What to do on quarantine to adults and children, schoolchildren and adolescents? What to see from films during quarantine, what books to read on quarantine? Is it possible to play sports during quarantine?

What to do on quarantine to adults and children, schoolchildren and adolescents? What to see from films during quarantine, what books to read on quarantine? Is it possible to play sports during quarantine?

In connection with annual school quarantines, as well as the situation that has developed today in the world, it is very important to be able to occupy yourself at home. Remember, the most important thing is to maintain calm and positive mood, because a lot depends on our perception and mood.

Consider any quarantine (in a child in school either with you and the child) as an opportunity to do what was simply not enough for. We propose to consider our ideas for your pleasant and useful pastime at home.

What to do at the quarantine for children at home?

The main problem of quarantine is that the child has too much free time and, of course, his usual mode of life is disturbed. After all, we are all used to the fact that when attending school and garden, by and large the child is not at home, most of the day, and during quarantine, the child needs to be entertained from morning to night.

So, what to do with children during quarantine:

  • Of course, review favorite TV shows, films and cartoons. Quarantine is a time when parents and children have the opportunity to devote all day to viewing their favorite paintings. In addition to films and cartoons, you can also see fascinating and cognitive programs, for example, about shipbuilding, underwater world, needlework, etc.
  • If the child is still small, arrange Birthday of his favorite toy. Believe me, this lesson can take the baby literally for the whole day. How to organize such a holiday? Here your imagination will come to the rescue. Set at the table of the birthday of the birthday, cover the table - there will be enough tea and sweets, well, and then the case is small. The child himself will find how to entertain the birthday and his guests, you just make him a company.
  • Arrange quest, especially successfully such a game in a private house with a personal plot, since this territory can also be used for entertainment. Hide some item, for example, a small gift, a yummy, a toy. Make a list of step -by -step tips, look for the hidden with your child.
Play with children in an exciting game
Play with children in an exciting game
  • If the house is growing fashionista or fashionistait's time to do quarantine display of mod. Allow my daughter/son to take any clothes of mom/dad from the closet and dress up in her. Let the child have fun, and you give him grades for a thoughtful outfit. You yourself can also participate in such a significant event.
  • Take care needlework. You can’t even remember everything that you can do at home with a child, having the most elementary things at hand. You can do it a picture of ordinary cereals, a craft of leaves and flowers, drawing with paints, a mosaic with broken glass (observing safety measures), a toy made of children's sock or mitten, do decoupage, modeling of salt dough, preparation of a slime - Choose to your taste.
  • Build together. Cooking with children is very fun and pleasant. In addition, you can introduce the whole family to this cheerful occupation, in this case, eating jointly prepared goodies will be even more pleasant and interesting. You can bake the cake, pies. To make it more interesting, bake pies with a secret ingredient or with a task inside. Put sweets with different taste in each pie or small paper with tasks that eat a pie, you need to perform. You can also arrange thematic breakfasts/dinners/dinners, Choosing several favorite countries and their traditional dishes.

Since the bright holiday is not far off - Easter, it's time to engage in preparation for it. You can along with the child decorate the house for the holiday, make postcards for relatives, crafts of Easter eggs,try bake a trial cake Or go through a master class on the painting of Easter eggs.

  • If the situation with quarantine is not critical and most of the institutions are open, regularly visit with the child museums, theaters, cinemas, exhibitions. However, try to do this at a time when the clusters of people are minimal.
  • Take care studying a foreign language. Quarantine is a great time to start learning languages \u200b\u200bwith the whole family. You can do this using school books or find resources on the Internet.
  • Read the minimum 20-30 pages of books. Choose a book with the whole family that is interesting to all households, take turns reading it in a voice. So you get closer to your family even more, improve diction, reading technique, learn something new.
  • Do you think how to occupy children during quarantine? Play with them in board games. Such a lesson can take you and your child not for several hours, not a few days.
  • Improve your child’s psychological state. Unfortunately, due to a lack of time, we often do not notice that our children have complexes, fears that they doubt themselves, conceal offense at us, etc. During quarantine, you can easily eliminate all these problems. Talk heart to heart with your child, find out what worries him, does not suit what he wants and work on it.
Stay with your child
Stay with your child
  • Arrange an evening of revelations. Let the child ask any, even the most uncomfortable questions and be sure to give honest answers to them. This will increase the level of trust between you, plus the child will learn the answers to all his questions and will not look for the answers “on the side” to them.
  • Just Blyal, fool around After all, it is not so often that the opportunity falls out not on what you need, but on what you want.

What can you do at home on quarantine adults?

If we are not talking about a “seasonal” quarantine, which is introduced almost every year, but about quarantine in connection with coronavirus Or another emergency, then a lot of free time appears not only in children and adolescents, but also in adults.

