The most dangerous food: list. How to protect yourself from the harmful effects of hazardous food?

The most dangerous food: list. How to protect yourself from the harmful effects of hazardous food?

From this article you will learn what the most dangerous food products are, and how to choose not harmful from them.

Nowadays, many people on the planet get sick, and then die, one might say, of their own free will, and the reason for this: the following factors:

  • Harmful nutrition
  • Sedentary lifestyle and obesity
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol, cigarettes and drugs

From this article we learn which foods are the most dangerous for us.

Dangerous foods - Free potatoes, chips

It would seem that potatoes cannot be considered a dangerous food product, but this is not so. Why are delicious fast potato dishes dangerous - chips and fries?

  • For chips and potatoes of free, you need beautiful flat potatoes, and it is most often genetically modified.
  • For long -term storage of finished products, they often add conservatives-sodium, potassium and calcium benzoates (E-211, E-212, E-213), Benza acid (E-210). The accumulation of these additives in the body leads to nervous breakdowns, hyperactivity, allergies and cancer growth.
  • For beautiful color, synthetic dyes-yellow (E-110), brown (E-154),which is not harmless.
  • Chips are often made not from potatoes, but from starch with the addition of flour - and this is a lot of carbohydrates.
  • Now at large enterprises, fries are fried most often in a mixture of palm and coconut oils - they are the cheapest, and moreover, more than once, but for a whole week.
  • After several times the oil heating to a boil, it forms in it strong carcinogens: acrylamide, glycidide, acrolein, from which malignant tumors often develop.
    • FRI chips and potatoes, adding an enhancing taste for taste -Glutamate sodium (E-621), It makes the dish tastier, but causes dependence. In addition, if there are often products with this additive can be: allergies, headaches, visual impairment, heart heartbeat.

Those people who often eat fries and chips are sick with such diseases:

  • Obesity
  • Blutings formation
  • Stroke
  • Cancer tumors
  • Problems with potency in men
Dangerous foods - Free potatoes

Dangerous foods-hot dogs, burgers

Why are hot dogs, burgers are dangerous food?

  • To grow a lot, and in a short time, meat, animals are fed with special feeds with antibiotics, and then with illness antibiotics do not affect us - addiction is used.
  • For hot dogs, burgers, soy is often replaced by the meat, and in order to feel the taste of meat, preservatives, amplifiers, stabilizers and other synthetic additives are added to it.
  • This food is very high -calorie.

What will happen if you often eat hot dogs and burgers?

  • Obesity
  • An increase in cholesterol
  • Problems with the liver
  • Blood thickening and the formation of plaques
  • Heart attack or stroke
  • Decreased potency in men
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Cancer formations
Dangerous foods include hot dogs and burgers

Dangerous foods - sausages and canned food

Sausage and canned meat dangerous food products because modern processing meat of machines of such power is that grind everything: skin, cartilage, small bones in minced meat.

In addition, unscrupulous manufacturers instead of meat are put in sausage and sausages low -quality meat residues, transgenic all, and for a pleasant taste and smell, beautiful color:

  • Conservatives-sodium nitrite (E-250), sodium and potassium nitrates (E-251, E-252), sulfur dioxides (E-220), sodium benzoates, potassium and calcium (E-211, E-212, E-21 ), formaldehydes (E-240), propyl ether (E-216), benzoic acid (E-210).
  • From dyes-brown (E-154) and karminic acid (E-12).
  • Stabilizers-Piro- and Typhosphate (E-450, E-451), Carraginan (E-407).
  • Of the antioxidants in canned foods are used-butylhydroxionizol (E-320).
  • To enhance the meat taste-sodium glutamate (E-621).

And all this is synthetic.

After frequent snacks, the following diseases appear with such food:

  • Allergy
  • Stones and sand in the kidneys
  • The pressure rises
  • Inflammatory processes in the stomach and intestines
  • Cancer tumors
  • The liver is destroyed
  • Attention. Stabilizers Trifhosphate, pyrophosphate provoke gastritis and stomach ulcer, cancer tumors.
  • Conserviers nitrite and sodium nitrate irritate the nervous system and digestive organs, can cause cancer.
  • Products with sulfur dioxide can not eat children, people with patients with kidneys, gastritis and ulcer, to those who have problems with the lungs.
  • Formaldehyde is very poisonous, like arsenic, can cause rashes on the skin, cancer tumors.
Dangerous foods - sausages

Dangerous foods - noodles, mashed potatoes, sails, rapid borscht

We all know from advertising, about lunch prepared in 3-5 minutes-this is about quick cooking. On the one hand, it is good that you can cook so quickly, and on the other, it is bad.

