10 important tips for adolescents to girls. Useful tips of psychologists to adolescents 10-17 years old

10 important tips for adolescents to girls. Useful tips of psychologists to adolescents 10-17 years old

In this article you will learn about what rules will help the girl cope with problems in transition periods of life. Sometimes adolescents are so difficult to psychologically experience everything that happens to them, competent advice will help them avoid problems.

There are various life factors of personality development. There are difficulties at every stage of life. It is foolish to think that adolescents have no problems. They exist at different ages. Already at the age of seven, a child may experience difficulties psychologically. School, house, street imposes its mark on the life of adolescents.

Complexes associated with physiological development can also develop. Girls do not know how to behave in such cases. It is a pity to rarely turn to parents for help. They try to find information on the Internet on their own. The tips below for adolescents will help girls to cope with different difficulties that they may have.

10 tips for adolescents for all occasions

What problems do girls have?
What problems do girls have?

All girls want to be attractive not only by external signs. I want respect, recognition of my personality. And here it doesn’t matter a modest girl or not. The main thing is that there are no problems with classmates at school, no one calls us, and even more so, it mocked. Next will be represented tips for adolescents girlswho will help to establish communication with classmates and other people around. Despite the fact that the recommendations are simple, as it seems at first glance, to fulfill them is not so simple. We'll have to work well on yourself.

Tips for girls for all occasions:

  1. Follow your appearance daily. Onions and cosmetics must correspond to the age of the girl of a teenager. Short skirts or blouses in tight, or bright causing makeup on a teenager, especially on girls 9-12 years old, will not always look good and appropriate. And at school you should observe the dress code, do not dye the hair in bright colors, do not look too pompous and vulgar.
  2. Take care of your body, follow hygiene. Thanks to this, you can get rid of various problems, for example, from acne. You will feel lightness and freshness, you will feel like a beauty and completely confident in your abilities. Shower should be taken in the morning, in the evening. For delicate skin, it is better to use a gel or cream soap. After taking the bath, use the cream suitable for your skin, antiperspirants, deodorants will also not interfere with the care of the axillary area, especially in the summer of the year.
  3. Watch your things to look neat. Wear clean things, ironed, not crumpled. Many pay attention to the general view. It is believed that if a person is neat and clean, then relations with him will be clean. Therefore, every evening cook your bow for tomorrow. Check for things on things, clean the shoes.
  4. Try to smile. If you learn to smile at people, you can look more attractive. Let this sound trite, but a smile can be disarmed even by your enemies. And positive emotions always cause the same feelings in other people. The first time it may seem that it is simple, to start smiling, to give positive emotions. However, it is not. It is required to work on yourself. You don’t want to change your character even when you don’t want to laugh at all, you still need to try to do it. It’s not good to be kind and easy to get rid of negativity for this. Change your usual foundations. Do not allow yourself to break into others. Sport helps a lot in this, if you have accumulated in your soul a lot of negativity, try to throw it out to achieve good results in sports achievements. Thanks to classes in sports clubs, you will find many friends, your life will be able to fundamentally change for the better.
  5. Feel free to ask for help from loved ones, friends. Situations are different. Sometimes you just do not have enough strength to cope with piled problems on your own. In such cases, adolescents should not be shy. You can ask for help from those people that you really trust. Experienced psychologists advise that not all friends need to trust. It is better for such things to choose senior and experienced people who really will not give. Surely you have a close relative: grandparents, mom, dad, aunts, uncles, godparents, brothers, sisters with whom a trusting relationship.
  6. Improve yourself. Start changing yourself in the best direction. Come to this issue with all seriousness, self -criticism will help in this matter. And if you have many drawbacks, then eradicate these qualities alternately, work on yourself.
  7. Follow the plan. From adolescence, start thinking about your distant future. Set goals, then engage in their implementation. This is the only way to achieve success. It is difficult to do, there will be many barriers on the way. But when the first signs of victories appear, you will begin to feel some greatness, because thanks to hard work you reached the next level. Even without communication with others, it will be difficult for you to achieve the goal. Hold on to those people who "pull you up." If you have such friends, then you follow the right direction.
  8. Do not rude to people. This habit is not at all to the face. When they are insulted or humiliated, one cannot also become the same as the offender. This method will only steam the scandal. The best method in this situation is ignored. Or other methods of combating such people. This is the only way to achieve respect.
  9. You can not be imposed on people. This item concerns communication with guys. Even when you are drawn to a person, and he clearly ignores you, you should not continue communication with him. Nothing good will work out of this. The farther, the more you will push him away from yourself. And subsequently you will be disappointed in it. Girls do not go to be imposed on guys.
  10. Be yourself.Do not change your principles. Perhaps someone does not like your qualities of character, your goals in life seem empty. Do not pay attention to external stimuli. After all, each person is a unique personality. Only stubbornness and upholding their principles can I break through obstacles that stand on the way to a dream. And after everything is getting better with you, the rest will understand that your efforts were not in vain. Therefore, respect, universal gratitude will come.

