Tincture of ginger on vodka: benefits and harm, recipes, what does it help from?

Tincture of ginger on vodka: benefits and harm, recipes, what does it help from?

Tincture of ginger on vodka is an excellent remedy for many diseases.

Ginger root is a burning oriental spice. He conquered the hearts of many gourmets. It is often added to pastries, various dishes, tea and when preparing tinctures. Fresh ginger is able to replace many drugs and help cope with different diseases and ailments.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Therapeutic properties of ginger root and contraindications: description, healing composition". You will learn about the benefits of ginger for the immunity of men, women, during pregnancy, and you will also find a description, recipes of healing drinks and infusions with ginger.

The most effective medication form is ginger tincture on vodka or alcohol. Below you will find recipes for making such a medicine for different ailments. Read further.

What does the tincture of ginger on vodka help: benefit and harm

Tincture of ginger on vodka
Tincture of ginger on vodka

Buy ginger root You can site iherb. This organic raw materials are natural and environmentally friendly.

Tincture has a number of useful properties that are inherent only to ginger root. With proper and moderate use, tincture serves as an excellent preventive and auxiliary means of traditional medicine in the fight against some diseases. What is the benefit, what does it help from? Ginger, infused with vodka, has the properties and active components that:

  • They are fighting with colds of a viral nature and violations of the respiratory system - facilitate breathing and help to remove sputum from the bronchi.
  • Strengthen the protective forces of the body.
  • Improve metabolism.
  • Protected from overeating and contributed to weight loss.
  • Improve memory and vision.
  • They regulate the amount of cholesterol in the blood, restore and stimulate blood circulation, improve the blood supply to tissues, especially the brain.
  • Increase the elasticity of blood vessels and strengthen their walls, preventing the development of atherosclerosis.
  • Improve potency, it is natural aphrodisiac - components enhance libido in both men and women.
  • Soften the manifestations of PMS.
  • Relieve articular and muscle pains, eliminate spasms and swelling.
  • They cleanse the intestines and contribute to the elimination of toxins, toxins and poison from the body, help with poisoning.
  • Restore forces, tone the body and nervous system, give vitality.
  • They stimulate metabolism and intestinal motility, cope with general digestive disorders.
  • They have antioxidant actions, accelerate the process of cell regeneration, rejuvenate the body and prevent premature aging.

In addition to the benefit, ginger elixir can also cause harm to the body, especially in the case of improper use or abuse, like all funds have its own contraindications. Therefore, before use for medicinal and preventive purposes, it is necessary to consult with the attending physician.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Ginger - growing in open ground from the root in the country and in the pot at home". It describes the landing, care, processing, watering, reproduction and useful tips are given.

Ginger tincture is not recommended to be used in treatment with:

  • Increased body temperature
  • Combination with any drugs
  • Hypertension
  • Pancreatitis
  • Peptic ulcer, gastritis and colitis during an exacerbation
  • Heart disease and tachycardia
  • After a stroke
  • Internal and uterine bleeding
  • The presence of cancer
  • Allergic reactions and individual intolerance
  • Urolithiasis and acute pathologies of the kidneys and genitourinary system
  • Chronic renal and liver failure
  • In case of psyche disorders
  • Liver diseases
  • Pregnancy and during lactation

Also, a contraindication is children's age. Do not use tincture for alcoholism. What else could there be harm to such a medicine? With an overdose and abuse of the product, the following undesirable consequences are possible:

  • Improving body temperature
  • Allergic reaction, larynx edema, anaphylactic shock
  • Violation of stool, vomiting and nausea
  • Irritation of the esophagus mucosa
  • Expansion of blood vessels
  • Increase in the amount of bile produced

Below even more useful information. Read further.

How much ginger to insist on vodka: a recipe for ginger tincture

Tincture of ginger on vodka
Tincture of ginger on vodka

For most admirers of non -traditional medicine around the world, tincture from the root is the most popular form of its use for medicinal purposes. Preparation technology, regardless of the purpose of use, one. A ginger drink can be made in the required quantity for the entire course of treatment, since it is stored for a long time and retains all its properties.

