Sugar -substitute for diabetics type 2: which is better, side effects, types

Sugar -substitute for diabetics type 2: which is better, side effects, types

Do you want to know about sugar -replacement for type 2 diabetics? The article describes most species and their side effects.

The choice of high -quality and safe sugar -substitutes is relevant for many: for those who are losing weight, who are trying to remove the so -called “added sugar” from their nutrition, and especially for patients with diabetes. For diabetics, this is a fundamental question that affects the quality of life and health.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Diabetic foot, diabetic foot syndrome". You will learn about symptoms, causes, treatment.

In this article below, we will tell you why it is important for diabetics to observe a diet, as well as which sugar substitutes are better to use and from which side effects can be. Read further.

Why is it important to follow a diet with type 2 diabetes?

With type 2 diabetes, it is important to follow a diet
With type 2 diabetes, it is important to follow a diet

Type 2 diabetes It is also called "adult" diabetes. Against the background of predisposition and acquired factors, such as excess weight or increase in BMI, hypertension and dyslipidemia, cells of cells to the action of insulin develops. Why is it important to follow a diet with type 2 diabetes?

  • The only way to control the level of glucose in the blood is to adhere to a special diet.

Diet shown at type 2 diabetes, implies the exclusion of fatty products, a number of spices, smoked meats and products with a high glycemic index. These products are also called "quick carbohydrates." These include starchy cereals, some vegetables and fruits and, of course, sugar and all sweets.

Observing the diet, a diabetic can not only control the blood sugar, but also come to another positive result. The limitation of products with a high glycemic index (sweets, flour products, dried fruits), the correct, full menu with daily control of calorie content usually helps to reduce weight and normalize the body weight index, which has a beneficial effect on health as a whole.

Sugar substitute for diabetes: Features

What is sugar substitute? Formally, any products with a sweet taste can be considered a substitute. For example, honey is a sweet, healthy product. But for most people with diabetes of the second type, this option is not suitable. The fact is that honey has a glycemic index 30-90 units, depending on the variety. The same story happens with “useful” sugars: grape, reed and others. They work the same for a diabetic, and not one of them is of benefit.

For diabetics, only those sugar substitutes are suitable for Gi below 30-50 units, if possible with the minimum carbohydrate content. Given the “diversity” of diabetes, specific recommendations for the choice of products should be obtained from the attending physician: therapist or endocrinologist.

What are the features of choosing sugar substitutes? The choice of such products for patients with type 2 diabetes should obey the following rules:

  • Sugar -substitute should have low g.. It is perfect that the calorie content is also low. There are substances that are more than sugar by sweets several times, so to achieve the desired result, they require a tiny amount. With light stages of diabetes, this option may well be suitable.
  • The sweetener should not have dangerous side effects for health. For example, xylitol has a pronounced laxative effect and is definitely not suitable for people with a sick intestine.
  • It is necessary to take into account the scope of application. There are substances that during heat treatment are converted into dangerous compounds. Such sweeteners as sucolosis and aspartam in pure form are not suitable for making baking, since at high temperatures they form toxins and mutagenes. Manufacturers produce heat -resistant versions of these drugs.
  • An individual approach to choice should be applied. Some drugs can cause an uncontrolled feeling of hunger, provoking dangerous overeating, and others have an unpleasant taste. Typically, such things happen only with part of consumers and depend only on individual characteristics.

The choice of sugar -substitutes for diabetics is more limited than for those who simply lose weight or try to reduce the consumption of sweets. It is necessary to take into account Gi, calorie content and individual tolerance. Optimal - choose the drug together with the doctor.

Video: Sugar -substitutes and sweeteners - Dr. Komarovsky

Types of sugar -substitutes for type 2 diabetics

Types of sugar -substitutes for type 2 diabetics
Types of sugar -substitutes for type 2 diabetics

Sugar -substitutes for type 2 diabetics are of two types:

  1. Natural origin
  2. Artificially synthesized

The first group includes:

  • Fructose
  • Xylitol
  • Sorbit
  • Stevia
  • Jerusalem artichoke syrup and others

These substances taste, have some calorie content and gi, that is, they are perceived by the body as a product, and are included in metabolic processes. So, for example, the glycemic fructose index is only 20-30 units, but the calorie content is almost the same as that of sugar.

The second group of sugar -substitutes is also called sweeteners. They have no calorie content at all. In fact, these substances give a sweet taste to products, deceiving the body. Sensing the sweetness, the brain gives signals to the digestive tract and hormonal mechanisms to work, although in fact carbohydrates are not entered in the body. Therefore, such sweeteners are also used in a limited, safe quantity. Synthetic sweeteners include:

  • Parcalosis
  • Saccharin
  • Aspartam

They are considered safe in quantities indicated by the manufacturer and are most often used in the food industry and for private consumption. There are also surrender substances with a controversial reputation:

  • Cyclamate
  • Azesulfam
  • Beckoning
  • Dulcin

They are prohibited in a number of countries or are not recommended for patients with diabetes. Watch the useful video below. In it, the doctor tells about the sweeteners including.

