Chitmil - what is it, what is useful, how often can you do? Do you need cheatmil when losing weight, proper nutrition, drying of the body?

Chitmil - what is it, what is useful, how often can you do? Do you need cheatmil when losing weight, proper nutrition, drying of the body?

Chitmil is a new word in our vocabulary. If you translate it literally, then we are talking about “deception” or “fraud” with nutrition - this is what people who adhere to a certain diet do this with their body, which is such a deception - read about this in the article.

Do you know what Chitmil is? If not, we advise you to read our article, even if you know, we hope that you will find new and interesting in the article for yourself.

Chitmil - what does that mean?

  • Many of us often limit themselves to goodies, realizing that their constant eating is fraught with a figure and overall well -being. And a fairly large number of people choose for themselves a certain diet, Which adhere to (or at least try to adhere) for a long period.
  • And, as it often happens, sometimes involuntarily “break down”, allowing itself to be so forbidden, but from this an even more coveted fast food or a piece of cake. And in the morning, reproaching themselves for the weakness shown, even more stringent restrictions begin with even greater zeal.
  • It is for such cases that there is a method that is called chitmilallowing you to deceive your own organism. It is suitable for those who have chosen a diet for themselves as a diet, limiting carbohydrate consumption.
  • To understand, What is cheatmil for It is necessary to recall the days when you were on a diet that provides for a restriction in one form or another of food. Surely you have encountered a problem due to slowed flattering, when the weight loss process slows down, or even stops completely. The body is simply accustomed to a small number of calories, and therefore ceased to react. For such cases, cheatmil is a way out!
Cheat meal
  • It consists in once a week to "break away" and afford his favorite food. According to athletes who often resorting to this method, this contributes to both the acceleration of metabolic processes and a certain removal of psychological stress, which is to one degree or another in most people who limit themselves to food. A person in this way, as it were, rewards himself for the exposure and easier to endure the next six days of the diet.

How to arrange Chitmil?

So that Chitmil does not turn into uncontrolled gluttons, it is necessary to adhere to the following rules:

  1. It should be remembered that on the day you arrange Chitmil, you should not completely abandon the usual diet. It is necessary to eat in the prescribed manner, but add only one “unloading” intake of your favorite food to this. The ratio of proper and harmful food should be approximately 90/10.
  2. Chitmil is effective Only with a diet with low content, or complete absence of carbohydrates, with other diets, he is at best useless, at worst it is harmful.
  3. Do not arrange Chitmil, settled by the TV. Experience proves that in this case, the number of eaten "yummy" is much increasing.
  4. Do not exceed the number of cheatmils arranged for yourself. How often do you need to arrange Chitmil? Once a week - means one, and if you also have a sufficiently high supply of subcutaneous fat, then no more than once every couple of weeks.

    How often to do cheatmil?
    How often to do cheatmil?
  5. Do not combine cheatmil with alcohol.
  6. It will be most correct to resort to Chitmil during a meeting with friends, a party, a planned trip to a restaurant. Practice shows that in such an environment a person at the expense additional emotional impressions eat lessWhat would eat in a home atmosphere.
  7. When is it better to arrange a cheatmil?It is better to spend Chitmil in the afternoon so as not to overdo it with “harmful” food throughout the day. In this case, there is an alternative approach. It is better to arrange Chitmil's Day in the morning time so that by evening the body can already digest all the amounts of fats and carbohydrates received by it.
  8. If you play sports, it is better to combine Chitmila Day with a training day - then you will quickly get rid of the calories eaten.

How to do cheatmil on drying?

  • Fat cells are responsible for the production of the Leptine hormone, and the more fatty mass remains in a person, the less this hormone is produced by the body. And he, in turn, gives the brain a signal of saturation, increasing the rate of metabolic processes. And, accordingly, on the contrary, the less leptin is produced, the more slowly the metabolic processes occur, since the brain includes a protective reaction, slowing down energy expenditure.
  • That is what happens during drying, i.e. Subject to a low -carb diet. This is also fraught with the fact that without the support of leptin in the required amount, further weight loss becomes problematic.
  • Excessive content in the body mainly carbohydrate components can even lead to a more active accumulation of adipose tissue. A kind happens stop reached progressAnd it is Chitmil, increasing the calorie content of food, that again triggers metabolism, thereby increasing the speed with which fat is burned.

