How to determine which way to make prayers? In which direction to pray to Muslims? How to determine the position of the cyblah for prayer?

How to determine which way to make prayers? In which direction to pray to Muslims? How to determine the position of the cyblah for prayer?

Instructions for determining the position of Mecca, for the implementation of prayer.

Islam is the youngest religion that is at the moment. However, despite this, she has a huge number of fans and people who pray to Allah daily. In this article, we will tell you which way it is necessary to carry out prayer. 

In which direction do they make a prayer on a compass?

Prayer- this is Daily prayer, which is held five times a day. It is worth noting that a lot of rules and even whole instructions for prayer are associated with this action. Muslims are an unusual people who adhere to a huge number of rules in the implementation of prayer. It is necessary to pray not in any direction, but in a certain direction. More precisely, it is drawn to the sideCybyls 

In which direction they make a prayer on a compass:

  • Kibela Literally translated as located opposite. Previously, it was located towards the city of Jerusalem, but then it was transferred to the city of Mecca, where the Kaaba is now located. The most interesting thing is that there are a lot of difficulties in determining the directionCybyls, in the event that a person is in the desert, travels, or is constantly in transport.
  • Many believe that the development of mathematics, physics, geometry, as well as the exact sciences, provoked precisely the need for accurate definitionCybyls. Now there are a lot of ways to determine this direction, even special rugs with compasses and marks, that is, a indicator in which direction it is necessary to carry out prayers is sold.
  • Despite this, with the definitionCybyls Many difficulties are associated, especially if a person is on the road. However, there are several ways to determine this direction according to the stars, the sun, as well as a compass, an electronic clock.
By compass
By compass

How to determine which way to make prayers?

Now everything is much simpler, since there are electronic cards that allow you to determine the exact direction. However, unfortunately, it is not everywhere on the road that there is an opportunity to enable GPS navigation, which is why in such cases orientation in ancient ways is carried out, using the direction of the sun and stars.

How to determine which way to make the prayer:

  • Before the emergence of new technologies, the direction of the cyblae was determined using special tables. They were founded and developed on the basis of mathematical formulas and complex calculations.
  • A little earlier, mathematicians rackled their heads and provided a huge number of special formulas to determine the direction of the cyblae. However, in most cases, such measurements were unsuitable for the ordinary population, since not everyone had enough knowledge, erudition and IQ levels to determine the calculation of these formulas.
  • Accordingly, this is why all values \u200b\u200bwere included in special tables, which were used for a long time. Now everything works much easier, for this it is enough to have an electronic watch or a phone with an online application.
  • Thanks to him, the exact coordinates of your location are found, and as a result, a person receives a vector, a direction towards which it is necessary to carry out prayer. However, if this is not possible, then the sun was often used. To do this, you need to stand with your back to the sun and see that the shadow will be directed towards the East, the back is north, and the face is directed to the south. It was so that they determined where the kiblle is located. 
Mecca's position
Mecca's position

How to find out in which direction to make prayers?

There is an opinion that Muslims always pray in the direction of the East, However, This is only appropriate for eastern countries. If you are, for example, in the USA, then prayers can be carried out towards the northeast. In every corner of the globe, the direction may change.

How to find out which way to make the prayer:

  • Now, thanks to modern technologies, it is quite simple to determine the location of Mecca. However, before everything was much more complicated. In general, the easiest option is orientation towards the sun.
  • As indicated above, it is necessary to stand with your back to the sun at 12:00 and determine the location. This will help if you know in which direction the Kaaba is located from this place. Then it will be enough just to determine the point in the direction of which you need to watch and determine the coordinates where you are now.
  • Now it is enough to determine the direction to have GPS navigation and the easiest compass. There are many online sites that allow you to determine the direction of Mecca. In general, the direction is of great importance, but there are several opinions and confirmation that if you made a prayer in the wrong direction, then nothing terrible will happen.

In which direction should the prayer be made?

There are several evidence that before determining the direction it was necessary to perform many complex manipulations that did not give an exact direction, had a very greater error in measurements. That's whysome travelers prayed in the wrong direction.

Which way should I do the prayer:

  • There is even a story that states that two travelers could not determine the direction of Mecca, so they prayed in completely different directions opposite in the direction.
  • The action was carried out at night, in the morning travelers in the level of the sun determined where the south is located, the West realized that they were prayed in the wrong direction where Mecca was located.
  • However, the Prophet came to them and said that there was no need to repeat the prayer, since Allah is everywhere: in the north, in the west, and in the east. There are a number of confirmations for this, therefore, if you accidentally incorrectly determined the direction of the kiblla, then there is no need to re -make a prayer. This applies to travelers, also people who experience difficulties in determining the direction of the Kaaba. 

It is worth considering that when building temples in Islam, a direction relative to the Kaaba is also used. In general, all temples are directed to face Mecca, so it is worth considering this fact. In the implementation of prayer, you can focus on the position of the mosque. In any country in the world, it is built according to these rules. Therefore, being in the mosque, it is necessary to become in the indicated areas. In some temples on the floor, on the walls there are markings in which direction it is necessary to carry out prayer.

Video: In which direction do they make prayers?

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  1. Mashaallah

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