Why constantly want to eat, why is a feeling of hunger all the time: the reasons, what to do, how to reduce strong appetite?

Why constantly want to eat, why is a feeling of hunger all the time: the reasons, what to do, how to reduce strong appetite?

The reasons for increased appetite and ways to reduce it.

Constant appetite is a common problem in developed countries. It is due to the fact that people are in a stressful state of most of the time and therefore seize stress. In this article we will tell you why an excessive feeling of hunger appears, constant appetite.

Why is constant hunger: reasons

It is worth noting that a person should eat a certain calorie norm per day. In some cases, a person may have excessive appetite, it can be associated with both diseases and unhealthy food habits.

Causes of a constant feeling of hunger:

  • Hypoglycemia. This is a disease in which a decrease in the amount of sugar is observed in the blood. The body lacks glucose, so there is a desire to eat constantly.
  • Type 2 diabetes. Just with type 2 diabetes, an incorrect body reaction to glucose is observed. Accordingly, a person has a constant feeling of hunger.
  • Unhealthy food habits. Usually observed in people who from time to time sit on a diet. The fact is that such people, after they lose a certain amount of weight, after time return to a normal lifestyle, ordinary nutrition. But they cannot control their appetite due to the fact that the body is trying to catch up and absorb high-calorie products in large quantities.
  • Unhealthy food habits can be associated with human work. This is especially true for those who spend most of the time traveling and there is no way to eat and eat home food. Therefore, a person is usually eats fast food at work, which is very high -calorie, can cause obesity and serious health problems.
  • The constant feeling of hunger contributes to the use of some products. If you often drink sweet carbonated water or use a lot of flour, sweet, have a snack at work with chocolate or chips, then this also leads to the development of obesity and increased appetite. These products contain special substances that contribute to blood sugar are quick carbohydrates. Therefore, in just an hour and a half, a strong feeling of hunger is observed.
I really want to eat
I really want to eat

Why constantly I want to eat: reasons

The reasons  constant feeling of hunger:

  • You do not eat in the morning or eat very little. Scientists have proven that people who use 500 calories at breakfast suffer much less a sense of hunger than those who do not have breakfast or consume products with an energy value of up to 300 calories. The fact is that a dense breakfast is the key to the proper functioning of the body. If you have breakfast tightly, then the blood sugar level will be constant, high enough, which will block the feeling of hunger. Therefore, never refuse breakfast and use products that are complex carbohydrates and break down for a long time. They help maintain a constant blood sugar.
  • Thyroid disease. It is because of some ailments of the thyroid gland that constant appetite can be observed. This is due to an excess or a lack of certain hormones in the blood.
  • Premenstrual syndrome. It is proven that women have a strong appetite for menstruation 2-3 days before menstruation. There is nothing to be done here, you have to put up with, for this time not to plan diets or afford two days of cheating. After that, you can catch up. This is due to the jump in hormones, the release of a large number of progestins in the blood that stimulate an increase in appetite.
  • Yes, indeed, there are diseases that contribute to strong appetite, but most often people themselves are to blame for consuming an excessive amount of food And do not control the feeling of hunger. Most often this is due to psychological problems. Because a large number of people are accustomed to cope with stress, seizing it with a large number of products, eliminating mental pain with drugs or alcohol. Accordingly, with the use of a large number of products, over time, insensitivity to glucose develops, its level is constantly falling. To increase it, you must constantly chew something.
  • Also stretching of the stomach By eating a large volume of unhealthy food and nutrition in fast food, it contributes to a further increase in appetite. Raise the right habits in yourself, refuse fast food and try to use foods that break down for a long time instead of quick carbohydrates. These include cereal, whole grain products, oatmeal, as well as pasta from solid wheat varieties. Be sure to allow yourself to eat oatmeal, muesli with dried fruits, as well as cottage cheese, kefir for breakfast. These products contain a large number of complex carbohydrates that are broken down for a long time, and the protein, in turn, stimulates the increase in muscle mass and is not deposited in the form of fat.
Increased appetite
Increased appetite

How to reduce strong appetite: tips

Very often people confuse the feeling of hunger with the desire to distract themselves. If you were engaged in some kind of business for a long time, worked or cleaned the house, and decided to distract, eat, this does not mean at all that you are hungry. Most likely you need to change the scope of activity. Therefore, if in the process of doing some business you wanted to be distracted, do not run to the kitchen and do not devour gingerbread or cookies.

It is best to distract with the help of video, it will be much more useful to go in for sports. For example, run a little on a treadmill or shake a press. Thus, you will forget what you wanted to do, that is, eat and save your figure. In no case do not eat food with the aim of diverting or relaxing, because in the future this will provoke the occurrence of strong appetite, as well as weight growth.

Strong hunger
Strong hunger

How to reduce increased appetite in women and men: tips

If you experience a constant feeling of hunger, you are overcome by anxious thoughts, so you want to be distracted from them by taking a little food, send for help to a therapist. Because the psychological state, the mood significantly affect appetite. By eliminating the problems with the psyche, as well as reviewing your attitude to what is happening, you can establish digestion, as well as impede the occurrence of strong appetite, adjusting the nutrition.

Several rules to reduce appetite in women and men:

  • Drink black tea. The fact is that an hour after breakfast, you need to drink a cup of black tea. It contains some trace elements that contribute to saturation and inhibit appetite.
  • Necessarily after lifting eat oatmeal or other products that contain slow carbohydrates.
  • Drink a lot of water. Often people confuse a feeling of thirst with hunger. Therefore, instead of eating, try drinking water or green tea.
  • Try to keep your weight as part of the body weight index. The index has a moderate healthy appetite and the feeling of hunger during the hours of meals. When going beyond the body mass index, the body always suffers from increased appetite, a sense of hunger and rolls to obesity. Read more about the body weight index in the article: How to correctly calculate the body mass index for women, men and children: calculation formula.
  • Express diets give a fairly quick result, which is unstable. The basis of such diets is a total decrease in the calorie content of food. After you go to normal nutrition, the body tries to take in reserve, accumulate fat. So that in the future, after you sit on a diet, contribute to the formation of fat stock, so that there is something to spend in the future.
  • Therefore, when choosing a diet, give preference to protein, or diet Ekaterina Merimanova -60which is sparing, although it gives not such quick results. The weight loss is more persistent, so it will be able to hold it after losing weight without leaks of appetite. On such a diet, you will not break away, because people who prefer express diets very often do not withstand and break away.
I would like to eat
I would like to eat

We recommend choosing a protein-carbal alternation or diet, which smoothly go into proper nutrition. They bring to the body the least harm, improve metabolism and help reduce hunger.

Video: how to reduce appetite

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Comments K. article

  1. I think that when losing weight, the main reason lies in the fact that many simply stop eating. It is not right. There is nothing better than a fractional balanced diet. 3 basic meals+several snacks (turboshim bars, nuts, fruits-yes). What could be easier? And the weight, however, is decreasing well. And now, by the way, on TNT the competition is held, you can win a whole basket of turboshoshelm bars-excellent motivation for weight loss)

  2. in principle, I do not advise anyone to lose weight very quickly. All lost will return back very quickly. And if smoothly, a kilogram of 5 per month, this is excellent. I advise you to add tablets to the turboslim diet. There they have a series of day/ night, so I like it best

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