Is it necessary to add an egg to the sand dough: the technology of kneads, subtleties and secrets

Is it necessary to add an egg to the sand dough: the technology of kneads, subtleties and secrets

Add an egg to the sand dough or not, each housewife decides on his own. It all depends on the recipe and some nuances.

Probably, there is not a single person whoever loves baking from sand dough. Bruttered cakes and cakes, divine rings and baskets are sunk into the soul from the first piece.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "What to make from the remnants of the sand dough - what to cook?". You will find recipes, tips.

Many housewives, especially beginners, wonder how to make the perfect sand dough so that the pastries turn out to be crispy and tasty. Do eggs add to the sand dough? What else needs to be put? The answers to these and other questions, look in the article below. Read further.

What is a sand dough: why does it like it so much?

Sand dough cookies
Sand dough cookies

The sand dough is an interesting scattered dough invented in Scotland in the XII century. Over its long history, the recipe has undergone more than one change. It is impossible to cover all options, but there is one nuance in preparation - a lot of sugar with butter and a complete absence of water. Why does it like it so much?

It is very easy to work with crumbly dough, because it does not break during rolling due to its plasticity. That is why the acquaintance of children with the test is also better to start with a sand. They will certainly get beautiful figures, which then they will enjoy eating.

So why do we love sand dough so much?

  • A flat golden color
  • A pleasant crunch
  • Scattering (hence the name "sand")
  • Delicate creamy taste
  • Long storage period without preservatives

The classic recipe for sand dough includes butter, flour, sugar (2: 3: 1), and sometimes the yolk. However, in some versions you can find the lack of sugar or the presence of cottage cheese. Types of sand dough are:

  • SUCREE (SUKRE) - Fat and sweetest dough. Due to the large amount of sugar, this product is very fragile.
  • PATE BRISEE (Brze) - The dough without adding sugar, mainly used for tarts and salty pies.
  • Sable (Sable) - Traditional sand dough.

The tasty and structure of the test is also affected by the mixing method: chopped, duffed, whipped. The chopped “sand” is used for pies or tarts, grinding flour along with butter gives a delicate structure, and therefore ideal for cheesecakes and liquid pies, the whipped dough is suitable for cookies with cupcakes.

Do eggs add eggs to the sand dough: is it necessary?

Confectioners note that it is better not to put the egg in the sand dough, since it adds stiffness. If you want the workpiece to roll out more comfortably, you should use the yolk as a ligament. It is necessary to administer the egg only after adding oil to flour.

In some recipes (especially French), boiled yolk is added to the sand dough. This type of test in France is the most famous and is called "Breton." Very fragile, it requires accuracy from the confectioner, but the result will exceed your expectations.

Sanding dough kneading technology: Subtleties and secrets

To make the dough crumbly, the oil with flour is mixed to the state of the smallest particles. Fat tightly envelops flour, not allowing gluten to develop. Given that in eggs with butter there is practically no liquid for the appearance of gluten, a fragile scattered dough is obtained. Below are still the subtleties and secrets of cooking technology.

To create a sand dough, the cooks are used by three types of kneading:

  • Chopped

The butter literally grinds (or cuts with a knife) with flour until the crumb is formed. Only after that other ingredients are added, and the dough is mixed. If the baby becomes the size of bread, the dough will turn out to be sandy. If the baby is large, like peas, the dough will become more layered. Ruffle sand dough is sweet or unsweetened. Products from it are delicate and slightly layered. You can knead the dough with your hands or kitchen combine.

  • Cream

The dough is the most "sand". The product in the fault shows the entire texture with small pores. When pressing such a piece, he immediately crumbles into crumbs. You can knead the test workpiece with this method in a mixer, a wooden spoon or food combine. The oil should be soft, so an hour before cooking it should be removed from the refrigerator with the eggs. Such a dough cannot be kneaded for a long time. When it is already going to a lump, you can stop. Cream dough is suitable as the basis of a sweet cake, cookies and cakes.

  • Italian

The dough is prepared by a mixer and it turns out the most durable of all varieties. It will be easy to roll it out. Oil for this recipe should be from the refrigerator. It is cut into cubes, and when pressed, it is easily flattened. The dough is suitable for the base of the pie, in which the filling is closed with a “grate” from the dough, as well as for traditional baskets and pies with dense filling.

All types of scattered dough before baking should be sent to the cold for half an hour. This is necessary for uniform distribution of fluid and softening gluten. Thanks to this technique, the "sand" becomes more elastic, and will not get clever at once from the heat in the oven.

Recipe for delicious sand dough for cookies

Sand dough cookies
Sand dough cookies

According to this recipe, fragrant, simple and tasty homemade cookies are obtained. It can be cut in any form, as well as make all kinds of powder. Such sand cookies will be a good addition to coffee and tea. Here is the prescription:


  • 2 stack. flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 80 g of sugar
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 150 g of butter
  • A pinch of salt


  1. Get oil in advance from the refrigerator. When you start cooking the dough, cut it with a sharp knife into cubes. Leave in a bowl for about half an hour so that it is a little stray.
  2. Beat eggs with sugar until a magnificent foam appears with a mixer. After that, you can add butter, continuing to whip the mixture.
  3. In a bowl, connect the crumbly components: baking powder with salt and flour. Mix them well.
  4. Next, through a sieve, begin to sift them to whipped eggs. With a special hook (nozzle for a mixer), do not beat the dough for long.
  5. Form with your hands a ball and wrap it in a food film. The dough should not stick to the hands. Take the ball into the refrigerator for 30 minutes. This is necessary for easier rolling out the dough.
  6. Sprinkle the table with flour and put the dough on top. And roll out with a rolling pin until you get a thickness of about 5 mm.
  7. Take molds and cut out of the cookie dough.
  8. Turn the baking paper on the form and lay it on top of the cookies. Send it to the oven, warmed up to 180 degrees, to the middle shelf. Bake products for about 15 minutes. Then remove the shape and let the liver cool completely.
  9. If desired, such cookies can be sprinkled with powder or chopped nuts.

As you already understood, there are many recipes. The main thing in cooking is to strictly adhere to the number of ingredients and baking technology.

Video: Sand dough - Emma's grandmother recipe

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