New ideas for a personal diary 2022-2023 for girls: drawings on cells, pictures for sketching, new recipes for your favorite dishes, inspirational quotes, poems, new dreams and goals, a list of books for reading and films for adolescents

New ideas for a personal diary 2022-2023 for girls: drawings on cells, pictures for sketching, new recipes for your favorite dishes, inspirational quotes, poems, new dreams and goals, a list of books for reading and films for adolescents

A personal diary is considered the most faithful, reliable friend. Thanks to him, many generations grew up successful, creative, romantic people.

Ideas for a personal diary are diverse. There are interesting, bright, unusual, funny options. Therefore, you can design your own thoughts by choosing the idea that you will like the most.

How to create a personal diary yourself: ideas 2022-2023

  • To decorate your own personal diary, you can use copyright drawings, colored or black and white printouts, emoticons, stickers and so on. If you have the ability to write poetry, you are fond of hand-maye, love to draw, then for you the design of the diary will be a fascinating work.
  • But, if you only comprehend wisdom of needlework, begin to draw, write poetry, for you there are bright, unusual tips for the Champions League (personal diary).
  • Personal Diary Ideas - This is useful, exciting work. Thanks to her, you can develop your own imagination, imagination. You will create your creation quickly and beautifully.
  • There are some successful options for 2022-2023. Be sure to take one or more as the basis for crafts.

First, select the foundation for the diary. There are several options:

  • The classic method of creating LD. Turn an ordinary notebook into an unusual creation. If you do not plan to write often, then take a thin notebook. If you need a diary for every day, then you will need a notebook for at least 80 sheets. Which notebook to choose - in a cell or line, decide for yourself. But in a notebook with a cage, you will be more comfortable to create schemes, different graphic drawings. Choose the cover neutral because you will decorate it yourself.
A page from the diary
A page from the diary
  • Make LD using a notebook. There are many different options that you can buy in the store. To place drawings, stickers, or collages, focus on vertically. Place the notes horizontally. To make a universal diary, take a diary.
Diary page
Diary page
  • Take it big album for the base, if you love to draw or collect a collection of your own sketches. Such a diary is suitable for you if you create large collages according to your own desires.
Diary page
Diary page
Diary page
Diary page
  • It is suitable for the collector diary-pack. Here you can put a variety of clippings from magazines, as well as interesting notes about your own idols. If you collect thematic cards or stickers, this option will be a comfortable option for you. A diary in the form of a folder will preserve each component, which can fall out of an ordinary notebook.
  • Want to make an unusual creation? Then take as the basis for the diary office paper and threads. The last you can connect all the sheets.
Thread and paper
Thread and paper
  • The most convenient, practical option is the basis of paper in the cover of their skin. With such LD, you will not worry about the torn sheets or crushed corners. A dense cover will be good protection, such a diary will last you for a long time.

Personal diary design

  • We all know that any personal diary It begins with the cover. It attracts attention, tunes in positive emotions. To make a cover yourself, use our tips.

Personal diary cover Do strong, so you extend the product with the service life. Strengthen the cover, wrap, or glue it with some dense material, paper. You can make an additional cover for greater strength, which can be removed at any time.

  • Add the page " General births of friends«,  Boys' birthdays«,  Birthdays of relatives«.
  • Devote the pages mom, dad, grandfather, grandmother, brother, sister.
  • Write down the most original jokes.
A page from the diary
A page from the diary
A page from the diary
A page from the diary
A page from the diary
A page from the diary
A page from the diary
A page from the diary
A page from the diary
A page from the diary
A page from the diary
A page from the diary
A page from the diary
A page from the diary
A page from the diary
A page from the diary
A page from the diary
A page from the diary
A page from the diary
A page from the diary
A page from the diary
A page from the diary
A page from the diary
A page from the diary
A page from the diary
A page from the diary

You can write explanations to the rules in the Russian language, mathematics and other subjects in the diary. It will be very good for your performance. Example:

Record of the rules from the school curriculum
Record of the rules from the school curriculum

During the design of the diary cover, use needlework skills, creative imagination. Further, our ideas will help you:

