How to brush your teeth with braces with a toothbrush adults and children: dentist advice, a toothbrush movement scheme, the choice of a toothbrush and a toothpaste

How to brush your teeth with braces with a toothbrush adults and children: dentist advice, a toothbrush movement scheme, the choice of a toothbrush and a toothpaste

The article will tell you how to correctly brush your teeth in a bracket system.

What toothpaste and a toothbrush tooth brushes with braces to adults and children?

Brands are a special metal system that is attached to the teeth. It should correct the wrong bite and equalize crooked teeth. Brands are, of course, a useful thing, but those who wears it should know about the rules for caring for them. Brush your teeth with braces should be very careful using special brushes.

You can’t do without cleaning, because it is the key to the health of any teeth, and especially those that have braces. Under metal frames, food remains can be collected and rot with time, which invariably leads to inflammatory processes, poorly smell from the mouth, raid and caries.

Tips for choosing a “right” brush for the care of metal systems:

  • An ordinary brush should be stiff (in case of increased sensitivity of the gums - choose the average level of stiffness).
  • Try to find a brush with uneven sections and beards of bristles (it should be longer on the sides of the pile), this will allow her to penetrate thin hairs into the most inaccessible places.
  • Be sure to purchase an orthodontic brush, a specialized tool for cleaning metal systems.
  • For high -quality cleaning, you can purchase an irrigator (a special device cleansing the oral cavity with an action of high pressure of water) or an electric shock (plus - special nozzles).
  • Buy toothpaste calculated or fluoride
  • In delicate cleaning, a special brush brush (miniature elongated brush) will help you to help you.

Important: do not expect that you will immediately get used to the braces. You will be inconvenient for at least a month.

How to clean it correctly:

  • Before cleaning, all removable parts should be removed (if any).
  • Cleaning should start from the front on the upper jaw.
  • Movement during cleaning should be horizontal, progressive, passing along the entire metal system.
  • After cleaning the upper part, proceed to the lower
  • Burning and root teeth should be brushed with an ordinary brush from all available sides.
  • The final stage of brushing of teeth and systems after the brush is a tooth thread or floss (it can be used as often as soon, even after a slight snack).
  • It is necessary to use fluoride fluid for rinsing (as often as cleaning the oral cavity)
  • A plaque under the system cannot be removed independently, which means that you need to contact a dentist with a request to professional cleaning: chemical, mechanical, ultrasonic.
  • If there is a bracket system, professional cleaning must be carried out every six months.
Teeth cleaning with a metal bracket system
Teeth cleaning with a metal bracket system

How to brush your teeth with braces with a toothbrush: dentist advice

Doctors recommend:

  • Everyone who wears the system is recommended to brush your teeth at least 3 times a day.
  • If possible, after each meal, caress your mouth or clean it with a dental thread.
  • Always have flosses, tooth threads or brushes with you, which will help you clean the braces anywhere, at any time.
  • Brush your teeth in a bracket system should be a little longer than your teeth without braces.
  • The total time for cleaning should not be less than 10 minutes
  • Once every six months, visit a dentist to inspect the bracket system and teeth.
Cleaning with an irrigator
Cleaning with an irrigator

Toothbrush movement scheme for brushes to brush


  • It is much easier to clean the braces with an irrigator, you just direct it to each tooth and carefully clean all the contents under the braces and between the teeth.
  • The movements of the toothbrush should be horizontal and circular, along the entire bracket system.
  • Chewing teeth must also be brushed carefully, devoting enough time to each tooth.
  • Do not try to clean the whole mouth at once, first give about 5 minutes the upper jaw, and then the same amount of the lower.
Cleaning scheme
Cleaning scheme

Video: "How to brush your teeth in braces?"

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Comments K. article

  1. This is one of the moments, which is why I did not dare to correct the bite with braces. With the Elineers, Star Smile, which I have been wearing for six months, there are no problems with hygiene, nor any other. If we talk about the hygiene of the teeth, then with the Eliners everything is easier: I just take them off, brush my teeth calmly, the caps themselves (this also does not cause any additional efforts), I put on the eleiners back. Everything. In all other respects, as for me, the eliners also win the braces: they are approximately equal at a price, but with eclines and easier to care, and more comfortable wearing.

  2. I agree with Irina above, when I read about how it is not easy to care and walk with braces, I took up a squeak of an alternative option. As a result, I chose the Star Smile system, and they go comfortably in them and the teeth are corrected. The whole course has gone a year with a little.

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