How to survive unrequited love to a girl, woman? How to get rid of the suffering of unrequited love: tips of psychologists, life hacks

How to survive unrequited love to a girl, woman? How to get rid of the suffering of unrequited love: tips of psychologists, life hacks

In our article you will find information about how quickly and without much effort you can survive unrequited love.

Love is a wonderful feeling that gives a person a large number of positive emotions. But this happens only when the feelings between a man and a woman are mutual. Unfortunately, this does not always happen. Sometimes one person in a pair loves, and the other just allows himself to love. In this case, it is best not to deceive in hopes for a cloudless and happy future, but to break off relations. Yes, it will be painful and unpleasant, but everything will be settled over time, and life will again sparkle with new colors. If you also have similar problems, then we will tell you how to survive unrequited love, and quickly get rid of mental pain.

How to survive unrequited love to a girl, woman?

How to survive unrequited love to a girl, woman?
How to survive unrequited love to a girl, woman?

How to survive unrequited love to a girl, woman:

  • If you want to cry, be sure to cry - Such advice may seem to you crazy, but still with it you can slightly reduce psycho -emotional stress. When a person cries, his nervous system relaxes a little, and he begins to feel relief. Yes, it will not last long, but at least for the minimum time you will feel better. In general, many believe that in this case it is not necessary to grieve, that such behavior will only harm. In fact, this is not at all the case. A bitter and crying, a person lives negative emotions, and thereby helps himself quickly return to normal life. And there is nothing wrong with the fact that after a break with a loved one, the girl cries and grieves. Do not forget that a person made plans for the future, and they collapsed at once, and this caused him severe mental pain.
  • Try to understand why a person acted in this way, and accept his choice - The advice may seem impossible to you, but this is not so. You must understand that a person who loves greatly will hardly abandon his soul mate. And this means that a guy or a man did not feel very strong feelings for you. Now think about whether to try to restore such a relationship. Of course not. Also, if constant quarrels and scandals became a catalyst with your beloved, then there is definitely no need to talk about a strong union. Surely a man is just tired of constant emotional showdowns, and decided to leave. Men do not like at all when women go and cry, it is very much out of the rut. The man has already made his choice, make it and you, and then your life will become more calm, and it is likely to soon meet new love.
  • Try to be as far as possible from the former beloved first - It will be very difficult to do, but you will have to take such a step. As a rule, after parting, the girl wants to call, write, meet with the former beloved all the time. It seems to her that, having seen him for a minute, she will feel relief. But all this is self -deception, and such meetings will only harm. When you see the former beloved, hear his voice, smell, then pleasant memories from the past will roll on you, which will not give you adequately perceive reality. And you can try to return your love again. Therefore, if you firmly decide to completely get rid of feelings for the former, then at least temporarily exclude it from your life. In no case do not visit the places where you can meet it, block it in all social networks. And delete his phone number. Thus, you will not give yourself a chance to call him again and make an appointment.
  • Do not try to extol your beloved - even if he seems perfect to you. When we fall in love with a person, we see only good qualities in him, and do not notice his shortcomings. And this is not surprising, because the first time of the relationship we see the world as if through pink glasses. Love blinds us, and the one who conquers our heart seems to us a divine person. And only over time, when the first passion passes, and people begin to rub them to each other, disadvantages begin to appear. Remember about them. Surely a person whom you love unrequited, have a minuses of character, and they focus on them. Try to convince your subconscious that he is not such an ideal person, which means that he is definitely not better than you, and certainly does not stand your suffering. When you understand this, you will immediately feel relief.

How to survive an unrequited love for a guy, a man?

How to survive an unrequited love for a guy, a man?
How to survive an unrequited love for a guy, a man?

How to survive an unrequited love for a guy, man:

  • Find the one who will just listen to you - Be sure to talk your pain to alleviate suffering from unrequited love. As a rule, when a person does not manage to build a relationship, and they break up, he closes in himself and grieves quietly. Yes, at first you can behave in this way, but if such behavior is delayed, then there is a probability that depression will connect. And it will be very difficult to get out of it. Therefore, having burned a couple of days, be sure to find a person who can simply listen to you. Tell him about what happened, you can tell why this happened. You can just recall the pleasant moments of your meetings. In short, do everything you want at this moment, the main thing is that you have a little mood.
  • Take your time to your beloved - be sure to do what for a long time you could not afford. Of course, immediately after parting, you probably will not want to do something grandiose. Well, it's okay. You can have fun in different ways, most importantly, there would be a desire. So think about what you have dreamed about late? Take a bath with pink foam - be sure to do it, lie in warm water and tear it up to rest both your soul and your body. They dreamed of eating a whole cake with a spoon - dare. Go to the confectionery, buy the most perfect dessert and eat it without regret. Remember that it is positive emotions that will help you quickly survive unrequited love. And the more they will be in your life, the faster it will happen.
  • Find yourself an interesting activity - there is no difference what you will do, the main thing is that you enjoy the process. Try to master something new, learn to cook, if you eat exclusively semi-finished products and sandwiches until this moment, learn how to knit, embroidery, sew. You can start learning foreign languages, or study the story of a kind. In short, any lesson on which you will spend a lot of time is suitable. You must understand that the more you are busy with something, the less you will think about your broken heart. Moreover, this council in the future can bring you additional benefits, and it is quite likely that you can make your hobby a real profitable business.
  • Try to devote maximum time to work or study - A great way not to get hung up on problems in your life. Such advice may seem strange to you, but still try to bring it to life. Fill yourself with work to such an extent that in the evening you only want in a warm bed and sleep. Physically tired, you certainly will not begin to engage in self -digging, you will not want to regret yourself. You will strive to fall asleep to restore strength for tomorrow. And this means that you will not think about failed relationships. But remember that it is impossible to live at such a pace for a long time, since such existence can also be dangerous. Therefore, work at this pace for a month and a half, and return to the usual regime of existence.
  • Start setting goals - and try to move towards them as quickly as possible. Immediately after parting, it will be difficult to do, but over time you will succeed. Initially, set yourself the simplest goals - to get a salary premium, make repairs in the hallway. As soon as they are achieved, put others in front of you. You must always be busy with thoughts about what you need to do in the near future. And thereby you will think less about the man who caused you mental pain. And when you achieve success, rejoice, and share your joy with loved ones, while you will receive positive emotions that will definitely help to smooth out mental pain.

How to survive an unrequited love for a colleague?

How to survive an unrequited love for a colleague?
How to survive an unrequited love for a colleague?

Love is the most unique feeling that we cannot control, as it were, do not want it much. And sometimes we fall in love with a non -suitable person, for example, a work colleague. And very often, such love is unrequited. What to do in this case we will tell further.

How to survive an unrequited love for a colleague:

  • Do not devote time to the object of your adoration - Get ready for the fact that it will be difficult for you to do it, because all day you will be in the same room. But everything is possible, there would be a desire. Try not to be very close to him so that you do not have the desire to speak or touch. If you still end up near him, switch attention to other people, show with all your might interest in other interlocutors. At lunchtime, go to the park, to the nearest cafe, and spend time alone with you. So you will have the strength to continue to “ignore” the object of adoration in the workplace. In general, take it a rule not to help him - under any pretext and in any situation.
  • Convince yourself that such relationships can greatly harm you - Especially if the one you fell in love with a leading position. You must understand that sooner or later, people who surround you will learn about your feelings, and not everyone will be happy for you. Surely there will be those who will condemn you, and even those who begin to dissolve about you not the most pleasant rumors. Therefore, it is so important to pull yourself together as quickly as possible and try to grind feelings in yourself, especially if you know for sure that the heart of a colleague is already busy.
  • Take control of your emotions - A difficult task, but quite fulfilling. Do not get hung up on your thoughts about who you are in love with. At the workplace, try to concentrate your attention exclusively on the work process. Try to plunge into it completely, and ask the surrounding people do not disturb you to a lunch break. In general, forbid yourself to fantasize and dream of a great future with your object of adoration, and as soon as such thoughts appear in your head, drive them away. Better take and read the book to get distracted. Remember, the less you think about a guy or a man, the easier it will be to get rid of obsessive thoughts about unrequited love.
  • Remember, personal boundaries can be excellent protection - Especially if you adhere to them. If you cannot completely refuse to communicate with the object of your adoration, then enter one rule on your working day - communicate with a colleague in whom you are in love exclusively in the presence of other people. And talk with him exclusively on working topics. Never weaken this rule if you want to get rid of feelings as quickly as possible. If you still have to talk to him without the presence of other people, always keep a big distance, and never close the door behind you.
  • Try to understand the feelings of a colleague “He is also an ordinary person, and he certainly cannot love you only because you really want this.” When we fall in love, our brain begins to perceive reality a little distorted, and in a fit of feelings, we do not always understand why a person does not reciprocate. Because of this, we become irritable, more emotional and unrestrained. Now imagine that a man fell in love with you, and requires your attention, but you do not like him at all. What will you feel in such a situation. You will be surprised, discouraged, but you will definitely not love him. It so happened, but people do not have a button that would include feelings for another person. Even scientists definitely cannot explain why we love one person, but there is no other. For this reason, you do not need to put pressure on your colleague with your feelings, such actions will definitely not achieve what you want, but only harm your working relationship.

