar - the one that blooms
  • Lafifa - denotes "kind"
  • Ibtihaj - "joyful"
  • Maimuna - translates as "blessed"
  • Alfiya - means "friendly"
  • Dzhannat - translated from the Arabic language "Paradise of the monastery"
  • Juman - "Silver Pearl"
  • Ilnara - means "native light"
Muslim names
Muslim names

Also, residents of Muslim countries distinguish the most beautiful female names, without taking into account the influence of modern fashion and trends:

  • Lamis is the one that is pleasant to the touch, tender
  • Inas - means "sociable, sociable"
  • Manar - "lighthouse", "place emitting light"
  • Zaina - "Beautiful, Wonderful"
  • Adab means "polite." You can also use such forms of name as Adabe, Ada
  • Ayia - or Aya, "wonderful, unusual, special"
  • Vafa means nothing more than "loyalty"
  • Guly - or Gulnara. Literally means "flower or grenade tree fruit"
  • Jala - "Bold, Independent"
  • Malyak - "Angel"
  • Malika-the one that has something has something, "angel", "queen"
  • Zilya - "clean, clear"
  • Afaf - means "innocence"
  • Bushra - means "good, pleasant news, prediction"

Short beautiful names Islamic, Muslim, Arabic, Turkish, Uzbek female for girls and girls: a list, values

All Muslim countries have their own rating of the most popular and beautiful short female names. They are given to newborn girls, not only based on general significance, but also taking into account national traditions.

They also previously called children, paying attention not only to the meaning of the name, but also to the external data, but also the origin of the child. For example, in Turkey, the most common:

  • Esin - means "inspiration"
  • Nergis - translated as "Narcissus"
  • Maria - "Stubborn, stubborn"
  • GUL - translated from Turkish is interpreted as "rose"
  • Aida - denotes the one on the moon
  • Aisha means "living"
  • Kara - translated as "dark"
  • Lale - means "tulip"
  • Seven - "loving, giving love"
  • ECE - interpreted as "queen"

In Uzbekistan, popular female names are somewhat different. The most common:

  • Olma - means "apple"
  • Zilola - "Lotus Flower"
  • Nigora means "lover"
  • Aspir - translated as "main princess"
  • Dinora - "Gold Coin"
  • Intisor - means "long -awaited"
  • Guldasta - translated as "bouquet"
Beautiful short names
Beautiful short names

In Arab countries, the following names have acquired widespread:

  • Abir means "smell"
  • Amal - translates as "reliable"
  • Gada - "beautiful, beautiful"
  • Maryam - Arab version of the name "Maria"
  • Rafa - means "happy"
  • Safa - means "clean, bright"
  • UAFA - "devoted, faithful"
  • Faiza - translates as "The one that brings victory"
  • Yasmin - is one of the form of the name Jasmine, translates as "flower of jasmine, jasmine"
  • Haifa - translated as “a woman with a beautiful body”, “elegant, slender”
  • Hanaan - means "merciful, understanding, kind"
Names for Muslims
Names for Muslims

It is also worth saying that many parents prefer to call children the names that are in the Qur'an. But such cases are most common among families with conservative religious education. Among them:

  • Burses - means "pleasant, joyful news"
  • Hairia - the one that benefits
  • Hud - it means nothing more than a "righteous path"
  • Muhsin - means "doing good deeds"

However, in secular countries, such as Tunisia, Egypt, Turkey often can find the fair sex with European names. This is due to cultural characteristics, as well as the strong influence of Western countries and a large number of mixed marriages.

The most popular Islamic, Muslim, Arab, Turkish, Uzbek names are women: list, values

In countries where Islam is professed, the choice of the name is very important. After all, since ancient times, people believed that the name could affect fate. However, not only the names that come from the Arabic language are popular.

Due to the long existence of the Arab caliphate in Western Europe, Muslims expanded the boundaries of their culture, taking advantage of many achievements of other countries. Names were no exception, therefore, in the eastern countries today you can find the names that came from Latin and Greek.

For example, in many Arab regions, names that describe the nature are considered especially popular:

  • Muhja - interpreted as "soul" in translation from Arabic
  • Halima means "patient"
  • Agdalia - "Fair"
  • Arva - translated as "mountain goat"
  • Batul - "virgin, immaculate"
  • Aziza - "majestic"
  • Samira - means "the one that supports the conversation, sociable"
  • Faiza - "winner, purposeful"
  • Hanifa - during translation is interpreted as "truly believing"
  • Mufida - "useful"
  • Lulyuk - "Immortal"

On the territory of Turkey, names meaning natural elements, plants and phases of the moon are most in demand:

