29 useful tips for schoolchildren, motivation in study, how to study at school well?

29 useful tips for schoolchildren, motivation in study, how to study at school well?

Education for many schoolchildren is considered a boring and monotonous process. And most of the students, after the academic year begins, begins to take their own positions, receiving average marks and poorly performing homework.

What to do in such situations? Our useful tips for schoolchildren will help you with this.

Tips for schoolchildren of any age

  1. Get out. We all know that sleep is the key to strength and additional energy. For adolescence children, the duration of sleep plays an important role, as well as its quality. The student should sleep 7-8 hours. If the student sleeps less, his brain does not have time to rest, and therefore a teenager cannot completely perceive the amount of information he receives. If the child sleeps longer, then he becomes apathetic to everything, weak, inattentive. A teenager may have frequent headaches and memory problems.
  2. Start for the right day. Of course, if the child, when he wakes up, thinks: “Well, you need to go along a cold street again, stomp to a stupid school,” a similar attitude will pursue him throughout the day. It is better to think about the fact that in the refrigerator in the kitchen lies your favorite chocolate, which can be eaten after school, or came the time when you need to wear a fashionable dress bought on Saturday. And yet, do not forget that in the morning you must definitely do exercises.

    Set up the daily routine
    Set up the daily routine
  3. Dress beautifully. Do you not like school and does it scare you? Do you get up 15 minutes before you go to class, put on things that the first came to hand? Even if you wear a special uniform to school, you can always remain a fashionable girl - you just need to have a desire. To have a good appearance - this does not mean that being stupid. There is no such separation either smart or beautiful. When you feel the beauty, your mood will rise immediately. Others will begin to notice this and chat with you. The result of such changes is a positive mood. As they say, beauty will save the whole world.
  4. Put yourself in the classroom and do not worry. Indeed, do not worry about what other students think about you. Everyone around thinks that you are a girl-both or a kid? Wonderful. Enter the prevailing image, actively support your own legend. So you are a nerd? Go to school in this way, wear glasses and grandmother's sweater. Perceive school as a theater. Only you will really have to study.
  5. Participate in the events that are held at school. If you previously kept aside, did not participate in various theatrical circles, the time came when it is necessary to change your own position. Just try and you may get involved quickly. Surely in your school a variety of talent contests are regularly arranged, the evenings of reading poetry, KVN are held. Put the relationship with the participants in the circles and you will have a great time. Since the circle is best brought together where children go with the same interests. In addition, you can Raise your own authority in the eyes of teachers - Teachers love activists.

    Go to school mugs
    Go to school mugs
  6. Gossip at breaks during lunch in the dining room. If you once heard from someone that gossiping is a bad thing, and gossip enters hell, then this person was not right at all. It is considered bad when a person speaks the nasty words behind him and he himself is a hypocrite, and discussing a new haircut of a classmate or a personal life of Vova with Sveta is not bad. Just try not to get very carried away. There is a certain border between ordinary conversations and intervention in the personal life of another person.
  7. Come up with interesting games that you can play at breaks. No, do not do your homework during the change. Just take a break from the lesson, give yourself time to digest information from the past lesson, prepare for the assimilation of new data - for such purposes, a change has been invented. Of course, you can read some book or sit on a chair in a corner, think. But better come up with a funny game, play it with your classmates. Let not all guys from your class, but funny and active should definitely support you in this game.
  8. Do not tighten your homework. The time came when it is necessary to study such concepts as “time management” or “procrastination”. So, “time management” is considered a technology, thanks to which you can distribute your own time. In other words, this is right distribute the time for which you can complete your homework. Excrustination is the habit of doing a completely non -relevant thing when it is necessary to start important matters. So, for example, for tomorrow you must solve several problems that you were asked in mathematics, but you do anything, so as not to sit down for your homework. You clean, go to the store, prepare to eat and so on. Cross yourself, do the job - and you will be absolutely free. Your conscience will be clean, the lessons are made - you can go for a walk.
  9. Plunger into your favorite item. You slowly cope with fractions, but you were able to read all the books from the list that must be studied in the entire academic year in a month? And already scrolled every thesis of future works in their heads? This simply does not happen so that you do not like any specific school subject. Listen to yourself, think about what you like, plunge into this subject and study it in depth. If you are already in high school, then you simply must understand your own preferences. The sooner you can understand what is really interesting to you, the less the risk that you are mistaken when you choose a profession.

    Deepen the study of your favorite subject
    Deepen the study of your favorite subject
  10. Make lessons with classmates. Go to each other, meet at school in the dining room in order to jointly solve mathematics problems or prepare for the control of history. Together it is always easier, but also more fun. Of course, if you can fully focus on homemade holding. If you do not have such creative teachers, develop your own training system. For example, put some kind of performance at home, take one topic from the literature textbook as a basis.
  11. Make peace with the guys who have previously quarreled -it is very useful Council for schoolchildren. This will only be in favor. Put communication with those who are unpleasant. Become a peacekeeper, give up, offer your own enemies a joint campaign, for example, to a cinema or on a rink. Maybe something will go wrong with you, but there is always the opportunity that you will have new friends. You will rush to school, knowing that it is there that you have a large and friendly family. Here you can really find one only drawback - at the release of the evening you will sob greatly, saying goodbye to friends.