There are many recipes for making ginger tincture at home. The most important thing is to choose high -quality ingredients. Ginger tincture on vodka is usually prepared for medicinal purposes. It should be consumed in small quantities, and can also be used for compresses and rubbing.

How to choose? Here are the tips:

  • It is better to choose the root without flaws and damage, it should be thick and juicy, fresh, without visible signs of flabby and smell of mold.
  • His skin is very thin, so you can carefully scratch and sniff - a good roots have a tart and pleasant smell.

How much to insist ginger on vodka? Here is the prescription:


  • Ginger root-300-400 gr.
  • Vodka - 1 liter (alcohol of good quality, diluted in relation to water 1: 1)


  1. Rinse the root well and dry it with a towel, do not clean.
  2. Prepare a glass container (jar or bottle) with a twisting lid. It is not necessary to sterilize, it is enough to pour in boiling water.
  3. Pour vodka or diluted alcohol into a container and close the lid.
  4. We subtly cut the ginger with plates, immerse in the container and be sure to close the lid. Thus, volatile therapeutic substances - phytoncides will remain.
  5. It is necessary to insist ginger for 14 days in a dark place at room temperature. The resulting mixture must be shaken daily.
  6. After the deadline, strain the resulting tincture through the thick layer of gauze and pour into bottles.
  7. Before use, withstand for several days in the refrigerator.

As a prevention of colds and maintaining immunity for fans of traditional medicine, the tool should be taken 1 tsp. 1 per day. Do not take in the afternoon, especially shortly before bedtime.

Video: ginger tincture on vodka or moonshine - classic and quick recipes

Tincture of ginger on vodka to increase male power

Ginger as a means to increase the potency of men has been used for many centuries in India and other countries. The influence of the root crop on male power is due to the chemical composition of the plant:

  • Zinc is a stimulator of testosterone production - the main male hormone.
  • Vitamin B6 strengthens the walls of blood vessels and makes them more elastic, which contributes to an increased flow of blood to the pelvic organs.
  • Cineol eliminates fatigue and depressive state, gives a sexual mood.
  • Vitamin B9 nourishes the heart muscle.
  • Vitamin C and E support the immune system, give the strength and energy necessary for a full -fledged sex life.

The use of tincture of ginger on vodka to increase male force improves blood circulation in the pelvic area. As a result, an improved erection is observed, which undoubtedly affects the duration of sexual intercourse. The beneficial effect of ginger has a funded effect. This means that in order to achieve the desired result, it must be taken regularly or consumed by courses.

IMPORTANT: Do not forget that it is very important to observe the dosage indicated in recipes so as not to encounter side effects.


  • Tincture prepared in advance (as described above), they are accepted in the evening 10 drops each, diluting with a small amount of water.
  • Also, a therapeutic infusion can be added to warm tea. So you will achieve not only an improvement in an erection and increase endurance, but also normalize your dream, if there are problems with that. The course of admission 3 weeksthen a week break.

Ginger should be used to increase potency if the problem is also due to psychological and psychosomatic factors: moral exhaustion and physical fatigue, fear of being “not on top” and other different phobias.

Video: Tincture for men for potency. Natural Viagra.

Tincture from ginger on vodka for men from prostatitis

Tincture from ginger on vodka for men from prostatitis
Tincture from ginger on vodka for men from prostatitis

Prostatitis is a male disease that manifests itself in acute and chronic forms, and also requires special attention. Urological deviations are characterized by impaired urinary function, a decrease in libido and potency. This disease requires a comprehensive approach to treatment, which recommend not only conservative methods, but also traditional medicine.