So, for adults we offer a checklist than to do on quarantine:

  • Of course, free time should be spent with benefit, so the first thing that adults can do is sitting at home is to do Self -education and training. It is perhaps worth starting with languages, since knowledge of languages, especially English, significantly expands our capabilities.
  • You have long wanted to change the sphere of activity, but did not dare? It's time to try something new. You can go through the most diverse online courses and master classes, which will help you master a new profession.
  • Take care sports. Many, because of work, constant fatigue, simply does not have enough time and effort to engage in their body. During quarantine, you can improve your physical shape, lose weight. To do this, you can go through online marathons of harmony, engage with a coach online etc.
  • Look at those series, programs that you cannot watch during working hours.
  • Visit virtually museums, countries, galleries. Since many people, due to a rampant virus, canceled trips, vacations, etc., the opportunity to visit sights and places is now virtually relevant than ever.
  • Join the beautiful - look opera and ballet performances that are due to quarantine for coronavirus They began to more often delight the audience with excellent performances.
  • Follow your favorite groups and performers. Now, in strict quarantine conditions, almost all performances around the world have been canceled, but the performers want to support their fans and arrange online concerts during quarantine For example, recently there was an online concert of the Bi-2 group.
  • Improve your culinary skills, pass the master class, bake your favorite pie or cake, prepare the meat according to the “crown” recipe.
  • So as not to miss close people and friends, arrange skype wrecks on quarantine, Joint online reviews of films, concerts, etc.
  • Get out personal blog, In which talk about your “quarantine” life, share what you are doing daily. Now many people will appreciate your efforts and will surely draw something from your blog for yourself.
  • Read books, this will allow you to plunge into an exciting world, expand the horizons, improve diction and mood. At the end of the article, we will offer you fascinating books for reading, read it.
Read 20-30 pages per day
Read 20-30 pages per day
  • Listen to music. Daily listening to music improves mood and even well -being.
  • Play computer games, remember the former, carefree times when you could spend days at the computer, playing your favorite games.
  • Listen lectures regarding the education of children, child psychology, interpersonal relations etc. This is especially relevant for parents and those who plan to become them in the near future.
  • Listen to the tips of the psychologist during quarantine. Psychological problems are not only in children. Quarantine is an ideal time when you can put your psyche and emotional state in order.
  • In the end, do repairwhich many people put off all the time for later. Now there is time for this, because after a difficult “repair” day you can afford to relax well. Well, spend at home general cleaning during quarantine - These are precautions from many ailments and the benefits of home.
Study new trends in the interior and make repairs
Study new trends in the interior and make repairs

How to do a student during quarantine?

Schoolchildren during quarantine, especially such as now, are not so many free time, because we must not forget about studying.

You can do such important and interesting things during the student during quarantine:

  • The first thing a student can do during quarantine is repetition of the already completed school material, as well as pulling up those knowledge that “limped” during a visit to the school.
  • Quarantine is a great opportunity to catch up with a missed school curriculum, improve your knowledge and assessments. You can do this from school books, notebooks, or you can use it online tests, which will help you understand how well you know the subject.
  • Play games (computer and desktop). Quarantine is a time when you can allow the child to play games a little longer than at school time. However, the daily routine should not be ignored.
  • Watch movies, cartoons. It is advisable to control that programs, films and cartoons for the soul alternate with developing and training programs, films and cartoons for. Read the article to the end and you will find viewing ideas that will definitely interest you.
  • To participate in master classes. Girls can learn to cook, sew, embroider, etc., boys-repair something, work with wood, build, design.
Plan important things for your own development and do them on quarantine
Plan important things for your own development and do them on quarantine
  • During quarantine, a student, like any other student, for example, a student, should read books. This is necessary for both general development and to improve diction, quick wits.
  • If you live in a private house and you have your own courtyard, garden, a personal plot, do not limit the child in walking in the fresh air. Even if you live in an apartment, this is not a reason to lock the schoolboy at home. During quarantine, you can go outside! The most important thing is not to visit places where there are large clusters of people, together with a child, walking along the street is quite acceptable.
  • Of course, quarantine children can and should spend enough time with parents. You can play together in lotto, sea battle, other board games, collect puzzles, listen to music, draw, collect a constructor, arrange a picnic - if you live in a private house.

Is it possible to play sports during quarantine?

The question of sports during quarantine is one of the most relevant, especially taking into account the fact that most gyms have already stopped their work.

The answer to the question of whether it is possible to play sports during quarantine, as follows:

  • During quarantine, it is not only possible to play sports, but it is also necessary, but worth it take into account the features of the quarantine regime.
  • You need to play sports now at home or on the street (sports grounds, forest, park), but away from other people. That is you can play sports outside the house in those places where there is no accumulation of people and contact with them.
You can even study at home
You can even study at home
  • If you have not played sports earlier, Start with moderate loads, So that the body does not receive stress.
  • If you are used to training with a coach, use his online help. Today it is completely not difficult to conduct training online, but it is worth refusing to refuse from personal meetings and training.