  • Stick favorite photosthat are associated with positive memories. Such photos will be able to cheer you up.
  • Great option - a collection of positive pictures, Collage from various illustrations, positive statements.
  • Write on the cover your favorite quotes, excerpts of their poems. Write any letters: printed, capital, bright from multi -colored pens. Such sayings will be able to create a pleasant atmosphere, inspire you.
  • Decorate the cover of your personal diary bright stickers. This is why they are convenient - if the surface of the cover is smooth, you can quickly change them, attach new pictures.
Personal Diary of Idea for Design
Personal Diary of Idea for Design
  • You can decorate the cover lace, quilling, interesting applications.
  • The cover decorated with dried leaves and flowers. Put an interesting composition from them, fix it (cover with varnish or laminate).
  • Even if you do not have needlework skills, create an elegant cover using improvised materials. Buttons, rhinestones, wrapping paper, ribbons, braid, artificial flowers and so on are suitable.
Personal diary
Personal diary
Diary decoration
Diary decoration
Delicate diary
Delicate diary

Origami on the cover of a personal diary

  • Origami is considered an indispensable technique during design of the cover of a personal diary. The technique is also suitable to decorate the internal pages. Unusually folded figures will be the "highlight" of any LD. Only you must choose the most ideal options.
  • Volumetric and large figures will look inappropriate. It is better to choose “flat” origami of small sizes, for example, bows, envelopes, frames and so on.
  • You can quickly make figure-original. Moreover, for a personal diary you do not need to do some complex compositions. So, for example, an ordinary fan, which is inserted between the pages, looks quite spectacular.

How to arrange the first page of a personal diary?

The initial page needs in a special way personal diary. To aesthetically design it, you must use the same rules, hints that are used for the cover. But think over its information design more carefully.

Place the following on the initial page:

  • Their personal information. Make a page as in a questionnaire, for example, a question-answer. Place standard data: how old you are, your favorite hobbies, and so on.
  • Write something unusual. For example, list your own character traits - what you like, what you would like to change. After some time, evaluate the change.
  • List the most the memorable events of his biography. You can supplement the list received each time.
  • Great option - the mood with the mood. Draw a calendar on it. For every day, put a certain assessment. Draw a smiley, or come up with a color palette of negative and positive days. You can then analyze the time that has already passed.
  • Place on the first page successful, funny pictures. They will cheer you up when you open a diary.
  • Open your LD author’s work-draw something beautiful, make an application. In general, just fantasize.
The first page
The first page
Diary design
Diary design
First page
First page
The beginning of the diary
The beginning of the diary
Page from the student's diary
Page from the student's diary
Useful notes
Useful notes
About myself
About myself
Poems for a personal diary
Poems for a personal diary
For the first page of a personal diary
For the first page of a personal diary
Poems for a personal diary
Poems for a personal diary
Poems for a personal diary
Poems for a personal diary
Poems for a personal diary
Poems for a personal diary
Poems for a personal diary
Poems for a personal diary
Poems for a personal diary
Poems for a personal diary
Poems for a personal diary
Poems for a personal diary
Page from personal diary
Page from personal diary
Poems for a personal diary
Poems for a personal diary
A page from the diary
A page from the diary
A page from the diary
A page from the diary

Unusual topics for a personal diary, favorite recipes, quotes, dreams

If you do not know what topic to choose for the diary, use the following ideas:

