Why don't Muslims use toilet paper, but are washed with water after the toilet? Why are Muslims go to the toilet with a bottle of water? Islamic toilet etiquette: Rules

Why don't Muslims use toilet paper, but are washed with water after the toilet? Why are Muslims go to the toilet with a bottle of water? Islamic toilet etiquette: Rules

Features of the campaign in the toilet of Muslims.

Few of us are well acquainted with the culture and traditions of Muslims. One of them is a visit to the toilet. This is a whole ritual, which is aimed at cleansing.

Why don't Muslims use toilet paper, but are washed with water after the toilet?

Toilet paper appeared only in the 19th century. Prior to this, after defecation, the remnants of excrement were removed with rags, water and grass. Due to climatic conditions in some Muslim countries, it is quite hot. The remains of excrement between the buttocks can cause severe irritation and even decay. Therefore, in Muslim countries, most often after the toilet, a washing procedure was carried out.

In addition, there is a separate point in the Qur'an, which indicates how to visit the toilet. The use of toilet paper is possible only at the initial stage of the implementation of hygiene procedures.

Muslim toilet
Muslim toilet

Why are Muslims go to the toilet with a bottle of water?

Before the appearance of paper, it was not a tradition, but a hygienic norm after the toilet. This is what provided the necessary level of purity. Since Muslims are quite conservative, they still have toilet paper as an auxiliary product. Further, after removing most of the bowel movements, washing the anus is carried out with water. It is for this that they take a bottle or other container with water with them to the toilet.

What kind of jug to wash Muslims?

Such a container with water is called Aftar. Initially, stones were wiped (this is due to the lack of vegetation). Only after that was a wash of the genital organs and anus with water. In modern countries, such as the UAE, there are long hoses in the toilets with water supply. It is with their help that you need to wash in the toilet. But in poor settlements in the toilet, an anus is still washed with water from a jug. Sometimes buckets with buckets are used.

Toilet with a laid for washing
Toilet with a laid for washing

Islamic toilet etiquette: Rules

The most interesting thing is that washing the genitals is carried out not only due to hygiene and heat in Muslim countries. The whole procedure was fully described by the prophet Muhammad. There is a real toilet etiquette that every Muslim should adhere to.


  • You need to go into the restroom from the left leg. Enter with the right. It is forbidden to touch the genitals with their hands during the reference of needs
  • Almost all Muslims are emptied sitting. After that, you need to cough so that the last drops of urine come out
  • You can’t talk in the restroom. If you are asked something in the toilet, do not answer. It is worth coughing. You can't speak in the restroom
  • After defecation, the remains of feces are removed with stones, or paper, and the anus is washed with water
  • Many Muslims wear slippers before visiting the toilet and roll up the legs so as not to slap them
  • Prayer reads in front of the toilet
Toilet in Islam
Toilet in Islam

Why do Muslims wash the ass before prayer?

It is believed that a person must appear in front of Allah completely purified. That is why, even in ancient times, in Europe, rich in money, and Muslims - water. The rich man could afford to wash 5 times a day before each prayer.

Is it possible not to wash in Islam, but use toilet paper?

In Arab countries, it is not prohibited to use toilet paper. But besides her, it is worth washing water. This will finally cleanse the anus of feces. The most interesting thing is that in Islamic countries the least patients with hemorrhoids. Perhaps hygiene and the health of the rectum are connected. All restrooms in Muslim countries have a bidet, water hoses, or just a countess. Therefore, it will not be difficult to wash to wash.

Hose for washing
Hose for washing

As you can see, in Islam its traditions, and the trip to the toilet is described by the prophet Muhammad in great detail.

Video: Muslim toilet

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Comments K. article

  1. Well, yes, how, very clean traditions. Well, firstly, a strange tradition of spending water on one where with water is not so simple. I took it today, opened the crane, scored it as much as you want ... And then? That's what happened to such things then? And where and today, frankly, you won’t take a walk. And then, do Muslim citizens wash their hands after this? There are many Muslims today, they are more and more introduced into the catering system. Here sometimes you watch the news and no, no, and something about intestinal poisoning will flash .... From shawarmash and white, to restarates and motor ships. So I want to ask if Muslims do not work in the kitchen? ...