Why did fast food become a dangerous food product? What is the reason? And the whole thing in harmful additives, which are many here:

  • Conservatives-potassium pyrosulfite and hydraulic sulfight (E-224, E-228), sodium pyrosulfite and hydraulic sulfight (E-223, E-222), prophy broadcast (E-216).
  • Of the stabilizers-polyphosphate (E-452).
  • The dye in white is titanium dioxides (E-452).

Attention. With the accumulation of polyphosphates, pyrosulfites and hydrosulfites of potassium and sodium, an allergic reaction, gastritis, ulcer and cancer tumors may develop in the body, asthma may occur, cholesterol increases. And yet, it is impossible to violate the order for thermal processing of the product, otherwise these additives can even cause death.

With the accumulation of titanium dioxides, kidneys, liver problems are observed in the body, especially titanium dioxide harms children.

Dangerous food - fast -cook noodles

Dangerous food - mayonnaise, ketchup

The mayonnaise in a plastic bag or box becomes a particularly dangerous food product if there is vinegar in the composition. Under the action of acid from plastic, carcinogens are released, and go into the product.

To keep sauces longer, they put harmful additives in them:

  • Of the preservatives-sodium, potassium and calcium benzoates (E-211, E-212, E-213), sodium sorbates (E-201), methyl ester from sodium salt (E-219), benzoic acid (E-210).
  • From dyes-yellow (E-110), karminic acid (E-12) - They cause fears for children's health, carcinogenic, can cause allergies, cancer formations.
  • From stabilizers-carboxymethyl cellulose (E-466).

Attention. It is dangerous to give sodium products with sodium sorbates, as they often provoke allergies.

Dangerous foods - mayonnaise, ketchups

Dangerous foods - bright candies, gum, chocolate bars, ice cream

Sweet products are considered dangerous food because it has a lot of sugar and calories. And it happens that instead of sugar they put substitutes, and this is even worse: diabetes can develop from sugar, and substitutes are generally unpredictable.

Synthetic additives are added for a beautiful color and no less pleasant taste:

  • From dyes-chinolin (E-104), karmuazin or other name Azorubin (E-122), green (E-141), citrus fruit (E-121), red (E-124-127) of different shades, durable (E- 143, E-105), Cauline of Sugar (E-15), karminic acid (E-12), Tartrazin (E-102), Sodium salt (E-101), sodium phosphates (E-106), brown (E- 154), black (E-151).
  • Of the foams (and they are sucrice)-cyclamic acid (E-952), aspartam (E-951).
  • Of the antioxidants-butylhydroxionisol (E-320).
  • Of the stabilizers-carboxymethyl cellulose (E-466).
  • From preservatives-formaldehydes (E-240), propyl ether (E-216).

Attention. All of the above dyes are synthetic, cause inflammatory processes in the digestive organs, allergies.

Dangerous foods - bright candies, gums

Dangerous food - mixtures for the preparation of desserts in dry form

Dry mixtures for baking desserts are therefore considered dangerous food products that this is nothing more than a senior flour with sugar or sugar substitutes, and synthetic additives:

  • From dyes a very harmful additive-amaranth (E-123), It was banned by many countries of the world, but some manufacturers still add it. From the products with this dye, kidneys, liver, are frequent cases of allergies, stimulates cancer growth, chronic runny nose.
  • Ammonium chloride (E-510) is dangerous from emulsifiers.From it - malaise, digestive disorder, liver disease.
  • To enhance a pleasant tasteadd glutamate sodium (E-621).
Dangerous foods - dry mixtures for desserts

Dangerous foods - sweet drinks, store juices

Especially dangerous food products, those drinks that go without sugar, in their composition there are aspartams or other synthetic sugar substitutes.

If you often use such drinks, then there may be the following problems:

  • Aspartam kills serotonin, and he may not be enough in the brain.
  • The development of panic and depression.
  • Convulsions.
  • Sugar -substituters inside decay into carcinogens, and cause thirst, the more often you drink such a drink, the more you want to drink it.

