Glycine: What is needed for, how to take adults and children? The maximum and normal daily and single dose of glycine in tablets for adults and children in milligrams

Glycine: What is needed for, how to take adults and children? The maximum and normal daily and single dose of glycine in tablets for adults and children in milligrams

How to take glycine correctly? How much can adults and children drink it in time?

The drug metabolite therapy Glycine Acts on the human nervous system, regulating the metabolism. It has a protective inhibitory effect on the central nervous system. Reduces psycho -emotional stress, enhances the stressful stability of the body and activates and increases the performance of the brain.

Read on our website another useful and detailed article on the topic: "Glycine - instructions for use."

Available Glycine in the form of hyoid tablets 100 milligrams each,in a pack 50and 100 table. From this article below you will find out why it is taken when you need to drink - before meals or after, whether it can harm health, etc. Read more.

What is glycine for?


Buy Glycine in the form of natural and natural form, you can site iherb. There is a whole section on this resource with this drug from different manufacturers.

By its origin Glycine - A replaceable amino acid involved in the exchange of molecules and cells of the brain and spinal cord. Glycine performs antioxidant and antitoxic effects in the brain tissue. Improves pulse conductivity in receptors responsible for supplying the vessels of the brain of oxygen and eliminating toxic substances from tissues.

Take this drug in order to:

  • Remove the state of irritation, high aggression and psycho -emotional arousal
  • Improve the mood
  • Restore the process of falling asleep and improve sleep quality
  • Reduce manifestations of mental disorders with ischemic strokes and traumatic brain damage
  • Reduces the manifestations of VSD and "tides" in the postmenopausal period
  • Increases brain performance
  • Reduces the effects of alcohol on the central nervous system

It is well perceived in stress and reduces the toxic effect of alcoholic beverages and drugs that inhibit and destroy nerve cells.

Glycine: How many years can a child be?

In children's practice, the medicine is prescribed with an unstable psycho. a state associated with a sharp change in mood. You can use children from three years old. To restore the psychophysical state, prescribe 1 table. from 2 to 3 p. In day.

Children aged up to 3 l., Glycine is prescribed half of the tablet from 1 to 2-3 p. In day., it all depends on the indications.

Glycine: Dose by weight and age of the child, maximum dosage in milligrams

Glycine - The simplest amino acid is the safest for use in children's practice. Read more:

  • It can be prescribed for treatment and rehabilitation for babies aged three days from birth with damage to the central nervous system of a child in childbirth (Cerebral ischemia in the early period). This restores the process of adaptation of full -term newborns. The dose of the drug is calculated by the weight of the baby 3 mg/kg of the child's body weight per day within 15-20 days. In newborns, energy exchange is activated.
  • In newborn premature children with cerebral ischemia Assign 50.0 mg — 2 times a day, beginning from 3 to 5 days life combined with other drugs.
  • When applying in children of the first year of life, born of drug addicts and suffering from a delay in psychomotor and speech development, and in children from one to three years of life, dosing is persisted half of the tablets per 100 mg 2-3 times a day for 2-4 weeks. After that, they continue to take a dose with a dose of up to 50 mg only 1 time per day, another week or one and a half.
  • In children from 4 to 12 years old, suffering from attention deficit and hyperactivity, tablets are prescribed in a dose 200 mg at least 3 times a day under the tongue. Three three -week courses are held, in alternation with ten -day breaks. Therapy is carried out in combination with other metabolites. There is a stabilization of the psycho -emotional state of the child and increasing attention, the performance of the brain.
  • To normalize sleep in children, they are appointed half a tablet 20 minutes before bedtime under the tongue.

In children aged 2 to 15 years old There is a good sedative effect and normalization of sleep. In patients, appetite improves and urinary release with neurogenic bladder decreases. What is the dose by weight and age of the child, maximum dosage?

  • Min. The dose in milligrams in children under three years old - 150 mg per day.
  • The maximum dose is prescribed for children under 15 years of age - 600 mg per day.

Attention: The appointment of the medicine for kids is made by the attending physician, it all depends on the testimony of the patient.

Glycine: How to calculate the optimal and maximum dose for an adult?

Glycine - optimal dose
Glycine - optimal dose

Glycine They use in combination with other drugs that are prescribed to patients with pathology of the nervous system, accompanied by excessive excitement and unstable condition in terms of emotions, poor falling asleep and poor sleep quality. And also, ischemic stroke, traumatic brain injuries and cancellation syndrome in alcoholism. It is prescribed in a dose 100 mg (one table.) At the reception. How to calculate the optimal and maximum dose for an adult? Here are effective dosages of the drug:

  • To normalize falling asleep, adults are recommended to absorb a whole tablet for 20-30 min. before sleep.
  • To relieve nervous tension, restore the attentiveness and performance of the brain, men and women over 18 are prescribed 100 mg(one table.) 2-3 p. in a day Under the tongue - 2-4 weeks.
  • In therapy of ischemic strokes, the medicine is prescribed from the first day in a shock dose 1000 mg At one time dissolved in a teaspoon of water under the tongue. You need to drink during 5 days. Then switch to a maintenance dose: 100 mg (one table.) 2-3 p. In day. Within a month.
  • In narcological patients, to relieve irritability, as well as restoration of central nervous system lesions, the medicine is used in medium dosages 1 table. 100 mg to 3 p. In day. within 30 days. The courses are repeated 4 to six times a year.