  • Using ginger for prostatitis, you can quickly remove the inflammatory process and normalize the work of the bladder.
  • A spicy plant is also effective as a preventive agent recommended for admission to all men after 40 years.
  • Ginger treatment has high efficiency and is used as auxiliary therapy.
  • The healing effect of the root crop on the male body is due to the high content of zinc. This trace element regulates the amount of testosterone androgen.

The main symptom of male disease is inflammation of the prostate gland. The main goal of therapy is to relieve the inflammatory process and restore the blood supply to the organ.

Reception of ginger -based funds allows:

  • Improve blood flow
  • Remove inflammation
  • Reduce the level of pain
  • Increase sex drive
  • Improve potency
  • Normalize the work of urinary tract

Tincture from ginger on vodka for men from prostatitis is made according to the usual classical recipe (as described above) and insisted within 2 weeks. Take the finished medicine 15 drops 3 times a day - 30 minutes before meals. Use two weeks, then a break 7 days.

Many doctors advise using ginger in combination with honey and other products as a preventive agent and therapy for inflammation of the prostate gland.

But be careful: Ginger is a tonic tool, and not a method of solving various problems in the sexual sphere - do not self -medicate, but turn to a specialist.

How to clean blood vessels with ginger incorporated on vodka: recipe for applying

The use of ginger has positive results in cleaning vessels of toxins, cholesterol plaques and various toxins. The root in its composition contains a substance - gingerol, it is it that gives a specific bitter taste. Numerous studies have shown that gingerol has a number of healing properties:

  • Acceleration of metabolic processes
  • Impact on the process of blood thinning
  • Reduced cholesterol levels
  • Strengthening the walls of blood vessels

Thus, with the help of the unique properties of ginger, natural cleansing of the vascular walls occurs. How to clean the vessels with ginger incurred on vodka? Here is the recipe:

  • To clean blood vessels, it is important to carry out regular prevention, so make ginger part of your daily menu.
  • Ginger infusion must be consumed at least 1-2 times a day. Tincture prepared according to the classic recipe described above in the text is suitable.

IMPORTANT: For the heart and brain, this is an indispensable assistant in the fight against cholesterol plaques.

Ginger does not replace the drug treatment, only complements and enhances it, helps in the rehabilitation period. It is worth noting, for example, if you were treated with antibiotics, then your blood can now be thick. This is bad for blood vessels and heart function. Not only in folk, but also in official medicine, ginger is part of many drugs for thin blood. Take tincture with courses and your cardiovascular system will always be in order.

Tincture of ginger on vodka for immunity: recipes for use

Tincture of ginger on vodka for immunity
Tincture of ginger on vodka for immunity

Immunity is a protective system of the body. She protects him from the penetration of viruses, bacteria, fungi, poisons and allergens from the environment. Also, human immunity protects the body from harmful effects from the inside - destroys mutated and pathological cells, eliminates decay products. It is quite possible to strengthen and improve the body's defenses by taking beneficial drinks and traditional medicine products.

  • Ginger tincture for immunity is used in medical practices of Southeast Asia and a number of other countries for a long time, and recently has gained wide recognition of modern scientific medicine.
  • Now ginger is the most effective drug and after a month of use you can observe a change in the state of health.

To achieve the best effect and improve well -being, the dosage form of tincture of ginger on vodka is used in accordance with the following rules - recipes for application:

For prevention:

  • For this purpose, ginger elixir is used 0.5 tsp. 2 times a day - in the morning and at lunch.
  • It is not recommended to lay off the drug for late evening, since the product has an invigorating and tonic effect and manifestations of insomnia are possible.
  • Before use, the elixir must be diluted in a glass of water, since in its pure form it can cause a burn of the esophagus mucosa.

Strengthening the immune system:

  • To fill the body with vital energy, restoration of strength and good health, a ginger infusion drink 1 teaspoon 2 p. On the day - in the morning, as soon as they got out of bed and at lunchtime.
  • In order to prevent preventive measures and strengthening the immune system, the infusion is taken in courses 1 month., then 2-2.5 months. break And again we repeat the course.

Below even more useful information. Read further.

