On which hand and what finger do the wedding ring of men and women Orthodox, Muslims, Catholics, married, divorced, widows, widows?

On which hand and what finger do the wedding ring of men and women Orthodox, Muslims, Catholics, married, divorced, widows, widows?

Many people wonder on which hand and finger to wear the engagement ring correctly. Unfortunately, there is no unequivocal answer to this question - it all depends on folk traditions, religion and customs.

This article will tell in detail what hand the rings of different countries wear rings.

On which hand do Muslims and Arabs wear the engagement ring?

  • According to ancient traditions, a wedding of Muslims is held in a mosque. The ritual conducts a mullah, fastening the marriage of two loving hearts in front of Allah. In ancient times, the newlyweds did not exchange rings. This tradition appeared only a few centuries ago.
  • In countries where Islam is confessed, Wolves are worn exclusively women. At the same time, they themselves decide which hand to put on the decoration. Iranians wear rings on the left hand, and Jordanians on the right.
On one hand
On one hand

What hand do the Armenians have a wedding ring on?

  • In Armenia, husband and wife wear engagement rings on the left ring finger. They believe that this will bind their hearts.
  • Given that the heart is also on the left side, it will strengthen the energy of love. If quarrels or misunderstandings arise between lovers, then this will help to cope with the troubles.

What hand do the hoop rings of Kazakhs wear?

  • A man and a woman who marriage in Kazakhstan put on each other jewelry On the right hand.
  • The “Symbol of Love and Marriage” must be worn on a ring finger, as is customary in other countries.

What hand do the Turks, Tatars are worn on the hand?

  • In Turkey, during the wedding, jewelry is put on on left ring finger. In addition, on the same finger, the guy puts a ring of a woman when she makes her an offer.
  • Recently, in Turkey, more and more traditions have appeared from the West. Therefore, some more modern couples wear rings on the right ring finger.
  • For those who do not know how the wedding rings of the Tatars are worn, further information will be relevant.
  • Tatars put on a "symbol of love" on the ring finger of the left hand.
Not everywhere on one
Not everywhere on one

What hand do Azerbaijani engagement ring wear?

  • As in most Muslim countries, Azerbaijanis wear engagement rings on the left hand.
  • Decorations are put on the ring finger of scolding people.

What hand do Americans have engagement rings on?

  • America has its own traditions that concern marriages. The guy puts on on the girl’s left ring finger, the girl is not only an engagement, but also a wedding ring.
  • Explain this is not so difficult. Most Americans profess Catholicism. Confessed by this faith wear rings on the left hand.

What hand do Europeans and Germans wear the engagement ring?

  • In Europe, the situation is a little more complicated. In the western part of the continent, the couple wear marriage decorations on the left hand. And in European countries it is customary to extend the right hand.
  • If the marriage is between loving hearts from different countries, they find a compromise. Most often, they adhere to the traditions of their families, absolutely not worried that their love will disappear.
  • If you are interested in the situation in specific countries, then traditions are quite exciting. The Spaniards, Poles, Norwegians and Germans dress the decoration in the registry office on the right hand. The French, the British and the Irish - wear engagement rings on the left.
Are Russians and Europeans worn on one hand?
Are Russians and Europeans worn on one hand?

What hand do Russians have a wedding ring?

  • Since ancient times, the Slavic peoples adhered to the same tradition. The newlyweds, when they married, presented each other's rings and wore them on the right hand. Explain such a custom is quite simple. The person does everything with his right hand: he is baptized, engaged in household chores, pays for purchases in the store and gives alms.
  • Our ancestors were convinced that the dominant was the right hand. Therefore, the newlyweds should wear a “symbol of marriage” on it. Now on his right hand the guy puts his chosen one a ring if he offers her to marry. Although before the engagement decoration was not widespread. The groom, wanting to express his attention to the chosen one and express the intention to make a marriage, gave the girl and her family different gifts. With economic reasons, such a tradition has faded into the background. Now it is enough for a man to give the girl a ring to the girl to offer her a “hand and heart”.

What hand do the Chinese engagement ring, the Japanese worn on the hand?

  • The Slavs are often surprised when they see the “symbols of love” on the left hand among residents of other countries. Asian countries have quite exciting traditions.
  • In China, the leader is considered the leader in relations. Therefore, after the wedding, she puts a ring on her right hand, and the man wears a wedding ring on her left. In Sri Lanka, the opposite is true.
The choice of hand depends on traditions and religion
The choice of hand depends on traditions and religion

What hand do the Jewish engagement ring wear on what hand?