Tips for schoolchildren: workplace and its arrangement

Often students think about how it is easier for them to do lessons without spending a lot of time and effort on this process. Will help to cope with the problem of our tips for schoolchildren. Thanks to them, training will be much easier. Organize your own workplace correctly - This is important for first -graders and high school students. To think about how to purchase a chair or table - this is on the shoulders of the parents.

The rules are important (open in a new tab for detailed viewing)
The rules are important (open in a new tab for detailed viewing)

Schoolchildren need completely different knowledge:

  1. Use paper clips to connect books. Many textbooks have to be held with a palm so that they do not cover up during training. But thanks to the paper clips you will not do this, plus the book will never close. Also for this purpose, instead of laying, you can use a pencil or pen.
  2. Make an organizer Where you will store pencils, scissors, glue and other little things. A plastic container, box, basket with separation partitions is suitable. Insert empty glass jars into the compartment. If you do not want to mess around, purchase a ready -made organizer. Attach it to the wall or door. Keep in the organizer all the little things that you need.
  3. Keep pens, pencils and other writing elements in a special stand. Instead of it, use bushings made of cardboard. To make the stand look more attractive, wrap it using a rope. Also paint with paints, glue with colored paper. Combine several of these stands, store in a large box.
  4. If you have a lot of similar notebooks, Decorate them The corners of the pages on the sides. To do this, use multi -colored pencils. A separate object will have your own color, and you will find notebooks in the table faster.
  5. Take a picture of the schedule, download the application, add all the necessary data to it.

Correct tips for schoolchildren

  1. Consider an individual perception. People can perceive information in completely different ways. Someone more easily perceives information by ear, therefore, you need to listen to audio books or phrasebooks, for example, in English. There are also students who perceive data on schemes, images or tables. Find the ideal option for yourself, so you will learn more effective.
  2. Remove the gadgets. The large amount of data received (from social networks, canal of YouTube, online games) is not capable of perceiving immediately. Even after the closing of the tablet or phone, a few more hours your brain will continue to digest everything you saw or heard. Therefore, if at the moment you have done lessons, then you will only half the program.

    Glave will not be distracted by you
    Glave will not be distracted by you
  3. Retell studied by relatives and friends. The most effective method is to remember something-to tell another person about it. For example, tell mom or dad about which book you read. You can also explain the information to your classmates. This council for schoolchildren useful to it is better to remember the information.
  4. Learn the lessons in advance. Some school students make a big mistake when they are trying to learn a verse or prepare for the control work “for tomorrow”. Remember what lessons need to be done in advance. If at school they asked on Friday to solve the mathematics problem, for example, on Wednesday, solve it on Saturday or Sunday. But not on Monday or Tuesday. On Tuesday evening, you will only repeat the material, consolidate knowledge.
  5. Learn on schedule. Create a schedule, follow it. For example, in the first 30 minutes after you come from school, rest: look at a cartoon or an interesting program, have lunch, take a walk with a doggie, talk with your comrades. After that, work clearly without violating the schedule. For example, select 60 minutes to algebra, take a short break (15 minutes). Devigue the literature, again a break. Using this schedule, you can easily plan your own day, pay attention to important things, deeds.
  6. Do not pause in your studies. Do not learn by such a principle as "carrying". If you have not learned about home tasks today, tomorrow this topic will present you an unpleasant surprise in the form of a control. Do not run your own training. If something is not clear to you, try to figure it out. Otherwise, you will gather many gaps, since the topics between each other are interconnected. And having missed some specific material, in the future you will not understand anything. You will definitely fill the control on a particular subject.
  7. Rest. School lessons, homework - this is considered a monotonous process for many. Therefore, diversify your own life with rest. Communicate with friends, play sports, go to picnics or cinema.
  8. Train the brain. The human brain needs "pumping". Athletes trains their own body every day. That's the same way you train the brain. Get knowledge even outside of school. Expand your own horizons, increase the level of intelligence. Read various books, magazines, see interesting scientific programs. You can also collect puzzles, solve puzzles and crosswords, play board games or quizzes.
Expand the horizons
Expand the horizons

Tips for schoolchildren for every day

  1. Be sociable. Communicate and listen to others, lead the situation, regulate conflicts and maintain relations with all classmates.
  2. Think systematically. Solve the problems without delay, think critically, make a decision thoughtfully, know how to collect data from different sources, find the best option.
  3. Control yourself. Control your own emotions, direct your attention to the things that are worthwhile, behave with dignity in any situation.
  4. Motivate yourself. Determine the goal for yourself and boldly go to it without fear of obstacles and errors.
  5. Be persistent, psychologically adapt. Adapt to all situations, cope with stress and life problems.
Set goals and feel free to go to them
Set goals and feel free to go to them

Develop your talents using specialized literature or attending trainings. Possessing skills, you adapt to any school, class, succeed in many respects after the 11th grade. As studies show, children who have developed communicative skills and high intellect have more chances to get a high -paid job in the future. Therefore, go for it!

Articles for schoolchildren on the site:

Video: 13 Funny tips for schoolchildren

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  1. Hello. This is a girl named Dana. I’m bad at school badly, well, there at 3 4 2 tell me please how to study, well, at least without doubles.

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