Ginger on vodka for vision: Application for the treatment of cataracts

The use of a ginger root is also allowed with pathologies of the eyes and visual impairment caused by age -related changes in the body. Often the cause of this pathological process is the development of cataracts. The main manifestation of this unpleasant disease is the clouding of the lens, as a result of which the pupil area is covered with gray veil. There is a loss of vision due to a violation in the lens. This process can be associated with improper nutrition in which fatty food prevails.

The main way to treat cataracts is surgery, but at the initial stages of the development of the disease, the result can be improved by the daily technique of tincture of ginger on vodka. But combining with traditional drugs is extremely undesirable. The best solution is the alternation and consultation of a specialist.

How to treat cataracts:

  • The infusion is prepared according to the classic recipe, but in this case, the composition also includes a lemon with a peel, which must be cut into small parts and put in alcohol along with a ginger spine.
  • Through 14 days. The infusion can already be drunk.
  • Drink daily 30 gr. After eating for 10 days.Further break the week and the continuation of the course.

The recipes are also described below. Read further.

Ginger vodka: use from colds

Thanks to its bactericidal SV-VAM, ginger helps from the first manifestations of colds. With a cough or sore throat, you can purchase ginger loaf or tea in a pharmacy, or you can prepare a useful drug at home - vodka with ginger.

  • In order to prevent preventive measures, cure and relieve symptoms of colds, healing tincture is prepared and insisted on the classical recipe described above.
  • You can add a tablespoon of honey or sugar to the finished extract to obtain a soft taste.
  • Take from colds 1 tsp, diluting with water, 2 p. a day before sit at the table.

The tool helps:

  • Remove the nasal congestion, facilitate breathing
  • Soften the pain in the larynx and cough
  • Normalize the temperature
  • To enrich the body systems Vit. FROM
  • Cope with general weakness and malaise

This is a great addition to the main treatment. If you feel a deterioration in the condition, then seek a consultation with a doctor.

Tincture of ginger on vodka for weight loss and burning fat

Tincture of ginger on vodka for weight loss and burning fat
Tincture of ginger on vodka for weight loss and burning fat

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Methods of losing weight with ginger at home". You will learn how to use and how much to drink ginger per day.

The issue of losing weight has been relevant for a dozen years not only for women, but also for guys and older men. It's no secret that ginger is a good fat -burning agent. And if you add it to your diet, you can quickly and easily throw off a few extra pounds without painful diets. To disperse the metabolism and help the body acquire lightness, the following recipe for tincture of ginger on vodka for weight loss and burning fat will come to the rescue:


  • Alcohol drink - 0.5 liters.
  • Ginger spine-3-5 cm.
  • Fresh cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Lemon fruit - 1 pc.

Do this:

  1. Ginger ginger, dry with a napkin and grate on the tech board. Put in a glass container.
  2. Squeeze the juice from the lemon and pour it to the root.
  3. Cut the cucumber rings.
  4. Mix all the components and pour vodka.
  5. Store in a closed form in a closet or another dark place for a week.
  6. Strain the resulting medicine. Drink 3 p. per day, 1 tsp. before meals, diluting with water.

You can use such a mixture no more than 30 daysthen you need to take a break at least 3 weeks. And of course, to achieve the best results, this method of weight loss should be combined with correct physical exertion.

Ginger tincture on vodka with bronchial asthma

With bronchial asthma, folk healers advise Tibet. The recipe for ginger infusion made on alcohol, but you can also use vodka for this. According to their assurances and observations, it is this extract that can perfectly improve human condition. Ancient Tibet. The recipe provides for the use of alcohol excellent quality and without harmful suspension.


  • Ginger - 250 gr.
  • Honey - 4 tsp
  • Vodka - 1 l.

