How to learn to smile with your teeth naturally?

How to learn to smile with your teeth naturally?

We learn to naturally smile with our teeth in the photo and in life: step -by -step instructions, tips and recommendations.

The ability to pose today is as important as knowledge of etiquette. In this article we will tell you how to learn to smile with your teeth naturally, and we will also analyze the main causes of clamps and ways to eliminate them.

What prevents you from smiling beautifully with your teeth naturally?

Some people think - the point of learning to smile beautifully with your teeth, if you do not apply it in life? There are a number of very good reasons why a person, regardless of age, is very reasonably not smiling with his teeth. And sometimes this is just a far -fetched problem. How to learn to smile with your teeth naturally? To begin with, let's figure out what prevents us from doing this:

  • Curvature of teeth growth. Pay attention to Kira Knightley - a global stars. It has more than once illuminated this issue and is 100% sure that if the teeth are healthy and do not have significant defects - they do not need to be sawed, equal and mocking their jaw. Look at your smile carefully - perhaps you excessively thickened the colors. Not? Then it is worth visiting the dentist, because you can align your teeth at any age;
  • Rotten teeth, tartar, lack of some teeth. A really good reason not to temporarily expose the teeth during a smile, unlike Dmitry Dibrov, who is so confident that he does not consider these shortcomings to be significant enough to hide them from the public;
  • Emalie yellowness. So, let's immediately note that the natural yellowness is the norm, and it can be removed exclusively by veneers or an inserting jaw. Svetlana Loboda got used to the veneers for a long time, painfully, to the distortion of facial expressions and speech defects, and changed several options while she picked up the tolerable. Visit the dentist, follow the oral cavity, and remember, no one perceives light yellow today as a problem as a whole;
  • Defects of the bite and jaw. The most complex of cases, since the issue can be resolved exclusively by operations, and even in all cases. Therefore, it is better to accept yourself as it is, and perceive it as a certain unique feature. For example, like Ksenia Sobchak. With her financial possibilities, she did not change anything and left her appearance as she is and at the same time no less popular and beautiful lady, and the smile is very recognizable for every Russian -speaking person;
  • The presence of a pins between the front upper teeth. You can fight like Drew Barrymore, or you can leave and make a scherbin with your proprietary highlight as Madonna, Lara Stone, Vanessa Paradis and many others did.

In addition to this, many are embarrassed by their facial expressions during a smile with their teeth, the eyes of the “crack” and other facial clamps. Fortunately, you can work with this, and very successfully. What we propose to do in the next section.

Kira Knightley is an ideal example of an imperfect, but radiant smile
Kira Knightley is an ideal example of an imperfect, but radiant smile

5 tips for a smile with teeth to be natural

They wondered how to learn to smile with your teeth naturally? We have collected 5 tips to facilitate the study of this issue as much as possible:

  • You can’t smile exclusively with your lips, the whole face smiles. Good emotions give glare in the eyes, relaxation of muscles and sincerity in a stretched smile;
  • Training is the most important aspect. Train in front of the mirror, every day before going outside, make a few selfies for yourself to learn how to choose a perspective and work out the posing;
  • Take care of the oral cavity. You can not sincerely relax with your teeth, realizing the defects and flaws of the jaw;
  • With the clamped muscles of the face, study massage techniques and follow the muscle relaxation regularly, after all, with stress and a large load, the muscles of the face suffer first. They are clamped, and as a result they “pull” the face;
  • Drive your smile for 10-15 minutes every dayuntil you work out and do not learn to quickly “put on” a sincere smile for the photo, as well as fix it for 10 seconds (the perfect time for a successful frame or a series of personnel).
A natural smile with teeth is the best weapon that can be used daily
A natural smile with teeth is the best weapon that can be used daily

How to learn to smile with your teeth naturally: options for different smiles with your teeth

So, we made out the main reasons why you can be shy to “expose” your teeth in a smile. There is a problem - put up or eliminate. There is no other solution to the issue and cannot be. Now let's move on to the question of how to learn to smile with your teeth naturally. To do this, you will need a front camera with a timer, free time and good mood:

  • Never, hear, never say at the time of the photo “h-and-and-and-zs”, if you do not want to resemble a distorted clown. Slightly open your mouth in a smile and tell me the lingering "uh." First with the sound, then when you understand which muscles are involved, you can sound sound. Make a few dozen frames to understand your methodology and the optimal opening width of the lips. It is better for someone to slightly expose the teeth, and someone will go full opening of the teeth;
  • A few seconds before the photo, rush off from any joke, but just without boiling with laughter, but slightly, acquiring your teeth. To create this effect, think about a fun event or a funny joke, memes and faces will also work. Try different options for mixtures, remember the muscle work and use it in the future;
  • The tip of the tongue under the upper front teeth, then smile, opening the teeth. As a result, a classic Hollywood smile. But remember, it is important not to pull the grimace, but to smile naturally;
  • Close your eyes, relax, think about your loved one and, opening your eyes, smile. You will get the most sincere smile with the least clamped muscles of the face.
Sincere smile with well -groomed teeth - the best decoration of a person
Sincere smile with well -groomed teeth - the best decoration of a person

Step -by -step instructions on how to smile naturally with teeth

An ideal smile is the most relaxed muscles of the face and shoulders. Following this instructions, you will learn how to smile perfectly, and you will no longer have a question of how to learn to smile with your teeth naturally.

  • Level your back, take your shoulders back, hold the posture, do not tilt your head back. Relax, but stay even;
  • Stretch out and relax your neck, lowering your shoulders just below, and raising the crown up;
  • Cover your eyes and think about pleasant;
  • Relax your face;
  • Raise your tongue to the sky, taking the roots of the front teeth with the tip (thereby you level the bite, select a double chin and you can’t overeat the muscles of the face in this position);
  • Think about fun, beloved, good and open your eyes. The effect will be - smiling eyes;
  • Lightly stretch the smile and open the teeth line. Remember that a smile with teeth is not always the most open and stretched mouth, it is a comfortable ajar of the mouth so that the muscles of the face are relaxed;
  • Silently say “uh-uh” without killing the tongue from the sky.

A natural smile with teeth is ready!

A natural smile is not only lips and teeth, but also raised cheeks, cheerful eyes, raised eyebrows
A natural smile is not only lips and teeth, but also raised cheeks, cheerful eyes, raised eyebrows

How to learn to smile with your teeth naturally: photographers' tips

Peter: A stretched smile is worse than closed eyes when the lens shutter. Before photographing, I try to talk a person, cheer a little and tell me how to keep myself in the frame. If you are constrained and clamped, try to drink a sip (but only a sip!) Of alcohol before taking pictures. And most importantly - listen to the master.

Inessa: Everyone laughs with a selfie, I recommend at least 5 selfies per day with different emotions as a photographer with 20 years of experience. Today, the need for a photo can arise at every step, and what is the result? You do not want to be the worst face in a group photo, for example? So, learn not only to look worthy and behave, but also to pose with dignity. And remember, the first 100 selfies will be funny, unsuccessful, irritating if you have external or internal clamps. But from the 101st selfie everything will go completely differently. Only, chur, look at the photo, analyze and change.

Want to improve in photo posing? You will be interested in our articles:

Video: How to smile correctly? Exercise for a natural sincere smile

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