Quest for children 10-12 years old-tasks and scripts

Quest for children 10-12 years old-tasks and scripts

Many children dream of visiting a fairy tale. After all, it is interesting to feel like a fantasy hero. This is an occasion to organize a quest for children, thanks to which they will be able to find a treasure, to feel themselves in the world of adventure. Quests can be organized independently. Next, we will consider how to organize quests for children 10-12 years old.

When children gather, they often do not know how to have fun than to occupy themselves. A lot of time is spent near the computer or phone. The task of adults to somehow diversify the lives of children. Organize their leisure. Quests can be a great pastime. But you can’t do without preliminary preparation of the event. The party organizer will have to find the details for the game and lay out objects in advance so that the quest participants can solve riddles. Let's look at how to create a quest for children 10-12 years old.

Quests for children 10-12 years old-tasks

Before deciding on quest tasks, you should decide on the place to conduct it. For example, in the apartment it will be enough to solve puzzles or make various chemical experiments. There is not enough space, because you won’t turn around like on the street.

Adventure quests for children
Adventure quests for children

Where can you hide the tips?

A quest for children 10-12 years old can be multitasking or single-level. Children will have to find many tips, go through obstacles until they reach a certain goal. You can hide tips in places such as:

  • chair, sofa, chest of drawers - in a word furniture
  • household appliances
  • under the carpet
  • in objects to decorate the interior
  • in the books that are on the shelf
  • in the mailbox, dishes, sweets
  • suitcase, portfolio.

Tasks for a quest for children 10-12 years old:

Make words from letters hidden in different places

  1. The letters are better to find one at a time. And then to collect the word from them. You can write them on glasses that are as dishes on the festive table.
  2. On the birthday and holidays, the rooms are decorated with balls, here you can also write letters on them.
  3. If you have plastic letters, then you can bury them in the sandbox, and then the children will find them, solve the word.
  4. The original solution is to freeze letters in ice cubes in the freezer.
  5. There is still a game "Fishing", so you can glue the letters on magnets. Children will catch fish and make words or phrases.
Quest - guess the word
Quest - guess the word

Tasks with numbers

  1. Tasks can be diverse. For example, guess the phone number. For this, it is proposed to calculate pyramids from ordinary coins.
  2. Another leader can give the task to calculate the same drawings in the pictures.
  3. Steps in the house, entrance are considered.
  4. Windows in the buildings that are visible from the room.
  5. Books in the closet.
  6. Count red, white beans separately.
  7. To solve the number, soft toys can be considered and put in order all the numbers that are in the date of birth of the birthday man.
  8. Also to find a digital key, you can calculate the number of letters in the last name, name, patronymic of the hero of the occasion.
Quests for children for logical thinking
Quests for children for logical thinking

Tasks for collecting puzzles, maps, etc.

  1. First they look for pieces of maps, then it is glued together.
  2. For a detective quest, you can make portraits from parts that are hidden in different places.
  3. You can use purchased puzzles in order to find a real guess of the quest.
  4. Another ordinary puzzles for 40-55 fragments can be assembled to two groups, which team will cope with work faster, and will win.

IMPORTANT: If quests pass in nature, then tasks give not only a mental nature, but also of sports. The more children move, the better.

Quest for children 10-12 years old per birth

Birthday - happens once a year. And a bright holiday is always remembered by the birthday, especially by children, if it is held in the form of a quest. A quest for children 10-12 years old is not so difficult to come up with. But if you can’t do it yourself, then you can find an idea online. Then a quest for children will be presented - "" Find a gift ".

