Non -vigor of girls, women, men: what are it, symptoms, signs, problems, what is dangerous? How to stop underlining and get out of this state: Dietatologists' advice

Non -vigor of girls, women, men: what are it, symptoms, signs, problems, what is dangerous? How to stop underlining and get out of this state: Dietatologists' advice

Non -indulgence is very dangerous for the human body. What threatens and how to get out of this state, read in the article.

Many people are often associated with exhaustion in the minds of many people. A person suffering from malnutrition does not have to be thin, on the contrary, he can be complete. Non -vigor does not necessarily mean insufficient energy consumption.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "The most dangerous food: list". You will learn how to protect yourself from the harmful effects of dangerous food.

What is malnutrition? What are the symptoms? How does it appear? What are the consequences and what to do if the malnutrition is already chronic? Look for answers to these questions in the article below. Read further.

What is hunger, exhaustion in girls, women, men: signs of constant malnutrition

Hunger, exhaustion
Hunger, exhaustion

Non -derivation comes from the English word "Malnutrition" And it means "Bad food". This is a painful condition caused by a lack of nutrients necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Usually caused by insufficient consumption of one or more nutrients, it does not have to be carbohydrates or fats.

Malnutrition, exhaustion or The disease is thin -This is the lack of any substances necessary for our body, including the lack of some vitamins. In our country and other developed countries, elderly, long -term people, people with impaired assimilation of nutrients and people who observe a diet with a radical reduction in nutrition (mainly women and girls, but men can also) suffer from malnutrition, hunger or long absence some important products and, therefore, necessary nutrients.

Signs of constant malnutrition:

  • A loss of strength - malnutrition leads to rapid fatigue, the body lacks energy.
  • Hair loss - if a person is exhausted, then the body lacks nutrients, and he begins to stretch them out of the hair and nails. Therefore, starving people have ugly hair and brittle nails.
  • A constant feeling of hunger-the appetite when malnutrition increases due to the fact that the level of hormones that control the feeling of saturation changes. Calorie deficiency leads to enhanced production of cortisol - stress hormone, which helps to increase the feeling of hunger and the growth of the fat layer.
  • The inability to conception is women who are constantly hungry, cannot conceive and take out a child. It's all about the lack of the same hormones.
  • Sleeping - a deep phase of sleep is reduced, a person does not rest normally, the body does not restore its strength.
  • Irritability - a long incomprehension and conscious restriction of themselves in food can lead to nervousness and sharp mood swings.
  • The feeling of cold is that the body function normally, produces heat, it needs resources. If a person eats little, then these resources are not enough.
  • Constipation - malnutrition leads to constipation, as food slowly moves along the gastrointestinal tract and in the body more than less than products of life.
  • Anxiety - observing hard diets leads to depression and sharp mood shifts.

If you decide to lose weight, then try not to reduce calories. You need to eat food per day for 1200-1500 kcal. Below this mark there will already be malnutrition.

Read another on our site an article about a 1500 kcal diet. You will find out what you need to eat and to what volume.

If you find several of the above signs, then you may have an exhaustion of the body. Review your diet or contact a nutritionist.

Non -vigor: reasons

Many people limit themselves to food intentionally, for example, in the framework of a diet or fashion trends in the field of a healthy lifestyle. But it also happens that these diets and mass hobbies are often understood incorrectly or distorted, or contain frankly dangerous recommendations leading to a shortage of nutrients.

A person can also do not do not due to a disorder of food behavior or even without visible reasons, simply not noticing the problem. Sometimes people with rapid metabolism or high level of physical activity do not eat enough to satisfy the body's needs under these conditions. These are the main causes of malnutrition. Read further.

Symptoms of long, strong malnutrition in an adult, teenager: a list

Many people think that a person who does not go is very thin. But this is a great misconception. Often it is precisely people with exhaustion that can be complete. The body is in stress, it accumulates water and fat with all his might. Therefore, often women and men who begin to eat right, lose weight. What are the symptoms of a long, strong malnutrition in an adult? Here's a list:

  • Hormonal imbalance, which is why women increase the risks of osteoporosis and pathological bone fracture, it can also cause a lack of ovulation and infertility.
  • Violation of growth and development processes, especially in children and adolescents.
  • Disruption of the immune system - a person often begins to get sick with an ordinary cold. The temperature may rise or constantly hold within the subfubbrilic indicators.
  • Anemia.
  • Chronic fatigue.
  • Diseases of the oral cavity, teeth can literally crumble.
  • Digestive tract diseases.
  • Headache
  • Pressure - can be either reduced or increased.
  • The head may spin
  • Fainting, weakness

No matter how frightening it sounds, but malnutrition and exhaustion can lead to death.

Types of chronic malnutrition

Kvashiorcor - a type of malnutrition
Kvashiorcor - a type of malnutrition

There are two main types of chronic malnutrition:

  1. Caused by a lack of energy or protein in the diet
  2. Caused by the lack of both - energy and protein

The first type of malnutrition, called kvashorcorcor, caused by a prolonged lack of protein in the diet. A diet exposed to kvashiorcore consists mainly of carbohydrate products that provide a sufficient supply of energy, such as potatoes, corn, rice, sugar. During kvashorcore, fat reserves are preserved, the patient can impress a well -fed person. A person will be swollen, which can be observed not only in the abdomen, but throughout the body.

