What books to read to children: a list of literature by age

What books to read to children: a list of literature by age

Collections and a brief description of books for children of different age categories.

What is useful for reading for children?

Many parents begin to read books to children from the diapers. Reading is not just a pleasant moment of communication between parents with children, this is something more. Books help the child mentally transfer to the magical world, thereby developing imagination and imagination. In addition, books help to form a child’s personality, develop feelings such as kindness, justice, responsibility. Anger, indignation, annoyance can also be caused - these are not quite bad emotions, often they really need them to understand a certain situation.

Important: Books play an important role in the formation of personality. The literature corresponding to the age of the child will be the most useful.

It is important that the child after reading any book issues a lesson for himself, draw conclusions, at least, understand what this book was talking about. Therefore, we have collected for you the collections of books by age that will help you choose the quality literature for your children.

A selection by age is a relative concept, let's not forget that all children are different. One child at 10 years old can already realize that some can only be under 12-14 years old. But if we compare children 3-5 years old and 10-15 years old, then the difference in development is great.

Books for children under 3 years old

  • Folklore (nursery rhymes, jokes, pestlers). Small folklore genres are suitable for children up to 3 years old, as well as possible. When listening to short pestlers, jokes, the child feels affection, kindness, tries to repeat after adults. This genre is most affordable and understandable for babies.
  • Folk tales of animals “Turnip”, “Kurochka-Ryaba”, “Kolobok”, “Teremok”, etc.
  • Tales of K. Chukovsky “Aibolit”, “Fedorino Gora”, “Phone”, “Moydodyr”. Young children like fairy tales in poetry, they remember their favorite heroes from Chukovsky's tales.
  • Poems by A. Barto “The Younger Brother”, “Sonya”, “We are with Tamara”, “Toys” and others are considered the classic of children's literature. Funny and simple verses about children and for children.
  • S. Marshak’s verses “Bagage”, “Merry ABC about everything in the world”, “Bus number twenty -six”, etc., as a variant of classical literature for the smallest.
Books for kids

Books for children from 3 to 5 years old

  • The tales of V. Suteev (primarily “Flood bag”, “Uncle Misha”, “under the mushroom”, “One, two - together!” And others) will help to develop a sense of responsibility for their affairs, teach him to be friends and help. According to the tales of Suteev, many cartoons have been shot, which can also be interesting to children from 3 to 5 years old.
  • The fables of I. Krylov “Monkey and glasses”, “Elephant and Moska”, “Swan, Cancer and Pike”, “Dragonfly and Ant”. Instructive fables will help to understand what is good and bad.
  • Tales of V. Garshin “Frog-traveler”, “On the toad and the rose”, “The Tale of the Proud of Aggee”.
  • Andersen tales. Many people remember such heroes from their childhood - an inch, an ugly duckling, a princess on a pea. These are images from Andersen's tales that do not lose their popularity among schoolchildren and preschoolers.
  • A. Lindgren "Carlson, who lives on the roof", "Peppy of long -huts."
  • V. Uspensky "Crocodile Gena and his friends."
  • B. Zakhoder "Poems and fairy tales."
Fairy tales for children

Books for children from 5 to 8 years old

  • Stories by M. Zoshchenko. The author has many stories, but children love the most funny, sometimes sad, instructive stories about Lelia and Minka.
  • V. Dragunsky "Deniskin Stories." In the stories of Dragunsky, children will be able to see and understand their daily life, the stories are written simply and interestingly.
  • A. Volkov "Wizard of the Emerald City." In this fairy tale, the children will get acquainted with the girl Ellie, her dog Totoshka and other magic heroes.
  • A. Raskin "How dad was little."
  • The stories of Yu. Sotnik, for example, "How I was independent."
  • M. Lobe "Grandmother on the apple tree." The story of Andi's boy. He dreamed of brave and brave grandmother, with whom you can safely fight with lions and pirates. And once he found her on the apple tree.
  • S. Lagerlef "Niels's wonderful journey." Exciting adventures of a boy named Niels, his friend is the goose of Martin and a pack of wild geese.
Interesting books for children

