Tips for girls and girls of adolescents 10-16 years old: about style, care for body, hands, hair, face, questions of intimate hygiene: beauty secrets

Tips for girls and girls of adolescents 10-16 years old: about style, care for body, hands, hair, face, questions of intimate hygiene: beauty secrets

The girlfriend’s girlfriend is very important for leaving for himself. We will provide this information in the article.

Adolescence is the most touching, dreamy, gentle and at the same time the most difficult in the life of girls. The changing hormonal background affects not only the physical, but also on the mental state, and while we especially want to be very beautiful somewhere treacherously, the pimple will come out, we become too thin or too thick and clearly looks at us in the mirror Not Blake Lylyuville and already not Leiton Mr..

How to care for teenage girls: Simple tips

We really hope that your mothers told you how much you are individual and beautiful, and taught you to love yourself. As well as the fact that true beauty is not in long legs or chest like an Alenka of 6-A. And inside your beautiful and smart heads and good hearts, a good attitude towards others, and a positive attitude, and good manners and much more, not particularly related to the appearance.

If you do not believe it - look at how the standards of beauty have changed over time and how diverse the beauties representing Hollywood today. And all the beauties in this world have one secret - they simply radiate self -confidence and know how to turn all their shortcomings into advantages.

Of course, when your body changes very hard to remain unshakable and confident in its attractiveness day day. It is to help you always feel 100% that we have prepared this article. We hope that by reading it you will love yourself (if you have not done it yet) and you will enjoy every new day in this difficult period of your life.

  1. Style.Of course, the first thing others pay attention to is clothing. In the first 30 seconds of visual contact, it is clothes and hairstyle that tells the story of who you are. Later - this is the intonation of the voice, gestures, facial expressions and more.

The first very important advice - Learn from mom to stroke and follow her clothes. Whatever the cost of your clothes - the rumpled fabric will look sloppy and ugly, and the mother at this age does not always manage to iron what you want to wear.

  • Second - Pay attention to how your favorite actresses dress, buy yourself fashion magazines and try to absorb style. Determine your type of figure and your color type - this is very important for creating your own style. An excellent help will be a book with pictures (so clear), for example, the Super-book has a super-book, Eric Daman, a “gossip” stylist. It is called You Know You Want It: Style-infection-confidentence. He, as well as Patricia Field (stylist of the cult series “Sex and the City”) is just a magnificent ability to create mischievous and unforgettable images that will always be in trend.
  • If you are not yet confident in your abilities as a stylist, choose someone whose style is impressed by you and try to copy this personality. And always remember, a style is a certain game, which should be most fun to play. Even if you have to wear the same school uniform as everyone else - experiment with the length of the skirt, roll up the sleeves of the jacket, fasten the buttons non -standard, decorate yourself with a bright scarf or brooch.
  • Third- Style is also makeup. At this age, your main decoration is tender youth. Of course, we do not advise going out into the street without painting the same pimple that appeared at the wrong time. To cope with him - experiment with the means. Consult your mother or seller of cosmetics in the store - they will help you choose a tool that is ideal for skin tone. You can choose a foundation or corrector. The main thing is to apply as much as necessary.
Style is important
Style is important
  • Indeed, on the one hand, the correct makeup is the effect of flat skin, without rashes and other troubles, and on the other, an excess of foundation on the face looks very ugly and cheap. Now there are a lot of beauty bloggers who shoot videos on how to properly apply foundation, mascara and create a certain image with makeup. You can choose a girl with a similar color type and follow her tips.
  • The main recommendations for adolescence girls They come down to the fact that you should choose as natural tones and shades that will not drown out natural beauty, but will help to emphasize it. The first set of decorative cosmetics must include mascara, light lip gloss and corrective agent at your choice.
  • Hairstyle. To begin with, I must say that changes in your body are not a reason to cut yourself, dye your hair in green, or grow your hair on the floor and not wash it for a year. It is very important to adequately evaluate the changes that occur with you and not fall into extremes. Try to choose a haircut that will help to hide the flaws, and which will give you the opportunity to lay it differently so that the monotonous image does not bother. Most likely you don’t like something in your appearance now-your nose seems big or your ears stick out-look for information about how to adjust this using haircuts or makeup.
It is important to choose an image
It is important to choose an image
  • Aroma.One of the most pleasant moments of growing up is, of course, the choice of toilet water for yourself. Council for girls and girls of teenagers: Go to the cosmetics store and ask the consultant to tell you about the aromas and let them smell them. It is important to remember that even if you really like this or that smell - your aroma is the one that in a minute you will stop feeling on yourself if you do not touch the application point. Also, you do not need to pour over half the bottle at once. This is a bad tone. You need to lace the fragrance on clean skin a little on special pulsation points - a bend of hands, behind the ears, in a hollow on the chest, whiskey. Some recommend spraying the aroma into the air and enter it.
  1. Your body.The most variable part now is your body, which is preparing for a magical transformation. Hormonal changes that occur in you can lead to excess weight and increased appetite. How to stay attractive at such a difficult moment?
  2. Firstly, all doctors and nutritionists unanimously repeat that you are strictly forbidden to sit on any of the “adult” diets-because you pass through a period when your body is actively growing and developing and you need all the nutrient components for To form it correctly. Moreover, they all as one agree that they need to control the appetite. What to do? Refuse sugar in drinks that you love - the taste of tea without sugar is much nicer and brighter, like coffee.
  3. Review your diet-do not use fast food, stake (there is too much sugar in it and if you do not want to refuse it, you must be sure that this sugar will go with sports), it is better to put on a plate instead of a large amount of porridge or potatoes vegetables. At this time, more consciously relate to what you use and in what quantities. In addition to maintaining the figure, a more reasonable nutrition will give you another bonus - cleaner skin. The well -known fact is that everything that you eat then affects the face. Also, do not eat 2 hours before bedtime. Let the stomach rest at night.
Follow the diet to be slender and beautiful
Follow the diet to be slender and beautiful

