Yo-Yo effect: what is it, how to stop it, how to avoid it?

Yo-Yo effect: what is it, how to stop it, how to avoid it?

Few people know about the Yo-Yo effect. But it can be dangerous to health, described in more detail in the article.

Effect "yo-yo" Most often manifests itself after the use of a very restrictive diet. It consists in a rapid increase in weight after the end of the diet for weight loss. This effect affects a significant part of people who have lost unnecessary kilograms on their own or with the help of a not -so -qualified specialist.

Read the article on our website about healthy nutrition rules 80/20. You will learn about the advantages and disadvantages, use, and you will also find important tips.

This is the term used to describe the entire process, which belongs to the alternating periods of loss and weight gain. The occurrence of the effect "yo-yo" It occurs due to an incorrect approach to losing weight and maintaining a new weight. What is it and how to stop it is described in this article. Read further.

What is the Yo-Yo effect when losing weight?

Yo-yo effect when losing weight
Yo-yo effect when losing weight

Perhaps you are familiar with the stories of people who have lost weight on a diet 20-40 kg, Dropping around 5-10 kg per week. Unfortunately, later this weight will be more difficult to support. Many different diets have already been invented in the world, which, due to a sharp reduction in calories in the daily menu, contribute to the rapid loss of extra pounds. The problem is that such diets cannot be used constantly, it is too dangerous for health. So what is yo-yo effect When losing weight?

  • The cessation of a restrictive diet means a return to old food habits.
  • The effect begins here "yo-yo"named after the toy, which moves up and down.
  • It is caused by a strict diet associated with a sharp reduction in calorie intake and the exclusion of certain foods.

Such diets include all types of food in which entire groups of products refuse:

  • Diets 1000 kcal, 1200 kcal, 1500 kcal
  • Juice diet
  • Ducan diet and other restrictive types of food

At the beginning of weight loss, a person who in the future can suffer from the Yo-Yo effect will be satisfied with the result, abandoning various types of food. Similar diets give strong motivation. The reduction of too much calories leads to rapid weight loss, but this does not always mean loss of fat. At the very beginning, there is:

  • Loss of water
  • Muscle tissue
  • Body reserves
  • Intestinal contents

And only then adipose tissue is lost. Unfortunately, after some time, very low-calorie diets lead to a strong weakening of the body, poor health and unwillingness to continue to follow the established recommendations. This leads to a rapid return to old food habits and an increase in the number of calories consumed. After a period of low -calorie diet and resetting several extra kilograms, the daily need for calories will be lower than it was before losing weight. Therefore, a return to the old way of nutrition requires too much energy, which means that extra pounds. The indicators will either return to weight until weight loss, or there will be even more.

All sharp fluctuations in weight have side effects. Fast weight loss means poor health, lack of strength and energy necessary for everyday activity. It also leads to:

  • Hair loss
  • Weakened immunity
  • Hormonal problems
  • Weakening of the nails
  • Worsening of the complexion

Dangerous and rapid weight gain. In this case, there is also a deterioration in well -being, often associated with poor self -esteem and subsequent hormonal problems.

How to avoid the effect of "yo-yo" when losing weight, how to stop: tips

Yo-yo effect when losing weight
Yo-yo effect when losing weight

To prevent yo-yo effect, it is better to abandon all extreme and restrictive diets and focus on a healthy gradual weight loss, which will positively affect mood, health and figure. Rational nutrition means the formation of proper food habits, thanks to which, after a period of weight loss, you will know your body better and you will not have traction often there are harmful food products.
How to avoid and stop yo-yo effect? The answer is simple: follow the principles of healthy diet and weight loss. Consider the advice more:

Set goals:

  • First, you should think why you want to lose weight, what is the cause of excess weight, what you can change for the better in order to change your habits in food for healthier ones.
  • The next step is to determine how many kilograms you want to drop.
  • Sometimes helps to lose weight sports nutrition, if you study in the gym and use special fat burners.
  • It is better to contact a qualified nutritionist. Often an appeal to a specialist is very often postponed or considered unnecessary, but in fact - this is the best solution.

Measurements and calculations:

  • Start by measuring weight, the circumference of the waist and hips.
  • Very often, when losing weight, body weight drops sharply, and then remains the same. But the parameters of the circumference of the hips and abdomen are changing. This may be due to increased physical exertion, fat loss and an increase in muscle tissue.
  • As soon as you measure your current parameters, calculate your BMI (body weight indicator). Thanks to this, determine whether the weight in relation to growth is correct, too low or too high. How to calculate BMI is described by this link.
  • Then calculate the basic rate of metabolism and the total rate of metabolism. The basic shows how much energy is required for the body for all processes necessary for the correct functioning of the body. The total speed is the total amount of energy, which must be provided daily to the current weight with a real lifestyle.
  • Based on these calculations, a menu is compiled. For example, it includes products burning fat.

Healthy nutrition habits:

  • Why is it best to eat healthy foods for weight loss?
  • As a result, the habits of a healthy diet are formed, which will be necessary to maintain lower body weight after the completion of the diet.
  • Most likely, until this time, you had the use of too many sweetened drinks, sweets and salted snacks, irregular meals, which later led to the fact that you began to eat up at night or even get up at 3 a.m. to eat.
  • Believe me, it is better to change your habits in food now. Thus prevent yo-yo effect And other unpleasant factors associated with malnutrition.
  • Healthy diet It is based on the food pyramid and recommendations developed by the Institute of Nutrition and the National Enlightenment Center on Power Subject.

It's time to lose weight:

  • How long should I lose weight so that the weight does not return? The longer, the safer.
  • For safe weight loss you need to lose about 1 kilogram per week. Of course, the one who wants to drop 5 kg, this indicator will be different than the one who wants to lose weight 40 kg. These are important differences.
  • So consult a specialist who will take into account all the nuances. When a nutritionist draws up a plan of weight loss, he also takes into account other factors, such as working mode, physical activity and preferences.

Such a weight loss model will provide a constant and safe loss of extra pounds.

Yo-yo effect from NL: what kind of program is this?

Slimming program from NL
Slimming program from NL

If you are already completely desperate, then you should try the weight loss program from NLSTARS - a store that offers functional nutrition for weight loss and other purposes. With the help of the program Energy Slimmany people lost weight. Who could not try such an approach on himself, was waiting for the release of the new program - 3D Slim Program. Now this system is a huge stir, as the manufacturer assures that with such a trip to weight loss, effect "yo-yo" will not.

All products of the complex work on natural active components. It is very important. Because, each step is consistently aimed at the natural:

  • Fat burning
  • Appetite control
  • Fixing the result

Program 3D Slim It is aimed at using all the main mechanisms of weight loss in the right sequence. Thanks to this, you will discard the weight slowly, but sure. There will be no return and breakdowns, since appetite controls, and the result will be fixed without stress for the body.

If everything is done right, then Yo-yo effect will not. As mentioned above, constant weights of weight, harmful to health. And if you yourself can’t lose weight once and for all, then it is better to contact a nutritionist. It calculates the calorie suitable for you, will be a menu and will control the condition of the body. With this approach, the probability of development yo-yo effect minimum. Good luck!

Video: yo-yo effect

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