5 best ways to whiten teeth naturally at home: expert advice

5 best ways to whiten teeth naturally at home: expert advice

Want to know how to whiten your teeth at home - fast and simple? Read the article.

Today, whitening of tooths is one of the most common services provided in dentists around the world. The desire of people for bright white teeth led to the improvement of various methods of teeth whitening.

Read on our website article about the sensitivity of teeth to hot, cold. You will learn about the reasons and how to cope with such discomfort.

Guaranteed safe, long and, above all, an effective result, is whitening under the guidance of an expert. However, the desire to have white teeth older than popular methods of cleansing the enamel surface. The article will reveal small secrets - 5 best ways that you can use for natural teeth whitening with the ingredients available to each of us at home.

How to really whiten your teeth yourself at home - fangs, front, other teeth: expert advice

White teeth at home
White teeth at home

The results that you can achieve using the methods below will not be the same as in dental offices. But they, of course, will give your teeth - fangs, front and others, freshness and remove spots from the surface. You really will be able to whiten dentin yourself at home. These are simple ways, expert advice. Just prepare a recipe tool, apply and ready. Read further.

How to independently, easily and quickly bleach the yellow teeth of the smoker at home with baking soda, lemon: recipe

Whiting yellow teeth of a smoker at home with baking soda is one of the most famous natural ways. Codes are an integral part of each household. Therefore, it will not be difficult for you to prepare a tool. It will help remove the spots on enamel that arose as a result of use:

  • Coffee
  • Red wine
  • As a result of the action of tobacco resin

When soda mixes with water, it creates a special chemical reaction, which acts on painted teeth and eliminate spots from them. How to whiten enamel easily and quickly? You can use food soda to whiten dentin with several methods, but the simplest:

  • Drink a toothbrush a little with water, and then dip it into powder of baking soda.
  • Clean the dentin thoroughly for about two minutes, trying to walk on all surfaces, and then rinse the oral cavity.

Another recipe:

  • Mix food. soda with toothpaste.
  • A homogeneous mixture should be obtained.
  • Apply it to the dentin and rinse thoroughly.

You can also mix 1 teaspoon of salt with baking soda, which will enhance the effect of baking soda due to the abrasive properties of salt.

Another of the most common recipes is a mixture of baking soda and lemon juice:

  • Mix a little powder of baking soda and lemon juice.
  • Then apply this mass to your teeth, wait 3 minutes And rinse with cool water.

The action of this mixture is explained by the fact that citric acid slightly corrodes the dentin of the teeth and allows you to get better to penetrate the food soda. This methodology of teeth whitening should not be repeated more than 1 p. per week due to the possibility of damage to dentin.

Remember: Due to the damage of enamel, dentin with the crown part - enamel, becomes hypersensitive and the risk of caries is increased.

How best and safely you can whiten your teeth at home: recipes with turmeric

Turkey, although it has a yellow color, can very easily whiten your teeth at home, and, completely safe. It is completely natural and does not lead to damage, and it can be purchased at any grocery store. What is the best way to use turmeric for these purposes? You can use this tool as follows - recipes:

  • Dip a slightly moistened tooth. A brush in a bowl with turmeric and evenly apply a “powder” on the teeth.
  • Clean them thoroughly and leave them like that for 3-5 minutes.
  • After this period, thoroughly clean with ordinary paste.
  • The results are visible immediately, but if you are not satisfied, you can repeat the procedure again within 7 days.

To simplify the use of turmeric for natural teeth whitening, you can do the following:

  • Mix 1/4 tsp. turmeric And a few drops olive or coconut oil.
  • Use as indicated above - clean and leave for a while, then clean with ordinary toothpaste.

In addition to the fact that turmeric is great for teeth whitening, it is also a natural antiseptic and antibiotic and has a beneficial effect on the entire oral cavity and its flora.

How to clean effectively - coconut oil for bleaching inserted, extended, metal -ceramic, ceramic, artificial, yellowed teeth at home: recipes

Coconut oil for whitening yellowed teeth at home
Coconut oil for whitening yellowed teeth at home

One of the most useful oils is definitely coconut. Its positive effect is due to the fact that it has a large number of very important vitamins and useful trace elements:

  • Vitamin A - Great for the immune system.
  • E - It has excellent antioxidant properties and protects against UV radiation.
  • To - Good for blood coagulation.
  • D. - Great for strengthening dentin.

Coconut oil is widely used in cosmetology, but it can also be used to bleach tooths. This is a very old tradition. How to clean effectively? You can use coconut oil to whiten inserted, extended, metal -ceramic, ceramic, artificial, yellowed teeth at home. This can be done in several ways. Here are recipes:

Baths with coconut oil:

  • Rinse your mouth during 10 minutes, taking two teaspoons of coconut oil in the morning before brushing your teeth, and then spit out.
  • Then take warm water, rinse the cavity with it a little, spit out and brush your teeth in the usual way.
  • It is recommended to use this method three to four times a week to achieve the best results.

Natural toothpaste of coconut oil - The necessary ingredients:

  • Half a glass of coconut oil
  • Two teaspoons of baking soda
  • 10 drops of mint oil

Do this:

  • Heat coconut oil until it becomes liquid.
  • Gradually add baking soda and mix until it acquires a test -like structure.
  • Add essential oil essential oil to the mixture and close it in a suitable container for further use.
  • When you want to use the mixture, take its desired amount with a brush and brush your teeth.