  • Jews do not have a single rite that is carried out when marriage. The influence is influenced by the fact that the newlywed belongs to. If they believe in the Holy Scriptures and follow the canons of the Torah, then the spunning people exchange engagement rings and put them on the left ring finger. If the couple corresponds to more modern traditions, then the guy and the girl themselves decide which side to wear jewelry.
  • In ancient times, the Jews did not wear rings, because they considered it inappropriate. But the girl should wear a “symbol of marriage” on the left index finger. This happens only until the end of the marriage. After she independently chooses which finger to put on the jewelry on. In Jerusalem, during the wedding, the bride puts a wedding ring on the left middle finger.

The traditions of Catholics

  • Catholicism is one of the most common religions of Europe. After religion, it also spread to other continents.
  • The “symbol of love and marriage” man and woman wear all his life on the left ring finger.
How is it customary?
How is it customary?

What hand do the engagement ring are worn on?

  • If a man with a woman divorced, then they have every right to remove the engagement ring. Neither in etiquette, nor in religious scriptures, it is written that the “symbol of marriage” needs to be worn all your life, even the field of divorce. A person is allowed to make a choice himself.
  • If you do not want to part with the engagement ring for various reasons (sympathy, habit or cost of decoration), then you need to move it to the other hand. That is, if during the marriage you put a ring on the left hand, then after the divorce you must move to the left.
  • Accordingly, if you put on the wedding ring on your right hand, then after the divorce you need to wear the ring on the left. In some cases, people who divorced attach the engagement ring to the chain and hang on the neck. Such a homemade pendant looks aesthetically pleasing, you can and approaches any along.
  • Some couples take into account the emotional component. After all, others can ask excessive questions regarding marital status. If you refuse to wear a wedding ring after a break in a relationship, you will not need to feel awkward and express explanations about this to others.
Be a divorce
Be a divorce

What hand do the Widow’s engagement ring and widowers wear?

One of the worst situations is the loss of a loved one. Therefore, a man or woman who was widowed, refuse to stop wearing a wedding ring. So they try to express love and respect for their beloved, especially if love, mutual respect and warmth reigned in the family.

If you still decided to wear a wedding ring after the death of your beloved, there are several options for the development of events:

  • a woman who has lost her beloved man puts on a “symbol of marriage” on the left ring finger;
  • the widower prefers to put on the spouse’s ring on the chain, and leaves his own in the same place as during the marriage.
What to do if she lost her husband
What to do if she lost her husband
  • Some widows and widowers include the engagement ring of the deceased partner to the church. It is believed that this gives the deceased peace in the other world.
  • If you cannot understand what to do with the “marriage symbol” left after the death of a loved one, listen to your heart. It will definitely tell you the correct answer.

How to wear a engagement ring correctly?

  • In Russia, the engagement and an engagement ring is worn nearby - on the right finger. But, this rule is not necessary to follow unconditionally. A guy and a girl can change him, according to the customs and traditions of his people.
  • Some girls immediately after marriage wear a engagement ring on the left hand, and the engagement remains on the right. Often you can meet brides that wear both jewelry nearby. In some cases, girls prefer to constantly wear only the jewelry donated to the registry office, and store the engagement in together with all other jewelry (in a box or a special box). Do as you think necessary.

How to wear wedding rings?

  • Most people do not see the difference between engagement and wedding rings. And this is a big mistake. Wedding jewelry put on the newlyweds in the registry office, but the wedding ones in the church.
  • The charter of the church states that it is necessary to choose the right gifts for the wedding. For the bride, it is better to choose silver products, and for the groom - from yellow metal (gold). The first option is a symbol of purity and feminine. Gold symbolizes masculinity.
  • During the wedding, the couple exchange rings three times. The last time they put on each other “symbols of love” on the left ring finger. Give preference to jewelry on which the words of prayer are engraved. They should not have precious pebbles.
If desired - together or separately
If desired - together or separately

As you can see, there are many different customs and traditions associated with engagement rings. Each country follows its rituals, but, in some cases, they can be interrupted. Fortunately, now people have become more modern and less superstitious. Therefore, each couple itself has the right to decide what to do.

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Video: Why is the ring put on the ring finger?

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