Psychosomatics: Acne on the face - description, causes and solution of the problem

Psychosomatics: Acne on the face - description, causes and solution of the problem

Psychosomatics is a medical area that studies the effect of the emotional state on the occurrence of physical diseases, pathologies. One of these problems is acne on the face.

Psychosomatics in this case explains the connection between painful rashes and mental malfunctions of the body into various stages. If acne, acne often appear on your face, then you should definitely find out for what reason this happens.

Psychosomatics: the appearance of acne on the face

  • Stress or depressive situations can provoke the formation of adrenaline in the blood. This hormone has an effect on the vessels, narrowing them. This negatively affects the nutrition of the epidermis. Another hormone that can adversely affect the skin - cortisone. It slows down collagen, skin renewal.
  • Stress situations do not affect food digestion. Due to this process, in the intestine they are collected toxins. They negatively affect the state of the epidermis.
Often occurs at a young age
Often occurs at a young age
  • There can be many microbes on the skin. Even those that are considered conditionally pathogenic. With a weak immune system, microbes multiply rapidly. This leads to acne and other skin diseases.
  • In addition, stress in the body activates Hyperactive work of the sebaceous glands. The pores begin to clog, excellent conditions for the appearance of acne, acne appear on the skin. What else does it say psychosomatics about the appearance of acne on the face?

Psychosomatics Acne on the face: Psychological causes

Among the most basic reasons for the appearance of acne, acne, acne on the face, using psychosomatics, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • Emotional contact with mom is violated. When a person in childhood feels that he is disliked by a native person, this leads in the future to the next one - in his adolescence acne on the face is one of the first reasons according to psychosomatics.
  • Parents ignore the feelings of children. In this case, the authoritarianism of mom and dad can be considered the reason. They impose their own desires, principles, forbid children to have their own interests, hobbies, preferences.
  • Strong care. Acts in the same way as ignoring.
  • Dislike of your appearance. Often this occurs in adolescents when children begin to depend on the opinions of other people.
  • Conflict within itself. The occurrence of acne may indicate a difficult establishment of contact with people. In children in adolescence, this may indicate that they are afraid to communicate with other adolescents of the opposite sex.
The reasons
The reasons
  • Benefit in their favor. Sometimes a person tries to attract the attention of others, but he does not understand how to implement his plan.
  • An attempt to become like a friend who is familiar. In such a situation, a person has an idol, he carefully tries to copy his appearance, habits. Over time, a person moves away from his own body, he does not perceive himself and his appearance.
  • Lack of patience. During the solution of problems, a person often refuses his principles, he simply gives up. The human psyche is not prepared for such a solution, and therefore does not want to put up.
  • Problems related to work. Often acne occurs in adult men and women who have changed work or only pour into the new atmosphere of the team. Tireless emotions can cause problems with the skin. Acne also arises if a person cannot find contact in the director or he has difficult schedule.
  • Conflicts in the family. In this case, acne occurs in women. Constant coolness in relationships, daily scandals, misunderstanding of children - all this can cause acne.
Due to conflicts
Due to conflicts
  • Financial difficulties. Acne can bother men. After all, it is more difficult for them to endure their own failure.
  • Punishment of oneself. After a person makes a bad act, he feels guilty, and therefore unconsciously punishes himself.

Psychosomatics Acne on the face on Louise Hei

Louise Hay is a popular author of books on psychology and psychosomatics. Her publications were able to help many people cope with psychosomatic disease. The author’s books are a real discovery in this area. In one book there is a special table of diseases and reasons why they arise. There is also information that concerns the appearance of acne.

The disease on the skin
The disease on the skin

So, psychosomatics acne on the face on Louise Hey says:

  • When acne occurs on the skin, acne - this suggests that a person often has small outbreaks of anger.
  • If acne is present on the skin, a person does not want to agree with him. He does not respect and does not love himself.
  • In the case when white acne appears, a person tries to hide himself, reflects in the mirror.