Video: how to cure diabetes of type 2: 7 steps. Simple but effective tips for the treatment of diabetes mellitus

What are natural sugar substitutes for type 2 diabetics?

Natural sugar substitute for type 2 diabetics
Natural sugar substitute for type 2 diabetics

In case of light flow of the disease, the restrictions on the menu may not be very stringent. What are natural sugar substitutes for type 2 diabetics?

On the site iherb You can buy natural and natural sweeteners in various forms of release - Drage, powder, liquid, etc.

For those who can afford a little sweets, but sugar still does not use, the following natural substitutes are suitable:

This is a long -term grass that is brought to us from Central and South America. In the diet, it is used as dried and crushed grass in its pure form, there is an extract of a directly sweet substance. The first option has a sweet, but grassy taste, so it is well suited only for adding to tea. Stevia does not participate in metabolic processes in the body, does not have calorie content, so it does not have a negative effect on sugar level.

  • Jerusalem artichoke syrup

It is obtained from tubers of earthen pear. It is rich in prebiotics, but also contains a small amount of quick carbohydrates: sucrose, glucose and fructose. When using a syrup as a sweetener, this circumstance must be taken into account. Similar in action and maple syrup.

This is a novelty in the market, it is rare. June syrup is recommended for people with overweight and diabetes, as it helps to normalize blood sugar, gives a quick feeling of saturation, which helps to reduce weight. This sweetener contains a significant amount of inulin's prebiotics, his GI is only 1-5 units. The main disadvantage of this sugar -substitute is its thermalness. It cannot be added to the products before baking, and in hot tea it is undesirable.

It is rich in vitamins and minerals. It has a beneficial effect on metabolism, removes excess fluid, reduces the level of “poor” cholesterol, strengthens the bone apparatus, has a slight sedative effect. Guy Sirop Agawa 17 units. But, the high content of fructose does not allow this sweetener the best choice for diabetics. With a mild degree of ailment, it is great for consumption, but with a heavy taboo, a taboo is applied.

Natural sugar substitutes have one general drawback - they are included in metabolic processes and to a greater or lesser extent affect blood sugar and insulin. And this means that such drugs are not suitable for everyone.

Which sucrotor for diabetics of type 2 is better?

For people suffering from Type 2 diabetes, it is better to choose those sugar -substitutes that do not cause lifting the level of glucose in the blood. From natural drugs, this refers only to steviosideobtained from Stevia. Synthetic sweeteners all meet this requirement, but the most affordable, delicate regarding the body and convenient to use is considered parcalosis.

Read more:

  • Coolose is made of sugar.
  • It has no calorie content, does not affect the composition of the blood in general.
  • This substance does not enter into any reactions in the body and unchanged from the body.
  • Sourlose does not change during heat treatment, retains its properties for a long time.
  • With a slight excess of the daily norm of consumption of side effects, does not occur.

Of the shortcomings of this substitute, only one can be noted - its cost. But here it is worth noting that it is consumed very economically, since 1 g of parcalosis replaces to taste up to 600 g of sugar.

Side effects of sugar -substitutes for type 2 diabetics

Sugar -substitute for diabetics of type 2
Sugar -substitute for diabetics of type 2

Any drug used to replace sugar at type 2 diabetes, if the recommended dosage is exceeded, can have a negative effect on the body. Side effects of sugar -substitutes for type 2 diabetics:

  • Sweeteners obtained from fruits and vegetables, namely xylitol and sorbitol, have a pronounced laxative effect.
  • With prolonged use, it can occur even when consumption within the framework of permissible doses.
  • Sorbit also violates the sensitivity of the retina.
  • With the great benefits of Stevia, she also has a serious drawback. There is evidence that with excessive consumption, it can cause male infertility.

Natural sugar substitutes with at least small calorie content and gi force the body to synthesize additional insulin. Possessing calorie content, they are perceived by the body as food, therefore they contribute to a set of excess weight, aggravating the situation as a whole. Factose causes flatulence and disrupts the intestinal, causing uncomfortable sensations in the abdomen.

To avoid side effects from any sweetener, it is necessary to carefully monitor one -time and daily dosages. The best that diabetic can do for his health is to gradually reduce the consumption of sweets even on sugar substitutes.

Video: diabetes. Diet with diabetes. Sugar -substitutes: stevia, eryritol, fructose. Which ones can?

Video: What sucrone (sweetener) to choose a diabetic?

Video: Expertise: Artificial sugar -substitutes. Live healthy!

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