Quest for teenagers 14-16 years old-examples of scripts

Quest for teenagers 14-16 years old-examples of scripts

In transitional age, adolescents are not surprised. But if you spend a quest for adolescents 14-16 years old in the form of an entertainment program for a birthday or on some kind of holiday, then your efforts will definitely appreciate. Next, some ideas for the quest warehouse for young people are 14-16 years old will be described.

Parties with quests are of great popularity among young people. It is especially interesting if the quest for adolescents of 14-16 years is carried out with animators specially prepared details that resemble real objects. Thanks to the process, adolescents can feel like real heroes of popular films, novels or cartoons. Next, consider examples of quests for young people.

Quest for adolescents 14-16 years old-Features

Quests are interactive entertainment. During these events, players perform various actions in order to achieve a specific goal, to reach the finish line. At the end of the quest there should be a certain motivating prize. If a quest for adolescents is held in honor of a birthday, then a reward may be a certain gift or cake. It will not hurt all participating young people to get even small, but pleasant surprises.

Quest Rum Trap
Quest Rum Trap

In reality, many interesting, exciting quests for adolescents are 14-16 years old, where various tasks are performed. The theme can be the most diverse. Quests come up with their favorite films, novels, cartoons.

They are also divided into such groups:

  1. Open space
  2. A closed quest (quest rooms)
  3. Quests on historical topics
  4. Quests for detective, spy themes
  5. Scientific quests
  6. Quests for 1-2 people
  7. Group quests.
  8. Quests with one solution to the problem (single -level)
  9. The quests are multitasking.
Types of quests
Types of quests

Thanks to these games, and not only for children, but for adults you can feel a collective unity in the completion of tasks, unforgettable sensations, positive emotions. Each participant will show its potential, reveal new abilities.

Quests for 14-16 year old adolescents-the script of the quest "Treasures of Flint"

The easiest way to organize quests is to contact any agency. Professionals will make an event at the highest level. However, you have to pay for this. But I want to come up with something of my unique, to make, for example, an extraordinary birthday present. Young people love something unusual and will surely appreciate the efforts of parents.

Quest for young people
Quest for young people

And if you want a costumed quest, then the costumes will have to be sought in special rental points, so the participants will really feel like the heroes of the film, and fulfill the roles with maximum diligence. The quest script must be painted in stages. Prepare the venue in advance, lay out the details.

  • The script of the quest "Flint Cave"

It is good if this quest is organized in the country or in nature. On the way of adolescents there will be tests and obstacles, they should be passed to get a reward (treasure in the cave). The host will be dressed up in the image of the flint itself. The remaining participants can choose any hero of a pirate or doctor (at their discretion). It must be taken into account that you will need a makeup in order to be as similar to the heroes of the film.

You will also need such auxiliary objects:

  • Champagne bottle with a letter
  • Balloons filled with water
  • A long durable rope
  • Plastic bottles with water
  • Metal dishes (pots, spoons, bowls)
  • About ten plastic bottles filled with water
  • Target, sticks instead of spear
  • Plastic plates, disposable
  • Disposable glasses
  • Empty bottle
  • Clothespins, brushes, paints, brushes
  • Cones, neat stones of different sizes, pasta products
  • Card cut into pieces
  • Large chest with an imaginary treasure.
Birthday - Pirate Party
Birthday - Pirate Party

Quest script for adolescents 14-16 years old:

  1. After the participants change into costumes, the presenter must announce that teenagers should find a bottle in which there is a letter, but it is encrypted. Therefore, they will also have to go through the stage of collecting coconuts (collect balls, where there will be the key to the encryption of the message).
  2. And to collect coconuts, you will also need to go through the web. The web is pulled from the ropes. Moreover, it is undesirable to hook the web.
  3. The next stage is the "noise orchestra." A kind of rite in order to find treasures faster. Participants must take metal dishes, become in a circle, dancing and playing with spoons, with bowls of pots to run in a circle. It is beautiful if it is at the fire in the evening.
  4. Now it remains to overcome the path, it is precisely for this that the bottles are placed with a zigzag, between them the participants will quickly run.
  5. They will run to the clearing, where they will be waiting for the spears. There they shoot these sticks at the target in turn. You can use darts and darts for this.
  6. To get a treasure in the cave, participants will have to sacrifice. This is where plates of paint, brushes will come in handy. Muzzles are drawn on plates and hang them on the clothespins on the rope.
  7. The next rite is to break into two teams and pour glasses with glasses from a container into a bottle, lining up in two chains, passing water from one person to another. Who will do this faster, continues to participate further in the quest.
  8. Now the teams should build high fortresses from glasses. Who has higher, he has an advantage.
  9. After the command, cliffs from glasses are broken with water bottles.
  10. Having passed these obstacles, it remains to find tips on the trees, where there are pieces of map. Having gathered which, the participants will find out where the treasure is.
  11. Searches can drag on. Especially if there are conditions for this, it is good if there is a forest belt on the obstacle strip. Then there can be a lot of arrow on the trees.
  12. When parts of the card are collected, it remains to determine where the chest with imaginary values \u200b\u200bis located.