The table can be found not only, which is why problems arise on the epidermis, but also the recommendations with which you can deal with them. Do not perceive this method with irony. Since even official world medicine recognized him. Louise Hay also calls the “queen of affirmations”, because her table works for sure.

People who were seriously carried away by this theory have tried it. They claim that they were able to achieve the following results:

  • Louise's advice helped them cure only the body, but also the soul.
  • If you use the technique correctly, you can get more effort.
  • Adhering to the author’s recommendations, you can cure not only acne on the face, but also other diseases.
From what?
From what?

In order to learn how to use the technique, first learn the "affirmations". It is in the table from the author’s book. Repeat the words every day 2 times. You can believe what you say. You will quickly notice the results on the skin.

Psychosomatics Acne on the face according to the methodology of Sinelnikov

  • A displeased attitude towards yourself, your own appearance is the main reason due to which acne on the face according to the method of Sinelnikov.
  • Acne, as a rule, occurs during puberty. It is at this time that girls and guys have a question that concerns appearance, attractiveness. In this period of time, each rejection of appearance can affect the skin of the face.
  • How much efforts do young people spend in order to hide their “skin shortcomings”, thereby improving their own appearance? Thanks to this ailment, adolescents undergo love lessons for oneselfStart take yourself, Own sexuality as it is.
  • Unknown, new energy becomes the main basis of the life of young people. This energy wants to leave the body, go out. But it is simultaneously restrained, goes inside deeper due to the influence of morality.
  • At a young age, it is very important that adolescents are supported by their parents. So, for example, in some tribes, even today they use special rituals of initiation.
  • During puberty sebaceous glands are actively functioning. But what is it for? All because the skin is lubricated thanks to these glands, contact improves. When acne, acne, the glands are clogged on the face, the inflammatory process begins.

It is important to cleanse your own consciousness, eliminate “dirty” and “inflamed” thoughts that may concern sexual relations that are opposite.

  • It is necessary to open to enter into a new life. It is also necessary to calm down, to perceive sexuality as the natural power of this world. For everything there is its own time.

Psychosomatics Acne on the face on the theory of Liz Bourbo

The author of many books by Liz Burdo claims that acne in a person can arise for several psychological reasons. This is mainly due to locks.

Depends on psychology
Depends on psychology

According to psychosomatics, acne on the face according to Liz Bourbo, there are 3 reasons:

  • Physical. Basically, acne appears only on oily skin. Acne occurs in adolescence, disappear over time when a person is 20 years old. But there are people whose who remain. Ordinary acne disappears after a few years. After them, the scars do not remain. But there are nodular acne that develop longer, having unpleasant consequences. After all, after them remain ugly scars.
  • Emotional. Acne on the face - a symptom of the subconscious desire of each person to push others away, not to give others to consider appearance near. This skin disease says that a person does not like himself, cannot love, respect himself.
  • Acne - The symptom is quite sensitive, but at the same time, a closed person. Perhaps that is why we notice acne on the skin of young people who are too demanding in themselves are ashamed of their appearance. They do not hide, but repel others from themselves because of a skin disease. Acne often appears in those personalities who, in order to give their relatives, try to be completely different than they really are.
  • Mental. If you are a young person, you have an acne on your face, review your own attitude to your appearance. Find out in your thoughts what prevents you from remaining the same person, showing individuality. Perhaps you want to become like mom or dad. Or maybe, on the contrary, you do not approve of the words, actions of your parents, make yourself not like mom, dad. In both cases, you are not yourself. Ask your friends how they relate to you. Compare them and your own opinion. If you are an adult, but you still have acne on your skin, then mentally return to adolescence, analyze what happened to you then.
Review the attitude
Review the attitude
  • If acne does not disappear, then you suffer from some kind of psychological trauma that you received when you were a teenager. Review the attitude towards yourself. If acne occurs at an elderly age, then, as a teenager, you suppressed some bad emotions inside yourself. They may have been associated with an encroachment on individuality. Think about what happened to you in youth.
  • Maybe your body suggests that it is time to free emotions hidden somewhere deep in the shower that you are not able to suppress. To suppress any emotion, strength, energy are needed. Your body says that you begin to respect yourself, recognize your own spiritual beauty.

