Oral cavity hygiene. Care for teeth and hygiene. Hygienic brushing tooths

Oral cavity hygiene. Care for teeth and hygiene. Hygienic brushing tooths

Proper oral hygiene allows you to reduce the risk of problems with teeth and gums. The importance of regular maintenance of the oral cavity is difficult to overestimate. In this article you will learn how to do it correctly, what care procedures, and the most commonly used oral hygiene products.

Oral care

Oral care
Oral care

In the process of human evolution, the teeth “learned” to withstand heavy loads. But, even this is not enough today.

Poor ecology, low quality of drinking water and other problems, adversely affect the condition of tooth enamel. Namely, it is the main protector of the teeth from diseases and destruction.

High -quality dental care lies in their daily brushing and a periodic visit to the dentist.

Proper oral hygiene is:
• Care for teeth with a brush and toothpaste. Twice a day;
• cleansing the teeth from food and plaque residues immediately after its consumption;
• Regular inspection of the oral cavity and professional care in the dentist’s office.

An important component of proper hygiene of the oral cavity is tooth brushing. But, you need to not only regularly brush your teeth, but also do it right.

The toothbrush must be kept at an angle of 45 degrees to the surface of the tooth. In addition, it is necessary to properly move the toothbrush along the surface of the tooth. The lower row is cleaned from the bottom-up, and the upper is the other way around. That is, the movements of the toothbrush should be from the gum to the surface of the tooth.

The teeth are brushed in the following sequence: first it is necessary to clean them from the outside, then go to the inside, and finish the cleaning on the chewing surface of the tooth.

Important: for each tooth, you need to walk at least ten movements with a brush.

Slomed teeth are the weakest, so their brushing needs to be paid more attention.

When brushing teeth, you need to pay attention to the language. In addition, you need to massage the gums. In the morning, use the paste with a whitening effect, and in the evening toothpaste on the healing herbs.

After each meal, especially the one that includes sweet dishes, it is necessary to clean the mouth of sugar residues. For this purpose, you can use a chewing elastic band. But, do not keep it in the mouth for a long time. Ten minutes will be quite enough.

To clean the teeth from stuck pieces of food, a special dental thread was invented. It can also be used to care for the oral cavity after eating.

Oral hygiene products

Oral hygiene products

The basis of oral hygiene is to clean the teeth from food residues. For this purpose, they are used:
• toothpaste;
• Toothbrush;
• dental floss;
• toothpicks;
• Rinseur of the oral cavity.

In order to carefully care for your teeth, it is necessary to choose the right tools for such care. Particular attention should be paid to the choice of a toothbrush and pasta. The brush is selected by the degree of stiffness. If you are afraid to injure your teeth by choosing an incorrect toothbrush, it is better to contact a dentist. The specialist will select this subject of hygiene based on the examination of your teeth. The same goes for toothpaste.

Important: the selection of means of such hygiene is best carried out together with your dentist.

Ultrasonic teeth brushing

Ultrasonic teeth brushing
Ultrasonic teeth brushing

Recently, the ultrasound procedure for teeth is very popular. Using this hygienic procedure, you can cleanse the teeth of dark plaque. Such a plaque can be caused by the use of coffee, tea and smoking. But, even among those people who do not abuse this, teeth can darken over time.

Unfortunately, a dark plaque is not only the reason for the deterioration of the appearance of the teeth, but also the harbinger of the formation of tartar.

You can protect yourself from this problem with the help of ultrasonic brushing your teeth. Removing plaque and tooth stone with ultrasound today is the most effective procedure for brushing tooths. In any modern dental office there is an ultrasonic skeler, with which this procedure passes.

Removing plaque and tooth stone using such a device is a painless procedure. With the help of ultrasonic vibration acting on the teeth, it is possible to remove not only the deposits visible to the eye, but also those that cannot be detected even with the help of special means.

Important: ultrasound fights not only with deposits and tartar, but also destroys bacteria harmful to the body.

With ultrasonic brushing, the enamel of the tooth is absolutely not damaged. Moreover, having cleansed of deposits, tooth enamel absorbs nutrients from toothpaste and food better.