List of details for a children's birthday quest:

  • Envelope - 2 pcs.
  • Puzzles where the apartment plan is drawn
  • Paper, cotton wools
  • Ink "Invisible" (milk)
  • Iron, box
  • Lack with a key
  • Transfer-tattoo
  • Letters with texts, smartphone, books
  • Children's champagne, festive cake.
Birthday quest for children
Birthday quest for children

Stages of preparation:

  1. Start by preparing the props. First, print all the obligatory messages to the quest participants.
  2. Draw a detailed plan of the room where the celebration will take place, immediately cut it in the form of a puzzle so that later the children gather it. Place one of the apartments where the prize will be stored with a red arrow.
  3. Using a cotton wool, draw or write the word with milk where you will hide the letter.
  4. Teach letters to different places, for example, a letter from the ministry, a tattoos (a transmission and one of the pieces of the puzzle in the article in the mailbox).
  5. Part of the puzzle + hint in the kitchen in dishes.
  6. Part of the puzzle No. 2 +hint in pillows on the couch.
  7. Part of the puzzle No. 3 + hint in the mezzanine.
  8. The envelope with white paper and invisible ink on it + iron in the room, which is marked with a red arrow.
  9. In one of the cabinets, you should hide the ball.
  10. And the box + photography of the “spy” in the place indicated in the ball (microwave).
  11. The text of the message is given to the guest. The key is hidden under the box to hold well, glued with tape.

Children's drink in the form of champagne, the cake is placed in the refrigerator.

Birthday quest
Birthday quest

Conducting process:

  1. When all the invitees gather, the parents will offer them to check the mailbox. Children there find a letter, part of the article, a tattoo. The letter will say that the Ministry of Internal Affairs congratulates the hero of his birthday and, according to the data (prompts), the birthday person and guests will be able to find an artifact of a happy future.
  2. A tattoo is glued to the child on his shoulder, which confirms that he is an employee of the Ministry of the Interior.
  3. Next, the children are looking for hints until they collect an article, which says that an emergency event occurred in the city, UFO landed in the city. Specialists work at the scene.
  4. After the children find part of the puzzle in the kitchen, where the housing office warns about the disconnection of water. Therefore, it will be cold in the apartments, cover yourself with blankets, go to the sofa. Children go to the sofa, there they find a second puzzle in the pillows.
  5. The weather is painted here for a week. It is said that on the street it will get colder, do not forget to put on a hat. Children approach the mezzanine, looking for a hat, find a letter from the plan of the room, there is an arrow that points to one of the rooms of the apartment.
  6. In this room, children will find a letter with invisible ink and an iron. If they do not know what to do with this, then an SMS with a hint comes to one of the quest participants.
  7. When the participants read the letter, they will find out where the next hint is.
  8. In that letter of Sharad, after solving, they will find a box.
  9. Under it will be a photograph of a spy participant. He says that he will say the secret only to that participant in the quest who has a mark on his shoulder. Then he gives him an envelope.
  10. The child opens it and it says that the key to the box is under the box.

Having found the key, participants open the box. There is a book. She has a hint. On different sheets, letters are circled. After reading them in order, you will get the word refrigerator. Children go to him, there they find a bottle, children's champagne, a cake.

IMPORTANT:So that the guests do not check all the cabinets and chiffoners for hints for the quest, you can immediately stick the “stop” marks. To say that this furniture has nothing to do with the game. Also, if the tasks are difficult for children, then smartphones are used for hints so as not to delay the time to find the main prize.

Quest script for children 10-12 years old-"Supermodel"

To arrange a holiday for girls, you can organize a quest for children 10-12 years old called "supermodel". As a leader, a mother or another adult can act. It is the presenter that will give the young beauties tasks and control their implementation.

What should be prepared for the quest?