This mixture will be an excellent addition to other procedures if you have previously rinsed your mouth with coconut oil. Just after rinsing, use this natural toothpaste to brush your teeth.

It is worth knowing: In addition to the fact that the teeth will become whiter, the mucous membrane of the oral cavity will be healthy and the breath is fresh.

Apple cider vinegar for cleaning and bleaching a dead, filled tooth at home: Recipes

Apple vinegar is in almost every kitchen. This is a product of apple fermentation, it is full of useful ingredients, such as minerals and different enzymes. In addition to many good properties, one of them is the ability to whiten their teeth. How to use apple cider vinegar for cleaning and bleaching a dead, sealous tooth at home? The recipe is very simple:

  • Pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar in 250 ml of water, stir.
  • Every morning, before brushing your teeth, rinse your teeth with this solution.
  • Before use, be sure to shake the container with the solution, since all the beneficial substances are at its bottom.
  • After that, be sure to rinse your teeth in the usual way.

It is worth knowing: In addition to whitening tooths, apple cider vinegar removes tartar and kills bacteria in the oral cavity. It is important not to make a solution more saturated than indicated, otherwise you can damage tooth enamel.

If you have problems with enamel color, you can also try tooth bleaching method with drugs or gelthat does not have a harmful effect on the enamel.

How to bleach the enamel of tetracycline teeth at home without aggressive pastes - hydrogen peroxide: recipes

Whitening the enamel of tetracycline teeth at home without aggressive pastes - hydrogen peroxide
Whitening the enamel of tetracycline teeth at home - hydrogen peroxide

If your teeth have changed color due to a large amount of coffee or due to the use of some medicine, the question is whether this wonderful ingredient can help. Hydrogen peroxide is a substance similar to that which is used for professional teeth whitening in dental offices. There is no doubt that the procedure with such components is completely safe. It is important that you use hydrogen of proper concentration. The safest for oral use is 3%hydrogen peroxide. How to whiten the enamel of tetracycline teeth at home without aggressive pastes?

Recipe No. 1:

  • Take two tablespoons of 3%-hydrogen peroxide and rinse their mouth for about a minute.
  • The solution will begin to foam, but this should not scare you, because it is a normal reaction in contact with the saliva and bacteria of the oral cavity. When the foam appears, this indicates that the recipe works.
  • After a minute, spit the solution and brush your teeth in the usual way.
  • Hydrogen peroxide has both mechanical and chemical abilities to whiten teeth.

Recipe No. 2:

  • Mix two teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide (about 10 ml) with three teaspoons (about 15 ml) of baking soda. Mix until the ingredients turn into a paste.
  • You can add a few drops of essential oil (for example, mint) and a little salt to the mixture (it has an abrasive effect).
  • Apply the solution to the teeth evenly and wait 2 minutes.

After applying the mixture that you did yourself, clean your teeth with the paste that you use for daily brushing.

How to whiten your teeth at home with coal: recipes, video

Whitening enamel of teeth at home with coal
Whitening enamel of teeth at home with coal

Asset powder. Coal has a rare natural ability to bring water into itself along with substances toxic and harmful to the body. Therefore, this tool is used to bleach tooth at home. This is a wonderful abrasive, but its particles are so small that the enamel will not be damaged and effectively cleanse.

Important: Be sure to consult a dentist before this procedure. If there are microcracks on the enamel, then coal will paint them and still have to do professional cleaning.

If there are still defects for enamel, then this method is not for you. Here are the recipes of whitening with coal:

  • Hold the coal table. (couple of pieces) for 2 minutes. Then rinse with water and clean the usual paste.
  • Crush the tablet to the state of the powder, add a little water to get a pasty mass, and clean the upper and lower row in the morning for 3 minutes. Rinse and clean the paste.

Everything is simple. Watch more in the video:

Video: How to use activated carbon for beauty?

It is worth knowing: Dentists necessarily recommend teeth whitening into the stomat. cabinet. This is the only way to get the safe and effective cleansing of dentin with its components to the desired shade. Natural recipes can be an excellent alternative to professional methods, since they can only remove surface spots from the teeth.

Therefore, before choosing any of the above methods, learn more about how best to make the enamel of the snow-white.

Remember: You can very simply harm enamel if you do not follow the instructions described above. In addition, it is important to get a consultation with a dentist before any method of teeth whitening. This will help not to harm enamel if you have any individual characteristics of the body or contraindications.

How to whiten your teeth naturally at home: reviews

If you want to whiten your teeth naturally at home, but you can’t choose a method, read the reviews below from other people who will help you determine the method. Not everyone does professional cleaning. Many people use additional whitening methods using improvised means to improve the result.

Alexander, 40 years old

After the last visit to the dentist, I found out that I need to do professional cleaning. But I have a lot of work and there is simply no time to do this now. The dentist said that then try to just clean with baking soda. I did such a homemade whitening 3 times a week. A month later I saw the first results - my teeth became whiter and more beautiful.

Alena, 29 years old

I brush my teeth with soda with lemon, but not often. It helps to perfectly remove stains from coffee and cigarette smoke. I advise this method to all friends. But I also do not forget about professional cleaning, because such a procedure is needed for teeth.

Irina, 35 years old

I love turmeric. This seasoning is very useful for health, but I did not know that with its help you could whiten your teeth.  I advised a friend, now I use it constantly. After all, this is better than using abrasive pastes and other similar medications.

Video: a new way to whiten teeth in 1 hour at home

Video: 10 natural ways to whiten teeth at home

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