Do this:

  1. Peel the roots, finely chop it, chop into the gruel with a blender, pour alcohol.
  2. Keep in this form 2 weeks. And shake regularly.
  3. Strain through many layers of gauze.
  4. Pour honey and stir.
  5. Everything - tincture can be drunk. Do it 1 tsp, diluting 200 ml of water, 2 p. per day of at least 5 days.
  6. Then take a 3-day break and continue to take. For the effectiveness of treatment, it is recommended to abandon meat and meat products.
  7. Store in the refrigerator.

Of course, the ginger root itself will not completely cure the asthma itself, but it will greatly facilitate and eliminate the attacks. Scientists have found a special substance in roots that helps expand the bronchi with spasms.

Vodka with ginger, lemon and honey: a recipe, what does it help from?

Vodka with ginger, lemon and honey
Vodka with ginger, lemon and honey

Tincture of ginger with lemon and honey has an interesting aroma, honey-lemon taste and pronounced aftertaste. Lemon will give sourness and reward Vit. C, and the honey will soften and sweeten the drink. It helps with soreness in the throat, bronchitis, strengthens the vascular system, heart, eliminates depression and increases potency. Here is the prescription:


  • Ginger spine - 50 gr.
  • Honey - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Lemon fruit - 1 pc.
  • Vodka - 0.5 l.
  • Salt - 1 chip.

Preparation technology:

  1. Such a tincture is prepared very quickly. Rinse the fresh ginger spine well and rub on a large -tank board.
  2. Wash the lemon fruit well with warm water and soda to remove the layer of preservatives and dry with a napkin.
  3. Gently remove the layer of the zest from the lemon fruit, without touching the white pulp layer under it. He will give a bitter taste, so be careful.
  4. In the prepared glass jar, we fold the chopped ginger spine and the zest of the lemon fruit, put the chip. Salt.
  5. Squeeze the juice from the purified lemon and pour into the container, stir everything well.
  6. Add a spoonful of honey and pour the mixture with alcohol, cover well with a lid and shake until the moment until all honey dissolves.
  7. Withstand the infusion just 15 minutes., the maximum - half an hour. This time will be enough for the infusion to acquire a pleasant and aromatic taste.
  8. Strain through a gauze cut and take it into a refrigerator. The infusion is ready.

The drink will have a honey aroma, lemon and soft taste and a good ginger urge. You can store such an infusion for more than 12 months. The fortress will be at least 34-36 degrees.

Video: Lemon-implended tincture in 15 minutes

Tincture of garlic with ginger on vodka: recipe, what does it help from?

Ginger is a unique root that is combined with most other useful crops, while well enhancing medicinal effectiveness. Let's get acquainted with the beneficial HB-vsi tinctures on vodka from a ginger spine with garlic. Such a drink is of great healing value, it will help:

  • Bring parasites
  • Defeat a cold, flu and SARSI
  • From weak potency
  • Strengthen the heart muscle and clean the vessels
  • For preventive measures from oncological diseases

IMPORTANT: But such tincture is strictly contraindicated if the oncological disease is already diagnosed, since pathology can accelerate its development.


  1. 200 gr. We clean and cut the garlic finely, put in a glass container.
  2. Ginger spine - 250 gr. We clean it from the skin and pass through the tech board, send it to the container.
  3. The mixture, which turned out, fill 1 liter of alcohol, closes with a dense lid and remove in a closet or pantry for insisting. Term - 14 days.
  4. Then we filter through the gauze cut and you can drink.
  5. Accept 2 p. per day, 10 cap. Together with water.

Below a few more useful recipes. Read further.

The recipe for shit on vodka with ginger, what does it help from?

Hrenovukh's recipe for vodka with ginger
Hrenovukh's recipe for vodka with ginger

Hrenovukha is a very common drink among the Slavic population since ancient times. She was treated to guests on holidays and treated from various ailments. In the original classic recipe, horseradish is made on the basis of horseradish root. As an option, it can be both on garlic and a ginger spine. In some recipes, a ginger spine is added along with horseradish. Here is the recipe for shit on vodka with ginger:


  • Fresh ginger rhizomes - 50 gr.
  • Fuck - 100 gr.
  • Vodka - 2 l.