  2. This is a real attack ... During sports competitions, there are a lot of Muslims. The toilet is usually one or two for a sports complex. They do not want to sit on a boat on the toilet ring. Climb with their feet. The bottle after washing is not carried away, but thrown without even closing the cap. By the middle of the event, the toilets are so terribly packed, flooded with water, the toilet is trampled by the legs and even boiled ... and everything is thrown with raw toilet paper. Because they do not throw paper into the toilet, but throw it right on the floor ... trouble ... from the most clean -minded ...

  3. I applaud these comments

  4. There are some Nazi comments!
    Here we are talking about normal people professing Islam, and not about pathological pigs, which only say that they are Muslims.
    I will add an answer to the comments, Muslim hands are sure to wash with soap after going to the toilet, as well as a normal person will not deliberately touch his feces. Before washing the organs, it is necessary to use toilet paper, then water with or without soap, then drain the organs again with toilet paper!
    I think you all touch your organs in your soul and toilet, well, it’s like cooking too, but that you don’t wash yourself after bowel movements does not make you clean. It is not necessary to consider pigs Muslims, even if they call themselves that, but do not correspond! For Islam, such people are not Muslims, since they leave garbage behind and do not respect people around them!
    Therefore, unfortunately, the issues of hygiene of the body and soul remain on the conscience of every person and here it does not matter at all what he believes, more important than whom he deceives calling himself believers !!!

  5. You can not leave the dirt behind. If you put it off, take it away. Wash the toilet to the toilet with paper if it made wet. And if there is still something superfluous on it, then put the paper in several layers of wet and wipe it. It would be disgusting to say hello to a person who has dirty hands. And so I carefully soap my hands later.
    How I do:
    1) I finished the case, wipe it with paper.
    2) wipe with a damp cloth.
    3) Then start washing.
    4) Examine the restroom if you clean it dirty somewhere.
    5) my hands several times, at least 25 seconds.

    All my relatives, including Iya, hate the Koshda in the toilet dirty. And we all teach children etiquette. I do not like to go to different establishments where the employees are hollowing. People do not eat anywhere. And do not call each other bad names. I wish you good day.

  6. Sorry. I could not explain everything to you. I hope you will understand everything written above.

  7. When I wrote (as I do) I had about how I use hygiene products. Here I did not find a method for correcting the comment. I hope the administrators will correct this error.

  8. Bella, you wrote a full hat.
    Probably Bella, are you treating citizens from the CIS? So you protect them like that? Cleaning are Arabs, or Turks. And, everyone who comes from the CIS comes, they are dirty as pigs, airports, stations how many times I saw such. And, about toilets is true, after them you come in and around a lot of water, they soaked everything, the main thing is their asses cleaner. But, all the same, they are dirty, so that it would still be necessary to use soap. Therefore, these citizens, not only can not be forgiven, but they still do not remove traces of themselves.

  9. The most dirty are the Turks Arabs. People in the CIS are much cleaner because there are baths.

  10. And I like the fact that after we’ll swing are usually not washed with water, but they only wipe with a toilet paper. It is that often women do it badly and remain the remains of feces at the anus, gets into underwear. Thus, it smacks of the priest And their sensations are appropriate. It is directly sexually exciting!

  11. After we poked, we even wipe it beautifully, toilet paper! 🙂

  12. The issue of cleanliness is everyone personally. Cleanliness half of faith. They are washed with the left hand and use food with the right. After washing, of course you need to wash your hands with soap, well, the toilet is not dirty in Islam. I always my toilet and do everything possible to leave a clean toilet behind me. A Muslim is the one that brings the most benefit to people! Peace to you

  13. Arkady you are a pig, and a vile person if one two people you saw it doesn’t mean that everything is in the CIS such

  14. Do not teach ... another, but ... himself ...

  15. Mullo and now answer why non-Muslims who cannot then be removed after himself, he runs into the mosque and tries to cleanse sins for some reason in sword accept everyone. And they do not ask, they removed them or not, and there are more and more everywhere there are bad people in any nation and you do not need to justify everyone and say that you are all so correct.

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