Attention. It is impossible to heat sweet drinks with aspartam and other substitutes, since it is not known how the synthetic substitute in the drink will react, even death is possible.

In store drinks there may be the following harmful additives:

  • From dyes-chinolin (E-104), karmuazin or other name Azorubin (E-122), green (E-141), citrus fruit (E-121), red (E-124-127) of different shades, durable (E- 143, E-105), Cauline of Sugar (E-15), karminic acid (E-12), Tartrazins (E-102), Sodium salt (E-101), sodium phosphates (E-106), brown (E- 154), black (E-151). All these dyes are synthetic, they harm health - at first it will be an allergy, and then cancer tumors form.
  • Of the emulsifiers, sulfuric acid (E-513) is very dangerous- It destroys the liver, causes diarrhea.
  • Of the preservatives-sodium, potassium and calcium benzoates (E-211, E-212, E-213), formaldehyde (E-240), benzoic acid (E-210).
  • From the foams-potassium acesulfams (E-950).
  • In drinks going without sugar,it is replaced Sugar-substitutes-aspartam (E-951), sodium with a cyclamat (E-951), Saharyn (E-954), Tkumatin (E-957), Maltitis (E-965), Eritrite (E-968)-and they are even more harmful, than sugar.
Dangerous foods - carbonated sweet drinks

Dangerous foods - popcorn

Popcorn is made of special corn - it is not harmful, but a dangerous food product makes popcorn itself. They add to it for taste and beautiful type of dyes, emulsifiers, flavor amplifiers, many salt.

What will happen if there is often popcorn?

  • The pressure rises
  • Vascular and heart diseases
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Obesity
Dangerous food - popcorn

Dangerous foods - alcohol -containing drinks

Drinks with alcohol are considered dangerous foods because even a little drink prevents vitamins from absorb. And a lot of alcohol destroys the liver, brain, makes the kidneys and heart patients.

Synthetic additives that can add to alcohol:

  • From preservatives-pyrosulfites and hydrosulfites of potassium (E-224, E-228), pyrosulfites and sodium hydraeulyfites (E-223, E-222) add to wines.
  • From antioxidants-hydroxytoluol butyl (E-321) Add to beer.
Dangerous foods - alcohol -containing drinks

Dangerous foods - low -fat and low -calorie dairy products

The buyer is deceived that low -fat products have a small number of calories are useful, and you can eat a lot. Instead of remote fat, carbohydrates were added to the product, and synthetic harmful additives were added to the product.

Low -calorie yogurt, kefir has become a dangerous food product also because together with fat content in production, all beneficial substances and vitamins were removed. Observing such a diet, it is easy to earn vitamin deficiency. And the assurances of manufacturers about enriching the dairy product by bifidobacteria are an advertising trick.

Attention. If you want to buy yogurt with bifidobacteria, look at the expiration date, it should be no more than 3 days, and if the product of prolonged savings, there are no useful substances.

Dangerous foods - low -fat dairy products

Dangerous foods - margarine and spread

Margarine and spread are dangerous food, because consist of trans fats that harm the vessels, heart, increase cholesterol,and, moreover, these foods have Harmful additives:

  • Of the emulsifiers-ammonium hydroxides (E-527)- Dangerous, cause liver diseases, diarrhea; In many countries, production with food is prohibited.
  • From antioxidants-hydroxytoluene and hydroxionizol butyl (E-321, E-320)- When accumulating, allergies, kidneys, liver, and increased cholesterol can cause allergies.
  • Of the preservatives-sodium sorbat (E-201).
Dangerous foods - margarine and spread

How to protect yourself from the harmful effects of hazardous food?

What needs to be done so that hazardous foods have less act on your body, how to protect yourself from harmful effects?

  • If you have eaten a dangerous food product, then after it you need to eat more vegetables and fruits in raw form, they are able to protect the harmful effect of a dangerous product.
  • It is important to remember that you can’t eat dangerous products when you are sick, the body is still fighting with the disease, and you load it even more.
  • If you really want to eat fries or chips - do not eat them a lot.
  • If you do not know whether when you come to the store, it is a dangerous product or not, look at the color of the product that you want to purchase, if it is brightly painted, it means that it is dangerous, only synthetic dyes are very bright - natural dyes are quite faded.
  • If you bought a product in the store, and only at home you got acquainted with its composition, and learned that it is dangerous, strictly observe the preparation method, since some synthetic additives after heating can cause great harm to the body, up to death.