  • pencils for makeup of the quest participants
  • small shoes, but be sure to heens
  • a lot of paper to create an outfit
  • scissors, two -sided tape, stapler, glue
  • flomasters.
Quest for girls is the most fashionable

The order of the quest:

  1. The host welcomes all the quest participants with these words: “I am glad to see you here so beautiful and elegant. Today is a holiday with Alina. She is 10 years old. Our congratulations to the birthday girl, we sincerely wish you a great mood, health, happiness and success! Today, all Alina's friends will become participants in a wonderful holiday. "
  2. Let's start the quest with preparation for the show. To do this, you will need to apply Bodiart to the faces. Girls are divided into pairs, and they draw pretty drawings on the cheeks. To do this, use pencils (aquagrim).
  3. Next, you need to prepare for the exit to the podium, but at first the girls are divided into two teams. So that there is no excitement, the host helps. Let the girls choose in their team those who are friends with whom more or communicate.
  4. The presenter gives one and the second team a pair of high -heeled shoes. Girls will need to walk in this shoes in turn. The task is complicated by the fact that the participants should also go with books on their heads, and they cannot be supported by their hands.
  5. The next test is still complicated. Girls will need to dance to the music only by those parts of the body that are sung in the song. Moreover, the rest should be motionless (as far as possible). For the competition, you can use the songs of the group of the disco accident - legs, gzweirdo "Move the hips", etc.).
  6. Then the girls are handed out on a piece of paper and a pen. The presenter invites them to write about their secret secrets. And this is normal, because in the world of fashion there are many gossip, various secrets. The yellow press now and then is trying to reveal them to the total mass of the population. The presenter asks not to sign the leaflets so that they do not guess who wrote it.
  7. After the girls write their secrets, the host will be read to all participants. Girls should find out whose secret is described on a leaflet. If they find out, then the participant may admit that they are right, if there is no desire to admit, then you can remain silent.
  8. The next competition for designer skills. It’s not for nothing that the quest is called the “supermodel”. Girls are divided into two teams. Each group is given paper, a lot of paper, from it should be made an outfit for the representative of the team. Paper can be of different colors, corrugated, colored. To fasten the outfit, you can use tape bilateral or stapler. To make the outfit more original, you can draw a pattern (print) on a dress or suit, depending on what the girls will want to do. The outfit should stay on the model, do not break up into pieces. You can’t fix it to the dresses of girls.
  9. When the clothes are ready, you should demonstrate it to the music beautifully. The host from each team of girls should describe the designer outfit, advertise it to other girls. Everything needs to be captured in the photo and video.
  10. Further, the presenter will offer to go through “imaginary” shops in the pursuit of accessories, which then you will need to arrange a show.
  11. Girls will take turns approaching the host and picking up bags with accessories. Moreover, do not leave the packages for yourself, but to transfer to the next girl who goes behind the bag.
  12. The latest participants will have the largest number of packages with accessories. The task of the girls take turns dressing each other with their eyes blindfolded. So far, accessories will not decorate each participant in the quest. And no matter how ridiculous they look, the participants do not have the right to correct and move the accessory. Despite the fact that they were hung on girls with their eyes closed.
  13. Now it remains to girls beautifully imagine themselves in front of the photographer's cameras on the catwalk. Each participant herself should choose a pose for photographs, improvisations and tips of the host and photographer are welcome here.

It remains to pay attention to the birthday girl. The presenter takes an interview from the culprit of the celebration. The photographer takes off everything. After the birthday, photos will be taken and they will be distributed to all participants in the celebration.

Quest podium of young models
Quest podium of young models

The following questions are asked as questions to the birthday girl:

  1. What hairstyles does the girl prefer?
  2. What colors do she like more when creating makeup and clothes?
  3. What further plans does the girl have, what profession does it want to choose?
  4. Favorite cartoon, movie movie?
  5. What stars do the birthday man like the most?
  6. What are the subjects of the girl's favorite at school?
  7. What sports do the culprit of the celebration like?
  8. What animal does she like?
  9. What is her favorite food?
  10. What are the fears of the girl?

After the quest, the girls sit down at the festive table with a cake and children's champagne, congratulate the birthday girl.

Here, see articles on a similar topic:

  1. New Year's quest for children;
  2. Quest for teenagers 14-16 years old;
  3. Gift search quests;
  4. Quests for detey;
  5. Give-quest game, Gori is clear.

Video: Pirate quest for children 10-12 years old

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