As you can see, the maximum dose can be spelled out with ischemic stroke 1000 mg per 1 p. In general, only a doctor should prescribe a drug. Usually it is accepted 1 table. 50 mg - 3 per day under the tongue.  

How many times a day and how many days without a break can adult glycine and child be taken?

The maximum daily doses are designed for three -time intake to patients during the day. How many times a day and how many days can be taken without a break Glycine adult and child?

  • Sometimes, in acute periods, the dose is divided into small dosages and prescribed oightly during the day. The doctor tells the patient individually about this individual appointment.
  • The cure of the cure of the medicine is calculated for 3-4 weeks. Then take a break, and you can repeat the course.

In general, without a break, these tablets can be drunk for 30 days. Then you need a break. This rule applies to both adults and babies.

How does glycine work in the body?


Unhinderedly penetrating the tissues and the liquid structure of the body, brain gray matter, the medicine has an adreno-blocful effect on the body's systems. How else acts Glycine?

  • Enhances the excretion of toxins from fabrics.
  • It is engaged in the regulation of the work of glutamate receptors located on the membranes of neurons.
  • Glutamate in the human body is the main neurotransmitter responsible for the transfer of excitement to the brain.
  • Neutralizes toxins, in the form of aldehydes and ketones.

Thus, the excitation process is inhibited and the medicine provides:

  • A sedative action, which is manifested by a stable emotional state
  • Improves the quality of the process of falling asleep and sleep
  • Reduces depressive inhibition
  • Reduces the number of epileptic seizures
  • Heals nervous deviations, general brain disorders associated with traumatic brain injuries, strokes
  • Improves the functioning of the brain and spinal cord

Glycine Able to penetrate through a hematoencephalic barrier. Scientists have found that up to 80% The active substance of this drug is used in protein synthesis.

After what time does it start to act and how long does glycine work in tablets after taking?

Tablets are taken under the tongue, or transbuccal (between the upper gum and lip). They dissolve and with direct contact with the mucous membrane of the oral cavity are absorbed through saliva. After what time it starts to act and how much time is valid Glycine In tablets after receiving?

  • The time of the action of the drugs depends on their ability to be absorbed into the blood.
  • On average, this period is 5 to 15 minutes.

Due to the fact that Glycine A replaceable amino acid that often falls into the body with products, the remains of unused active substance are decomposed by the liver. Disruption products - water, carbon dioxide and glycinexidase, are excreted by the kidneys. The half -life of the body is 5 o'clock. The action of the tablet continues about 6 hours. Persistent therapeutic effect occurs after taking the drug during 2-3 weeks.

Glycine: should you take before meals or after?

The method of taking the drug does not give clear recommendations on the rules for taking tablets or powder. Need to take before meals or after?

  • The main method of admission Glycine Sublingval - under the tongue.
  • Therefore, the absorption of the drug into the blood goes from the oral cavity without affecting the stomach.
  • In this regard, the reception time is not specifically stipulated. We can say differently: regardless of eating.

Children up to 3 years They cannot absorb a tablet drug. Therefore, for them, the tablet is finely abrasion and poured into the tongue. The second method: dissolve a tablet in a teaspoon of water and let the baby drink before meals.

Is it possible to drink glycine and antibiotics at the same time?

It is better not to drink glycine and antibiotics at the same time
It is better not to drink glycine and antibiotics at the same time

Glycine A metabolite drug entering the body with products. It is worth noting that there are no special restrictions or warnings on the account of taking these tablets and antibiotics at the same time. Therefore, joint taking antibiotics with glycine is possible.

In order to avoid any misunderstandings or complications, you should still consult your doctor. If this is not possible, take the drugs at different times.

Than glycine can harm health: contraindications and side effects

Glycine - This is an amino acid entering the body not only with pills, but also with food. The phenomena of an overdose has not yet been registered. How can glycine harm health? What are his contraindications and side effects:

  • The main contraindication for use is usually increased sensitivity to the drug or individual intolerance.
  • Do not forget that an allergic reaction can also appear on one of the auxiliary components from which the tablet is formed.
  • You cannot combine the drug with taking strong tranquilizers. When taking this drug with sleeping pills, tranquilizers and antipsychotics, the effect of central nervous system braking is summarized.

Side effects:

  • The drug is taken with caution if the patient has arterial hypotension.