Of course, not only control over the diet will help you preserve your figure. You definitely need a new sports hobby. It can be a pool or volleyball section at school. The main thing is to do several times a week. You may not become a great swimmer, but notice the pluses in the form of a good figure, willpower, self -confidence and just a large number of new friends.

In addition to the correct diet and sport, your body now requires particularly careful care - your health and your appearance and, of course, self -confidence depend on it. Shower should be taken in the morning and evening. Rub yourself well with a washcloth in the shower - this will give a blood flow and help prevent the appearance of stretch marks or cellulite. Stock up with a good moisturizing body cream or natural oil and apply a cut after a shower.

Follow yourself
Follow yourself

An important advice for girls and girls of adolescents 10-16 years old: Never and with anyone, even in the family or with the best girlfriend in the camp, do not share a washcloth, towel, comb or toothbrush. All hygiene items are intended strictly for individual use.

Select a deodorant or antiperspirant that will suit you and protect you in any situation. It is desirable that it is without smell and does not interrupt the aroma of toilet water. Pamper yourself with baths with additives - foam, salt or herbs will help to relax and calm down, as well as give a strong dream. After taking the bath and the soul, do not forget to pamper your hands and feet with cream - rub it until completely absorb.

Once a week, do peeling - first soften the skin a little in a warm bath, and then remove the keratinized particles by massaging the skin with a coffee grounds or another suitable product for this.

  1. Your face.One of the most important issues in leaving the face. If you are not yet 12 years old, you just need to wash yourself in the morning, using alternately warm and cold water. This stimulates the skin cells more actively renewed and the face will shine. From the age of 12, there is already a need to choose a nourishing cream for the face. Choose the most natural remedies or ask mom to choose this. Apply the cream immediately after washed, in the morning. Just wash yourself at night and let the skin rest. At night, you need to apply the cream from 16 years.

If you have problematic skin (or you think so) - ask your mother or ask her to take you to a cosmetologist. With the help of tests, he will determine the type of skin and help to choose effective facial care products. Do not focus on advertising or advice of girlfriends and buy any remedy in a supermarket. This tool can be suitable for a girlfriend, and you can harm you.

Care for the face
Care for the face
  • You can make yourself masks of dick fruits or vegetables - they soften and cleanse the skin. Unwanted hairs (if such suddenly appeared) should be removed only with a wax strip. If you try to shave them or cut them, they will turn into bristles. If you notice a hair that has grown in a mole, it is dangerous to remove it.
  • When there is frost on the street, wash and apply the cream an hour before the exit.
  • If acne appears on your skin, do not get upset right away, this is normal at your age, and all your girlfriends will sooner or later appear or already appear.
  • Firstly, do not touch them with your hands throughout the day, do not try to squeeze out (you can bring the infection, and the scar after the pimple will remain for a long time) and wash your hands more often.
  • Secondly-it is important to reconsider your diet. Refuse oily and spicy food, fast food and chips. Eat more fruits, vegetables, include nuts, kefir and juices in your diet. Do not forget to wash and remove makeup at night. Buy a clay mask in a pharmacy and make it according to the instructions - it is very effective in the fight against pimples. And most importantly - avoid disorders and stressful situations and tune in to the good.
  • Among the cosmetics that can now be used - cleansing lotion, tonic, light face scrub.