For all girls, it is important to be beautiful, external signs in adolescence go to first places. However, when a person has great inner strength, he is able to cause admiration for others not only thanks to his appearance, but also to his strong character traits. Therefore, psychologists advise girls to adolescents first of all to educate the qualities of a strong personality. To be a bright person, to love this world, to be kind to others, then you can only achieve more.

The development of adolescents

Psychologist advice to girls to adolescents

In a difficult transitional age to girls to adolescents we need support. And it’s good if this support comes from the older family members. It is wonderful if mom has a trusting relationship with her daughter. Then you can do without the intervention of psychologists. And in this case, it will not hurt to find advice to adolescents to girls from psychologists.

According to psychologists, adolescents can begin at different times. Much depends on the individual feature of the development of the girl. Someone grows up earlier, someone later. Parents should pay attention to their child. To be interested in his problems, to prevent the girl from being closed.

IMPORTANT: Correctly use your best aspects, to be able to present your strong character traits - this is achieved over the years. Smart girls know how to hide their external shortcomings and emphasize the advantages, choosing beautiful bows and using cosmetics.

Teenagers complexes
Teenagers complexes
  • And not only communication with parents is important. Do not complex, you need to communicate with your peers. Keep a calm mood for any problem. Try not to react with temper to all sorts of troubles. Everything should be decided calmly, pondering, and not get excited and do nonsense.
  • Do not rebel, do not mowIf you were made a comment at the teacher’s school. Try to understand their position. It is easy to create a conflict situation. But finding peaceful ways of solving it is always more difficult. For the second, you will need to make considerable efforts, find an approach to a person. Also, to restrain a lot of emotions that will be asked to go out.
  • If it is difficult for you to cope with your problems, then try to find a solution to them with your like -minded people or simply contact the psychologist. Remember, there is nothing shameful in the fact that you will voice your problems to a qualified psychologist. After all, after a professional will put everything in his place, it will be easier for you to cope with the problem. He will be able to give you objective tips, given the situation and personal conflicts, if any.

Tips for a girl 9 years old

Tips 9 year old girls
Tips 9 year old girls

Already starting from the age of nine, hair growth in intimate places or under mice may begin. Teenagers can experience sweating due to hormonal failures. Also during this period, girls begin to grow. It is also interesting that the growth of the mammary glands occurs in a certain format. They can sometimes even differ in size (right and left breasts). According to experts, the growth of the mammary glands during the formation of the body occurs unevenly. This is a normal state. Therefore, do not worry about this.

Tips for girls 9 years old:

  1. If a girlfriend’s girl has any complaints, then no need to be shy about visiting doctors. Pain in the lower abdomen, itching, redness can cause a specialist doctor. And it is not necessary to immediately think that something bad happened. The causes of such manifestations can be different.
  2. If something worries you, contact mom, believe me - my mother herself experienced the same difficulties at your age, she can help you with a good advice.
  3. Among other things, it happens that it is difficult for girls at school to find friends, friends who will share her views and interests. In this case, you can sign up for the gym, art school or musical, find a lesson that you like. There you will find friends who will be interested in the same classes as you. This unites people.

Council of psychologist Girl 10-12 years old

The transitional age is not only a psycho -emotional state of a person. It directly depends on the functionality of the endocrine system. In this period, hormones are formed in the body of adolescents in increased quantities. This should be known not only by adults, it is advisable to inform the girls themselves about this state, so that they understand why they have a changeable mood and the emotional background is broken.

Development of girls 10-12 years old
Development of girls 10-12 years old

Thanks to the production of estrogen, from 10-12 years the figure in adolescence girls is changing. This is noticeably visually, in this way the first signs of sexual development are manifested. They can still develop Some changeswho can annoy the girls, give them a lot of unpleasant problems:

  1. Due to excessive production of fat sebaceous glands, it is manifested rash on the skin of the face.
  2. Hormonal changes in the body affect the manifestation excessive sweatingTherefore, the rules of hygiene should be followed.
  3. Another unpleasant factor is excessive safety of hair. This drawback can only be eliminated with daily measures for caring for strands.

Naturally, the girl herself will not be able to cope with such problems. Mom’s help will be, very help. Her advice to adolescents for girls about the use of various pharmacy products, or cosmetic, will need a child. After all, their appearance is always important for girls. And acne rashes can greatly ruin the teenager’s reputation at school, reduce self -esteem for the child.

Tips for girls 10-12 years old:

  • As a result of all these problems, girls may manifest the excitement caused by complexes. Fighting excitement You can meditations, and the technique of proper breathing. At first you need to relax and straighten your shoulders. Then make slow breaths and exhale. This practice helps restore balance.
  • Try do not pay attention to irritantswho every now and then will actively try to make dirty tricks. Know how to resist the nonsense of the weak.
  • Work daily on yourself, begin to eat properly, observe the daily routine, actively spend time, engaged in running, swimming or other sports. Then all the problems will automatically go into the background.

IMPORTANT: To avoid the girl's skin and hair problems. You will need to introduce more vegetable products and fruits into the diet. Find the means to eliminate skin and hair deficiencies. Limit the consumption of all fats, fast food and sweets that contribute to the occurrence of acne, the manifestation of the oily hair.

