Power food foods: List. Lack of protein in the body: symptoms and consequences

Power food foods: List. Lack of protein in the body: symptoms and consequences

Protein: in what products it is, protein recordings products. What will happen if the protein is not enough in the body, what will happen if the protein is in an oversupply?

Protein, or protein is one of three whales on which our body rests. The basis of our body with accuracy coincides with the animal world - bones and muscles, which mainly consist of that very protein. Want to have a healthy body, a strong body and vigor from morning to evening? So this article is for you - here we will talk about which products there are a lot of protein, consumption norms and what happens if the protein is consumed a lot or, on the contrary, is not enough.

Why are proteins needed in the body?

Protein - the component of many products and it can conditionally be divided into protein of animal origin and protein of plant origin. Also, animal protein is divided into proteins from meat, proteins from sour -milk products, and fish protein, it also includes protein obtained from shrimp, mollusks and other seafood.

For many years, hot spores have been underway regarding the need for the animal protein to the body. Of course, the theories of vegetarians are confirmed by scientists, but do not forget that there is a category of population with the first blood group, in which the assimilation of plant protein is very scarce, and without animal proteins, not only pressure decreases and well -being worsens, but also irreversible consequences occur.

Vegetarians most often give an “indisputable” example - in buckwheat, as in the lentils, it contains a huge amount of protein, no less than in the same pork or beef! We completely agree, but why could many not be the lentils to replace the pork? Taste habits? Unwillingness to abandon the predatory essence? Not at all! The reason is simple-the plant protein is absorbed by the human body at times worse A, therefore, if the meat is enough to eat, for example, 100 gr, then in order to get the same portion of protein from buckwheat, it will be necessary to use-500-600 g of porridge.

What are the products of a lot of protein?
What are the products of a lot of protein?

Now imagine lunch with 600 g of boiled buckwheat. Yes, this is life without animal protein - a lot of food to make up for the need for a daily dose of protein in the body. Therefore, it is worth considering not only the amount of protein in the product, but also its digestibility.

So, answering the question of which products there are a lot of protein, we will still indicate those products in which the ideal ratio of the amount of protein and its digestibility. Since our interest is not in the amount of protein in products, we are interested in what to eat in order to fully satisfy our needs for proteins.

Squirrel digestibility in food: a list of the best digestibility proteins

  • The leader in the digestibility of the protein is the protein of the chicken egg. Please note that it is the chicken egg. Yes, quail eggs are dietary, goose and ducky are also edible, but only chicken eggs are located on the top of our protein pyramid!
  • The second product leading in the digestibility of proteins is milk. Don't you like milk? Eat cottage cheese, drink kefirs, yogurts, fermented baked milk and yogurt. Solid cheeses and even more so store melted cheeses do not belong to this criterion.
  • The third in the list will be poultry meat with rabbit meat! It is these types of meat that most productively give our body protein.
  • The fourth place in the list is divided by fish and sea animals. It is also debatable to this item, but soy belongs.
  • Fifth place is divided by all types of meat, and only from the sixth leg and nuts begin. The cereals, which are so praised by vegetarians, are only in 7-8th place.

Squirrel's secret: after heat treatment, the protein is absorbed by the human body not only faster, but also in more quantities!

Products with high protein content: List

Having received an answer to the question in which products there are protein, it arises no less important - in which products are as much as possible. Indeed, sometimes the component from several products just replenishes the daily need for protein in the human body.

Remember that in a rapidly grown bird, protein of a different quality is not absorbed as well as a bird grown under normal conditions. In addition, on poultry farms they are increasingly sinning an excessive genetic mutation and a colossal amount of antibiotics. We recommend choosing either a poultry or pork, beef, which enters the market with a lower content of harmful substances. The answer to the question in which products are a lot of protein in most cases - in meat.

A sufficient amount of protein is in nuts, but depending on the walnut grade, it contains a larger or smaller amount of protein. Nutritionists recommend eating hazelnuts, almonds, hemp and pumpkin seeds, peanuts and pine nuts.