Going out into the street, do not forget to put the napkins with a matting effect in a handbag - a glossy face will definitely not add confidence in its irresistibility. That's perhaps all tips face care for a teenager girl.

  1. Your hands. Basic council for girls and girls of adolescents 10-16 years old: Enjoy yourself to keep your hands in order - they are the first sign of a well -groomed girl. Carefully trim the nails and process the cuticle. You can cover the nails with special oil, or you can colorless varnish. Do not forget to apply the cream in your hands every day, especially in the cold season, as well as protect them with warm gloves on the street and rubber - when in contact with household chemicals of the house.
Do not forget about the hands
Do not forget about the hands

From the age of ten, you can already begin to make a manicure. You can start with the classic. If you have the opportunity, it is better to contact the master and do it in the cabin. Be sure to find out how the master disinfects the tool, and whether he makes a “children's manicure” before sitting at the table. If this is not possible - contact your mother with a request to purchase a manicure set and look for a video on the Internet on how to make a manicure and care for your nails. Or let your mom make you a manicure herself.

  1. Your hair.Hair is the most important part of the image of a woman and a girl. They must be clean and look well -groomed. While you are still young, you just need to use ordinary shampoo with a pleasant aroma. If your hair is confused, you can choose a 2B1 shampoo. Up to 14 years, it should be children's shampoos with a minimum number of parabens and other harmful components.

Depending on the length of the hair and skin type, wash your hair every two to three days. If your hair has already been dyed, you can use my mother shampoo or choose a special for your hair. If necessary, after you wash your hair with shampoo, apply a balm or air conditioning. After washing, wait 20 minutes and then comb your hair.

Hair care
Hair care

Absolutely wet hair cannot be combed - it will be damaged. If the hair is long, braid them at night in a pigtail, so you can protect them from damage and it will be easier for you to comb them in the morning.

Do not forget to monitor the condition of the ends and go to the hairdresser in time. The hair looks ugly and not well -groomed with the chopped tips.

  1. Your intimate hygiene. Now your body is changing and preparing to enter adulthood. This period is easier for boys, but we girls have much more complicated. The first thing is very important - do not be shy about the changes that occur. Already at the age of 10-11 years you will face the first menstruation. This is a sign that you have become an adult.

Council for girls and girls of teenagers: It is important not to be scared and be prepared. To get started, consult your mother and purchase yourself gaskets for menstruation, and daily. Daily will help you feel fresh throughout the month, not only on "special" days.

It is important to have a calendar and celebrate the dates when you had these very “special” days - this will help your doctor to determine the state of women's health in the future. If the discharge is very plentiful or painful - do not be alarmed. The process is soon normalized. But if this did not happen, and you cannot live your usual life due to pain-contact the doctor, and he will prescribe anesthetic.

Menstruation begins
Menstruation begins

Try to walk more these days, not to overstrain physically and relax more - favorite music, rest. If you play sports, do not hesitate to tell the coach that you have critical days. You should not skip training, but this will give the coach the opportunity to dose the load for you. No need to be equal to everyone - take care of your health.

Be sure to put a few day and a couple of special gaskets in your handbag and always carry with you - at the very beginning, your periods can come unexpectedly, and it is better if you are ready. And perhaps, in this way you will help a girl with whom you could not make contact in the classroom or her friend - such help will be very united.

The main thing in leaving yourself is to make it a habit. Then, even in the most difficult moments in life, you will feel 100% and easily take care of yourself.

Video: tips to help adolescents

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Comments K. article

  1. Everything is very good, the tips are excellent and inspire, I liked everything fine

  2. The article is useful, I liked thanks 🙏💕

  3. I liked the article useful

  4. If I tell my mother all this (about what I was asked to control), then I will die shy!

  5. The article is gorgeous but I'm afraid to ask my mother what you asked😅

  6. Hello. Tips are very useful objects

  7. The tips are cool but I am shy to ask my mother. :)

  8. arlgshepoldoast is my alishier

  9. Thank you very good tips, I liked it ❤️

  10. Thanks for the article, I liked it. My mother and I are fine on this topic. By the way, I have two sisters, one eldest, on the other, we are twins - both already have menstruation.

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