Psychosomatics Acne on the face along R.G. Hamer

  • Psychosomatics Acne on the face on Hamer. He tied acne with a scandal of depreciation of his own appearance. Acne occurs in adolescents when, as a rule, a girl or guy first falls in love. A teenager wants to evaluate his own body, skin in order to understand how beautiful he is.
  • And here, depending on how much the child was repeated, how beautiful he is, how it was the attitude to its own appearance has been formed He, the child will be prepared for assessing himself.
  • It is advisable to repeat several times to the child, how beautiful he is than to say once, that his lips are not like his mother, they are like dad, too narrow. And the child will recall his “narrow” lips for a long time, even when he grows up until the awareness is gathering inside him, thanks to which he will get rid of the thought of such words.
  • In the meantime, awareness will not accumulate, and self -esteem about the appearance will not increase, in the depths of the skin, processes will occur that are launched by these unrest, passing during the recovery in acne.
From self -rejection
From self -rejection
  • A vicious circle appears here. Acne inspire fear, and therefore more reduce self -esteem. The child begins to think that he is ugly, it is even impossible to look at him. The next wave of excitement occurs, and new acne appears with them.
  • There is only one way out for a child in such a situation - support for mom and dad, removing mirrors in the bathroom. If possible, you can lead a child for several days to the sea, where he will not think about the mirror.

Psychosomatics Acne on the face of Gilber Renault

  • Psychosomatics Acne on the face according to the railway.A talented man connects the appearance of acne with sexuality, which is characteristic of young people.
  • “Polluted” statements that are included in the vocabulary of adolescents, hidden cigarettes from parents, secretly watched films for adults, the first kisses and hugs. This is ashamed, but it is necessary.
  • The first acne - A reminder that the child is ready to enter adulthood, to become more sexy, which some consider bashful.
  • At one seminar, Renault has a woman who has 3 children, she decided to say: “My children never had acne, acne. And all because we had warm, trusting relationships with them, the children did not hide secrets from me. ”
  • Great method against acne, right?

Acne psychosomatics on the face: dependence on the place of appearance

According to psychosomatics, acne on the face, which appeared in a certain place, may have the following values:

  • On the entire surface of the face. If the whole skin is covered with acne, this suggests that a person refuses to perceive himself as a person. He is not satisfied with his own character, he is ashamed of his desires, actions.
  • In the forehead. A person is demanding of his appearance. He wants others to treat him seriously, so a person is considered quite responsible. He is afraid that he will seem ridiculous from the side.
Depending on the zones
Depending on the zones
  • In the zone of the chin. Acne appears in this place if a person is constantly conflicting with relatives. It can "knock down him". Acne on the chin cares about vulnerable personalities, which are very sensitive. Sometimes acne on the face of these people appears if they simply do not fill up.
  • On the nose. Acne in the most noticeable place of face occurs in too alarming people. If the pimple is in the bridge of the nose, then a person has accumulated a lot of anger inside, which he tries to endure for a long time.
  • Near the eye. Acne under the eyes indicates that a person is tired, often experiences stress. Sometimes acne appears from the fact that a person is trying to aimlessly spend his own strength.
  • In the area of \u200b\u200bthe cheeks. On the cheeks, acne arises if a person feels lonely, abandoned by all. It seems to him that someone is trying to put pressure on him, and therefore in life he does not notice joy. A hidden indignation boils inside a person.
  • On the lips, below the face. Acne in this zone arises when a person closes in himself, hung up on his own unrest.
Accept yourself
Accept yourself

To overcome acne, find a companion. Discuss this problem with them, look for information on different forums. So you will definitely find like -minded people who can share your sorrow and excitement.

Video: Psychosomatics: acne, acne, acne

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  1. I cured acne with the help of a pharmacy pianom Retasol. By the way, the only remedy that helped me. After a month and a half, the skin became absolutely clean and healthy.

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