How to quench the feeling of hunger? The causes of a constant feeling of hunger

How to quench the feeling of hunger? The causes of a constant feeling of hunger

The article discusses the reasons for the constant feeling of hunger and give recommendations to get rid of this obsessive state.

For a person to experience hunger is a natural physiological need. Evolution laid this mechanism for the timely replenishment of energy reserves in the body. However, in the age of abundance of gastronomy, when access to products is not a problem, a feeling of hunger still announces many and causes a lot of inconvenience.

Why does a feeling of hunger after eating arise?

The occurrence of a feeling of hunger after eating can be caused by a large spectrum of causes: from purely physiological to psychological. A person can cope with some reasons, and some can only be defeated with the help of doctors.
The reasons for the occurrence of a constant feeling of hunger include:

  • lack of blood glucose. With the imbalance of glucose and insulin, a constant feeling of hunger may occur, which leads to overeating and obesity. If you ignore this condition for a long time, this can lead to irreversible consequences and serious diseases, among which diabetes are the most common. To solve this problem, consult a doctor;
  • the presence of certain diseasesespecially related to the digestive tract;
  • the use of some drugswhich, along with a change in the hormonal background, can cause a constant feeling of hunger;
  • deficiency of vitamins in the body. The human body does not produce most vitamins, so their intake is taking place with food. Incorrect nutrition is led to a deficiency of vitamins, which can contribute to the appearance of a feeling of hunger;
  • dehydration. Often, a lack of water in the body leads to a false feeling of hunger and instead of filling up the lack of water, a person begins to eat;
  • increased mental and physical activity. In this case, the body needs a lot of energy that the body receives from food;
  • the second phase of the menstrual cycle in women. It is during this period that women in the body begin to be actively produced by the hormone progesterone, which is responsible for a possible pregnancy. Thanks to this hormone, the body begins to accumulate nutrients so that the future embryo does not need anything. If the pregnancy does not occur, on the second or third day after the onset of menstruation, the production of progesterone normalizes and the constant feeling of hunger disappears;
  • pregnancy and lactation. During this period, the hormonal background of the woman is built in such a way that all the beneficial substances were supplied to the child, why the mother’s body does not receive the necessary trace elements, which can cause a feeling of hunger;
  • chronic lack of sleep and fatigue. In this state, the orgasm is lost in the regime “Feeling of hunger-feeling of saturation”, so a person begins to eat even if there is no such need, without experiencing saturation;
  • stress. In this condition, I often want to eat failure with something sweet or some other not too useful food;
  • strict diet. Strict food restriction, especially with monodietalia or low -calorie diet, which do not differ in the balance of beneficial trace elements and nutrients, knocks the body to debug the necessary components “in reserve” and causes a constant feeling of hunger;
  • improper nutrition. Violation of the food intake, for example, a rare meal or breakfast pass, as well as the use of too fatty foods, fast food, the absence in the diet of fiber causes a lack of saturation and constant overeating;
  • alcohol consumption. It is proved that even in small quantities, alcohol increases appetite and turns off the feeling of saturation;
  • purely psychological causes: The presence of something tasty in the refrigerator, a feeling of hunger “for the company”, from idleness and boredom, etc.

How to quench the feeling of hunger during a diet?

Hunger Baba

As mentioned above, an incorrectly selected diet contributes to the appearance of a constant feeling of hunger.

When choosing a diet, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • no short -term diets. Any diet should become a way of life, only in this case you can get a constant effect;
  • avoid diets with a limited set of products. A strict restriction in the choice of products does not allow the body to receive the entire set of necessary vitamins and trace elements;
  • do not sit on low -calorie diets. Often you can find the recommendation to use about 1300 kcal. Such a diet is not able to cover all the necessary energy costs of the body and it is impossible to sit on such a diet for a long time. There is a constant feeling of hunger, which leads to breakdowns, especially in the evening and night;
  • choose diets where it is recommended to eat more often, but in small portions. It is considered optimal to eat every 4 hours.

How to quench the feeling of hunger in the evening?

Evening time is the most difficult part of the day. If in the afternoon the lesson is distracting everyday working matters from a feeling of hunger, then it is almost impossible to resist the evening of food. It is best, of course, to prevent hunger in the evening.

To do this, you must fully dinner. A vegetables and a piece of dietary meat are considered an ideal dinner. But if for some reason dinner was missed, and the stomach is unbearably asked to eat, it should be remembered that the best products for an evening snack are:

  • kefir;
  • vegetable salad or vegetables for steam;
  • cottage cheese;
  • cereal bread;
  • green unsweetened tea or just water.

On the Internet, you can often find the point of view that in the evening it is useful to eat fruits, but you should remember that the fruit is full of sugar, so the usefulness of such a snack is called into question. But if you still choose fruits or berries, it is better to choose an ugly apple, cherries or other unsweetened fruits and berries.

How to quench the feeling of hunger during pregnancy?

Hungry pregnant


Pregnancy is a bizarre time. A constant change of hormonal background leads to unpredictable desires and often a change in mood.