Do cheatmils need it with proper nutrition?

  • If, by the concept of “proper nutrition”, we mean a balance of the diet and its optimal calorie content, then chitmil will not bring any benefit to the body. It will not accelerate metabolism, since it already works in normal mode, but only supplies your body with an additional number of calories.
  • Eating with familiar food during the day, it will be completely wrong to eat a piece of the cake before bedtime and call it cheatmil, calming yourself that you will not allow yourself excesses the whole next week. The body has already received its calorie norm, and all additional ones will only be in harm, without affecting the work of Leptin.
  • In this way, cheatmil and proper nutrition of things incompatible. Rather, it can be called just overeating, which will turn out to be a set of excess weight.
Useful, but not with proper nutrition
Useful, but not with proper nutrition

Why do you need a cheatmil when losing weight?

  • Generally chitmil is not contraindicated when losing weight. And this is again due to the effect called “plateau” - when, having dropped several kilograms, a person ceases to notice further progress. The weight stops, and this position can last for several not only days, but weeks.
  • In this case, Chitmil, which helps to move metabolic processes from a dead point, can play a positive role.
  • And even if you are morally not oppressed by the need to observe a diet, your subconscious can work for a protest against restrictions. And here again, the cheatmil can come to the rescue, giving you confidence that these restrictions are temporary.
During a diet, you can sometimes afford cheatmil
During a diet, you can sometimes afford cheatmil

Weight after cheatmil

  • Usually, after cheatmil, the weight increases. But this increase is calculated not by kilograms, but by grams. They are explained by the fact that they entered the body carbohydrateswhich he lacked, but they tend to hold the liquid.
  • Therefore, it is worth remembering that the scored grams do not represent fat, but only edema. After returning to a low -carb diet, your weight will begin to decrease again.
  • The above has already been said about the psychological benefits of Chitmil. In this case, it also consists in the fact that having dropped several kilograms, you can well afford to “control” several hundred grams, knowing that you did it consciously and realizing that you will again see smaller numbers on the scales tomorrow.
  • The main thing is not to get involved in cheatmil more often than recommended, and people who are not able to control themselves or suffering from food disorder should first consult with a nutritionist whether such a “fasting day” will be useful to them.
After Chitmil, not fat appears, but swelling
After Chitmil, not fat appears, but swelling

Chitmil: benefits

  • In addition psychological motivation, Which has already been mentioned above, Chitmil is also given physiological pluses. The body during Chitmil can “take a break” from the protein, which it eats all week.
  • And the resumption of the active production of leptin, increasing the rate of metabolic processes in the body, to everything else, contributes to the creation of the best conditions to reduce weight. Leptin is also called the hormone of satiety, And its development reduces the feeling of hunger, or it disappears altogether.
  • Chitmil helps to increase the daily calorie intake without consequences for the ultimate goal-someone has this maintenance of the form, others have weight loss. The main thing is to remember that chitmil does not provide Undressed chips or cakes in palm oil. Rest from proteins should also benefit the body, so the food should be healthy and balanced.
Useful, but not often
Useful, but not often

How often can you arrange a cheatmil?

  • Experts advise spending Chitmil Day no more than once a month Bodybuilders who are on drying or those who are in the process of preparing for an important competition. Otherwise, you can not reach the necessary physical form by the desired date.
  • Subject to a diet, the purpose of which is to lose weight, Chitmil is appropriate no more than once a month, especially if you adhere to a strictly defined diet. In this case, Chitmil will simply support your fighting spirit and give some break.
  • If your weight suits you and you only think about maintaining yourself in this form, then you can "indulge" with cheatmil one day a week.
  • And most importantly, it should be remembered that no one is recommended to arrange Chitmil for two days - the risk of neglecting all achieved successes is too great.
Chitmil on schedule
Chitmil on schedule

Chitmil: Nutrition

  • The main thing on the day of Chitmila is not to abandon the usual diet. If, in anticipation of the planned cheatmil, you completely refuse meals on this day or the day before, then you can eat more than your usual norm, and in addition to arrange problems with digestive processes provoked by overeating.
  • You should not eat everything in a row. I want sweets - give preference not a biscuit, but a curd cake or a cheesecake. Drink water - this will help not only reduce appetite, but also that gastric juice will be better produced, and, therefore, the digestive process will be the best.
  • Nutritionists recommend that Chitmila Balize themselves on Chitmil Day sushi, which organically combine proteins and slow carbohydrates, practically without fat. It is better to give preference to not acute species so as not to provoke appetite. A good option will be steak (preferably grilled), and on the side dish - potatoes, best boiled.
  • You can pamper yourself spaghetti, making sure that they are made of hard -wrap wheat. And even pizza will not become harmful, especially if it becomes a filling chicken fillet and vegetables - Here you have proteins and fiber.