Animal proteins are contained in eggs, meat, fish, dairy products
Animal proteins are contained in eggs, meat, fish, dairy products

Protein is enough in cereals. Of course, they will not make up for the entire portion of protein, but up to 50% of the daily dose can be replenished. To do this, add buckwheat, rice and oatmeal to the diet. Legumes are also recommended on the table if you are trying to fill the protein with vegetable ingredients. The most popular and “significant” in the ratio of the digestibility of protein - soy, beans, lentils and loved by many peas. At the same time, the protein is the same way, both in green peas and in a yellow ripe peas.

Crouping flour, as well as rye and mixtures from it perfectly fill the protein in the human body. Therefore, do not deny yourself bread, buns with such flour, as well as in pasta with hard -grinding flour.

Eating vegetables and replenishing the body with protein is real! Include in the diet:

  • Potatoes (preferably baked, since protein from baked potatoes is best absorbed);
  • Color and Brussels cabbage;
  • Zucchini and tsukini;
  • Cucumbers;
  • Figs in all its variations;
  • Avocado;
  • Asparagus.

For those who want to get the maximum amount of protein with a minimum amount of food, we give a table, which contains ten of the most protein products of our region.

Product The amount of protein per 100 g of the product
Poultry meat 17-22
Meat (pork, beef, lamb) 15-20
Fish and seafood 15-18
Chicken eggs (which are the leaders in the digestibility of the protein) 12
Cottage cheese and soft cheese 14-18
Hard cheeses 25-27
Legumes (lentils, beans, beans) 20-25
Cereals (buckwheat, rice, etc.) 8-12
Nuts 15-30
Protein content in food: table
Protein content in food: table

Disassembly or excess of protein: symptoms and consequences, table

And, of course, in an article about proteins, we simply must affect the question of what happens to those who have a lack or on the contrary, an excess of protein in the body.

Plant proteins - the basis of the nutrition of vegetarians
Plant proteins - the basis of the nutrition of vegetarians

In order to find out how much protein is required for you - you should know your weight. Each kilogram requires 1.4 g of protein. So, for example, a girl is 56 kg, she needs 56 * 1.4 \u003d 78.4 g of protein.

If a person works physically, 1 kg of weight requires 1.5 g of protein, and for athletes at all 2.5 g.

And in conclusion, we add a table that shows the symptoms and problems that occur during an excess or a lack of protein.

Belon deficiency in the body Excess of protein in the body
Excessive weakness, a feeling of constant fatigue. Even after a few minutes of calm walking, the feeling of swinging the legs, trembling of the muscles and impaired coordination of movements. Intoxication, and in 80% of cases it comes from animal protein.
Headaches, migraines, interruptions of sleep. Maps of the liver and kidneys, as they do not have time to cope with a large number of toxins.
Dramatic changes in character. Passivity or opposite aggressiveness. Disruption of hormones sways the body and the human psyche. I feel irritability, anxiety, suspicion, etc. An increase in blood cholesterol.
Violation of metabolism, and as a result, pallor of the skin, frequent rashes, dry skin and peeling. Problems with the cardiovascular system.
The presence of edema, especially on the legs and hips. If the protein is not enough for a long time, the whole body swells. Vomiting and fainting.
The wounds began to heal longer and often decay - pay attention to the amount of protein in the body.
With a lack of protein, the hair falls out, and the nails become ribbed.
Fast weight loss is not at all the effect of a magic diet, most likely the muscle mass is destroyed. Fat from the body leaves slowly and small portions.
Also, with prolonged protein deficiency, the heart and circulatory system, the work of the kidneys, lungs, etc. are disturbed.
With a systematic lack of protein, irreversible consequences occur, leading to death.

Despite the fact that with an excess of protein, symptoms are smaller, this does not mean that an excess is not as terrible as a drawback. In both cases, there may be a very sad outcome. But do not be scared and carefully calculate the protein for each meal, because we will not even notice a one -time shortage or overkill - this is how our body is arranged.

We answered in which products there are a lot of protein, as well as what symptoms are with a lack or excess of protein in the body. Remember - everything is good in moderation!

Video: TOP-10 of the cheapest protein sources


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