What to see from films during quarantine adults?

Since we still spend the largest part of the free time during quarantine to watch films, the issue of choosing a picture should be paid to maximum attention.

So, the best films during quarantine for adults:

  1. "Hemini." A killer named Henry Brogan, who has no equal in his business, suddenly himself becomes the target of a mysterious pursuer, who literally predicts every step of his victim. Who will be more experienced and how the current situation will be decided - you can see this by watching this thriller.
  2. "Downton Abbey." Events unfold in an old mansion where the ruling monarch is eaten. While the other heroes of the drama are preparing to accept it, and the monarch himself is still on the road, someone is already building his dark plan of attempt on the royal person, but will he be able to implement his plan?
  3. "Orphan Brooklyn." Events unfold around 4 orphans, which were saved and taken by a detective-shout from the orphanage. One of these guys is destined to become a first -class detective, which will be able to reveal a terrible murder.
  4. Ford against Ferrari. Car lovers will certainly appreciate this biography film. The film tells about a group of American engineers and designers, united by one goal - to create a sports car who will be more powerful than the famous car - Ferrari.
  5. Rzhev. Events unfold back in 1942 during the Great Patriotic War. The film shows the events of the Rzhev battle, during which the soldiers showed what cohesion and devotion to the motherland are.
  6. "Read". A cheerful comedy, whose main character is Grisha’s guy who played into major life. But his father has completely different plans for him, so he adjusts his son’s accident and sends him to the past - a small, abandoned village where the atmosphere of Russia of the 19th century reigns.
  7. "Silence of the Lambs". Despite the fact that the picture is quite old, it is interesting to review it even for the second and third time. The atmosphere of the film simply fascinates and transfers the viewer to the epicenter of events.
  8. "Green Mile". Another incredibly interesting film with a deep meaning. The protagonist is John Coffee, accused of brutal murder of young children and sentenced to death. However, the head of the block, in which John expects the death penalty, begins to doubt the guilt of this guy, and also it turns out that the prisoner has a special gift of healing. The head of Blok wants to help John, but will he manage to do this?
  9. "Start". The slogan of the film is "Your mind is the crime scene." Actually, a film about people who know how to steal nothing more than ideas directly from other people's heads. The main character will have to make the opposite - to introduce the right idea into the subconscious of another person.
  10. "Invisible Man". The main role is Cecilia Kass, who escaped from her persistent and cruel boyfriend. Soon after, she finds out that her boyfriend committed suicide and left her goodbye to 5 million. However, she will be able to get this money only if she is not recognized as a mentally ill, and in the meantime, something strange and frightening begins to happen in her life.
It is worth seeing
It is worth seeing

List of films and cartoons during quarantine for children

For children on quarantine, we advise you to watch such cartoons and films for children:

  1. "Queen of Elephants". This picture can be seen by the whole family. In the main role of the elephant of Athena, who becomes the leader of the herd and is forced, despite all the difficulties, to lead her family to the water.
  2. "Earth: one amazing day." Another cognitive and very interesting film and how the day passes for several species of animals.
  3. "Jumanji: a new level." Almost everyone is a well -known interesting film about adventure in virtual reality. According to the plot of the film, the company of friends falls into the virtual world, you can get out of which only by passing the most difficult levels of the game.
  4. "Forward". A cartoon about a world in which a variety of mythical creatures live. The main characters are the brothers of the elves who inherit a magic staff capable of resurrect their father for a day. The guys will go on a difficult and exciting journey to get what they want.
  5. "Kipo and the era of wonderful animals." An interesting cartoon about the life of the Kipo girl in the post -apocalyptic world, where the whole flora and fauna mutated. Her companion will be a faithful and kind she-wolf, a beautiful pig that changed its appearance, a mantant beetle and others.
  6. "Ice Princess." The main character is a small and unintentional dragon who has a lot to learn from the Ice Princess Lilly in order to protect the boundaries of the two kingdoms.
  7. "The world trip Elkano and Magellan." Cartoon about the fascinating and places of dangerous journey of the glorified Fernando Magellan and the irresponsible merryman Juan Elkano
  8. "Bridge to Terabithia". An incredibly kind and instructive film that can be watched by the whole family. The main characters are the friends of Leslie and Jess. They discover the magical world of a fairy -tale country - telabiti, and become its king and queen, however, many dangerous trials awaits them ahead.
  9. "Sonic in the cinema." All events unfold around the funny and smart hedgehog-on-alien, who are going to live on the ground.
  10. "Camouflage and espionage." The main characters are a fearless and smart agent of the Lance Secret Service and the brilliant scientist Walter. Once Lance, taking advantage of the new invention of a scientist called “Biodynamic Camouflage” turns into a funny and daring dove. In this form, Lance and Walter will sleep the whole world.
Let the child watch funny and educational programs, films
Let the child watch funny and educational programs, films

What books to read on quarantine adults?