  • Aisa - means "moon water"
  • Kutay - "Holy Moon"
  • Gyulsen - translates as "healthy rose"
  • Fidan - translated in translated as "wood"
  • Dereya - "Ocean"
  • Hande - "Smiling"
  • Hystra - "Secret"
  • Canan - means "beloved"
  • Bingyul - translated as "thousand roses"
Popular Muslim names
Popular Muslim names

In Uzbekistan, widespread female names, which are called depending on the external data of the girl:

  • Zilola - means "Lotus flower"
  • Farhund - translated as "happy"
  • Zuhra - "beautiful, radiant"
  • Intisor means "long -awaited"
  • Anora - means "grenade"
  • Yulduz - translates as "star"
  • Shahlo - denotes "blue -eyed beauty"
  • Nigora - "Beloved"

The rarest Islamic, Muslim, Arabic, Turkish, Uzbek names are women: a list, values

It is worth noting that, despite the huge list of popular modern female names, there are a huge number of rather rare ones. In Muslim countries, those who have lost their relevance are considered less common in the influence of many factors. Also in every Islamic country they differ.

For example, the following names are practically not used in Turkey:

  • Basar - interpreted as "winner"
  • Irmac means "river"
  • Duigu - means "sensual"
  • Kumsal - translates as "sandy shore"
  • Chigdem means "saffron"
  • Yagmur - means "drops of rain"
  • UMUT - in translation literally means "Hope"

In Uzbekistan, European, Arab and Russian names are gaining more and more popularity. Therefore, in recent years, the following are considered rare:

  • Zulhumar - "charming, intoxicating"
  • Bodomgul - translated as "a flower of almonds"
  • Bakhmal - means "velvet"
  • Nafis - "elegant"
  • Saodate - literally translated as "happiness"
Rare names
Rare names

Among the Arab names, such female names are in less demand:

  • Anbar - "Blagowing"
  • Asia - translated as "caring for the weak"
  • Caviar - "hospitable"
  • Ilzida - "Power of the Motherland"
  • Kiausar - means "similar to a paradise source"
  • Rukyya - "Magic"
  • Saria - translates as "precious spring"
  • Rumiy - means "Byzantine woman"

The most unusual Islamic, Muslim, Arabic, Turkish, Uzbek names are women: a list, values

In recent years, many new female names have appeared, including modern variations in European with the eastern color. This is due to the mass trend of migration in the world, as well as the development of cultural relations and mixed marriages.

In Turkey, the use of names that the Slavs and the indigenous inhabitants of the country has become especially frequent. In Uzbekistan, they prefer to use those names that are common in Russia in Muslim regions. In Arab countries, Western European (Spanish, French, German) names are popular.

For example, in Turkey, among the most unusual female names, they highlight:

  • Sighur - "Free, Independent"
  • Damla - translated "drop"
  • Dylara - "Beloved"
  • Yones - "Clover"
  • Nulefer - translated as "water lily"
  • Pembe - means one -time
  • Shulkyz - "Pink Girl"
  • Doige - translated "The best in my eyes"
  • A measure - means "rebel"
  • Aila - "The Light of the Moon"

Among the unusual Arab names are found:

  • Zaituna - translates as "olive tree"
  • Ragimat - means "merciful"
  • Reikhan - "Basil"
  • Adele - interpreted as "noble"
  • Zahra - means "Venus" and is of Greek origin
  • Rome - "Snow White Antilope"
  • Aishabi - literally means "mother of the faithful"
  • Alo - "Sweetness from the East"
  • Salma - translates as "quiet"
  • Tamila - "Mountain Dove"
  • Lubluba - means "caring"
  • Unaizat - "Mountain Goat"
  • Najlya - translates as "that with wide eyes"
Unusual names
Unusual names

In Uzbekistan, the most unusual names for girls are considered:

  • Anora - translates as "grenade fruit"
  • Boda - named after the "almond nut"
  • Shirin - "Sweet"
  • Guzal - in tune with the Turkish version of Gusel and deciphers as "beautiful"
  • Ulya - this name was given to the girls who were born after the boys
  • Dilbar - "charming"
  • Nigora - interpreted as "beloved"
  • Guli - denotes "flower"
  • Nafis - "elegant"
  • Ugly - give those girls whose parents awaited their son
  • Kizlarbas - they call those children whose families only girls are born, but parents want their son

The trend of changing the popularity of certain names is provoked by many factor. However, in villages and traditional religious families they prefer to adhere to conservative views, so exotic and unusual names are more common in secular countries, less believers, as well as in large megacities.

A special impact on the names was exerted by Western culture in those countries that were previously part of the colonies (for example, Tunisia). Therefore, in some eastern regions, most children call French, Spanish, English and other European names.

Video: Beautiful Muslim names for girls

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