To avoid deterioration, it is necessary to constantly monitor blood pressure. If their significant decrease occurs compared to workers, you should immediately stop taking the pills.

Does glycine relieve headache or not?

The main disturbances in the brain occur due to interruptions in the supply of the brain with oxygen, vascular spasm and tissue overflowing with toxins. When using the drug, a general healing of the state of the human brain occurs. But as a special remedy for removing headache Glycine Do not use.

Is it possible to drink glycine nursing mom during lactation?

The drug can be used during pregnancy and lactation. Glycine is able to penetrate through a hematoencephalic barrier. It appears in all body fluids, and in small doses in the milk of a nursing mother. Although, these values \u200b\u200bare acceptable for the child, nevertheless, the doctor should prescribe the use of the drug during lactation. Only the attending physician can decide whether this medicine is needed at this time and what harm can the drug be done to a newborn baby. The doctor must indicate the norm and the frequency of dosing.

Is it possible to drink glycine to pregnant women?

During pregnancy at different times - in the first, in the second, and in the third trimester, Glycine Assign with various disorders of the nervous system:

  • Increased irritability
  • Severe fatigue
  • Sleep disturbances

First of all, it is necessary that the drug is prescribed by the attending physician who measures the benefits of its intake and possible risks for the fetus. An individual dose of the drug selects and prescribes the attending physician.

Glycine and alcohol, can it be used from a hangover?

Glycine and alcohol are incompatible
Glycine and alcohol are incompatible

The drug reduces irritation and nervous tension in narcological patients. Glycine It is part of the complex therapy of alcohol dependence, to reduce craving for drinking. Therefore, taking the drug should not be combined with the use of alcoholic beverages.

Glycine It can act quite effectively when eliminating toxins from the body during the hangover period. The feasibility of prescribing and the dose of the drug, the multiplicity of its administration should be determined by the attending physician. All this depends on the condition of the patient.

Why is glycine prohibited in Europe and the USA?

Glycine It belongs to a group of replaceable amino acids that are produced in the human body and come from outside with some products. Therefore, it is difficult to prohibit such a drug. But you can explain this situation.

On the territory of European countries and in the United States, the drug Glycine in tablets or capsules is not registered. And therefore, the appointment, use (treatment), the sale of such a medicine is not allowed. On the territory of these countries there are other drugs of similar action.

Best Glycine preparations: List

There are several drugs, the main component of which is the glycine amino acid. Here is a list of best drugs:

  • Glycine Forte Evalarcontains 300 mg of active substance.

For the fastest restoration of nerve fibers, the drug is enhanced vitamins of group c: thiamine chloride, pyridoxine by hydrochloride, cyanocobalamin. They are added in therapeutic doses that are not exceeding one -time. Tablets are used in a similar way, sublingually. Quickly absorb and absorb with saliva, which accelerates the onset of the therapeutic effect. Packs of 20, 60 and 100 tablets are available. Evalar, Altai Territory is produced.

  • Glycin Forte 500 mgreinforced vitamins of group c: thiamine chloride, pyridoxine hydrochloride, cyanocobalamin.

The drug reduces nervous tension, reduces stress manifestations, increases mental performance and improves memory and attention. The natural components of the drug enhance the effect on the nervous system and accelerate the onset of the therapeutic effect. Packs are produced for 60 tablets. Evalar, Altai Territory is produced.

  • Glycin Forte 250 mg 10 and 30 loop tablets.

Used to treat patients with manifestations of ischemic stroke. CJSC Kononfarma Production, Russia are produced.

  • Bio glycine contains 100 mg of active substance In the form of sublingual tablets.

There are 50 tablets in the package. Affects the metabolic processes of the brain. It is produced by OZON, Russia.

Glycine containing an amino acid belongs to a group of non -potent drugs. In pharmacy institutions, it can be purchased without a doctor's prescription. The persistent therapeutic effect of glycine occurs only after 10-14 days reception. Therefore, it may not seem very strong. No matter how harmless the drug does not seem at first glance, it is not worth taking it without a doctor’s prescription. Only he can form the risk and benefits of taking certain pills.

Video: glycine - why is it needed and how to take glycine?

Video: Glycin - Instructions for use, analogues, the price of tablets and reviews

Video: I ate glycine every day for 30 days

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Comments K. article

  1. not a bad remedy, periodically accepted it. I have a nervous work. And then the probiotic nutrilite went through the course, he established not only the work of the gastrointestinal tract, but also the dream and I became calmer.) Now glycine, although it lies in the desktop, just in case, but for a month has not resorted to his help)

  2. I myself repeatedly drink glycine, now I bought a glycinka D3 syrup to my son to help him adapt to the kindergarten after a long rfostud (we sat at home), we take 1 teaspoon once a day. Became calmer, we go to the garden without hysteria, sleeps well

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