We advised before without fail on quarantine read books.

We present to your attention books for adults, at least a few of which just need to be read for quarantine:

  1. R. Chaldini "Psychology of influence". You will teach you not only to include people to do what you need, but also to use this skill wisely.
  2. D. Shapiro "on emotions." He will teach to correctly conflict and extinguish negative emotions without prejudice to himself and the interlocutor.
  3. E. Bern “Games played by people. People who play games". He will teach you how to understand why you act in your life exactly as you do, explain why complexes are not always bad, will help to understand what games you play in.
  4. S. Kovi "7 skills of highly effective people." It will help to become a more motivated and effective person, boss, employee, etc.
  5. D. Cleason "The richest man in Babylon." Learn to save, increase the accumulated, competently spend money.
  6. R. Gandapas “Ready for the performance. Presentation designer. " Learn to create beautiful and motivating presentations, constructive speeches that will help you get what you want.
  7. W. Isexon "Steve Jobs." For motivation, get a dose of inspiration, learn to think logically and competently.
  8. A. Christie "10 Negrit." A detective novel that holds the reader into ignorance to the last page of the book. Events unfold on a small island, where 8 people were invited and delivered to a mysterious married couple. After literally a few hours, strange things begin to happen on the island, frightening all those who arrived there.
  9. A. Rand "Atlant straightened his shoulders". The most famous Antiutopian novel about responsibility for his life, confrontation to society, environment, and the opinion of parents.
  10. F. Bakman "Bear Corner". A novel about life in a distant bear city, about the hope of people, about the need to choose.
Reading books is extremely useful
Reading books is extremely useful

What books to read on quarantine for children?

Children on quarantine can read the following books:

  1. Small children can read the tales of Andersen " Snow Queen ”,“ Windmill ”,“ Two Brothers ”, A. Lindgren“ Carlson, who lives on the roof ”,“ Merry cuckoo ”, R. Kipling“ How the ABC was invented ”,“ How the leopard became spotted ”,“ Cat , walking on its own ”,“ Mowgli ”, mother-Siberian“ Gray Shayka ”,“ Received ”,“ Time to Sleep ”, etc.
  2. L. Hawking "George and the ship of time." A book for children is 7-12 years old. The main characters George and his faithful friend Robot. After a long absence on Earth, they return to their native planet, however, they do not recognize their home at all. They have to find out what happened during their space travel on Earth.
  3. M. Ende "Momo". A book for children is 9-12 years old. The main character of the book is an unusual girl Momo, who differs from other teenagers, who knows how to not only listen, but also hear other people. She faces a difficult task - to learn how to live in the cruel world of pragmatists and remind people of kindness, love and sympathy.
  4. R. Dal "Charlie on the Chocolate Factory." A book for children is 7-13 years old. An exciting book about the adventures of Charlie and his friends in an unusual, magical factory.
  5. M. Boyko “Why are diamonds more than water? And 47 more questions about the economy. ” The book is suitable for children 10-15 years old. It has simple answers to complex questions about the economy, money, social status, etc.
  6. D. Berdsell "Penderviki on the Street Gardem." A book for children 12-16 years old. A book about 4 sisters, their adventures, real friendship, fidelity and, of course, love.
  7. M. Ru "Shelter." A book for children from 15 years old. The story of a 16-year-old teenager and his new friends who fell into the summer preparatory college. It turns out that earlier on the territory of their hostel there was a psychiatric hospital. The guys have to figure out in many ways.
  8. M. Petrosyan "House in which ...". A book for children from 15 years old - teenagers on quarantine will have something to do. The main character is a guy named a smoker living in an unusual boarding school for children with disabilities. Everyone who arrives there works does not have names, only nicknames, but the main feature of the place is the ability to move to a parallel world
  9. D. London "Martin Eden." A book for children from 16 years old. A very unusual, but fascinating and instructive novel, permeated by the idea of \u200b\u200ba “strong man”.
  10. L. Loury "In search of blue." A book for children from 15 years old. The main character is Kira’s girl, who has a difficult path. She needs to survive in the world after a global disaster, fight for life and food.
Let the child also develop
Let the child also develop

Quarantine is not a simple time, however, it is thanks to such forced measures that we can overcome the virus and protect ourselves and our relatives from the disease. Clearly adhere to all the recommendations regarding precautions, and then very soon our life will become the same.

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Comments K. article

  1. Sports are not what you can, but you need to play sports on the quarantine! After all, if you lie and eat only, then after quarantine there will be +10 weights.

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