The feeling of hunger is also a frequent pregnancy companion. In order to satisfy hunger without problems for the figure, the following rules should be fulfilled:

  • avoid eating fatty foods, replace with lean;
  • the main method of cooking should be extinguishing, cooking, steam processing;
  • there are a lot of fiber, i.e. vegetables and fruits. Fiber fills the stomach, which leads to a feeling of saturation;
  • replace sweets with fruits or dried fruits;
  • there are every 3-4 hours, but in small portions.

Feeling a feeling of hunger


In order not to harm the figure, to quench the feeling of hunger, you need to use the right products. It must be remembered that the most competent choice in this case will be food containing many proteins and so -called “slow” carbohydrates. Such products include:

  • lenten meat: rabbit, beef, chicken;
  • low -fat fish;
  • porridge: buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, etc.;
  • macarone made of solid varieties of wheat;
  • eggs;
  • dairy products: cheese, cottage cheese, natural yogurt;
  • products with a high fiber content: vegetables, whole grain bread, legumes, etc.;
  • nuts and dried fruits.

But you always need to remember that any product, even the most useful, can harm if you use it in immoderate quantities! In search of saturation, sweets and fast food should also be avoided.

Folk remedies.

Folk remedies offer a huge spectrum of recipes that allow you to quench the feeling of hunger.

Among these recipes, you can find very simple, for example, the use of green tea with lemon, melt or salted water, liquid oatmeal, bran, ginger tea, etc.

Also released recipes on herbs that reduce appetite:

  • RECIPE: Parsley is considered the most effective tool. 2 tsp Greens are poured with 1 glass of water and cooked over low heat for 10-15 minutes. The decoction is lamented in two doses during the day. For a sustainable result, a decoction should be taken 2 weeks.
  • RECIPE: Corn stigmas also help to cope with this problem. 2 st. Pour a glass of boiling water and 15 minutes with a glass. Place in a water bath. Take 1 tbsp. Half an hour before meals.
  • RECIPE: Infusions of nettles and sage will have a positive effect. 1 tbsp. Pour nettle or sage with a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Eat nettles 3 times a day on a tablespoon, an infusion of sage - half a glass before each meal.

Hunger interruption

In modern medicine, drugs that block the feeling of hunger have been developed. However, we will take such tablets extremely not recommended. This method should be resorted only to extreme cases, after all of the above recommendations and methods have already been tried and have not had a positive effect.
You can distinguish two main groups of drugs that suppress the feeling of hunger:

  • fillers of the stomach: Getting into the stomach, such pills swell, filling the stomach and causing a feeling of satiety. They are relatively safe in use, but you need to clearly comply with all the requirements prescribed in the leaf of the lodge;
  • suppliers of appetite: antidepressants having a side effect in the form of suppression of appetite. They are sold only by recipe and their use is extremely dangerous, because It has a number of serious side effects. And permande Reduxin  and Xenical To combat obesity, also having a lot of side effects.

There are also “miracle tablets” on the market, which promise to get rid of extra pounds and a constant feeling of hunger. However, doctors and nutritionists themselves admit that the effectiveness of such dietary supplements is extremely small, in most cases the placebo effect is triggered.

How to treat a constant feeling of hunger?

Hunger treatment

The treatment of a constant feeling of hunger will depend on the cause of its occurrence.

If there is a suspicion that this feeling is somehow associated with a change in the hormonal background, a lack of certain vitamins or trace elements in the body or the presence of certain diseases, then consult a doctor.

A competent specialist will prescribe the necessary tests and based on the results will prescribe a course of treatment.

  • If the feeling of hunger is caused by psychological causes, then a psychologist will help here.
  • A nutritionist consultation will also play a positive effect. After all, improper nutrition is the most common cause of this ailment.
  • Often you just need to relax well, get distracted from everyday problems and do something exciting, gain positive emotions, and then the feeling of hunger will quietly disappear.

    Feeling hunger: tips and reviews

Based on all of the foregoing, the following tips can be withdrawn:

  • follow your health and contact the specialist doctors in time;
  • adhere to the principles of proper nutrition and avoid strict diets;
  • follow the daily routine, get enough sleep;
  • eat slowly, enjoying every piece of food;
  • move more.

Reviews of people who managed to defeat the feeling of hunger:

Svetlana, 26 years old:
Previously, I often sat on "hungry" diets. I ate very little all day, but in the evenings the feeling of hunger became unbearable. Very often she could not stand it and made night "raids" on the refrigerator. Needless to say, the results of such diets did not please me for long. Then she understood the golden rule for herself that breakfast and lunch should be full -fledged and then your stomach will not bother you.

Olga, 28 years old:
During pregnancy, she began to rapidly gain weight. I constantly wanted to eat. My doctor prompted the way out: I advised to eat every 3 hours, but in small portions. It helped me a lot. As a result, she gave birth to a healthy baby without prejudice to the figure.

Oleg, 33 years:
He always ate on the run, while in parallel he could do other things, so after eating there was an unpleasant feeling of hunger. The Council helped to fix the situation: there is slowly chewing food well, and not be distracted by other things.

Video: How to defeat a constant feeling of hunger?

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