Tips for girls 13, 14 years old

Tips 13-14 year old teenagers girls
Tips 13-14 year old teenagers girls

Already in thirteen years in girls may begin menstruation. For sensitive adolescents, it is quite difficult to survive this period. It is important at this time to girls not to be shy about contacting mom. Who can better explain to their daughter that this is a normal, natural process in the body. And he should not cause any experiences. Everything is the natural environment of the girl's body. Therefore, mother, like no one else, will be able to explain what is happening to her girl and give effective advice to the teenager for the girl.

Tips for girls 13, 14 years old:

  1. To get rid of shyness, do exercises, daily, which inspire confidence in you. Start praising yourself for little victories. If you have overcome your fear today and did something bold, then celebrate your victory. Praise yourself. Over time, you will notice how many positive qualities you have and this will give you more self -confidence.
  2. Fight uncertainty Only work on yourself will help. Moreover, this should be done daily. First of all, take your appearance, love your image, note that you have good and pay more attention to these nuances. The second - never bend under others. Follow your principles. Third - do not subject your possibility of doubt. Believe in yourself.
  3. Do not pay attention to the manifestations of negativity To your person. Well, if you can’t ignore it, then look for like -minded people who will help you cope with emotions, do not remain alone with your problems.

Tips for girls 15, 16 years old

Communication of teenage girls with guysCommunication of teenage girls with guys

Beginning from the age of fifteen, girls can grow by almost 10-13 centimeters over one year. Therefore, disproportionality of the body may appear. Often, because of this, complexes arise. It seems to the girls that they look ugly, and at school peers notice this, this can cause mockery. What is very hunch.

Girls look somewhat awkward. This leads to stiffness in movements, uncertainty, clumsiness develops. Therefore, advice to adolescents from adults, how to survive this period, will be in handy.

Tips for girls 15-16 years old:

  • It is undesirable for girls to sit on diets. Not only that the body spends tremendous efforts on growth, but the girls also torment it with hunger. As a result, in addition to health problems, problems arise with the mood. And few people like unkindness and negativity. Therefore, this directly affects communication with peers.
  • Better go to the sports center and take up any kind of sport. Thus - to train the body, and modify it, due to the development of muscle mass, and find new friends.
  • Most often during this period, girls begin to pay attention to the opposite sex. And here it is already important to learn to communicate with the guys. Stay yourself in any situation, if a young man does not value your principles, do not try to like him. With such a person you can not have anything in common.
  • Girls look at themselves in the mirror and are rarely satisfied with their reflection. After all, everyone would like to like the opposite sex and receive compliments addressed to him. Do not judge yourself strictly, start to care for your body, use cosmetics, wear suitable clothes for your figure. Not always everything that is fashionable is beautiful. You should form your own individual image. If you are uncertain that you can cope with this, then seek help from your mother, and even better to the makeup artist.

Tips for 17-year-old girls

Most often, going up to the 17-year line in girls, the transition period is already ending. Parents also feel some calm, because their advice to the teenager for the girl helped to cope with such an important test in their life. After 17, the girls have a decline in raging hormones. Their figure comes into normal state. In psychological terms, everything is being established. But this is still not a reason for relaxation.

Mom and adult daughter
Mom and adult daughter

After all, a teenager has yet to go through a number of tests in choosing a profession. And here you will need the help of relatives, friends. This help should be not only material, but also moral.

Tips for adolescents girls 17 years old:

  • Try to decide correctly on your profession. It is not necessary to graduate from a prestigious university, as parents advise. The main thing is to find yourself. Maybe you like another profession. Therefore, ask your parents not to put pressure on you, because each person has their own talents, it is precisely them that should be used to earn money.
  • Do not put the question with an edge if your relatives do not understand you. Give them time to realize that you have grown up, have your own views on life. Gradually, interpret the essence of your meaning of life. All people need time to understand another person. Slowly and stubbornly move to your goal without stopping.
  • Keep in touch with your parents, do not throw them in difficult times, Wherever you are. All quarrels are temporarily, a close person will understand you over time and will accept what you really are.

Here you can still read advice on different topics, for example:

  1. How to arrange people to yourself?
  2. How to love a man?
  3. How to deal with stress and depression?
  4. Why is it important to be able to forgive people?
  5. The husband beats, what to do in this situation?

Video: Tips for a modern girl

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Comments K. article

  1. Thanks to this article. She was a little for me, but still helped. I am 12 years old and I am constantly annoyed for everyone and count myself not beautiful. But now I will be less irritable and will look for good qualities in myself.

  2. I had a DVL problem with the skin at about 8-9 years old went to a dermatologist several times, he wrote out expensive MVZIs sometimes they helped and sometimes I didn’t want my best to understand that I could be beautiful and I do not want it to be picked up by me Since this is a sore topic for me no matter what insensitive, I was forcing me to cry before it was only on one cheek, but now on both cheeks and seer can you know what to do?

  3. From the early I grew up, senyaks appeared under my eyes, it enrages me 12 years old, because of them not beautiful because of them. They laugh at me. I sleep well, but I want to get rid of them please help!

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