Books for children from 9 to 12 years old

  • A. Pogorelsky "Black chicken, or underground inhabitants." The story of the boy Alyosha, a pupil of a children's boarding house, who spent a lot of time alone and read fantastic books. As a result, Alyosha got into a magic country, where he received an unusual gift - a grain that always helped to know the lesson, not preparing for him.
  • M. Bond "All about Paddington Bear." The book about the adventures of a bear in a blue coat named Paddington fell in love with millions of children. Books about Paddington bear diverge millions of circulations, and this is not surprising. Funny stories about a brave traveler will teach children to be kind and never hang their nose.
  • P. Bazhov "Silver Hoof". After reading this book, children will discover the magic of nature and the miracles of the Ural mountains. The book is very fond of not only children, but also adults. She helps them to transfer to the magical world of childhood memories.
  • L. Geraskina "in the country of unacceptable lessons." The hero of the book is the boy Vitya, who really did not like to learn lessons, fell into the magical country of unacceptable lessons. And now he has to correct all his mistakes, otherwise not to get home. The book is filled with ridiculous moments, easy for children to perceive.
  • K. Graham "Wind in willows." The main characters of this story fall into funny, and sometimes dangerous situations that end well for them, thanks to mutual assistance.
  • N. Nekrasov "Grandfather Mazai and Hares." This story will help young readers develop a sense of love for animals and nature, a sense of humanity and responsibility for our smaller brothers.
  • Jan Larry "Extraordinary Adventures of Karik and Vali." In an exciting form, the author will introduce young readers to the world of plants and insects.
  • M. Lobata "Order of the Yellow Wipe." A book about fairy -tale adventures.
Collections of books for children of different ages

Books for children from 12 to 14

  • K.S. Lewis "Chronicles of Narnia." The magical world of Narnia is a place that only children and people with a good heart can see. This book describes the adventures of children in a magical country where animals talk, and good defeats evil.
  • M. Twain “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”, “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”.
  • A. Kuprin "Wonderful Doctor." A collection of emotional stories with a good end. For children of secondary school age.
  • N. Leskov "Leo".
  • A. Pushkin "Captain's daughter." A historical work included in the "Golden Fund" of the world classics.
  • N. Nekrasov "Frost, Red Nose." A work that will introduce children to a peasant life, the difficult life of these people. In the poem, the writer praises the beauty and strong spirit of the peasant woman Daria.
  • A series of novels about Harry Potter writer J. Rowling.
  • A series of books about the old Petson and Cat Findus of the Swedish writer S. Nurdquist.
  • Jules Verne "Twenty thousand leagues under water." In the book of readers, exciting adventures of heroes in the underwater world are expected.
Books for teenagers

Books for children from 14 and older

  • M. Bulgakov "Dog heart." In the plot of the story - an experiment of Professor Preobrazhensky and his assistant Dr. Bormental to turn a dog into a person, and what came of it.
  • N. Gogol "Evenings on the Farm near Dikanka."
  • D.K. Jerome "Three in the boat, not counting the dog." A humorous story about the journey of three friends.
  • E. Rudnik “Beauty and the Beast. Power of love". Many watched a cartoon about the beauty Belle and the monster in childhood. After reading this book in adolescence, we can understand that internal beauty is more important than external.
  • Jane Austin "Pride and Prejudice." A novel about the true love of two young people with a good end.
  • D. Bowen "Street Cat named Bob." The story of how two lonely creatures met each other and gained the meaning of life.
  • D. Green "To blame the stars." The story of two teenagers in love. Despite a serious illness, they remain adolescents with all character traits inherent in this age.
  • Sh. Bronte "Jane Air."
  • D.F. Cooper "St. John's wort." In the book, the reader will be able to plunge into the exciting world of the Indians.

Collections include far from the entire list of interesting and useful books for children. If you have good books for children in mind, share the names with our readers.

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