What to do after Chitmil?

  • After the day of Chitmil, it will be the greatest mistake to limit itself in food, thus trying to reduce the number of “eaten” calories. You can neither starve nor reduce, nor change the usual dietWhich you adhere to during your chosen diet.
  • We have already found out that the grams gained are not explained by fat accumulations, but mainly edema, and excess water will leave the body in two to three days. Therefore, it is necessary to return to the chosen diet again and strictly adhere to it, as well as the time of eating and snacks.
  • It should be remembered that you have arranged chitmil is not a breakdown due to a poor thing, but a planned day, So the diet continues!
  • And to calm your own conscience, conduct an unscheduled training.

Chitmil and Rephid: Differences

  • Often the concept of “cheatmil” is used in comparison or contrast to the concept of “refid”, which means literally recharge. We are talking about periodic feeding the body with carbohydrates in which you limit yourself in regular time.
  • This is especially true for those people who Actively playing sports And have frequent training. At this time, there is an active burning of calories, which leads to the depletion of glycogenic reserves in the body, and then the feeding is especially necessary.
  • Typically, the intake of carbohydrates is calculated based on the amount of 3 to 5 g per kg, evenly distributing them into 3 doses. Squirrels remain the same, they should neither be reduced nor increased. But fat during refriges It is advisable to reduce. Experts say that the refund time can be extended for 3 days.
  • You can choose which unloading is acceptable for you, based on what physical activity your body regularly experiences.

Chitmil: Reviews of losing weight

  • Olga, Stavropol: I decided to take up myself and, in addition to the diet, actively started sports. At first, everything went well, I was happy with myself and my success. But literally a few days later I realized that I was experiencing an elementary feeling of hunger. And then I could go to the store right from the training and buy everything, from smoked sausage to chocolate. I eaten, and then tormented by my stomach. She sat down on a diet again and broke again. It was at such a time when my hands just dropped, I read about Chitmile. I decided that it would no longer be worse and tried this method. After the first cheatmil, I realized that my feeling of hunger was more of a psychological plan than physiological. I had enough a small piece of cake and pizza. And the very next day I felt ready to continue the diet! Now I adhere to the rules of the day of cheatmil and feel great.
  • Tatyana, Moscow: I am a nutritionist by profession and at the same time I am an opponent of temporary diets. You need to decide for yourself if you want to be healthy, and not just lose weight in order to meet the accepted standards. This should be a conscious and motivated solution, which includes both physical activity and a balanced nutrition. Yes, the cake is harmful, but if it is a fresh and high -quality product that does not include trans fats or all kinds of fillers, then you can occasionally treat yourself. In my professional terminology there is a concept of an unloading day. This is exactly what I imagine for myself. Not uncontrolled eating everything that has deprived himself all week, but a kind of small bonus, after which you need to eat again and balanced again.
  • Sergey, Kazan: It all depends on what purpose a person sets himself. If he just wants to maintain good physical shape and does not experience discomfort, then Chitmil is quite acceptable. But athletes preparing for a high -level championship, I would not recommend this method, it “shakes” the body while the sports form should not only be stable, but also constantly improve. Moreover, if Chitmil is not a slight deviation from the usual diet, but a serious and radical change, albeit short -term. Much more correct, in my opinion, is a variety of and balanced nutrition, excluding any “chemistry”.

Advice: The best time to conduct Chitmil is the upcoming family celebration, an intended visit, etc. So you will not feel like a “white brood” among the rest and at the same time, relaxing and resting, arrange for yourself a planned, not spontaneous cheatmil.

We advise you to read the following articles:

Video: Chitmil - how not to break?

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