And further, important message: If the manufacturer of products is conscientious, he can put in his products natural additives, Which do not harm, and some are even useful.

Dangerous foods can be turned into not dangerous if you carefully read the composition in the store, and choose natural additives

Useful natural additives


  • Kurkumin (E-100), It stains the product in yellow-orange. The supplement helps to restore strength after the disease, reduces cholesterol, useful to patients with arthritis, with diabetes, frees from toxins.
  • Karotin (E-160A)- It gives the product yellow and orange, strengthens immunity, vision, and does not allow cancer tumors to grow.
  • Riboflavin or vitamin B12 (E-101) - stains yellow. It helps to split fats, absorb vitamins, and is useful in stressful situations. Not even harmful to pregnant women.
  • Likopin (E-160D)- Gives red with shades. Helps to remove harmful substances, liquefines blood and prevents plaques from forming, reduces cholesterol, increases immunity, slows down the growth of cancer tumors.
  • Betanin (E-162)- It is produced from beets, stains in red and burgundy shades, improves the condition with irradiation, increased pressure, vascular diseases, improves blood, prevents heart attack, cancer, and cleanses the liver.
  • Anthocials (E-163)-it is produced from the residues and peels of vegetables, fruits and berries, stains the product in red, purple, blue and burgundy colors. It removes toxins, protects against ultraviolet radiation, cancer prevention. The supplement is often used for painting wine, drinks, sweet products.


  • Sorbic acid or potassium sorbate (E-202)- Produced from juice and bones of mountain ash. Fighting with mold and fungi.
  • Vinegar (E-260)- In small doses, it helps to break down fats with carbohydrates, in large ones it is harmful.
  • Apple acid (E-296)- Helps to absorb medicines, does not allow tumors to develop, and reduces pressure.


  • Ascorbic acid (E-300)- Strengthens immunity.
  • Tokoferols (E-306, E-307)- The additive cleanses the body of toxins, dilutes and cleanses blood, helps the functioning of the heart.
  • Lecithin (E-322)- The supplement is useful for the liver, does not allow cirrhosis, reduces cholesterol.


  • Agar (E-406)- It is produced from algae, agar is useful for the thyroid gland, intestines.
  • Pectin (E-440)- Heals the wounds in the stomach, removes toxins.

Neutral (relatively non -harmful) natural additives

Neutral natural additives only in some, especially sensitive people, cause health problems, mainly allergies:


  • Annato Extract (E-160B)- A plant supplement, stains in yellow-orange color, does not allow tumors to develop, increases immunity, vision, but there are people who can cause allergies.
  • Calcium or chalk carbonate (E-170)- It helps better to curtail blood, supplies calcium to the body, but an overdose is fraught with consequences.


  • Lactic acid (E-270)- It can cause harm to those who have lactose intolerance.
  • Carbon dioxide or carbon dioxide (E-290)- Healthy people are not harmful, it is impossible only to those who have gastritis and stomach ulcers.


  • Citric acid (E-330)- An overdose is fraught with irritation in the respiratory tract and stomach.


  • Rozhkoye tree gum (E-410)- A natural supplement is collected from rock trees that grow on the Mediterranean coast.
  • Gamaurus or guaran (E-412) - Gather on guar beans that grow in India and Pakistan.
  • Ksantan or Xantan gum (E-415) - The additive was created chemically.
  • Sorbit (E-420) - The supplement is obtained from glucose, except for the stabilizer it is also a sweetener, more calorie than sugar.
  • Monoglycerides and diglycerides of fatty acids (E-471) - The natural supplement is obtained from fats, completely absorbed by the body, added to those products where you need to combine water and fat into a homogeneous mass (margarine, spread).


  • Sodium carbonate or food soda (E-500) - The natural supplement is alkalized by the body, and as proven by scientists, even cancer does not develop in an alkaline environment.

Foaming and sugar substitute:

  • Xylit (E-967) - a natural supplement, is obtained from agricultural waste (luzga from sunflower seeds, corn stumps, deciduous trees), and diabetics can be used.

So, if you really want harmful products listed in this article, you can buy, but first you need to study the composition, and choose one in which the additives are not harmful.

Video: don't eat it! TOP of the most harmful foods

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