Do this:

  1. Plant roots must be washed well and finely chop. You can not use a grater - the drink can turn out to be cloudy.
  2. We transfer the prepared roots into the container and pour alcohol, mix well.
  3. Leave the mixture to infuse in the cabinet at room temperature for 5 days. In the process of the jar, shake well and remove the sample. The tincture should not be burning, there should be a pleasant aftertaste.
  4. Store the finished infusion in the refrigerator.

This drink helps:

  • Cope with the first symptoms of colds
  • Normalize metabolism in the body
  • To establish digestion

Do not forget that if you find any unpleasant symptoms, you must consult a doctor. Only then it is worth trying additional treatment with shitty, and after consulting with the doctor.

Tincture of ginger and pepper on vodka: recipe, what does it help from?

Ginger pepper has good warming properties. Add still burning pepper to it to enhance the effect. Below you will find a recipe for tincture of ginger and pepper on vodka.

To prepare it, you need:

  • Burning pepper - 1 pod
  • Ginger root - 50 g
  • Vodka - 500 ml
  • Honey-70-100 g
  • Juniper berries - 10 pcs.

Prepare the medicine in this way:

  1. The roots are washed, remove the peel and finely cut, then put in a container.
  2. Add pepper, honey, berries and everything is filled with alcohol, mix well.
  3. Tightly closed and put in a dry dark cabinet for 2 weeks. Do not forget to shake once a day.
  4. Through 14 days. The medicine is filtered through 4-5 layers of a gauze cut and put in a refrigerator for 2-3 days. To stabilize taste.

This tincture will help:

  • At the first signs of colds
  • When hypothermia and prolonged at low temperatures

Such tincture warms up well, improves blood circulation. Below are still recipes. Read further.

Vodka, aloe, ginger, honey: a recipe for tincture, what does it help from?

Vodka, aloe, ginger, honey
Vodka, aloe, ginger, honey

Aloe is very actively used not only in cosmetology, but also in folk medicine. In the piggy bank of folk recipes, funds are found for all occasions. A tincture of aloe, ginger and honey, which has a wide range of beneficial properties, has proven itself well.

  • For preparation according to this recipe, it is necessary to prepare aloe leaves in advance.
  • Use only three -year fleshy leaves.
  • They must be washed, dry and sent to the freezer, after wrapping with paper.
  • In a week you can use the pulp.

Here is the tincture recipe - the necessary components:

  • Aloe - 200 gr.
  • Fresh ginger root - 100 gr.
  • Honey - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Vodka - 0.5 l.

Do this:

  1. For high -quality mixing of ingredients, first of all, mix vodka and honey.
  2. Wash the ginger and free from the peel, cut into small pieces.
  3. Finely chopped aloe leaves, grind with a spoon and mix with a spine.
  4. In the prepared glass jar, we transfer the mixture and pour alcohol, mix everything thoroughly.
  5. Insist 2 to 5 hours at room temperature.
  6. Accept 1 teaspoon 2 p. in a day, in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bedtime - at least 5 days.
  7. Store the finished medicine in the refrigerator.

The combination of aloe with a ginger root has properties that can help with:

  • Treatment of colds
  • Enhances the expectorant, removes swelling from the larynx and mucous membrane
  • Positively affects the activities of the nervous system and the digestive tract, the state of the heart and blood vessels
  • Facilitates inflammation and relieves pain symptoms, fights with bacteria
  • Reduces the concentration of toxic substances inside the body
  • Enriches the body systems with vitamins and minerals

Home tincture of ginger on vodka is a delicious and even exquisite product not only in the treatment and prevention of pathologies, but also as a treat. This elixir is preparing easily and will take a worthy place in the collection of home drinks.

Video: Strong pitch (tincture) from persimmon with ginger - a recipe on vodka

Video: ginger vodka. Burning and useful tincture

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