The second type of malnutrition
The second type of malnutrition

The second type of malnutrition is a type that is caused by the insufficient intake of all nutrients into the diet. This is the result of simple starvation. The cause may be anorexia and other mental disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, poverty. It is visible at first sight: emaciation, the skin hangs with free folds on the body, stunted and wrinkled muscles.

What exist food with a high protein content? You will learn about this in another article on our website.

How does malnutrition affects the body: obesity

Naturally, if we hear that a person does not mean, then he should be thin. But, as mentioned above, this is not always the case. The mass of the body and BMI are not indicators of inferior nutrition, they do not tell us anything about how much water, muscle mass and adipose tissue is present in the body. According to BMI, a bodybuilder or a patient with obesity can suffer from edema due to heart or kidney disease.

Therefore, the indicators of nutrition status are laboratory blood tests for the amount of protein, the presence of minerals and the general AK. These are the indicators by which you can judge not only about health, but also about how a person eats - qualitatively or not.

Problems of malnutrition: Diet is to blame?

Many obese people are looking for a “guaranteed” weight loss tool exhausted by popular disposable diets of celebrities. Diets with a radical contraction of calories have a low amount of protein, vitamins and minerals. The problem of hard diets and malnutrition is in very small portions, and in some cases it is generally a mono-diet.

  • Open people await "Yo-yo effect" And health problems caused by malnutrition: fatigue, swelling of the legs and other ailments associated with the lack of a particular vitamin or mineral, heart disease, due to lack of protein in the blood.
  • Non -indulgence is not just a lack of protein. This is a lack of calcium and magnesium. Muscle cramps will not be long in coming, and even osteoporosis can develop over time.

Sharp and hard diets are to blame for the depletion of the body. Any nutritionist will tell you this.

  • Improper nutrition slows down metabolism, as a result of which some people gain weight, although they eat little.
  • Their body went into the energy conservation regime and will store all the nutrients that he receives for the worst.
  • People with obesity often suffer from a lack of fiber, vitamins and minerals due to malnutrition.
  • The state of malnutrition is aggravated by a diet with minimal consumption of complex carbohydrates for energy. Due to the low calorie content, and sometimes mono diets, such nutrition cannot provide the body with the substances necessary for it.
  • A person lacks the necessary nutrients, such as carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
  • These diets bring the effect of yo-yo, malnutrition and subsequent complications for health.

Therefore, for a long time, nutritionists of the whole world are in alarm: to diets - a battle. Only proper nutrition and physical activity is important. This is the only way to look beautiful, lose weight and stay healthy.

The consequences of malnutrition: results, what is dangerous?


If a person is exhausted, then his body suffers from a lack of nutrients. It cannot function normally. What else is this condition dangerous? Non -derivation has the consequences in the form of:

  • Losses of physical and mental strength and endurance
  • Fatigue
  • Deterioration in the course of diseases
  • Various complications and pathologies that could be avoided due to the good condition of the body and the best power state

The result of malnutrition feels the whole body:

  • The immune system is weakened
  • Risk of infectious diseases, heart disease, lungs increases
  • There is a loss of skeletal muscles and, as a result, violations of mobility
  • There is a risk of osteoporosis
  • The intestinal mucosa is disturbed
  • The products of the digestive enzymes of the pancreas are reduced, the process of hematopoiesis
  • A deterioration in the functions of the brain
  • There is no mental stability
  • Lack of muscle frame
  • Violation of body thermoregulation

How to get rid of exhaustion and return the strength to the body? Read further.

How to stop underlining and get out of this state: Dietatologists' advice

Proper nutrition will help to stop underlining and get out of this state
Proper nutrition will help to stop underlining and get out of this state

When losing weight, it is necessary that the flow of energy is lower than its consumption, but this does not mean starvation or chronic lack of beneficial substances. On the contrary, the basis of a properly composed recovery diet is nutrition with a lower energy content (simple carbohydrates) and a sufficient number of all the substances necessary for the body (vitamins and microelements). Here are the advice of nutritionists, how to stop underlining and get out of this state:

  • Follow the composition on the packaging of products, paying attention to the food value. Some products, for example, such as cookies, even whole grain or with muesli, have a low weight, but contain many calories.
  • Do not drink sweet soda - You will not recover after the use of lemonades and various dining rooms or mineral waters with flavorings and a large amount of sugar in the composition, but on the contrary, will swell and swell.
  • Drink a lot of water. It helps to remove toxins and improves metabolism. You need to drink per day 30 ml per 1 kg of weight.
  • Glucose-fruit syrup, which many consider useful, can be found in many foods. But such a product with various additives is not suitable for nutrition when losing weight or to improve health.
  • Refuse sugar completely. Replace it with useful natural additives. You can buy them on the site Iherb. It has a whole section with useful sugar substitutes.
  • Food should be quite high -calorie, with a full -fledged amino acid, fat and carbohydrate composition, rich in vitamins and minerals, not overwhelming the stomach, and at the same time easy to absorb, which does not require additional energy for digestion. Read article about proper nutrition on our website.

If you want to lose weight, do not follow the advice of celebrities who are excellent actresses or singers, but not dietary. If you want to lose weight and save body weight and not fall into a state of malnutrition, get a consultation and make a diet from nutritionists. Weight loss, or vice versa, its set, and health include an active lifestyle with a large number of regular exercises, sleep, rest and proper stress management.

Video: Hunger and its consequences

Video: overeating, malnutrition - where is the norm and line?

Video: How to avoid chronic malnutrition?

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