Why the silver, gold, engagement ring on your finger turned black, save the silver ring and save: what to do, signs

Why the silver, gold, engagement ring on your finger turned black, save the silver ring and save: what to do, signs

Signs and reasons for the darkening of gold, silver and engagement rings.

All representatives of the fair sex simply adore a variety of jewelry. Especially if they were received as a gift, or they got from their mother, grandmother. But sometimes it happens that such jewelry is darkening. This may be due to several reasons, in this article we will talk about them.  

Why did the ring blackened on the finger?

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the lower the jewelry test, the greater the likelihood of spots and raids. It is believed that gold of the highest sample 999 is very pure, practically does not enter into any chemical reactions. But the fact is that from such gold no one makes jewelry, rings, because it is very soft in nature.

The reasons why the ring blackened:

  • For the manufacture of jewelry, alloys adapted under the toe, which may include copper, zinc, brass, platinum. Typically, the most popular option is gold 585. Wolly rings, as well as chains and earrings, make it from it.
  • Rings with such a breakdown are also quite resistant to different chemical reagents, and are rarely covered with dark coating. What can not be said about more affordable jewelry that you could purchase in the Duty Fri store or in some market while traveling to countries.
  • The most prone to the appearance of plaque, as well as darkening, gold jewelry with a breakdown of 385. There is a lot of copper, which is very active and can react with later, also some chemical reagents used in everyday life.

Why did the ring blackened, the fingers from gold rings began to blacken?

The main reasons why the ring blackened:  

  • The use of poor -quality cosmetics and hand cream. If it is expired, it contains aggressive fruit acids, it is possible that after using such a cream, a dark strip may form under the ring.  
  • Repair work, as well as the lack of hand protection during kneading cement solutions, as well as paints. Quite often, in the process of performing work on the putty walls, as well as their alignment, the skin under the ring darkens. This is due to the effect of the skin under the ring of particles included in the construction mixtures.  
  • Liver and kidneys. It is believed that indeed, people who suffer from diseases of these organs can be seen under the wedding ring or other gold jewelry, dark strip. This suggests that gold reacts with later and may contain aggressive chemical components. Most often, this is found in people who suffer from gout, as well as oxalates can form in their urine.

It makes sense to see a doctor in order to produce an ultrasound of the kidneys, as well as the liver. It is precisely because of the increased content of oxalates that kidney stones can form. This indicates that the excretory system works incorrectly, or you consume a lot of salt and products containing urinary acid.  

Why did the silver, gold, engagement ring on the finger blabbed? Why did the silver ring turn black and save? The ring turned black, what to do? The golden, engagement ring darkened, darkened, darkened
The ring blackened

The ring made of gold turned black

The most interesting thing is that there are also certain folk signs that relate to the darkening of jewelry from silver and gold. In particular, this applies to rings. If you find a dark strip under the wedding ring, then sorcerers, as well as representatives who are engaged in esotericism, believe that some otherworldly and not very good forces have been introduced into your aura.

Features why the ring blackened:

  • It is believed that people who have spoiled or evil eye can really release toxins. Because of which the darkening of jewelry is formed. How to understand that there is an evil eye?  
  • If everything is fine in your life, there is an increase at work, and in family affairs are quiet and smooth, then the fact of the evil eye or damage should not be considered. However, if, along with the darkening of the ring, you noticed that everything is falling from your hands, problems at work have abruptly piled up, there is a misunderstanding in the family, then it makes sense to contact people engaged in esotericism. Perhaps the evil eye or spoilage really takes place.
  • In ancient times, it was believed that if a black strip appeared under a gold jewelry, then soon you would part with your soulmate. It was believed that if under a silver ring, on any finger, a dark strip appeared, or the decoration darkened, covered with a raid, then perhaps a young girl would never marry. This may indicate a kind of crown of celibacy, which often causes damage or evil eye.  
Black fingers from the rings
Black fingers from the rings

The ring blackened - what to do?

Silver products in ancient times were considered the cleanest, and represented virginity, holy thoughts. That is why silver jewelry was used in the manufacture of church paraphernalia, such as crosses, bowls and lamps. If silver products, including rings darken, then during our ancestors this was considered a bad sign. If the silver ring darkened, this indicates approaching troubles, health problems.

If such a phenomenon is detected, they often turned to magicians and sorcerers in order to produce a rite of purification. Believers often went to church to put candles for health and the rest of their deceased relatives. Many of our ancestors, after they saw a dark plaque on the silver ring, often went to the priest, confessed, communed, and attended the service. It was believed that such a rite would help to avoid serious consequences.

With the darkening of the ring, try to return the original appearance to him using special pastes or folk methods. How to clean silver and gold can be recognized here. If you do not have time, you can use the services of a jeweler. If the problem that has arisen with your health has not disappeared, then the ring will still darken after time. Therefore, if you suspect that you are guilty of all the state of health and the medicines used, wait for the torture jewelry. Or do not clean until you finish the treatment.  

silver ring
silver ring

Save and save the silver ring blackened, why?

They say that if literally in one period the ring and preserve the ring, then this indicates a possible anger, there is a stream of powerful negative energy.

The reasons why the ring blackened:

  • Most likely, this is an evil eye, or damage. Perhaps you crossed the road to someone or said not very good words, which annoyed the person. The ring and save is considered a kind of amulet, and helps to prevent diseases, preserves and improves human aura.
  • That is why everything related to the darkening of this ring, or its damage, indicates the performance of functions. Its main task is to protect you. Therefore, if such a ring darkened or burst, you should not be upset, then it fully fulfilled its function.
  • If the ring just darkened or covered with brown, green, or blue raid, it must be cleaned. How to do this, you can find out here. 
Jewelry decoration
Jewelry decoration

The wedding ring darkened: signs

Everything about the wedding rings, it requires a lot of attention. The most interesting thing is that if there is some misfortune with this jewelry, most often this affects family life. If the ring breaks, darker, covered with roughness, all this affects his personal life.

The reasons why the ring blackened:

  • If the engagement ring darkened, this indicates a deterioration in relations between spouses, up to the break. You should not take it to heart, especially if the alloy is low-quality, and the sample is lower than 585. Alloy with a breakdown of 385 can really blacken due to the high content of copper.  
  • If there are some work on cleaning the house, or related to construction, it is advisable to remove the engagement ring. It can not only scratch it, but also provoke darkening, color change.
  • All chemicals used to clean the house may contain acids and alkalis, which can partially react with the elements that are part of the alloy and jewelry.  
Wedding ring
Wedding ring

When are signs for jewelry do not apply? This happens if you began to consume some medicines, pills. Often this happens if women are prescribed hormones. Diuretics can also significantly affect the color change. They reduce the amount of salt in sweat, respectively, the color of the jewelry can also change. Therefore, if you are sick with something, take medications, then the darkening of the ring means nothing. Most likely, this is due to a change in the composition of sweat, as well as fat, which is secreted by the skin glands. This is a completely normal situation.  

Video: The ring blackened

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