How to survive the pain of unrequited love?

How to survive the pain of unrequited love?
How to survive the pain of unrequited love?

How to survive the pain of unrequited love:

  • Be sure to meet with other representatives of the stronger sex - Unexpected advice, but believe me, very effective. Unrequited love very much lowers the self -esteem of girls and women. It begins to seem to them that they are not very beautiful, smart and sexy. And it is for this reason that their loved one rejected them. In fact, it is just an internal fear and self -doubt. It is they who interfere with the fair sex to look at things soberly. And it is precisely in order to feel beautiful and desirable again, you do not have to refuse to date with other men. Yes, initially you cannot see a partner in them, but over time you rejoice, and it is likely that such meetings will help you find true love.
  • Get rid of everything that reminds you of unrequited love - So you can quickly clear your thoughts of melancholy and inner pain. It is likely that it will be very difficult for you to throw away what you gave or bought an object of your adoration. As a rule, such things warm the wounded soul at least a little. But this will have to be done as any memory of a man will hurt you. Therefore, we collect all the things and gifts that you have and throw it without regret. Set yourself to do this in order to start writing a new, happier page of your life.
  • Change your circle of communication - Of course, you do not need to radically change it, but you need to make a acquaintance with new people. If you have one circle of communication with your object of adoration, then you need to urgently take measures, otherwise you will suffer from unrequited love for a long time. Try to get acquainted with new people, spend your free time with them. You can, for example, sign up for culinary courses, and find like -minded people there. Of course, you also meet old friends, but do this when there is no object of your adoration with them.
  • Try to change yourself - means the appearance. Such an external update will help you feel more beautiful and confident. Color your hair, change your hairstyle, bite yourself a fashionable bow, and go to conquer the world updated. Do everything so that when you look at you, all men, in the literal sense of the word, flowing saliva. Believe me, as soon as you begin to catch the admiring glances of other men on yourself, you will again gain confidence in your beauty and uniqueness, and you will definitely feel inner relief.
  • Do not blame yourself for what is happening - Very often, when girls or women fall in love and do not receive an answer to their feelings, they begin to feel guilty for their love. They begin to engage in self -digging, always think about what they did and said, and how correct their feelings were. But in this way it is definitely not necessary to do, because doing self -digging, a person only exacerbates his condition even more. You must understand that no one is ever guilty of sympathy, and even the fact that she remained unanswered does not make her bad. Just now, when you know for sure that a man cannot answer your feelings, you need to pull yourself together and try to live on, rejoicing in every new day.

How to get rid of the suffering of unrequited love: tips of psychologists, life hacks

How to get rid of the suffering of unrequited love: tips of psychologists, life hacks
How to get rid of the suffering of unrequited love: tips of psychologists, life hacks

How to get rid of the suffering of unrequited love: tips of psychologists, life hacks:

  • Try to find disadvantages in a man - It is clear that it seems to you that he is the most ideal person in the universe. But believe me, this is not at all. Ideal people do not exist at all. We all, without exception, have some flaws. But some people can perfectly mask them, while others do not. Surely, if you look closely, then your chosen one will have a couple. Maybe he speaks too loudly, or loves to champs when he eats delicious food. When you understand what disadvantages he has, try to focus on them when you mentally return to your feelings for him. In this way, you can develop a negative to a certain person, and get rid of the desire to get closer to him.
  • Forbid yourself to think about unrequited love - Tell me, that this is impossible? It is possible, the main thing is to want it very much. Take a rule to yourself when the memories of failed relationships surge, just switch attention. Carry a book with verses with you, and as soon as sad thoughts appear, get it and read it. If possible, read aloud. Drink into the words that the author wrote, and this will pull you out of gloom for a while. In the same way, you can distract yourself with drawing, modeling of clay.
  • Fill your life with proper energy - Try, for example, to do yoga. It perfectly helps the body to exist harmoniously, and with its help you will definitely be distracted from bad thoughts for some time. If the yoga does not suit you, take care of any sport that you like, and such a pastime will definitely make your life more positive and controlled. Moreover, doing physical exercises, you will receive a small bonus - an ideal body. And it will help you attract a man of your dreams into your life.

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