IMPORTANT: Values \u200b\u200b- these are stones painted with gold paint from a spray can, pasta, shells, etc. The silvered are also with the paint of their spray spray spray. The main prize is a gift for the birthday. Friends must play along, make the culprit of the celebration win.

Quest for teenagers 14-16 years old on a birthday in the room-tasks

It is not always possible to conduct birthdays in nature. Especially in the winter season. Therefore, in the hall you can arrange a celebration, and have a very fun time with friends and family. In addition to a thematic party, you can also organize various tasks for quests to adolescents. The only thing to prepare prizes is necessary in advance and the props too.

Quest for youth
Quest for youth

Quest for teenagers in the room - tasks:

  • Golden box. All participants exchange paper money in advance for a trifle. Teenagers sit down at the table and count up to 33 in a circle. In the score, all the numbers are multiple of the top three, the participant who falls this figure must silently clap his hands. If he does not do this, he must lower the coin into a common jackpot. The one who will tell the last figure thirty -three will win. The winner takes the coins that the participants throw.
  • Lucky.Many different buttons are poured into the bag. It is desirable that all the colors of the rainbow come across there. Participants begin to get these buttons and guess in color that they will have to be in the near future. Red It is considered the color of love. Orange- Pravs the rise along the career ladder. Yellow - The color of wealth. Green - A calm measured life. Blue - To the trip. Blue - Changes in family status. Violet- moving, improvement in financial revenues.
  • Strongest.Guys and girls will have to break into pairs. When the host gives a sign, the guys take the girls in their hands. Those who fit the first have lost. If the participants will hold the girls in their arms for a long time, then they should come up with the conditions so that the game ends faster, for example, to sit down with the girl.
  • Dancing. Teenagers blindfold, they begin to dance, and while music sounds, find a partner for themselves. Who does not find, leaves the competition.

Quest for teenagers 14-16 years old-"Cossacks-robbers"

Teachers can do a quest for teenagers at school. The thematic quest for adolescents-“Cossack robbers” is held on the street. Details for the game are made at once for two teams of different colors. Hipples in various places are hidden, who will reach the finish line quest faster, then the winner.

Quest items:

  • Ribbons of different colors for two teams
  • Tips written on paper
  • Treasures and flag of robbers
  • One tent, two syringes
  • Water, bottles
  • Photos and subscriptions.
Quests in nature
Quests in nature

The quest script for adolescents is 14-16 years old: "Cossacks-robbers"

  1. The presenter says that he welcomes the quest participants. Voices the rules. Each team must represent its interests. All participants are given tapes. Cossacks - blue, robbers are red. Tips for each team are also issued by color. The details are also blue for the Cossacks, for the robbers are red.
  2. None of the teams should use other people's hints and objects. Now that it turned out who plays in the team of the Cossacks, and who is in the team of robbers, you can start the game.
  3. The Cossacks first should hide their treasures from the robbers. The robbers hide their flag. Now each team must find these items. Whoever finds the first, he won.
  4. Both teams come up with a password to communicate with their members. The presenters should take a photo where the treasures and the flag are hidden.
  5. The presenters send one prisoner to the opponents' tents. The rest of the participants are going to look for clues.
  6. The presenters also make tips for the participants of both teams, directing them to the clue, dictate directions (south to the east, left, right).
  7. The prisoners are in opponents' tents and begin to pry passwords from the guards.
  8. The presenter makes a hint to the guards so that the password is preserved, it follows that their captives be released. Participants  they approach the tents, the guard puts the condition - will release the captive only if the teams fulfill a number of conditions. More precisely, a whole baton will pass and bring him water.
  9. At the base, a baton is carried out. Each team with its own syringe from a large container (bucket) pours water into a bottle. To do this, all team members line up in the line and pass water on the syringe exactly as many times as necessary to fill the bottle.
  10. When the bottle is filled to the required level, they give the water to the guard, and he releases the prisoner from the tent.
  11. A participant in the team that was captured by a hint of his team members. It indicates that they should find a bag.
  12. Then the team is looking for this item. It is suspended in advance on a tree. The approximate height of the location of the bag is 2 meters. Someone climbs a tree and takes out a bag. There is a hint. Photo cut into particles.
  13. After the guys collect this photo, they are looking for a place depicted on it.
  14. Having found that place, the participants will receive as many as nine tips. Some elements from the chemical table of Mendeleev will be drawn there. They must be transferred to numbers. To do this, it is enough to know by what number this element is in the table.
  15. You will get a phone number. Young people will have to call this number. And the owner of the number will throw them a photo with the location of treasures or a photo with the location of the enemy flag.

Cossacks and robbers find these objects, leading call them to the base. There are awarded prizes. Separate souvenirs receive prisoners who were able to pierce the password of rivals.

Even on our portal you can read interesting articles on similar topics here:

  1. Gift search quest script;
  2. Quest for children - script, organization;
  3. Mobile game-quest "Gori, Gori Clear";
  4. Games for children on the street.

Video: quest for teenagers 14-16 years old with your own hands

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