Treatment of the oral cavity

Treatment of the oral cavity
Treatment of the oral cavity

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to achieve the health of the oral cavity only with the help of care and prevention. Sometimes you have to resort to treatment. Problems with teeth and gums can appear due to heredity, use of various medications, spicy foods, alcohol and the development of various infectious diseases.
The disease of the oral cavity is classified by:
• infectious and inflammatory;
• viral;
• fungal.
The infectious and inflammatory processes in the oral cavity include: pharyngitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the throat), glossitis (inflammation of the tongue), gingivitis (gum inflammation) and stomatitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane in the oral cavity). With the symptoms of these problems, it is necessary to get qualified help from specialists.
Viral diseases of the oral cavity include Herpes and papillomas. It is completely impossible to get rid of these problems. Using therapeutic methods, the manifestation of these diseases can be eliminated.

Important: fungal diseases of the oral cavity can lead to candidiasis.

Candidiasis of the oral cavity

The oral cavity is a disease that is caused by the actions of yeast -like mushrooms - saprophytes. As a result, a white plaque appears on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and language. Such a plaque usually does not cause pain. But, if it cannot be identified in time, and not start to treat it, candidiasis can “grow up” to other organs.

The oral cavity can be caused by improper nutrition, a decrease in the immune system, work in harmful working conditions, etc. Treatment of candidiasis of the oral cavity occurs using various medications. The most popular of them are antifungal drugs as nystatin or Levorin.

Caries prevention

Healthy smile
Caries prevention

Caries is a slowly progressive pathological process of destruction of hard tissues of the teeth. Translated from Karies Latin means “decay”. Many experts consider caries this disease of teeth with a scourge of modern society. It is believed that the development of this disease was influenced by a modern diet and low ecology.

Today it is believed that the worst factors affecting the development of caries are:
• improperly balanced diet;
• the presence of harmful compounds in drinking water;
• Social and climatic conditions.

In order to reduce the development of caries, it is necessary to eat properly, use clean water for drinking and carrying out regular care of the oral cavity.

Important: often caries can be caused by excessive eating sweets between meals.

The remains of sugar on the teeth lead to the destruction of their enamel.

In order to prevent caries, it is necessary to brush your teeth after eating, consuming hard fruits and vegetables (they have a teeth cleansing the effect) and increase the consumption of fluor -containing products. Poftor is a mineral that is an effective weapon against caries.

Professional oral hygiene

Professional oral hygiene

Professional oral hygiene is a complex of measures aimed at caring for teeth and gums, conducted in specialized institutions. This procedure is carried out by dentists-parodontologists or dentists-hygienists.

With the initial appeal to specialists for the implementation of professional hygiene of the oral cavity, they will inspect and determine the availability of problems associated with teeth and gums. Then, the dentist will develop a set of measures related to the solution of the identified problems.

The professional hygiene of the oral cavity includes:
• training in the right care of teeth;
• selection of hygiene products;
• Cleaning of teeth from deposits.
And other events.

In order to keep your teeth healthy and beautiful, you need to regularly visit the dental office. Professional inspection of the oral cavity will help identify most problems at an early stage. Which will greatly simplify their decision.
Be healthy!

Video: Professional oral hygiene

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Comments K. article

  1. Have you done the oral cavity at least once? I want everything and I can’t get together.

  2. I did in the summer, I liked it. I can tell where I did, the clinic is very cool. Dr. Razumenko’s clinic heard about this? On Krasnobogatyrskaya, it is located metro Preobrazhenskaya Square. I treated my teeth there, and later I did the hygiene of the oral cavity and was very pleased! Very competent specialists, the latest equipment and chic prices.

  3. Valeria, thank you very much for the recommendation. I read your post for a long time, but I used the advice to contact this clinic only last month. Indeed, the clinic of Dr. Razumenko deserves everyone praise, professionals work. I even managed to visit the head physician at the consultation, he gave me advice on treatment. Now I can also recommend this clinic to my friends!

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