Ways to remove tartar at home. The reasons for the formation of stones on the teeth

Ways to remove tartar at home. The reasons for the formation of stones on the teeth

The article contains methods of getting rid of tartar at home and in dental clinics.

Tartar bothers many people. Few people think about his harm until they are faced with consequences. And there are a lot of to the tooth stone.

  • Starting like a yellowish plaque on the teeth, toothstone hardens over time, turning into a brown hard layer. Such a layer is no longer possible to remove a regular toothbrush
  • Tooth stone is the range of pathogenic bacteria. In addition, this is the cause of the unpleasant odor from the mouth
  • If you do not deal with tartar in a timely manner, serious diseases of the gums and teeth may appear

The causes of the appearance of tartar on the teeth

  • Tartar has mainly inorganic structure. It is formed as layering of a plaque for a long time (food residues mixed with substances of the salivary glands)
  • The main reason for the appearance of stones on the teeth is not compliance with personal hygiene. People who neglect the brushing of teeth provoke the rapid development of tartar
  • Incorrectly selected brush and toothpaste, can also cause the disease
  • Incorrect bite, jaw diseases and curvature of teeth make it difficult to clean the oral cavity in hard -to -reach places
  • Incorrect nutrition, which contains a lot of sugar and other light carbohydrates, negatively affects the condition of the teeth
  • Also, the reason for the appearance of tartar may be the use of certain drugs
  • Sometimes tartar appears due to improper treatment of the tooth. The seal can have a gap or crack in which toothstone grows
  • Smoking provokes more intensive development of tartar

How to remove and get rid of tartar at home?

  • Remember that the best treatment is prevention. Carefully brush your teeth in the morning and evening, paying attention to inaccessible areas. Choose a toothbrush with a small head so that it takes out to distant teeth. In order for the brush to clean the plaque, the bristles should not be too soft. Remember that plaque appears a couple of hours after eating. Use the dental thread and rinse the genus with warm water
  • Visit the dentist regularly. Some types of tartar are not visible at first sight. The specialist will be able to identify the problem in time
  • At least once a week, use toothpaste with solid microparticles that carefully remove the plaque. You can cook such a paste at home. Add a pinch of soda and a drop of lemon juice to the daily paste. Another recipe is to chop the activated coal tablet, add to a regular paste. Let the black color not bother you, when rinsing it will disappear without a trace
  • If the plaque is already old, try to influence it chemically. The plaque has an alkaline environment, and acids can be eliminated. Make a special solution: 2 drops of lemon juice, 5 drops of peroxide and a little baking soda. Apply this mixture to the places of accumulation of plaque and hold for several minutes. Then brush your teeth and rinse carefully
  • Solid food can naturally eliminate plaque. Eat apples, carrots, beets. Only at the same time do not cut vegetables, but bite yourself and cheat thoroughly
Eating solid food reduces the risk of toothplay
Eating solid food reduces the risk of toothplay

How to soften tartar at home?

  • Acids are able to soften the toothstone and simplify its removal. Natural acids are lemon juice, orange. You can also use apple cider vinegar
  • Celandine is medicinal herb, which is also able to overcome the disease of the teeth. Buy celandine at the pharmacy and prepare a decoction. In a glass of boiling water, boil 50 grams of celandine. Let the grass infuse within 30 mines, and then strain it. This decoction can rinse your teeth after eating
  • Black radish is a solid vegetable with antimicrobial effects. Chew a piece of radish daily, if the taste is unpleasant, just spit out the rest

Cleaning from stone at home

So that there are no reasons for the appearance of tartar, you need to brush your teeth correctly.

  • Select a suitable toothbrush with medium stiffness bristles. Such a brush will not damage tooth enamel and at the same time cope with the removal of plaque.
  • Use good toothpaste of trusted manufacturers. Read the composition on the package and find out how the pasta acts, what problems it fights with. Toothpastes that contain small microparticles whiten their teeth well, but they cannot be used for a long time so as not to damage the enamel.
  • Brush your teeth from all sides, pay special attention to chewing teeth and the inside of the front teeth. These are the most common places for the appearance of caries and tooth stone.
  • After brushing your teeth, proceed to cleansing the tongue and internal parts of the cheeks. This will help maintain the freshness of the oral cavity for a long time.
  • Use the dental thread to cleanse your teeth in hard -to -reach places. Dentists say that the dental thread copes with the extraction of food residues is better than toothpicks.
  • After each meal, rinse your mouth with warm water. If possible, add a pinch of soda or a special solution for rinsing the oral cavity to the water.
  • If you smoke, then also rinse your mouth after each time smoking.
  • Helps soften the tartar well glister Eleans To rinse the mouth of the company Amvei. To do this, plunge the solution for rinsing according to the instructions. Moisten the cotton wool in this solution and attach to the teeth for 10-15 minutes. Then brush your teeth with a toothbrush. Carry out the procedure several times. To prevent the formation of tartar, you need to brush your teeth glister paste AMVEI companies along with an electrician, add 1 drop of an electric water in water to a toothbrush.
Daily brushing tooths
Daily brushing tooths

Tartar removal methods

If you can’t cope with the dentistry independently, there are several dental methods of combating tartar.

  • One of the simplest ways is mechanical. Using special tools, a dentist scraps tartar from the tooth surface.
  • Another common way is to remove stone with a special gel. Its composition softens tartar. However, this method can only be used by an experienced dentist. The chemical gel is able to corrode not only the stone, but also the tooth enamel.
  • The latest method of dentistry, which quickly and without pain will remove the stone - ultrasonic. He does not harm neighboring teeth and enamel. However, it also has a number of contraindications.
  • Another modern method is the removal of tartar with a stream of water of high power.

Tooth stone removal. Tartar

  • Gel to remove tartar is used in many dental clinics.
  • The procedure is simple and painless, but requires great competence of the doctor. The gel contains acids that corrode the structure of tartar and then remove it is not difficult.
  • This method is applicable in any case, even with the most neglected. The gel destroys not only tartar, but also tooth enamel. Therefore, it must be applied correctly, and remove it on time.
The dentist removes tartar
The dentist removes tartar

Removing tartar with ultrasound

This procedure is quite new and is not in all clinics. Its cost is higher than similar procedures for removing tartar, but it has many advantages.

Firstly, the ultrasonic method is completely painless.

Secondly, it does not have a destructive effect on tooth enamel. The method is based on the vibration of the sound of a certain frequency that destroys the structure of the tooth stone.

The best means for removing tartar: tips

  • Tartar appears due to harmless, at first glance, plaque. Follow the rules of personal hygiene to maintain your teeth clean.
  • Correct your teeth, take a few minutes of time in the morning and evening. Do not rush and do not put off this procedure for later.
  • Normalize your nutrition. After each meal, piss the oral cavity.
  • At the first signs of the appearance of tartar, remove it. The primary form will easily get rid of independently, at home.
  • If tartar in an advanced stage, seek help from a specialist. Remember that this is not only not aesthetic, but also contributes to the occurrence of teeth and gum diseases.
Brushing after each meal
Brushing after each meal

Video: Folk recipes for removing tartar

Video: how to brush your teeth correctly

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  1. I think the main reason for the formation is non-corrective care. And not only outside, but also internal. It is very important to help the body ... I’m in addition to cleaning, I take calcium Helat Evalarovsky+I try to adhere to proper nutrition. Teeth are in perfect condition ... There are not even no stones and raids.

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