  • Quotes. There are many topics for quotes. Since everything that happens in your life can be written in a diary. Constantly record quotes that are important to you. For this, classic books, well -known films, wise words of philosophers are suitable.
For the diary
For the diary
The prayer of the student
The prayer of the student
For a personal diary
For a personal diary
For a personal diary
For a personal diary
For a personal diary
For a personal diary
For a personal diary
For a personal diary
For a personal diary
For a personal diary
For a personal diary
For a personal diary
For a personal diary
For a personal diary
For a personal diary
For a personal diary
For a personal diary
For a personal diary
For a personal diary
For a personal diary
For a personal diary
For a personal diary
For a personal diary
For a personal diary
  • Dishes. Recipes of various dishes that you like the most. Write them down in a personal diary too. Fix the simplest recipes consisting of ordinary ingredients. So you can learn and cook them over time constantly.
Cherry cake recipe
Cherry cake recipe
Recipes for girls
Recipes for girls
Recipes for girls
Recipes for girls
Recipes for girls
Recipes for girls
Recipes for girls
Recipes for girls
Recipes for girls
Recipes for girls
Kanapa recipe
Kanapa recipe
  • Travels. For this topic, highlight a special page. Since it is enough to record your own feelings when you went to that city or the country, it is quite interesting. You can still sketch your feelings on the pages of the diary.
  • Dreams, cherished desires. Write in the diary the things that you need the most. So you will not forget about important details, purchases, desires.
  • Family Tree. Studying your own family is sometimes very exciting. What if your family has a famous person, scientist or writer. This is cool! Also, we must not forget about friends, since they are part of your life. Dive them a separate page. Remember their best sides, successful nicknames, favorite memories.
  • Sport. An active lifestyle is always relevant. In a personal diary, write a schedule of your own training, perform exercises regularly. Stick the pictures that will motivate you. Tell us in what sports competitions or competitions you participated, describe your favorite sports circle, favorites among physical training.
  • Pets. Today there are animals in almost any house. Everyone loves to play with a pet. You can make a separate page, write on it the stories of your favorites. If you do not have a pet, then choose an animal that you dream of having. Write how to properly care for a pet, how to walk with him and so on.
Personal Diary Ideas
Personal Diary Ideas
Personal Diary Ideas
Personal Diary Ideas
Personal Diary Ideas
Personal Diary Ideas
Personal Diary Ideas
Personal Diary Ideas
Personal Diary Ideas
Personal Diary Ideas
Personal Diary Ideas
Personal Diary Ideas
Personal Diary Ideas
Personal Diary Ideas
Personal Diary Ideas
Personal Diary Ideas
A page from the diary
A page from the diary
A page from the diary
A page from the diary
A page from the diary
A page from the diary

To arrange a page, use the floral ornaments. They will decorate the pages of the diary. If on some day you did not have a very good mood, draw dark flowers. If the mood was excellent - bright, multi -colored.

Interesting ideas for pictures for sketches in a personal diary

  • If you are looking for pictures for sketching, then our ideas will suit you. Our collection has various pictures for conducting LD for any wishes, moods for young girls.
  • We have simple drawings for a personal diary. They are beautiful, interesting. There are also complicated drawings, and what you like, decide for yourself.
  • To draw pictures, use paints, pencils, felt -tip pens. In general, decide. We are sure that in our assortment you can definitely find sketches for a personal diary to your liking.
  • Any drawing that you like, you can save on a PC, print or decorate. However, it is best to draw a drawing from the monitor. In this case, you get drawings much more interesting.
In the diary
In the diary
Figures for a personal diary
Figures for a personal diary
To nimble
To nimble
In the diary
In the diary
Figures for a personal diary
Figures for a personal diary
Figures for a personal diary
Figures for a personal diary

Ideas for cell pictures for diary

  • Pictures drawn in cells are the best method to decorate personal diary. On the Internet you can find many pictures for both girls and boys. You can portray them on sheets in a cell.
  • For such cases, emoticons are best suited. In addition, there are many different “mathematical tools”. You can use them every day. On the network you can find different blogs, how to use such tools correctly.
  • Pictures on cells are of various sizes: from numbers to several hundred different species. It doesn't matter what exactly you will write about in your own diary.

Here you can find interesting drawings that can be suitable for any case:

  • Perhaps you like to write in a diary about pets.
  • Maybe you will like to describe the heroes of your favorite animated films.
  • You can write in your diary that you received a long -awaited message or letter.
  • And, perhaps, you often talk about what fashion, cosmetics, what performers you listen to or you eat something delicious.

Choose the perfect drawing from our collection yourself. Garnish with this pattern some recording-so you can design your own personal diary quickly, simply and beautifully.

On cells
On cells

List of books for reading, and films for adolescents

If you love to read, watch a lot of films, then you can make a list of your favorite paintings or works in a personal diary.

Popular books for teenagers:

The best films for teenagers:

We described only some films and books that you can watch for yourself and add them to the diary in the category of "beloved".

Video: Personal diary design

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